Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › He calls me his "sister" but does he like me?
- This topic has 31 replies and was last updated 2 years, 5 months ago by
ANM Staff.
I’m slightly confused on my relationship with one of my male friends. I’m currently in college & over the last year or so I’ve developed a close knit group of friends that we refer to each other as family(brothers/sisters). However, one of the guys in the group, I had a brief crush on before we really established ourselves to each other as brother & sister. As we’ve gotten to know each other even more over the last year, our bond has grown & I’m confused on what we really are because of the “brother” “sister” title. He says I’m his baby sister but I occasionally wonder if he sees me in a different light or has thought of the possibility of us being more but has never said anything. He said I was most important to him. Whenever I need him, he’s there.
Whatever I need, he tries his best to make it happen. He’s always checking on me. He teases me(play fights, tickling). I’ve spent the night in his room once. He has even treated me to ice cream before( just the two of us). He gives me long hugs. Most nights, we text until the wee hours of the morning. And occasionally, I catch him just looking at me & when he notices me looking at him in return, he’ll just look away. We also had a discussion one day & it was kind of heavy, I couldn’t manage to look him directly in the eyes so he said “look at me while you’re talking.” I was also leaving for a trip home one day & he stayed up until 3am(the time I was leaving) to tell me to have a safe trip. He also has told me, “you’re the most adorable thing ever”, “you’re so cute” and other things similar to that. I feel bad for my slight crush since we are supposed to be “close friends/ bro & sis” but with all of the things he does, I’m just wondering if he looks at me as being more than his “baby sister”. We keep nothing from one another, no secrets, we tell each other everything & we have discussed our past crushes/flings with one another but I’d still like to know what you all think. Are we just “bro/sis” or does he like me?
*typed from my phone so please excuse any errors*peta
yes, he wants you – be a little flirty and let nature take it’s course
I think he’s very fond of you… as his baby sister. I wouldn’t read anything past that unless HE does something unprovoked to show you he has romantic feelings for you.
I agree. he sees you as his baby sister. My cousin and I are very close. He is the brother I never had. All the above that you mentioned like talking till the early hours, going out and having ice cream, play fighting, tickling etc. we have done. But in both our minds we are brother and sister.
Unless he does something romantic like kiss u on the lips or something, he still sees you as his baby sister.
same problem bt, im still studying in d skool…
he says ur my small cte sis..
we nver spoke 2 ech othr in d skool bt,we txt each othr vry fluently…
2morrow he’s gonna gift me a silk bubbly…
wht shud I do?Rose
Could be any but if he doesn’t make a move then…
I think he really likes you as a friend but when you like someone in a different way you just can’t hide it. I don’t see anything he’s done to show he likes you in a romantic way, maybe he doesn’t want anyone making fun of him making out with his “little sister”
Keep hanging out with him but don’t get your hopes high.
He seems like a really good friend or maybe a best friend. And yes, unless he does something that is romantic or tells you that he likes you more than a friend, it’s just better to expect a friendship from him.
Amy S
hi. Sorry to be a bit blunt here but if someone called me his sister i would say he is making it very clear that its friendship you have with him here. I mean lets face it sister is as far from romance a title you can give in a normal healthy scenario. Sorry this is brutal but theres no point in giving advice on this unless its completely honest imo. x
I have had the same problem with an older guy. One day he said that he liked me romantically- because of shock- I didn’t give him a true answer and I pushed him away because of it. Not long after he asked his prom date to be hid girlfriend but then me and him went to town just us and he explained ghat he didn’t want to be my first and that it wasn’t easy getting over me then when my mum text me to tell me that she was ready to pick me up he said that he would walk me to her because he was scared that someone would touch me up because I’m “attractive”. A while later his girlfriend dumped him and a day or two after that we tallked till late hours but then he threw the word “sis” at the end of his sentence. I agree with Amy S now.. you have to listen to the cold hard truth. Sorry. (But carry on flirting I you want to get out of “da friend zone”
My crush is 40 a hot model and actor… Called me his sister twice… Then five minutes later called me LOVEY. I made it clear u didn’t like SISTER… and he said but why not.. You don’t want physical.. And I didn’t correct him.. Then said.. Why don’t women like to be called sister? He said.. Oh you want to feel desired. Then when I made fun of LOVEY he said you don’t like sister and you don’t like lovey.. I said I like lovey… He said, see? If you are confused, then he is confused. If you get mixed messages, is because you may be giving off unclear messages.
Hayden I have known for three years, last year all the time he called me his sister, but then this year he teases me hugs ma olds my hand always chooses me for activities and he doesn’t call me sister. I like him a lot but I don’t ow in what way as a sister or brother or in which way he likes me. Pleas help
If someone’s calling you their sister, they think of you ask their friend. I’ve had a male best friend and we would do all the things you described. It was just friends! Men make it very clear if they want something more.
