Ghoster came back but now isn’t answering

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  • #840722 Reply

    Long story short, met a guy on dating app back in beginning of December. We spent a month and a half going on dates 1-2 times a week, talking on the phone a couple times a week, doing couple-ish things like grocery shopping, cooking meals, and entire day dates, spent 1 full weekend together that did result in us having sex. Ultimately we had a conversation about where this is going and he said he isn’t in a place to take anything serious. He had just gotten out of a long term relationship so I understood. We then agreed to be just friends but he would still act like a couple and try to do intimate things.

    Well about a week ago (last Monday) we had plans to get coffee. He basically cancelled last minute saying he was tired and had had a really long week. I got really frustrated with him and said he wasn’t being a good friend by being flaky (the week prior was the week he started acting weird and barely called or said anything but was also the week after our weekend away ). I will admit, the way I acted on the phone was very girlfriend like and I was mad I even let him see how bothered and affected I was that he cancelled the plans. Once we hung up from the call, I never heard from him again and I didn’t say anything because I just figured he was ghosting. I was disappointed but also realized that’s not the kind of person I want as a partner or friend.

    Well fast forward to today. I get a random text from him first thing this morning saying “hello”. I responded “hiii” to be polite and to see what he wanted . He literally has not responded and it has been over 12 hours. I even wrote him a second time an hour ago saying “was the point to just say hi lol” to which he also never responded.

    I really don’t get what was the point of him reaching out to then not say anything. If he responds again should I just ignore him? I’m just really bad at ignoring people because I think it’s rude but this is also foolish lol help a woman out please

    #840727 Reply

    Yeah, you were expecting BF treatment when he was very clear with you he didn’t want to be a BF. The moment a man tells you “I’m not ready” or “I’m not looking…” you say OK and walk away.

    These unrequited love friendships don’t work for the very reason you described. He did the right thing IMO by jumping out so to not keep you on a string knowing you wanted more than he was ever going to offer. I know it stings right now but trust me it’s for the best. At this juncture you need to take the “out of sight, out of mind” approach by cutting him from your life, block him if need be, so you can get over him fully and completely.

    BTW, its not mean or rude to ignore someone back when they are ignoring you :o)

    #840732 Reply

    He wanted to make sure you were still around and available, just in case his other options don’t work out. Block his number.

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