Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › Got ghosted after 2 weeks, venting and just needing advice
- This topic has 3 replies and was last updated 3 years, 3 months ago by
So long story short, no judgement please im asking for genuine advice. Im new to the dating scene after being divorced for over 2 years, this is my first time really delving into online dating, i was married for 8 years. During July i had made my 1st dating profile on FB dating, ive been on a few dates but nothing or no one really stuck with me then fast forward to 2 weeks ago i met this woman on FB dating, we instantly hit it off. Im a bisexual woman and so was she, she said she had just come out of a relationship with her ex and we got to talking and everything flowed so smoothly, she seemed interested in me more than anyone i had talked to in the past since i started my fb dating profile. It was going so well, i kinda thought it was too good to be true because of just how interested in me she was, and thats what i was looking for, a relationship, someone who was going to be into me just as i was into them.
So we later that day after she 1st reached out, she gave me her number and we started talking all day everyday, i mean for a week straight we would be texting all day and all night almost and we also would talk on the phone, and we both had said how great this was going and how great our vibe was. we even added each other on all of our social medias… so the day came for us to finally meet up in person and that was on Wednesday this week, she lived about 45 away from me, she had me meet up at her place then we were going to get something to eat, when i get there everything is fine, we hug and sit on the couch and talk for a while, we both smoke so i had brought her some as a gift, because apparently she had gotten me something that was coming in the mail, so i was told. Anyways so we go eat, and talk more about what we want and it seemed like everything was going great and we were on the same page with what we were looking for and whatnot. So we go back to her place and we start to watch a movie after having some drinks, were on the couch and after about an hour im talking to her and she just goes in for a kiss, it caught me off guard as i was not expecting that, so then we start making out and i can already tell where she is wanting this to go… i tell her i dont have sex on the 1st date, and she said its ok, were just going with the flow, and that there were no expectations she did make some comments about me being super shy, which i normally am a shy person on the first date, but as i get more comfortable with people i tend to open up more…Then we start to watch some TV, theres a little awkwardness in the air but nothing too bad. Then her (i thought) ex bf face times her, and she answers and she telling him that she was cuddled up with me and some other stuff, and he was clearly not cool with it, then shortly after her daughter came home from school, i took that as my cue to leave, because she had even made some comment about traffic being bad and if i was going to leave i needed to do it now, otherwise leave later, i told her i would be on my way.
While i was putting my shoes on and gathering my things, she was helping her daughter with homework and finding a snack for her, but i noticed she didnt really make any eye contact with me, or talk to me during that time at all, but as soon as i left she sent me a text saying she had fun and it was great seeing me and for me to text her when i get home. which i did and she said how we needed to see each other again soon and we had made plans to see each other the next day actually, she said she couldn’t wait to see me and we talked a little more after i got home, she hadn’t slept much the night before because she said she was so excited to see me that she didnt sleep at all, so i told her if she fell asleep i was saying goodnight in advance and she told me that she would definitely tell me goodnight if she was about to doze off, like we had every single night…well, i didnt hear from her the rest of the night, i didnt think anything of it really because she didnt sleep the night prior.
I go to bed like normal and wake up around like 3 in the morning like i always do, i check fb and see that she is online on messenger, so i send a “hey, your awake too” text kinda flirty, she never opens the message, i still didnt think anything of it as it was 3AM and i didnt really give her anything to respond to i guess.
So the next morning, i noticed she still hadnt texted me or opened my message on fb messenger, thats when i noticed something was way off because she had an earlier start to the day/work week than i had, and she always texted me good morning, SO i texted her instead she texted me back and said she passed out last night and that she had a busy day and was going to be in meetings all day so she wouldn’t have time to hang out. I tell her not a problem and to text me when she can as i know she is busy, so a few hours roll by and i text her to see how her days going (at this point i noticed im doing all the chasing and reaching out) she said she was fine and getting back from her daughters dance recital… asked her how it went she said it went really good and that was it. At that point i decided to pull back because honestly i wasnt buying the whole “Im busy” excuse.
So i go on about my day as usual, but cant help but to wonder why the sudden disconnect.
I didnt text her back after that, i actually had a feeling something was up, so i decided to to wait for her to text me, we didnt text or message each other for like 8 hours, then at around 6 or 7PM i get this text message from her that says “Hey Girl….ive decided to work things out with my BF, i have to keep him happy right now, sorry” and she literally blocked me on all social medias, blocked my number, everything.Im not telling this story because i want her back or anything like that, this woman clearly has issues, but i dont understand how a woman who seemed so interested in me, lose interest that fast, even in person we had a really great time other than the awkward kiss at first, but i dont feel thats the reason she ghosted me. I know i should have listned to my gut when i noticed it seemed too good to be true, this is my 1st time being ghosted like this and it sucks im not gonna lie.
Before you judge, i understand we only met one time and after 2 weeks it should be nothing for me to let it go, but i felt so connected to her and she said the same thing…is this what online dating is ? just people who want to play with other peoples emotions? DO you think she ghosted because i didnt want to have sex with her yet? im so confused!Raven
She didn’t ghost you, you two were not in a relationship…
& yes, she wanted sex… That’s what first ‘dates’ at home are.Sara
I’m afraid she’s no longer interested. Perhaps she really wasn’t into it and still had feelings for the ex. Sounds like it.
People get lonely after breakups and can be impulsive, then later regret it. I think too you turning down the sex turned her off. You absolutely had the right to say no. It appears she wants someone for casual sex and you didn’t fit the bill.
Sorry. Just move on.
If you’re looking for a real relationship, that level of early intensity and messaging constantly before you even meet generally doesn’t build one up. If you’re looking for something casual and a hook up for a little while or even a few months, that’s usually where those types of situations online go. I’m not sure what you’re looking for right now, as you said you just started dating again after a divorce and only that you want someone into you (which implies relationship). If you aren’t looking to be casual, the best thing to keep in mind is intensity like that before you know each other doesn’t tell you anything about how into you the other person is. It either tells you they’re very physically attracted to you or it tells you they like the chase and get addicted to rushing into the chemistry without taking the time to get to know you or build something that isn’t a fantasy.
If you’re looking for something less casual online, slow it down. Don’t talk as much before you meet for the first time (make a date to meet up before getting into good mornings every day). Talk just enough to make sure they seem like someone you’re interested in meeting up and learning more about, but don’t try to forge a connection over text before you meet that may not translate into anything in real life. Don’t have first dates alone together at home, either. As mentioned, that suggests sex is on the table, even if it’s not your intention yet.
In terms of this woman, she was already involved with someone else (even if she wasn’t upfront about it) and was looking for attention and sex from you. It was a mismatch of expectations and goals, and it probably would have happened that way with her no matter what you did. Some people online will be like that, others are dating more seriously to meet someone. That’s why you keep things a little slower at first to get to know the person (preferably in person). They’re still a stranger and you need some time to figure out their deal and see if what they want matches what you want and if you even like each other.
It’s annoying that this happened, but it’s also okay because it’s an experience to learn from as you date again. Take a little break, because I’m sure your head is spinning over what happened, and try talking to new people again and going on more dates when you’re ready.