He cheating but loves me

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  • #915152 Reply
    Sandy B

    My bf of 10 years has been texting this girl he met on tiktok for some months now. It’s a long distance thing. He says he does it cuz he doesn’t get the attention he wants from me like he does from her. I work full time, take care of our kid full time and I cook and clean. He is unemployed for over a year. Does nothing to help me at home. I’m tired. I love him but I don’t deserve this. He said he’ll stop talking to her when I start improving. Man to woman, what should I do?

    #915177 Reply

    What the fuk?!
    You need to boot his lazy, cheeting @ss out!

    If he wants attention, let his TikTok hoochie support him…

    #915178 Reply

    You cannot be serious. -_-

    You wrote “I work full time, take care of our kid full time and I cook and clean. He is unemployed for over a year. Does nothing to help me at home.” And he has the nerve to emotionally cheat on you and ask YOU to improve. I’m laughing in disbelief that you’re tolerating this but it’s not at all funny!!

    He’s not even a husband sis, dump this freeloader. Your kid will be fine and you will be happier. I promise.

    #915225 Reply

    “He says he does it cuz he doesn’t get the attention he wants from me” while you do all the work for him… so you have two children. Are you really okay with that?

    #915246 Reply

    If this is real… what he’s doing is not love. He’s using you. Send him to the grocery store and while he’s gone pack a suitcase of his things. When he comes home tell him he is welcome to go move in with Ms. TikTok, his bag is ready right now, you’re done supporting him. If it’s your residence, you need to kick him out and get him to pay child support. Luckily you’re not married so you won’t get tagged for alimony. Go talk to a lawyer and map out what it’s going to take to get rid of him. You know this is crappy behavior and for both your sake and the children’s sake you need to remove him from your lives.

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