Home › Forums › How To Get My Ex Back › Has anyone done NC with a breakup after a short term relationship and it worked?
- This topic has 11 replies and was last updated 8 years, 9 months ago by
Hi there,
I have a probably what seems trivial compared to a lot of the stories on here, but long story short. I met someone, we clicked massively in what I felt all parts of our lives, our humour, tastes, opinions, views and found each other massively sexually attractive. We saw each other a few times a week and would spend nights and weekends at each others houses. He said he loved having me at his place, and I said I really liked what ‘this’ was and he agreed.
We were in touch every day through text and always laughing around, every night he would call, if I was available, however I was quite determined to keep up with my life and friends as I made the mistake before, where for 5 years I had a very co dependant relationship and the breakup was just terrible.
Anyway, we would go out a lot, and stay in a lot and just all around enjoy each others company. In the beginning it was so easy, he would cook for me, bake special things for me, always be a gentleman and I couldn’t actually believe how simple and enjoyable dating could be. He was very apologetic if I hadn’t heard from him for a while (few hours) if he was busy at work, and it would always come from him, as I would never mention it. I broke my foot and he was so upset for me, and looked after me, making sure I was OK and cheering me up.
We spent Easter apart and although he was on a boys trip, he would still write, send me pics and call at night when he could. The only thing that bugged me was the further we got into it, the harder he seemed to find opening up. I never pushed it, but he would often say, he hadn’t been taught to communicate by his parents and he knew it was a problem as he could never find the words to express what he felt so it would always come back as quite ‘meh’ or simplistic, but I didn’t mind that much. We had an awkward phone call, where he was distracted and I said that he didn’t need to talk to me if there was something going on and the next day he was very apologetic about how he shouldn’t let things distract me and he was rude on the phone, which was nice of him to do, and showed me that he respected me and my time and saw me as high value.
Then something happened and I felt him holding me at arms length. He was still in touch, but he felt a bit more passive aggressive towards me, which I didn’t react to and would just carry on doing my own thing. He got ill and I offered to spend the day with him if he wanted me to, but was OK if he wanted to be alone, as we hadn’t seen each other since before Easter. He said he really wanted me to and apologised if he wasn’t that much fun.
Nothing made me suspicious, but we hadn’t had a nice night out in a while so I suggested that we did and although I was nervous, I saw his beaming smile and felt fine. We had a great night together, laughing and he took my hand and we spent the night together and it was intense and lovely – even more so than before. The next morning I gently mentioned that I liked how chilled things were but I also wanted exclusivity and he said he didn’t think we were anything but exclusive. He sent me a message afterwards and said, he was sorry he was so bad at talking, but he wasn’t seeing anyone else and really enjoyed spending time with me – not the deepest message.
I barely heard from him on the weekend, even though I knew he was working and I had plans. On the Sunday he was texting silly jokey things to me and then asked to call as normal and then I heard his voice and it sounded terrible. He was all shakey and breaking up and said, he’d been in turmoil over his feelings as his heart was not doing what he wanted it to do towards me and it was weighing so heavily on him, because I was great and lovely and he didn’t know why, but he didn’t know what to do about it and never wanted to hurt me or lead me on. I was very calm and didn’t press him, but simply said, if he didn’t feel something, there was nothing to say and wished him a calm goodbye. That was 10 days ago and we haven’t spoken since and I am in a state. I didn’t realise that I had let my feelings build for him, and I wish I had brought my concerns to him earlier as I did have a gut feeling towards the end, that people rubbished and said I was reading into things.
Essentially I am being honest and there were times when I didn’t feel like I was being myself and I want a second chance to show who I really am, which is stupid I know, but does anyone have any experience on getting someone back who was never really an ‘EX’ to begin with?
We haven’t spoken since the call, and I am proud that I was calm, but also feel like I came across that I didn’t really care if he ended it and almost want him to know that, yes I did care and actually feel that there were feelings there. What if he picked up on me being guarded, which I really was and that reflected on his feelings? I know I’m rambling, but advice is really all about long term relationships and not these short ones, that also have emotions, but no arguments etc. Is there something to rebuild on in time? I am doing NC and am really trying to focus on getting myself back.
Thank you
NC is applied to help you move on NOT a strategy to get someone or anyone back under any circumstances. He was honest with you. He admitted he was in turmoil as he was not feeling it. It has nothing to do with you or about something you said or did or didn’t say or do. Please do not punish or prolong your pain. Let it go. Move on. If he does come back and most of them do, it’s either they’re looking for an ego boost, keeping you at bay just in case. The best approach from your end is to go NC because you want to heal, move on, and allow the right man to walk into your life. Men are in the moment creature. You cannot hold them or measure their emotional state towards you through all the sweet, awesome things they said or did during the time they spent with you. A true measure of a real loving relationship is about two people giving a sense of fulfillment to each other, everyday, everytime, the kind that grows overtime, long lasting, it builds a strong foundation for a deeper connection. And if the time came, the man said, I’m done and don’t want to continue, believe him. Do not analyze and rewind all the things he did and said to you no matter how deeply connected you feel. When he says, it’s over, it is over.
