Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › Guy lost interest after I said no to him coming to my place
- This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
Hey everyone, I was just hoping for a bit of input on this situation which for some odd reason is bringing me down.
I spoke to a guy on an online dating platform about a month ago and it was for just 5 days, we exchanged numbers and initially he didn’t catch my eye but his interest peaked mine and I did find him attractive too, he wasn’t extremely flirty and was just getting know each other. However we never met. He asked me out but I had plans already so I asked what about tomorrow and it was all going well. I was feeling excited and I could tell he was too because he messaged me “morning beautiful” with a kissy smiley face the morning on the day we were meant to meet.
He asked me what I wanted to do, and I said we could go for a walk in the park and he said what about order some takeaway and I can break my fast and watch a movie? It sounded a bit suggestive to me so I said yea sure but idk where we could watch a movie unless one of us brings our laptop and gets some wifi. He then said actually how about I come over to your place and we can order food and watch something on your laptop? And then I said actually i’m not comfortable with hanging out at my place and would prefer to meet you outside and get to know you better outdoors first. He then said ah okay yea we’ll work something out if anything. Then I said sure so shall we meet at the park? And he said yea or if it’s cold we can sit in my car. And I said yea sure and should one of us bring laptop? We can still watch a movie” and then he wrote a Lengthy text about how he was supposed to get his hair cut but his barber cancelled and can only cut it tomorrow so now he’s debating with himself as he wants to meet me looking fresh and not something out of Disney monsters. At that time I didn’t really think it was an excuse so I was laughing and joking like sully? And we were laughing on text about it for a bit. But I said it’s up to you which do you feel more comfortable? He said he’s confused and hate when he doesn’t have a fresh trim. So I said idm postponing and he said well he could maybe see me after I break fast. Which was weird because didn’t he say he couldn’t see me if his hair hadn’t been cut? Anyway I said well it’ll be quite late and dark though after iftaaar? Maybe we should just meet another day earlier then? And he said awww okay then with a heart shape. And I said alright see you a diff day :) and he said yep you will. Which seemed pretty cold…I gave him around 10 days before I said anything since he didn’t and just asked him if he was still up for meeting. He replied a second later saying he would love to. And I was feeling a bit insecure about things already so I just asked when is he free and we sort of agreed Saturday. A few friends told me to just leave it till the end of the week before messaging again to ask where, but when it came to Friday and he still hadn’t said anything I asked him where should we meet btw? No more niceties.. and he said “not sure thought you had a plan” and I said “no you have a say” and he said “lool idk I haven’t thought of anything” then I asked him “okay what about W mall 8pm?” And he said “w mall ngl hate w mall never go there” and I was getting frustrated. So I said “alright what would you suggest then? Look if you don’t wanna hang out you can just be honest and say so”. He replied saying “why don’t we go to the park or grab some food?” I replied “both sounds good 😊” and gave him 2 Parks to choose from. He replied just asking where I live again, so I just replied a one word answer saying my nearest train station. He didn’t reply me and left me on read till the next day when we were supposed to meet. So I texted him around noon to just say “this park 7pm”, this entrance. He replied saying I let you know what time again because I got to do something for my brothers. My heart sank because he sounded so flakey again. I asked him when can you let me know? He said I’ll let you know around 5-ish. I responded ok but i’d prefer if we met before it gets dark. Around 5, he replied saying not sure if i’m gonna be able to come out tonight sorry. I replied yea ok. He didn’t open my message till the next evening but didn’t say anything to that.
I was just wondering why he suddenly lost interest after that? This is the first time something like this has happened as normally the guy would usually meet first and then we can decide if we don’t like each other that much. And I knew that it was clear that I wasn’t going to sleep with him, but most guys would wait out for a few dates before really just giving up.
I realise that we had matched on a diff dating app too previously but I had stopped replying quite soon as had been busy at the time. I Guess my question is if he didn’t wanna meet and he knew it, why didn’t he just say so earlier when I gave him a way out? And I thought he found me attractive and a nice girl from our conversation, but i’m wondering if maybe he didn’t really found me attractive you know the whole “he’s not that into you”. I’ve not really had a problem with the early stages of dating because normally the guys who have wanted to go out with me in the beginning really did, and then would decide later based on our chemistry and connection if they still did after we have met already. But yea :( I felt a bit bummed out because I thought there was potential in this one.
Because he wanted to come to your place…
You’re continuing to contact him, he thought he had a chance.
I dont see how this is difficult or confusing. He wanted easy sex and you blowing him off is the only part you did really well. Since that guy is a total stranger. But the rest where you kept chasing him for a real date is a bit painful to read. You really need to be less guilible and focus on guys who ask for proper dates. A kissing emoij in the morning is not a sign of anything. Not even a sign its a good guy
This guy is a dud. He wanted an easy lay and you aren’t like that. He doesn’t want to completely write you off because he may still be able to manipulate you into giving him what he wants. Also, this guy sounds sleezy. Do you want a relationship or do you want to be at the beck and call of a sleezy guy? He sounds gross. :(
First step: Stop reaching out to him to make plans.
