Guy at work standing in coffee bar

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals Guy at work standing in coffee bar

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  • #934099 Reply

    I dated a guy casuslly at work before Covid but then the lock down happened & we were all working from home. We were friends for a long time (1.5 yrs) before the casual dating started I sent him some IM’s & he responded but never reached out on his own. This week I am at the coffee bar getting coffee. I turn around after paying and he’s standing there with a big smile on his face. I said I & quickly went out the door as I was a bit late for work.

    Is this a sign he wants to start chatting again?

    #934101 Reply

    If he wanted to start chatting again, he would have initiated a chat…

    #934110 Reply

    if he really wants to chat, he will reach out. dont overthink it.

    #934137 Reply

    He ran into you and was happy to see you, he didn’t take initiative to reach out. IF (big if) he does reach out now that he’s seen you, it may also be for more casual companionship. If you’re looking for something that can potentially get more serious, keep looking.

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