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- This topic has 42 replies and was last updated 9 years, 3 months ago by
I’ve posted about him before, it’s been two months of dating and going well so far. He pays for dates, I’ve met his friends, he’s taken me to nice restaurants and we’ve played sport together. On Wednesday he asked when could I see him and I said Saturday. Then on Friday he asked me out to his goodbye party with his friends but I couldn’t go and said let’s stick to Saturday. Today I saw him at half 4, and at 6 he randomly said he had to go and meet a couple to help them with something job related, so the date got cut short! He could tell I got upset from my face expression and because I said ‘wow, I could have made other plans but it’s so early and am not not in the mood to do anything’ he said he will cook for me soon. I am so upset, and haven’t heard from him. What on earth just happened?
Sounds like he didn’t really have time to hang out with you Saturday but went ahead and came for the short period of time he could.
Yes it would’ve been nice for him to mention that he had to leave at 6, but I think your response was kind of rude.
Rude of him to leave me hanging on a Saturday night, without explaining beforehand, but I do really want to understand why he thought this was ok, and I don’t want him to think he can do this anytime he pleases. I’m thinking of texting him ‘I love Saturday nights because they are my free nights where I can have fun and spend time with ppl I care about. I’d planned to spend this Saturday with you and was looking forward to it but by cancelling last minute, I had little opportunity to plan something else. Can you explain this please?’
He was rude, no questions there. It’s been only 2 months, so this is the time when guys begin to relax and begin to show their true character/nature. Observe him more closely, there might come more things of this nature, you are smart not to accept this type of a treatment. Just try not to get upset, no guy is worth it.
I do agree that he should have at least mentioned it beforehand but, that message is a bit much.
I’d let him contact you at another time. Then I’d gently bring that up. Simply say:
Hey, I had a great time the other day. Since I really like to plan out my weekends; in the future if you need to cut our date short could you let me know before hand?Khadija
Oh and don’t text have a phone convo. This texting thing really screws things up and you can really misinterpret what someone says.
Thank you, I always appreciate your advice. I had planned on sending a much worse text but my dad (who’s very good in this department) said it sounded needy and told me to say that instead. He said it isn’t very gentleman like to leave a lady hanging on a Saturday evening.
So as we usually just text, should I call him tomorrow and have the conversation that way?Olivia
I was planning on sending ‘Why, did you leave me hanging today? And tell me so last minute, was that cuz you didn’t want to hurt my feelings or something?’ And my dad said I sound really needy and to just keep it analytical and to the point instead, which is why he recommended I say that I could have planned something else and cutting the date short left me with little options to plan the rest of my evening.
So, you two never talk on the phone?
Whenever, I have to talk with someone about subjects like this I do not text.
I use texting for very brief messages that require a short response back.
I agree with your dad it was needy. Aggressive and accusatory to boot.
Step that communication up my dear. I’m telling you now texting is not the way to go. I understand that many prod these days use it but, it truly was made to be brief not a back and forth banter.
Ive never had an issue with him before, I see him once or twice a week and we text to arrange plans or to say good night
I’ve still got a lot to learn, I want to understand better. This upset me, I didn’t say anything at the time but he could tell on my face I was upset which is why he said he will cook for me soon. So should I call him even though we never call?
If you’re going to call make sure you’ve cooled off first.
I’m not sure where you live but, if the night is still young go out to blow off some steam.
It’s one in the morning, I did go out to see the fireworks but I really need to cool off tonight. will call him tomorrow then although he will tell in my tone that I’m upset
Please cool off first. It’s one in the morning my dear.
While I enjoy helping you out, don’t lose sleep over it.Olivia
Thank you so much X X X
You welcome.
Good night!Maria
I agree with Khadija, do not use texting or email or anything in writing for confrontational issue. I’ve done it before and it always backfired at me. I always regretted it later. Talk in person.
However, I think that you should not call him first, after what happened. I’d wait until he contacts you. Then call.
It was wrong of him not to mention cutting the date short ahead of time but making mountains out of molehills is not the way to go either.
I would only bring this up during a normal conversation….as you two are talking about other things I would say something like, “you know the other day when you had to cut our date short I would have appreciated knowing that ahead of time so that I could have made plans for the rest of my evening. If that ever were to come up again I would really like if you would remember that.” Let him speak. Continue on your previous conversation and let it all go.
If it happens again (which I don’t think it will) then it is time to be more forceful about the situation. If something happens once then you can explain why it did not work for you….if it happens twice then the other person is not listening.
Both texts are way too much in my opinion; angry and needy. But I am the opposite, when I had heavy subjects to talk about my BF and I always said it in email. But we were LDR. If we could not say it in person, we wanted to write it down because it was well thought out that way and then later we could discuss it over the phone. Otherwise try to keep phone convos more positive. I would not call him for this, it is really overdoing it IMHO. Best would be to bring it up in person as suggested above. For now send nothing, do not call, wait for him to contact and bring it up in a non-accusatory way. Perhaps he had his reasons, perhaps he is indeed rude and see how he behaves next. No point in scolding him if he does not care anyhow, he should be the one to bring it up and apologize in the first place.
Hello all, thank you so so much. I’ve woken up in a better mood and will have the conversation in a light manner face to face if I see him again. Up until now he’s been such a gentle man so I’m not sure why he would rather talk about computer stuff on a Saturday night than be with me, but I’ll let it slide, it could be worse.
Hello, my grandmother thinks that because I’m always busy it was his way of sort of punishing me. For example I didn’t go to his goodbye drinks on Friday, which is why he cut the date short on Saturday. Could this be another reason why?
No, I dont think so…either way, you guys have to figure a way to communicate to each other better. I suggest dont overthink and wait for him to reach out.
Olivia it sounds like he’s a little new to this relationship. He asked when he could see you, you said Saturday, he asked you to a Good-bye party which is pretty big for him and then he carelessly cut your date short. He was upset you couldn’t go on Friday and a child cutting the date short. Let him be. He wants to wait until you are not angry anymore and when he feels comfortable he will probably contact him. Try to make light of this situation when you bring it up.
He should of said to you can I see you Friday? I have to help friends on Saturday night. There is always Sunday right?