Best step: Block him from ever contacting you again. He’s playing games with you.Sofia
Yea thanks for the perspective. I think I knew deep down but just wanted to give people the benefit of the doubt as I find it hard to believe sometimes that getting to know each other would be so off the table for some guys.
I’ve already not contacted him anymore after sending him “yea ok” but do you think just the part where I contacted him again after 10 days might have appeared desperate or like I was chasing him? Annoyed with myself for feeling bummed out but I was hoping I at least got to preserve my dignity from the way I handled it on the outside so he wouldn’t be able to see that.
Thanks for saying that. Yea it really helped to hear what you’re saying :( just can’t believe some guys can be so Low when they know we aren’t like that already from talking to us. I just kind of wished he told me the day before when I gave him a get out of jail card for free by saying if you don’t wanna hang out you can just be honest and say so, but instead he dragged me through the mud and told me 2 hours before when he knew all along he didn’t want to go out.
Just curious, how do you tell if he’s playing games? Is it cause he suddenly became cold but actually still wanted to go out after I asked him?
Depends a bit on your age. The younger you are the less likely a guy is into serious. Most take their time to get settled. I think asking for home dates is a big red flag. Also guys trying to force a connection with texting is. Lots and lots and lots of females gove texting too much meaning and guys are very aware of that.
And then there is a big grey area best tried out in public where a guy does the work for it. Best scenario is that he takes you out around 5 times getting to know you and being consistent. Thats the guy, may take a few years though for him to show upNewbie
Sofia, this guy is not playing games. He is trying to get in your pants as he can try. Not being serious is not the same as playing games. Its up to you to decide what is b$. This guy already lost interest after you declined the creepy home date. No serious guy asks for that
And dont be bummed out. Even if you had gotten over the top clingy with this guy and invited him over for dinner. Its still just one guy you did this to. No worries. With this guy i meant you chasing him was already in the beginning when you tried for a park date with the laptop. He already checked out and probably was already texting someone else
He wanted to smash, you refused to play ball, his interest dropped so fast. Anything else that followed was you chasing him and giving him several passes for flaking. I get it, sometimes you want to see the good in people but don’t do so at your own detriment and dignity.
I’m sure you felt very uncomfortable and Humiliated following up on this guy and picking up the slack for him. He couldn’t even bother with venues and activities for godssake!
Next time if a guy flakes on you for a first date just say Next. More so when he doesn’t reschedule sooner and you have to follow up, keep saying Next! First dates are a chance at giving ‘first impressions’ and a guy wants to put his best foot forward, so if he flakes he’s saying he doesn’t care and isn’t interested enough to bother.
Also love, a ‘date’ without a time or date or venue confirmed is not a date, it’s just an idea, don’t bother dressing up. Real dates are planned in advance with everything confirmed. No last minute acts. Any communication which follows is to build anticipation for the date and maybe the “we still on for tonight?” on the day of, which much come from the guy not you.
Unmatch and cease all contact with him ,start talking to other guys. His 15 minutes of fame is gone. Chuck him the deuces.
Thanks for you input.
Did you mean depending on the guy’s age or my age, they are less likely to be serious? From your wording, it sounds like depending on the girl’s age. Me and him are 25, which I Guess is pretty young.
I was actually asking @mama how he was playing games as she has written that down in the comment, but yea i’m just curious as to her comment as I find it hard to tell when someone is playing games.
I’m not sure how suggesting a date in the park including a laptop was chasing him – back then a month ago, all restaurants in my area were closed and have just only opened last week for dining again. So it’s important to know the context too before making such a conclusion. But yes understood that after that it seemed that contacting him again was a mistake and I shouldn’t beat myself up for it and now just have to listen to the advice given here by you and @mama.
Yes you said it exactly – I felt humiliated and like I betrayed myself giving him more opportunities when he clearly knew I was giving him as much opportunity as I could allow myself to, wasn’t my finest moment :( I’m not used to tbh someone losing interest this quickly when it’s just even before the first meet, but maybe it’s the cut throat online dating world that’s become of us. I just felt like he was punishing me for saying no, and then dragging me through the mud to cancel so last minute when he could have cancelled earlier. It’s been a bit more than 2 weeks now since that last communication probably, but I can’t help feeling bummed by the whole thing. I know I shouldn’t see it this way but I’m still finding it hard to feel like it’s his loss, it just feels like he still got to feel good about himself even after I said no, but I am somehow the one left with the feeling of rejection.
“but most guys would wait out for a few dates before really just giving up.”
If that’s your experience, you are verryyy lucky. This week I had a guy unmatch me because I didn’t agree that we’ll shower together on the first date.:DYou know how some guys don’t bother to go through a bit of chatting to warm you up, but instead ask you for a date in the first 3 messages? Well this was the sex version of it. He wanted to skip dates and go straight to the bed
If you continue online dating you will most likely end up saying something along the lines “I would’ve slept with him, had he actually bothered to put a little effort” a few timesYour mistake was that you didn’t realise him trying to get out immediately after you shut down his homedate proposition.
