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- This topic has 12 replies and was last updated 10 years, 5 months ago by
Hey ladies, I’ve been trolling this forum for a while and never posted, but something about my current realationship is bugging me and I’d really like some advice. I hope this isn’t too long. Background is I’m 32 with a 5yr old son, bf is 33, never married, no kids, we’ve been dating for 7months. Our relationship is generally very good. We are both avid outdoors ppl and are super passionate about cooking, farming, and making our own meat/organic food. We hang out about 3-4 days a week depending on when my son’s father has him. He’s good with my son, I know he loves me, we’re generally pretty happy. Talk/text every day except occassionally, no other jealous/insecure behavior on either of our parts besides this:
Here’s my problem… He can get very judgemental/insecure sometimes about my past. Especially if he’s been drinking a bit. Last night we were watching a show about the illegal animal trade and he said “That is what I should be doing… I need to quit my job and go save Tigers and Rhinos… I want to DO something with my life.” BTW… he has a very lucrative job which provides him the ability to have all the things he wants… his own home, sports cars, lots of adventure travel (which he brings me along on) but he hates the job. I know I kind of digressed there, but bear with me… I’m only giving background to explain why I even said what I said next.
I told him, “Well, I dated an Australian for a while who actually DID work combating the illegal Tiger and Elephant trade in SE Asia for 15 years, and he was totally over it. There are good and bad sides to every career. I think it was a pretty difficult, demoralizing career for him.” My bf says, “15yrs? How old WAS this guy?” Me, “42.”
Bf gets totally wiggy, says it’s gross that I dated a man that old, (I was 30, he was 42) and he’s disgusted by the thought of an old man *ock “banging me out.” I said he NEVER “banged me out.” Bf goes, “Oh yeah, he probably made love to you” very sarcastically. The discussion went on for approx 15mins with me trying to defend myself/explaining that I had a connection with him as a person, it didn’t work out, I’m with you now, not him, whay are you being so insecure? Finally I said, “this is unproductive, I’m going to bed.” I did and he followed, said he loves me, and cuddled till we fell asleep.
Problem is, this has happened before. I’m a very secure, sexual woman and have been with many men. I don’t feel bad about it. We had a similar discussion/argument when he found out I’d been with a black man, which I told him was racist of him and totally unacceptable to me. This also came up in a round-about way, I did not just blurt it out!
Anyways, I am worried that this type of judgemental behavior will only get worse and am not sure if I should just cut my losses and leave him, even though in every other respect the relationship is solid. What do you ladies think? Is this red flag behavior? Has anyone ever experienced this type of thing before and did it progress?
Hi *Amber* – Yes, it’s bothersome…
First thought, you don’t need to defend your past. Everyone is entitled to their history. So please stop explaining yourself for having a previous life.
Maybe just not bring up past relationships…?
Lastly, it does feel a bit controlling… Does he do this in other areas? Keep an eye on it.Mel
As a rule for me in any relationship I will not talk about past boyfriends or past sexual partners. No good can ever come of that. It is in my past which does not include my current partner. If my partner can not accept that then I move on. I also do not ask any questions about their past relationships.
If I am asked a general question I will answer it, however if I am asked a very specific question, I simply say that was my past you are my present and I choose not to discuss my past.
As to what I would do if I had information to add to a conversation as you did with they ex you did the elephant thing I would have said instead of “I dated a guy” I would have said ” I had this friend” It keeps it simpler.
Yes, his behavior is very immature and concerning. But I think it’s good it’s come out only 7 months in because at least it’s early enough to get out if you want.
For me this would be a deal breaker, and I think if it bothers you ( which it sounds like it does) then you need to really consider if this is someone you want to continue being with. It will not get better; if anything, his judgmental side will become WORSE and more apparent with time.
He has insecurities obviously. First it starts with your past relationships, then he’ll get upset about guys who hit on you or look at you a second too long. I don’t think you should let this unfold into an even worse problem.
I think when you made your comment about dating the guy who actually did combat the tigers etc. that sounded like you were one upping his idea. I think that would be a huge turnoff for a guy, first, he was stating how he had this grand idea for his life, then you go and say how you already were with a man who was this kind of hero. That’s like a slap in the face to a guy and it really was unnecessary for you to tell him that. I am not condoning his reaction which was an ill choice of words but my first impression when I read your post was “oops, why did you tell him that” . Anyway, I would stear clear of one upping a man’s dreams and letting him know that you also dated the guy in one — men really don’t want to know a woman’s sexual past unless the girl is a virgin. It’s really a double endge sword, they want a freak in the sheets but they want to think she’s only been a freak with him, very few men will be ok with knowing a woman’s past included many lovers, he just won’t feel like he’s special anymore.
Thank you Raven. Up to this point he does not show other signs of jealousy or a controlling nature in other aspects of my life. I get the feeling he totally trusts me when I’m not around him/out with friends, etc. He never “interrogates” me or questions where I am or what I’m doing. Its always, “Well, have a good time, love you babe.” I think that’s what’s confusing me. I did date a man like that once and any man who does that to me now gets dropped like a hot cake.
