Going no contact, going well!

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  • #518949 Reply

    Rae it goes fast!! Can’t say its been easy. But in my case i really have my days were i am truly down. But then again i talked to him every single day for more than 10 years so…but today makes it 50 days exactly and 42 days since he called. and tomorrow is his birthday :-(

    #519288 Reply

    It was mines birthday 4 days into my NC, that was hard not to text :(

    I’m very nearly at 18 days, and I almost feel like it’s getting tougher. Still had no contact from him since day 2.

    #519312 Reply

    Hi Lucy – I’m only on day 4!!! How ridiculous do I sound, its not even been a week. I miss him already.. :(

    Hi Leah, It does have its easy days and some are much harder! In my case he just asked for some space, I know I can be overwhelming at times but I don’t mean to be. I said to him when we had ‘the talk’ if you think we should just forget this whole thing i’m cool with that, as much as I don’t want to Im not going to force anything its not right, his response was.. All I want is space for a little bit but we will meet up soon and talk, then he kissed me goodbye! So hard..

    I have my good days, yesterday was a good day, today not so much!

    #519380 Reply

    Day 4 is still really good going! I think I was more the opposite, I’m starting to miss him more now than I did at the start. I’ve still got 12 days to go as well yet :/

    #519389 Reply

    I think the longer it is the harder it can get because it causes us to think wow he actually hasn’t bothered! I just hate the word ‘space’ I feel like it could be a cowards way to end it, but I feel as if I know him well enough to know he wouldn’t bother with space if that was the case, he would just say this isn’t working. Let’s hope! You’re doing really well Lucy! Well done girl :)

    #519392 Reply

    OMG Rae just how i feel!!!that mine doesn’t care and thats so painful. physically painful…today is so difficult and i am in such a limbo about calling or not. for 11 years i am called each time….

    #519397 Reply

    Leah – 11 years is a long time!!! Being in limbo is awful, I cant stand it and it is exactly where i’m at right now! I totally know how you feel, it just feels like they couldn’t care less but sometimes men are better at this space stuff. When did you last talk, sorry if i’m making you repeat yourself!

    #519521 Reply

    last we talked was Feb 11, 9 days after i started NC….they have more control and being that they are single focused i think they dont dwell like we do….but it still sad

    #519536 Reply

    Rae – Totally agree about the feeling about how he hasn’t bothered! I see he’s been online on a certain social media app though a few times… Especially after I’ve posted on other sites he’s still following me on! I’m not checking up on him though, i’ve just noticed, haha.

    I’m struggling on day 19! Stop me! Haha. I can do it this time! I swear! Although the longest we’ve gone is 21 days before, and that was when he initiated contact.

    #519543 Reply

    Congrats Lucy! I almost broke NC today (after 18 days) but didn’t. THANK GOD. I heard week 3 is when the raw emotions (anger, hurt,confusion…) subside a little and you start really missing your man… That might explain why you’re struggling. Hang in there!

    #519922 Reply

    I’m glad to hear! Well done!

    Yeah, that makes complete sense!

    Just completed 20 days :D Can’t believe I’ve actually managed to get this far either!

    10 more days to go!

    Panicked when I woke up this morning though, dreamt I’d text him after a moment of weakness! Thankfully hadn’t!

    #519926 Reply

    Lol if he doesn’t text me first, i really have no problem going days without texting him even if i’m dying on the inside! lmao

    #519948 Reply

    Good you you GirlDating :)

    #519949 Reply

    Good for you* GirlDating :)

    #521131 Reply

    Day 25: Still going strong, I sometimes even question whether speaking to him after the 30 days up is a good idea anymore… I don’t even feel like speaking to him or miss him now! This could change though! 5 more days!

    #521139 Reply

    Good Leah. Stay the course. Things will feel alright after while.

    #521141 Reply

    Congrats Lucy, you are the absolute epitomy of why NC works! You either get him back or you learn to find yourself again – win win

    #521159 Reply

    NC is for you. It is for you to stop whatever it was you were doing and gain another perspective.

    The question for you is do you feel different and stronger now?

    #521208 Reply

    I just hit 23 days NC and broke it. I told myself I had to get to 21 days, so I am glad I got that far, and decided I would send a friendly text about a book he had always asked me to read that I just finished. We had a quick, pleasant exchange, which should be good…but instead it leaves me wondering if I should even be spending my time with this. If he was interested, it would have been more than just general pleasantries, right?

    I am wondering if I just need to drop him. If he reaches out, I can re-evaluate at that time, but is it ever a good thing to have to initiate?

    For reference, we met 1.5 years ago, started out as a casual fling that fizzled a little for no reason, we both just got busy. About 7 months ago, we ran into each other and started seeing each other exclusively. Things were great, I spent Christmas with his family (family is a big deal to him) and started to get pretty serious. I got nervous about it, brought it up, he realized he was also not in a good place to be serious as he is trying to figure out his career stuff right now, so we broke up. But I hate it, I think he just needs time, but I know I shouldn’t wait around for it. Gah, relationships suck sometimes, right? LOL.

    #521268 Reply

    My NC when my Ex left me only lasted 10 days, he initiated the contact to meet up (we were together 6 years and living together). We had an awesome chat and focused on all our positives rather than the negatives in our relationship. Staying in NC after that chat was a little harder as I was moving out of his place into my own and we both live in a very small town together.

    Going into 6 weeks now since our split and he finds ways to contact me every day. Rings or texts to see how I am. Makes plans to catch up, even for a couple of beers etc. he always makes contact, I don’t initiate.

    BUT, I am not “waiting” for him to work out what he wants now either. I won’t live my life in hope we get back together. He was the love of my life and I still do love him very much. At the moment I can’t just turn my back on this “friendship” either, as I miss him terribly.

    Sucks big time!

    But I’m just playing it day by day.

    #521269 Reply

    I’ve been 22 days NC and the past few days haven’t been so well. I’ve been missing him a lot more and feeling down lately. But I guess if this was easy we wouldn’t have forum like these! I’m glad you’re making progress. But I hope you weren’t doing 30 days NC just to get him back. I hope you were working on yourself!

    @JenJ In my opinion, he should be the one to come to you.

    #521300 Reply

    Redcurleysue – I definitely feel much stronger, I feel like i’ve got the person back who I was before I met him :)

    #521665 Reply

    Day 26: He’s just messaged me, do I reply at all? Shall I give it a day or wait out the full 30 days?

    Thoughts are much appreciated :)

    #521668 Reply

    Reply, sound happy but brief, keep your mystery, as if it’s someone you hardly know. That’s how I’ve always done it :)

    #521670 Reply

    Hi Lucy,

    He reached out though that’s good you didn’t give in! What did he say? I’m on day 5 and i’m going crazy!

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