He broke up with me last minute,I’m so broken and I don’t know what to do, HELP!

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  • #936202 Reply
    Heartbroken Kate

    I’m completely shattered and broken.
    I don’t wanna go into all the details but the man I’ve been seeing and talking to for 7 months just ended things with me.
    He had some family issues going on for a long time, he said he wanted a relationship but it wasn’t the right time as he wouldn’t be able to give me a 100 percent due to the problems he was having in his life, he explained everything and I understood.
    He eventually had all his problems sorted and we were supposed to get away for while together , celebrate and just finally have each other, we’ve made plans already. We were finally supposed to make things official, he told me he was ready to make it official even though we’ve been exclusively just seeing each other but instead he ended it.

    I’ve given up so much, I’ve been patient, I’ve done so much just trying to accommodate him and finally everything is looking up for us and I thought finally we don’t have anything stopping us and was expecting us to finally make it official but no he needs to be single for a while and be independent.
    He hasn’t been on his own for long and he needs. He is unsure of his future and needs to just be alone.
    So many times I couldn’t deal with all the issues he was having and I walked or tried to , I asked him to sort himself out first but he would beg and plead and say he was sure about us and never wanted us to be apart. He loved me and wanted this to workout and I stayed.

    He had so many chances to tell me this he changed his mind but no, he keeps going with it until last minute. Until when I was completely ready and was glad he was out of his predicament.

    I’ve sent him a bunch of texts, voice notes, I’ve called.
    I have tried talking and saying so much for him to reconsider.
    I can’t believe that after everything and all I’ve done he would do this.
    I know how much he begged me to stay, but he won’t just stay for me even if it’s this once.
    I’m traumatised , I’m hurt and heartbroken.
    I start a new job on Monday , it’s supposed to be the best things that has happened to me but I don’t know how to do this job right now. I don’t know how to cope, I keep crying, I’ve lost my appetite.
    I don’t know how to move forward, how to concentrate, how do I get through this.
    How do I not get fired cause I don’t think I can do this job.
    I just want to sleep and not wake up for a while.
    I wish I would get physical hurt or sick so that I just have to stay indoors.
    I’ve put my emotions and everything on the line for this man and this is how he rewards me after everything.
    I’ve tried to talk to him and he is so adamant.
    I need help and don’t know how to get through this.
    I got this job through my parents friend and I feel like I can’t put my all. They are all counting on me but I can’t do this.
    I’m so broken and so hurt I don’t know what to do. We’ve been through alot and that meant nothing to him, this was supposed to be our time, when we could finally be together without set backs.

    #936204 Reply

    I’m sorry @Heartbroken Kate…

    Please don’t sabotage your new job, please…

    As for you ex, this happens when you lower your standards & make accommodations for a man…

    Curious, how long has he been single?

    #936206 Reply
    Heartbroken Kate

    When we met he had been single for 5 months, we didn’t start anything immediately though. We talk about it alot and he told me he and his ex had already sort of checked out of the relationship a while before they called it quits mutually.
    He also never seemed like I craved being single, he kept pushing this whole thing about really wanting us to be together.
    I just don’t know how his feelings just changed and he suddenly needs to be a alone.

    #936210 Reply

    not something you want to hear, but men rarely leave to be on their own…they might leave for another woman, they might leave to spend more time with friends. I’ve been there twice , same story really and I found out later that the guy was either already seeing someone while seeing me or started seeing someone else straight after.

    you should be thankful that he didn’t waste anymore of your time.

    #936211 Reply

    You should let him go. You’ve just known him for 7 months…

    You’ll meet better people.

    “I’ve given up so much, I’ve been patient, I’ve done so much just trying to accommodate him”. Next time, treat yourself this way. Take care of yourself.

    #936226 Reply

    Maybe he was just using his situatn to keep you at bay? N now whn that reason no longer exists, he had no option but to cone out straight n say no?

    I thnk he was just playing games n using you. He dsnt desrve u!

    #936234 Reply

    Why do the details of the story sound so familiar? Have you posted about this before?

    Anyway. I’m sorry you’re hurting so much.

    Immediate matters – don’t you even think about bailing on this job! He is not worth losing a great opportunity over!! See a counselor, do whatever you need to do to process this and pull yourself together, pronto. I know women aren’t great at compartmentalizing but that’s what you’re going to have to do. Yes, you can do it. My recommendation is cutting him off completely, as in block him everywhere, for at least 30 days so you can focus on your new job. Do not keep begging him to reconsider.

    I’m going to try to be as gentle as I can. It really doesn’t sound like this was ever going anywhere. He wasn’t that long out of it with someone else, there’s a red flag right there. He and the ex were already checked out… yeah, that’s a line. There’s a grieving process to go through after the real end of a relationship and he didn’t do it.

    When someone is having a lot of issues and you’re newly dating and you observe this, the best thing you can do is step back. Unfortunately a lot of times women see a wounded guy down on his luck or whatever the case may be and turn into Florence Nightingale. And this is exactly what happens almost every time. When things get better, he dumps her. Her loyalty is not rewarded – in fact it’s the opposite. In his mind, he thinks she tolerated too much from him so he’s lost respect. And he doesn’t want to be reminded of the bad times by keeping her around. And I’m sorry to have to agree with Ewa but it’s usually for someone else he can start fresh with. That’s what it often is with break-ups that come out of the clear blue.

    But… you were not actually his official girlfriend. In his mind he was honest with you all along. And I’m sorry to say this, but he’s not entirely wrong. If you choose to stick around on “perhaps, perhaps, perhaps” or “someday” and accept crumbs, you’ve signaled you’re OK with the situation. Yes, he strung you along, but it takes two people for that to happen. Please don’t take this as criticism. I’m asking you to step back and look objectively at what happened here. And you may not be able to do that right now, but you will eventually and being able to look objectively and see what missteps you made will help you learn from it and not to ever accept this treatment again.

    Men recently out of something else often do this. They think they’re ready to move on, but they’re not because they haven’t done the work to recover from the last relationship. It’s the old male saying, to get over the last one, get another one under you ASAP. They like being with someone, they like having someone to do things with and it’s all sunshine and rainbows. The trouble is, it keeps them from processing their real emotions and then when it’s naturally time to take things to the next level, they suddenly balk. They “need to be single for a while.” Which is BS. They don’t usually do this knowingly and willfully, but the end result and the damage are the same.

    Also… if you are this devastated after dating for 7 months and you weren’t in an official relationship, you need to consider why you got that attached that your whole world is now falling apart. Sounds like you lost yourself in this relationship and gave way, way too much. I’d suggest working with a therapist to understand why you did that so you don’t get into this position again. His behavior isn’t about you. Don’t take it personally.

    I know this seems impossibly painful right now, but you WILL move past this and I hope you will soon see this was a set-up for failure right from the get go. Hugs.

    #936292 Reply

    You are grieving right now. That’s ok and normal. But please believe me when I say that if you compromise your career, it will make it even worse. I went through a breakup about 4 months ago (3.5 year relationship). I was also dumped out of nowhere one Thursday. The very next Monday I did a presentation at a conference. I could easily get out of it, but I just said to myself, no way, I need to do this for ME, and even through my grief I knew it would be the first step toward healing.

    You will get over this! Please start the no contact process right away!

    Hugs xx

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