Guy at work seems interested

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  • #791147 Reply

    I’m so confused about this guy at the office.

    He first started smiling brightly in the hall, then stopping to say hi. He stops by my desk to talk every day and leaves either a coffee or donut on my desk.

    On my way to work he is “waiting around” the door to our office, greets me with a big smile, chats and then walks in with me. This has been going on for almost 2 months. He also sends friendly IM messages throughout the day.

    He has no wedding ring and never mentions a wife. But one day in the lunch room a co-worker asked “did you know that guy is married”? I was flabbergasted! How could he do all this to make me feel so special??

    Anyway, next day I asked him about his marital status. He says he is thinking about a separation as he isn’t happy. That I shouldn’t worry about his wife as they live like roommates.

    I’m surprised in all the 2 months we have been connecting – that he never mentioned it. Why not? I’m wondering whether I should continue entertaining his advances. I really like him!

    #791148 Reply

    No, you shouldn’t continue entertaining his advances. He’s married. You need to set your goals higher than a married man who hits on other women before he’s even decided whether to separate from his wife (if it’s even true that he’s considering it).

    #791151 Reply

    My next conversation with him would be: “I really like you. Let me know when your divorce is official and if I’m still single I’d love to go on a date.” That is it. Seriously.

    #791152 Reply

    Sure, entertain his advances, what’s the worse that could happen with a married man?

    #791161 Reply

    Never entertain a guy who is married or even in a relationship. What are you going to get out of it? Sex in the cupboard at work? Because let’s face it, you’re never going back to his, and he’s unlikely to get much time to come to yours with a wife at home. He lives with his wife, who he is legally married to. And he’s given you no concrete proof that he’s either serious about leaving her or is serious about you. And if he does leave her – can you ever, EVER trust that he won’t be screwing some new young thing at work when he gets bored of you? Knowing that this is exactly what he did with you?

    Is being the ‘other woman’, and cheap throwaway sex whilst he goes home to his wife really what you aspire to romantically? You deserve so much more than he can give you right now. You deserve to be dated openly, to be able to share a guy’s life, and to be able to take that most important place in their life when the time comes.

    The difficult thing is that you can’t assume a guy is single because he doesn’t have a ring. after all, plenty of people are in committed relationships but don’t have a ring!

    However, this is not your fault: you can’t have known. He just paid you a lot of flattering attention for a while, and he chose to omit that fact from you. I’ve felt led on by guys who I pretty much had ‘dates’ with – who talked in depth about their parents’ divorces, life hopes dreams etc – only to find out later they have a GF. It’s weird – why would a guy hide that unless he was looking for fun? I could never do that to another woman, nor could I trust a man who did that, so I always ended things as soon as that became apparent. Which isn’t easy.

    This guy says what they all do – their marriage is over. Except it’s often a lie. Don’t ever be a part of some lowlife’s midlife crisis. Let him know you only date single men, and he can let you know if he ever gets a divorce.

    #791166 Reply

    Thank you for the comments.

    He certainly should have mentioned he was married. I was rather shocked. I was surprised too that he hasn’t asked to see me outside work – like a date. I think if a man is interested he would do more than fan the flames at the office.

    If he’s playing around on the wife and there really isn’t a separation (like some people are suggesting), wouldn’t he have gotten sexual by now? It’s all rather platonic so far (with him making me feel special with attention, coffee, donuts, waiting at door and after work).

    He seems like a really nice man, kind, rather reserved and conservative in nature. Not at all the playboy type.

    Maybe he is going through a separation and looking for a friend only? Perhaps that’s why he doesn’t officially ask me out?

    I’m wondering.

    #791167 Reply

    “He says he is thinking about a separation as he isn’t happy. That I shouldn’t worry about his wife as they live like roommates.”

    These are not the words of a ‘nice’ man…

    #791168 Reply

    *** “He says he is thinking about a separation as he isn’t happy. That I shouldn’t worry about his wife as they live like roommates.”

    These are not the words of a ‘nice’ man…***

    …those are the words of every man who has ever tried to convince a woman to become the side piece.

    #791170 Reply

    I am flabbergasted at the amount of women that come on here asking about someone else’s husband. What’s there to think about? Would a man of integrity do this? I’m honestly wondering what you expect to come from this. You don’t think you’re just a rebound to him?

    Until he actually divorces his wife, he is married, no matter what he tells you. And how do you even know he’s telling the truth?

    #791174 Reply

    Again, These are not the words of a ‘nice’ man…

    #791176 Reply

    Okay I hear everyone’s advice.