I appreciate your input. I WILL NOT defend my past to him anymore and will avoid conversations about exes. So… it’s not a “run for the hills, as fast as you can” type situation, but I definitely need to keep my eye on it. Maybe he is feeling insecure right now? That is my hope and maybe he can work through it. But as you ladies say here, trust your gut, and it just feels off to me. Also, though, I don’t like the idea of having one foot in a relationship and one foot out. Either I’m in or I’m out. Grrrrrrr… just frustrating…
Many of you ladies stated that I should not be discussing the past relationships with him, and I think that’s good advice I needed to hear. I will avoid it at all costs from now on out. It has proven to be the trigger for these episodes. He DOES love what my experience gives him in bed (often saying I have ruined him for other girls, he’s never experienced X, Y, Z, he will never settle for mediocre again, blah blah blah) but is not able to deal with the fact that I learned it through experience. Yes: with other men. Gasp!
And Ivy, thank you for giving me an insight into just how that comment may have come off to him. I honestly did not think about it that way, but when you put it like that, I was kind of being an asshole. Duly noted. My thought process was to say “Hey, the grass isn’t always greener. Going off to fight the good fight in very remote jungles against armed poachers, a fight you’re always loosing, actually dealing with the bodies of these dead, mutilated, beautiful creatures, and making a quarter of what you’re making now probably isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” I should have said that, instead. I feel I actually did provoke the response now.
Shall I apologize? I am still not okay with his reaction, but I do see my part in it.
Amber, If I were you I would not apologize at this point. Just leave it be. Also, yes, you can be as experienced as you are in the bedroom but pretend you learned it in a dream, seriously, I am not sayng lie, but you don’t need to flaunt your sexual past.
I was with a guy who I know had many lovers by his experience but I don’t want to hear about it, a couple times he’d make a reference and it would really annoy me, one thing is knowing because you can tell, another is hearing it from their mouth. So don’t lie, but don’t advertise.
Also, just think I mean maybe you are ok if he’s talked about his lovers, but maybe you aren’t and you need to think if you want to hear if he slept with some hot chicks or tell you about his sexual experiences…some things we know but we don’t want to hear.
I think like this, I want to sleep with a guy and even if I know he’s experienced I don’t want to be in bed thinking their is a history of other women as ghosts there in bed with us, I don’t think a guy wants that either (men that is, a bunch of women, they’d love that), it just no longer feels special.
Men claim they like the liberated women of today who gets her sex on, but down deep they don’t want to hear it, they want to think she’s only done that with him, cause he’s a hot special studd unlike all the other losers she was with..lol!!!!!
Why in the world would you feel it necessary to bring up men you’ve slept with. I think any average guy would not want to hear about that. Even if they ask, they don’t want to hear about it. I wouldn’t want to hear about women my guy has slept with. Just keep it to yourself.
I did not/have not brought up anything about my sexual past unless he’s directly asked me. I’m realizing now based on Mel & other’s comments that I should refrain from answering and divert the conversation even if he asks directly. My comment had nothing to do with sex, at all. HE took it there. I DO understand, however, that my comment was a blow to his ego about dreams/doing what he wants with his life. I was basically like, “I already know someone who’s been there and done that, and in fact I dated him.” Not good on my part. I get it!
I however, am not a jealous type. He’s talked about his exes, sex with exes, sexual escapades when he was younger and rowdier. I don’t care. Honestly doesn’t bother me a bit. Its the past. So I did not expect his reaction either time the situation has been reversed. It’s a double standard in our relationship.
You’re right. I’m obviously not okay with this. Thank you all for letting me vent and all the advice. I definitely need to think about this.Ivy
It is a double standard just don’t let him trap you into answering questions about your previous sexual partners.
If he’s impressed with a skill in the bedroom, say “I am a really curious person, I read a book with great tips”. Believe me, he will love that response so much more than having to visualize you doing naughty things with other men. Even if he doesn’t 100% believe it…lol.
Ladies, you do need to get creative…
I am of two minds on this.. one, do not like the fact that he flipped on you but also see how a guy could have felt, as Ivy says.. on upped.
I was married for a long time, so many of my life experiences (not talking sexual here) happend with my ex husband. But rather than say.. I did so and so with my ex husband.. I will say.. I went here with or did this with my kids. Even though itidoing things..sexual and non sexual … with a previous love interest.
I am not saying that you lie and if asked outright, I will always be honest. Just think that sometimes less is more.
I would however keep an eye on this. How is he if guys flirt with you? If he is ok when you go out, then it sounds like he trusts you but has a problem with “the past”*Amber*
Mel and Celeste,
I think both of your suggestions to use the “I had a friend…” “I did this with my son/an old friend…” is a good tactic that I will attempt to employ. After reading through my post and your responses today and doing some honest introspection, I think I actually may have been trying to one-up him in a way. Maybe in a subversive way I’m trying to say “I’m a hot cookie, you’re lucky to have me, I have lots of choices, and I choose you. You better appreciate it!” Hmmmm, that’s not very healthy if that’s what I’m doing.
I am really glad I finally posted and got the feedback I did. There’s a lot to consider right now.
Update: He sent a couple brief texts apologizing for not getting up b4 me this morning to make me a kale smootie, how’s my day going, his boss’ wife is having heart surgery, etc. I responded warmly to all. Then he calls at lunch and apologizes for his behaviour last night. Says he doesn’t know why he gets like that and he’s not mad a me. I apologized for bringing up the ex. Loves and “hit me back later today, baby.”
I guess things are okay for now. Just gonna try to take the suggestions you’ve all given today, and keep my eye on him. Thanks Ladies!