Guy I'm dating has been pulling away due to personal issues

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  • #934904 Reply

    So this guy I’ve been dating on and off for almost a year has been distant lately. For the past 3 weeks, he hasn’t been reaching out at all. I was okay with it at first because for the past few months, he was the one always contacting me first and initiating plans about 95% of the time I’d say.

    I thought it’s silly of me to try to do this tit for tat stuff. It’s okay if I show interest and initate sometimes.

    Recently, I asked him if everything was okay and he was pretty vague and said he was dealing with some stuff. A few days afterwards, he apologized for being distant and said his father had been diagnosed with a serious illness and he’s in shock about it and going through a difficult time.

    He’s also divorced and has a child as well.

    Of course I understand his focus is not going to be on me and I have told him I’m here if he just needs to talk or someone to listen to him.

    I’ve been the only one reaching out lately though and I don’t know if I should just stop and give him space or keep reaching out. It’s a tough situation. I can’t do anything but just offer my support.

    I want to let him know I’m here and that I care but I don’t want to feel like I’m bothering him either.

    I’m not sure what to do.

    #934905 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    It’s fine for you to initiate after a year of dating. However I’m struck by your use of the term “on and off”– you’ve been “on and off” for a year? What does that mean, exactly? I assume you haven’t been committed/monogamous the whole time?

    Three weeks is an extremely long time for someone not to reach out when you’ve been dating for a year. How often did you see each other? Did you communicate daily? Have you met his child?

    There isn’t much you can do if this guy is withdrawing- you certainly can’t force him to contact you or confide in you. I think it’s fine to let him know you care, and you’re there for him. But beyond that, you just have to give him space.

    #934906 Reply

    I’m looking at this from a different angle. In the long run do you want to be with someone who withdraws and can’t communicate when life gets bumpy? If after one year of dating he can’t open up to you, then maybe he isn’t right for you.

    #934909 Reply

    I’ve met his kids twice.

    There’s like a 2 hour distance between us. We broke it off for a bit due to the distance and then starter dating casually again.

    I couldn’t call him my boyfriend at this point and don’t know where it’s heading, if anywhere at all. All I know is that we enjoy each other’s company.

    He’s not the first person I’ve known who has closed themselves off during difficult times. My ex was the same way. So was one of my former good friends.

    Some like to confide during hard times and some shut down. Everyone is different.

    However, I think I’ll back away. I will check on him again and ask how is father is doing but after that, I’m going to give him his space completely.

    I really like and care about him so it does hurt me but there’s nothing else I can do. He doesn’t seem to want to be bothered. I’ve offered my support. I can’t do anything else.

    #934915 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    Khadija has a very good point.

    However, if after a year you can’t call him your boyfriend, and you don’t know where it’s going, then it sounds like it’s pretty casual. In which case you’re probably not the person he would turn to at a moment like this.

    Maybe he has closed himself off, like you said– or maybe he’s turned towards someone who isn’t you to help him deal with this. Sorry to be blunt. I don’t necessarily mean another woman, but perhaps a close friend or family member.

    So he may not feel close enough to you to open up to you about this. I would just back off and let him be. It’s telling that he went from consistently initiating plans and “enjoying your company” to abrupt radio silence. Maybe he sees you as someone to have fun with, but not share emotionally heavy/painful things with.

    #934917 Reply

    I agree.

    I never thought about that but you’re right. I guess he doesn’t see me as someone he can open up too. I’ve always found him to be closed off emotionally anyway.

    He’ll ask me questions about myself and he has given me advice when I was going through something earlier this year but he clearly doesn’t see me as someone he can confide in.

    It probably even took a lot for him to tell me about his father’s illness. He was clearly avoiding telling me about it at first and was vague about why he was being distant.

    I also see him as a friend though and I’m concerned as I would be for anyone I consider to be a friend.

    Many times, I wouldn’t contact him for a week or days and he’d always reach out to me first. I don’t think I’m being “pathetic” or “desperate” by being the one who is reaching out now (not overdoing it obviously though).

    As I said, I will check in with him again soon He may or may not even respond at this point. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s trying to ghost me. He did tell me he wasn’t taking the news well and doesn’t feel like himself. He seems quite depressed and scared which is understandable.

    I will at least make the effort to reach out. I know he’s close with his family and I am sorry his dad is not well.

    As I said, I won’t pursue it any further after this last time. If he doesn’t want to be bothered then that’s okay.

    I enjoyed our time together but I guess it’s just come to an end. I wish him well and hope his dad gets better.

    #934922 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I don’t think it’s pathetic or desperate to reach out to him– I hope my previous post didn’t imply that. I just don’t think it will get you the result you’re seeking.

    Here’s the thing, men are very good at compartmentalizing. They can spend time with a woman, enjoy her company, have sex with her, but not get deeply emotionally attached. It sounds like that’s the case here. If a guy dates you casually for a year but never steps up and makes you a girlfriend, chances are his emotional attachment to you is low.

    If you read through this site, you’ll see that if a guy is going to make you a girlfriend, get emotionally attached, and deepen the relationship, it usually happens by about 3-4 months. At least, by then you will see things deepening, getting more serious, exclusivity, etc.

    I’m sorry that you think he’s capable of ghosting you! That sucks. But you also deserve better than someone who would ghost you after a year of dating.

    #934923 Reply

    Oh no. I didn’t get that from your post. Tbh, I’m not expecting anything after I contact him. I just feel like reaching out again is the right thing for me to do.

    It’s not a good feeling that I’d feel like he’d ghost after all this time but my instinct is telling me this may happen. He’s even admitted to me that he’s ghosted other women in the past but claimed he would never do that to me.

    I felt a bit uneasy when he said that. I don’t believe he’s incapable of not ghosting me. He’s being distant and can’t even open up emotionally. Plus he’s in a situation he’s never been with his dad’s illness and I feel like he’s shutting me out.

    My instincts are usually right.

    Btw, yes I’ve read through this site quite a bit lol and have learned some interesting things about relationships, men and attachments styles.

    Now I’m not going to lie, this is a hurtful situation. Especially when you meet someone that you think you “click” with and seems to get you as a person. I don’t click so easily with many people I meet but I did with him.

    Anyway, I was doing okay before I met him and I’ll be okay eventually.

    It helps to vent and talk things out. Things are clearer now for me.

    Thank you for the advice! It’s been helpful.

    #934926 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    You’re welcome! I’m sorry things aren’t going the way you’d like them to go. It’s tough, and it hurts when that happens. It sounds like you have a clear, balanced perspective, though.

    #935052 Reply

    Thank you Liz Lemon. I’m trying.

    I reached out once more like I said I would. We talked for a bit on the phone and then I left it alone. I stopped contacting him and focused on me: Working, going to the gym and hanging out more with friends and family.

    Now he’s been the one contacting me lately and wanting to see me but I’ve been really busy lately so I haven’t been able too.

    I don’t get why men do this. It’s always when you start to focus on yourself and leave them alone that they start to put in more effort. When I was the one initiating contact, he was kind of cold and distant.

    Now he’s being very sweet.

    It’s always best when there’s mutual interest of course (which I thought there was which is why I thought it wouldn’t hurt if I started reaching out after he stopped contacting me) but I think it just isn’t worth it to ever chase men.

    #935098 Reply

    I really appreciate this post. You seem like such a strong lady and I love your perspective. Good luck with whatever happens!

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