Reading what you wrote makes me sound like a crazy person and you are right. I made NC straight away to protect myself, and not get into the pattern of texting back and forth pretending we can be friends etc.
I think im going back and forth over this, because my gut was write about something being up and I was write and my gut is still telling me that something is not as it seems.
My longest relationship years ago, started when I was seeing someone and when he told me he had no feelings for me, I dropped him and walked away. Not long after he started asking me out and I slowly let him back in and he finally admitted that he never meant he didn’t have feelings for me, they were just a lot stronger than what he was willing to feel at the time. We ended up together for 5 great years and broke up when we both got different jobs far away, rather than not being inLove anymore.
I think that is why I am in two minds over this.
I know this guy liked me, I can feel it in my gut and it bugs me that he didn’t talk to me or give something good a go. Feelings don’t just appear overnight.
Thanks for answering
You don’t mentioned how long you were seeing each other I will assume it was a few months. From your description it seems you guys went pretty quick here spending lots of time together and unfortunately the bubble popped for him when he felt the pressure that things were moving to a relationship that he was not really feeling at the moment.
I understand… last year I went kind of through the same thing, the difference was we were not together all the time. He was going through a lot of personal stress which really I felt he brought upon himself. Anyway he broke things off and we kept in contact weekly (him reaching out to me I was still hurt by him breaking it off but I told him I understood) then after several months we rekindled.
Here is where I screwed up..I told him I didn’t want a casual relationship! I say I screwed up because it was too soon after we rekindled and I was feeling the hurt of him breaking things off months prior and now coming back I just kind of wanted a confirmation that he wasn’t going to leave. However nothing is a guarantee we can be in love with someone today and tomorrow someone else comes and sweeps you off your feet. I should have waited longer and really just enjoyed the moment with him and made sure this was what I wanted. I do regret kind of giving him the ultimatum but at the end of the day if he really wanted to work things out he would have tried more. I can’t dwell on the past we need to move on and learn from our mistakes.
If he comes back you need to make sure it is what you want and not just because he is back. Sometimes these things makes it clearer of how we really feel about someone. For now just accept that he was not strong enough to give you want you needed.
Hi Charlotte.
I know its super hard, but you never ever want to put yourself into a low value position of having to ‘convince’ someone that what they are or not feeling isn’t right for them—that’s a co-dependency mindset that you need to do some more work on IMO.
Trust me, there isn’t anything you could have said or done to change his feelings.
Never put a lot of emphasis in the ‘beginning stage’ as its the initial spark (physical attraction) that gets things going but oftentimes ends in lust/infatuation. He was infatuated but he couldn’t get to the ‘love stage’ with you, which is why the early months of dating are so confusing for women. This is why you should continue dating others until a man knows he’s surpassed the lust/infatuation phase and has fallen in love with you (expresses it) before YOU chose him among the other suitors.Charlotte.82
L – thank you so much for answering and sharing your story. It’s so hard to say ‘in hindsight’ you wish you would have said this or that.
It’s great in a way that you got that opportunity to rekindle something that was obviously still there, so it’s a shame it didn’t last, but it’s also good that perhaps you got it out of your system in one way or an other?
I think I have a romanticised idea of what happens after a break up (or not even a proper breakup) and I always think that people get back together and that has happened to most relationships in my family.
Truth is, we weren’t together for a long time (2 months) it did happen fast, but we both enjoyed each other so much and it just naturally happened that way. He was always asking me out again and again, and I felt secure in that, and never felt the need to bring up the ‘what are we’ question, because I enjoyed what it was. I stopped enjoying it when he pulled back because I just didn’t get why he was. He would even joke about me not putting pressure on him, because I was so relaxed about everything.
I think the biggest thing right now for me to get over, is how easy it was for him, to just stop talking to me, after being in contact with me everyday, there was not one day when we weren’t in touch. He was the one calling every night, he was the one buying me things on his trip away, he was the one asking when I was coming back and saying he was excited to get back to me,’ so I am struggling with where that goes as I am not someone who invests without really being willing to invest, so I don’t get people who run hot and cold, Ive just never done that.
Of course he could have met someone else, but in a way I find that hard to believe simply because of the always being in contact and him having a really demanding job and a sport he’s heavily invested in.
Its never easy when you feel your being rejected..yes I am glad that we had a second chance and I am A firm believer that if its meant to be it will be.
It’s funny how at the moment we are so hurt and feel as though we will never be able to get over this person. When it’s not meant to be we will see clearly one day. I am FB friends with an old flame…he hurt me very big during our short relationship. I liked him quite a bit and he ended up fading on me after a few rocky issues we went through, plus he was seeing another woman. So of course at the time I was hurt and didn’t understand what happened when things seemed to be going good. Now I do see a lot of the errors that occurred …but back then I didn’t.