Also don’t fall for potential, what you see is what you get. And you can’t assess any based just on texting.P.S. Google a bit, you will find tons of guys asking for tips how to get a girl to skip the first date and go directly to bed. Apparently a drink in public is too much hassle for some even when there’s a good chance of drinks ending in sex
Yes Eva, most guys these days unmatch you on the spot or just stop talking to you or replying altogether. You don’t even touch first base.
Most guys on dating apps don’t really want to meet up unless there’s sex on the table or they just enjoy the attention and validation behind their screens.
Liz Lemon
I think Newbie meant you were chasing him because he kept making excuses not to meet (needing to get a haircut, not liking the mall) and you kept coming back with more suggestions. And then after not hearing from him for 10 days you reached out and tried to set up another meeting. That was chasing.
It’s really quite simple, a guy that wants to meet you will arrange to meet you. He won’t say “I don’t like this or that place” and he won’t say “I might have to do something for my brother, I’ll let you know” etc. That’s total game playing. All the back and forth you describe with this guy is BS. A guy that is serious will say yes, let’s meet, period. If for some reason the date/time/place doesn’t work, he will immediately suggest an alternative, he won’t say “I’m not sure, will let you know”. So in the future just know any guy that does that kind of stuff is a time waster. It shouldn’t be complicated to arrange a meeting.
And has been stated, any guy that suggests a home date for a first date is just looking to get laid. There’s no excuse for that. Even with Covid, a genuine guy will propose a walk in the park or an outdoor coffee, or anything. He wouldn’t expect a woman to welcome a total stranger into her home (or go to his home when he’s a total stranger). So it’s clear what this guy wanted. You should have just stopped communicating him after the first interaction when he wanted to come over and then found excuses not to meet when you refused to invite him over. It’s ok, you live and you learn! You’ll know now not to waste time with guys like these.
Hahaha omg I had no idea it’s such a brutal world out there with online dating… I guess behind the screen it’s so easy to just treat everyone like it’s a catalog. I also did not know that most guys would prefer to just skip the date and want only sex, I guess coming from my own mind, it just doesn’t make sense to just want to have sex only and avoid building a connection, but maybe that’s why they say Men are from Mars and Women from Jupiter.
I know I shouldn’t be thinking or worrying this way, but I was wondering if these guys who just want easy sex, are they just that way and don’t want a connection at all with any girl and need some growing up to do or would they actually pursue someone properly if they really felt attracted and interested?
@Liz Lemon
Oh yea I agree, I let it go on for too long and giving him as many opportunities as I could which I shouldn’t have. I was replying to her saying it was chasing when I suggested the park date with a laptop.
And yes, learnt my lesson, now just need a few days to lick my wounds and come back again :)
@Erin I actually think women should appreciate it when such guys unmatch them.
@ Sofia Then welcome to the world of online dating!
I’ve even seen a question on some forum “Why do girls who don’t want to hook-up use tinder”… Depending on where you live, guys may really be pushing the idea that some apps/platforms are a hook-up apps (tinder, bumble) or can be used to find quick hook ups.
You can’t try to understand men through female logics, it simply doesn’t work. For starters, we have no idea what is it like to live with the amount of testosteron that they have. Basically a lot of guys could do anyone not repulsive to them, the question is only how well they were brought up to treat women nicely and maybe whether their looks or financial status allow them to treat women as objects.
You should learn more about male psychology to decrease your chances of getting hurt.Hmm… some really see women as objects and don’t want any special connections, some wouldn’t mind meeting someone special but they are perfectly fine playing with women in the meantime. I guess most of them would properly pursue a woman if they felt she was the one, but you have to be aware that that that special connection can’t be formed online.
I cannot stress this enough: HOW A GUY IS ACTING ONLINE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT YOUR WORTH! They use same the pattern with every woman. They may change the narrative a bit according to your responses, but basically it has very little to do with you.Also you have to be aware that a good first date (or even later) doesn’t mean anything, so learn not to get your hopes up too soon. Over here you will repeatedly hear the advice that guys have to be on their best behaviour and show consistency in the early stages of dating.
PS. In case I sounded negative about online dating- I actually think it’s fun, but you do have to go into it with proper mindset :)
“I cannot stress this enough: HOW A GUY IS ACTING ONLINE SAYS NOTHING ABOUT YOUR WORTH! They use same the pattern with every woman. They may change the narrative a bit according to your responses, but basically it has very little to do with you”
Thank you Eva, a lot of time women are left feeling like vermin after some guy online does a number on them. This should be on the fridge
i think the whole confusion arose bec you failed to read that he was just luking for a quick and easy lay. its good that you dint agree to let him come to your house for the first meeting. i dont think you shld feel bad or anything for the simple reason that you failed to read him completely. its ok. you were looking to meet a guy you met online with whom you thought there was a chemistry. and then take it from there. dont even bother giving him a second thought. just chuck him out of your mind. and another thing. you kept chasing him to lock down a first meeting. you shouldn’t have to do that with a man who genuinely wants to meet you.
you shld look at this episode very positively bec you learnt two valuable lessons at zero cost. so chin up and smile.