I was dating this guy for 3 months but he was always distant, we are no longer officially dating but we occasionally sleep together, he says I am pretty, nice figure, the only girl who hasn’t been after him for his money….but he sees me as a sister. How confusing is that?
Jayne…. Some kind of incest fantasy? or fetish?
omg guys i have the same problem but he is in a relationship…ik many of u guys might say move on…but he is my nemo….and cant have any other fish and he treats me more than a “sister” …i had a dream that his gf got jelly and said that he needs to choose one of us….he chose me…obvio ik he wouldnt do that so i asked him in person and he said if she told me to chose i would chose you
does he like me or notSIDDHI
omg guys i have the same problem but he is in a relationship…ik many of u guys might say move on…but he is my nemo….and cant have any other fish and he treats me more than a “sister” …i had a dream that his gf got jelly and said that he needs to choose one of us….he chose me…obvio ik he wouldnt do that so i asked him in person and he said if she told me to chose i would chose you
does he like me or notmeow
Even I have the same prblm
First we were best friends when we had even hardly known each other.
After that he told me that I’m like his real sis for him, most important person in his life after his parents. I was happy when he said that to me.
Now also he calls me sis sometimes but most of the times he calls me jaan,sweetheart n all and always tells me that he loves me.
It’s just going above my head. I’m unable to understand what exactly he wants our relation to be ?
He is always there for me when I need him, always asks me out for dinner or just for a walk on street. This things were not frequent before as they are happening now.
What does that really means ?
Hoping for your answeranon
I have the same issue , I’m really into this guy and he’s like everything I’m currently looking for but he calls me his little sister :// it’s quite unfortunate since I’m pretty into him. I can’t tell him because I’m his “sister” I don’t know what to do ?? A little help would be great :// help a “sister”out
So there is a boy at my school and I fall in love with him. But I don’t know if he feels the same way , he calls me sister. But he still says that I’m in his heart and he said that he has feelings for me but then he said it was his sister. I really don’t know if he likes me.. When I talk to his best friend or his another friends he look at me and it’s look like he is jealous. We have talked in Texts for like to the morning , at school he always look at me and smiles. He always says I mean the world for him and stuff who makes me smiling! I really don’t know if he likes me.. HELP!!
*Sorry for my bad English*Thesarcastic
Same is the case with me.I made the mistake of calling him a brother at first but I realised that I have more feelings for him..
Somwhere around last week I said about my feelings to him and he said he didn’t see me that’s way…we r very close tho…we care a great deal about each otherDianna
This guy treats me like his bestfriend yet he is very possessives of me and get jealous when I hang around other guys, we do couple things such as hold hands and hug a lot he even lets me have his jacket yet he may still have feelings for someone else how do I know?
hello guys i have same issue i know him since last 5 years he is very good frnd of mine i love him so much so much seriously guys he is only one guys who i loved so much, sometimes he talked me like he is flirting with me, one day i flirt him then he also start our group girls teases us like ohh hoo you r good couple oh hoo made for each other then he suddenly confused and said that ohh guys come on she is like my sis,
so plzzz guys tell me what he is feeling i m very confused ??? :(
i did nt tell him that i loved him so much , can i say him or not guys tell me guyzzzz plzzzzzzzDyanne
Sai a, it is better to start your own post, you will get more responses. As for the guy, nobody here is a mind reader, we cannot tell you what he thinks. I would just tell him how I feel and let the chips fall where they may. Just be prepared that he may not feel the same as you. And that’s OK
My crush and I are friends from 3days ago & we are amazing together…
In these 3 days he called me as his sister the very first day around 3times.. But the rest 2 days he didn’t. Me & my crush make each other laugh & tease each other but only when we like it. & we care for each other a lot. He pursuades me very nicely if I get angry with him & vice versa. He’s that much nice to every female friend of his. But I think that these days he gives me more attention than other. If he gets a choice to sit with me & another girl who is his best friend.. He chooses me! :)!! He asked me in these 3 days that how many proposes I have got & who are they. & then he said that u must say yes to at least one of them.
He told me that he has a crush on 1 girl in his tuition & that sucks me!!!!!!! I don’t know he likes me or we’re just friends?? Help me get out of itLauren
I’m wondering the same only the man I like is a missionary that is not allowed to date or flirt but he has been hanging with me every day even though he isn’t supposed to. One day he told me opposites attract when I said how we have nothing in common but we are so close and next he is saying I’m his big sister.. I’m so thrown off I don’t know what to do. He said he wants me to go to Hawaii to see him and wants me to go to Utah where he lives. He said if I date he wants to know the dude so he can approve. He let me have his favorite pen and everyone says he defends me and talks about me a lot. I need answers :(