    I have no problem setting a boundary. Like saying because you’re married it’s best for you to back off. He seems quite smitten. I’m a little concerned about the recurpussions of rejecting him. Like anger and causing problems for me at work. I imagine he might be quite hurt if I go completely cold on him.

    What’s the best way to approach this without causing a lot of fanfare?

    Feel I’ve gotten myself into quite a mess here with this guy.

    #791177 Reply

    Rejecting him how? This guy is not doing anything except being overly flirty or friendly and buying you donuts. So reject the donuts? You dont need to do anything except do your job

    #791178 Reply

    You don’t have to say anything to set a boundary, you just don’t respond to his flirtation as if he’s someone you would never like or find attractive. It’s not hard, I’m sure other guys have flirted with you that you didn’t like and you didn’t respond to them in a flirty way back and they stopped.

    #791179 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    The fact that your co-worker asked you if you knew this guy is married, suggests that people in your office have noticed his flirtation with you and are undoubtedly gossiping about it. I would back way, way off if I were you. Not only because of the moral question of getting involved with a married man. That’s already been well addressed by others in this thread. But aside from that, this situation could get you in trouble at work. There’s a saying, “don’t sh*t where you eat”. You don’t need people whispering behind your back at your job.

    Be businesslike with him. Don’t reply to his IMs unless they’re work related. When he stops by your desk, tell him you have work to do. Be polite but formal. Like Anon said, treat him the way you would treat a flirty guy who is unattractive to you- that is, don’t respond. Is there something about him that makes you think he’ll get angry and retaliate at work? If that happens, get HR involved.

    #791180 Reply

    He didn’t ask you see you outside the office because he has a wife at home who’d notice if he was out every eveing. Not because he’s playing innocent.

    also, we have to discuss what platonic means. It doesn’t just mean ‘no sex’, it means entirely devoid of sexual or romantic subtext – i.e. how you’d treat a normal person of that level of closeness. And no, most people would not grab a random work colleague drinks or food every day or hang out with them out of nowhere. People make friends but if you got the impression it was romantic, and he doesn’t treat every woman he gets on with that way, then it most certainly was never platonic. I might buy a colleague a drink or have lunch with them and i might spend more time with people I was becoming work friends with – but that kind of targeted attention usually means something specific.

    He wasn’t just being nice.

    None of this is your fault – you haven’t gotten yourself into this. He put you there by trying to cheat on his wife with you. He would never have mentioned for you to not worry about her if it was purely platonic, too. And the others are right – those are very much lines that any cheat tells his mistress or side piece.

    You don’t have to be aggressive about what you tell him, but I can see why you’d be worried. Just say that you want a relationship and you realise he can’t give you that so you hope you can be friends. Then slowly back away once he’s accepted that, til you’re back to polite colleagues. It doesn’t sound like he’s directly in your team or your boss, so he shouldn’t be able to do much, and I hope he might just look elsewhere if he’s only out for sex. If he’s looking for friends, he’s going about it in an inappropriate way and that’s how affairs happen. Special ‘lady friends’ to comisserate how crap your wife treats you aren’t appropriate. or platonic.

    If he wants to date a woman, he’s going to have to get a divorce and work through his issues, and you don’t have time for that. I suggest you try online dating or whatever you have available locally, once you feel in the right space to do it. Because meeting more available men will help recovering from the unavailable ones.

    Good luck, you’re a brave lady and you can do it !

    #791193 Reply

    At first, before I found out he was married, I thought he was a normal guy who was interested. I don’t get other men showing me as much interest that he has. Others casually stop to chat but they dont but donuts or come by my desk every day.

    I do wonder now about his motives. Others have shed light on those too. That he was grooming me as a friend for an affair. I hate to even think of this and I wouldn’t do it. But this man was subtle with mild flirting. Him waiting at the door for me to come into work really made me feel special. I cant deny it.

    I also now ask myself why a married man wants to make female friends at work. Single men aren’t doing it. He has a wife at home so it’s a bit suspicious. Maybe I’m naive and some married men do foster platonic friendships with other women.

    However his comment about wife & him living like roommates now seems he is looking to fill a void. Friendship, sex? Likely the latter.

    My eyes are opened. I just wish I knew he was married before engaging with him & getting all excited for nothing. As one person commented, people in my office have noticed. I better get out of this fast!

    Im going to ask my manager if I can move my desk as he sits 10 feet away from me. It’s a start.

    #791203 Reply

    You seem to be trying to find any excuse to continue the relationship with this guy.

    Go ahead and keep it up with him – you’re going to do it anyway.


    A wife who’s been on the receiving end of your behavior (as well as his)

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