Now almost a decade later he is married and from what it “appears” happily even though he asked me to have sex with him for all times sake because his wife is not interested in sex! LOL I laughed at him….I now know this was not the guy for me! Good luck to his wife! Yet back then it was the end of the world that he was with someone else. I also ended up hooking up with his friend…so I got over it!
My point is that if its meant to be it will be…you just need to make sure its WHAT YOU WANT. Stop saying u didn’t give enough maybe you did maybe you didn’t but it doesn’t matter he made a choice.
Charlotte – My, my, my….they are so wonderful in the very beginning aren’t they? -) Don’t you find it quite amazing how they can do all of the right things… being extra attentive, spending quality time, saying the right things, taking you out on dates, holding your hand, etc…? BUT, on the same token, can say to you that they don’t feel the same for you as you feel for them, and OOOH, what about this one?… I didn’t mean to hurt you. Now, they got you feeling like you’re crazy! You’re questioning yourself…”where did I go wrong? did I miss something? did I read too much into this?” WTF! I mean REALLY? WTF?
This “ish” is CRAZY to me. But guess what? you didn’t do anything wrong, so get that outta your head. You are a rational, red-blooded, warm-hearted, young woman who responded to the loving and kind gestures of a man…nothing wrong with that. Now with that said, I have to say this; this is what SOOO many of them do. They do all of the right things that causes the woman to fall for them, then they pull back from her, when she informs him that she’s developed feelings and wants exclusivity.
Although the relationship WAS only a couple months old. But even with that said, he responded with “he didn’t think we were anything but exclusive.” BUT right after that conversation, he gets weird and distant…smh. I think it’s MEAN to treat somebody that way… giving her the impression that she said or did something wrong :-(
Even if he didn’t agree, he could have handled it differently. He could have said something along the lines of this; “I am flattered that you feel that way about me, and I have really enjoyed the times we’ve spent together too. I think you’re sweet and very attractive and I want to continue spending time with you. I have to be honest though, I’m not quite there right now…at the point where you are, yet!, because I feel I’m still in the ‘getting to know’ you stages, but I really would like to continue dating you, if you’ll have me?” Then at that point, he can feel proud, hold his head up high, because he knows he did the RIGHT thing. He’s ALLOWING her the opportunity to consider whether she wants to continue or not, at the same time leaving her with her DIGNITY! But this stepping back and pulling away and being unresponsive is just plain ole unnecessary and mean!
P.S. – I would suggest that next time, allow more ‘invested time’ before considering the bf/gf situation. It takes a lot more time for getting to know someone.
WOWW!! I thought I was the only one with a short term relationship problem.
I’m having a similar situation. We saw each other for about 3.5 months and everything was PERFECT. I would be at his house EVERY weekend since the day we met. I would attend his family’s easter dinners as his girlfriend etc.We then started dating officially and it lasted exactly 2 weeks before he OUT OF THE BLUE… broke it up. Saying he just doesnt want to be “In anything right now” like thanks buddy!?
It has broken my heart because i know he’s the one.If you wanna read further on my situation, i did make my own post where i share my situation in more detail.
I’m not trying to be unkind here…
But, someone who doesn’t want you isn’t “the one”. It’s really important to realize and accept that just because one person thinks the relationship is going great and progressing, does not mean that is what the other person feels.
When a man says he doesn’t want to be with you, the worst thing you can do is refuse to believe and accept it. Anytime you have to convince or beg a man, you’ve already lost.
No halfway decent guy falls in love with a woman who doesn’t respect herself not to accept scraps and expect a man’s best. If you show them you will tolerate sub par treatment just because you are desperate to keep them around, they may hang out and use you till something better comes along…but only until the girl they really want appears.
The only thing to do in these situations is keep your dignity and walk away.
I am sorry but I do not understand how all can be perfect and lightening comes from the sky and the guy is not feeling it.
That is not perfect to me.
What I think happens is assumptions are made without the scoping and homework necessary to truly gauge a man’s feelings and interest level. I take nothing for granted and I assume a man is playing the field until the day he puts a ring on it…what I mean is that he is very serious and he is the one who is dreaming of our marriage, kids, home…etc.
And even then I do understand things can happen….so the man’s interest level is what fuels my interest level…I do not do it by myself…he has to lead at all times…and strongly lead…over time (months).
Quick and running in is passionate….but passion can fizzle….look for the slow deep burn.
Guys tend to get the women first … Give them the moon and make them fall in love before whether he is going to keep her.
So if you fall hard and quick , you just create the greatest opportunity to be the victim here.
Your mistake is you believe he is the one in 2-3 months during the time he hides all his flaws. No men can get like a perfect guy forever, they leave before women discover that the guys are far from perfect and tried to act perfect during that short lived courtship.
So don’t make the same mistakes. Take it slow, the one will stay then whoever stay, you will know who is the one.