He ditched me, how do I handle this?

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  • #381831 Reply

    So I’ve been dating this guy casually (meaning we’re not exclusive yet) for about 6 or 7 weeks. We normally see each other 2-3 times a week. My guy friend says I’ve been a bit too available to him, so I’ve turned down a date or two, not texted back right away. We got together for dinner last Thursday night (I declined his last minute invitation on Wednesday, but asked Thursday afternoon if he’d like to grab dinner and drinks and he agreed), and all was going well. We talked about doing something fun Saturday night (catching a holiday themed show, going to the mountains for a night at a B&B). I declined coming back to his house, but said I’d make it up on Saturday.

    Saturday morning I get a text from him “Hi, I have to bail on tonight. I’m headed to the mountains.” I haven’t heard from him since.

    What happened?? WE were talking about going to the mountains! I texted back that I was a bit surprised and disappointed, but I haven’t texted or called since Saturday. I almost feel like I got dumped. We had ended the night by walking hand in hand to my car – and I had told him about an advertisement I saw at the pub we just left about a roaring 20s themed new years eve party, since he and his best friend like that sort of stuff. He asked me to send him the link to it, which I did Friday (saying “here’s the link, this looks like a blast!”).

    IF he contacts me (and I have a sinking feeling he won’t) I want to send the message that ditching me for other plans is not acceptable. How do I handle this? I don’t want to close the door on this completely, but I want to make sure he knows I am not ok with being treated like this.

    #381841 Reply

    How did you meet? It is only Monday so perhaps he will still reach out.

    #381849 Reply

    You already told him you were disappointed, so the only way you let him know that isn’t acceptable is not to respond when he contacts you until he apologize. You show him by action, not by words. If he doesn’t apologize, I think you will have to close the door completely.

    #381853 Reply

    Have you slept together yet?

    I would say we are seeing examples of too available, even if you thought you weren’t.
    A. If you were pulling back and then declined a invite, why did you ask him out last minute the next night? That is too available….. What is not? He invites you out, you are busy, and you say, but I am free XYZ night, then he is still asking you out when he picks the night and the plan.

    B. I ask about the sleeping together because if you have not yet, he may be frustrated and done. Not that should be cool, but it might be the case.

    C. Whenever possible do not express disappointment by text – what exactly did you say?

    D. You have already expressed disappointment – so expressing that ditching you is unacceptable is mute. In his mind, giving you all day was enough time. And the brevity of his text was especially not that great.

    E. Texting – no need to respond fast or slow, just vary it.

    He sounds like he is fading. I suggest that you simply decide if how he is behaving is ok or not. If not, just be done with him. Or give him one more chance. He knows it is not cool to cancel last minute, but he thought that doing it in the morning was not last minute.

    I have never had a situation like this turn around, unless they contacted me first thing Monday to set something up.

    #381873 Reply

    Yes we are sleeping together. We met on an online dating site. We are both late 30s-early 40s.

    My text was “I’m a bit surprised and disappointed.” This is not something he has ever done before, so that’s a total understatement!

    I asked him out on the next night because it was on MY terms and that’s what I wanted.

    Like I said, I don’t expect to hear from him again, but if I do, I want to know how to handle it, (IF I get an apology, which is about as likely as hearing from him again).

    I’ve met some of his close friends, he’s met mine, things seemed to be going well. This wasn’t the first time we’ve talked about going to that B&B in the mountains, so I’m at a total loss as to what happened here.

    #382014 Reply

    Hi TB44

    In my experience with online dating, there are a lot of guys who will just keep rotating through women. They don’t feel like they are committed to any one person, just dating and having fun. I’m not sure if you had any conversations with him about exclusivity, etc, but if not I am guessing he is just dating around and keeping things casual. Anything you say to him will most likely come as a big surprise to him as I am sure he thinks he actually over delivered simply by telling you he couldn’t make it on Saturday night. He will probably come back in a couple of weeks with a simple text saying ‘Hey! What’s up!’

    #382048 Reply

    Men on dating website all think they have 6 million women to rotate, and they are partially right for thinking so thanks to those women who invest too soon too quickly..

    I am not a fan of holding back sex as a means to gain power, but w online dating, that is a must, if you want to weed out guys who is only out there playing the field

    #382081 Reply

    I agree with everything Talllady said and the others as well.

    I also was going to ask about the Thursday thing..you declined last minute Wed. and then asked him out last minute Thursday. That to me sounds like game playing, it just kind of seems odd to me.

    The point of not being too available is that you have to actually not be too available, you can’t pretend not to be, that just won’t work. When your friend said you were too available you were supposed to add things to your life, make plans, then be honest and authentic, he asks you out, you say yes if you are free and want to, no if you have plans and don’t want to.

    With this guy, you are sleeping together, not exclusive, and do you know if he is interested in a relationship? Did you ask that early on before getting to know each other? If not, it leaves you in a bit of a tough spot for early dating.

    I wish I could say how to proceed with this but he bailed on a date with you to go with his friends, that in itself isn’t a good sign or behavior one might expect from their prince charming, right?

    You aren’t committed either so lecturing him on expectations isn’t going to do anything if he comes back — but drive him away more. I’d say go live your life, keep dating, add things to your life, go slower next time with any guys you meet, ask on fist date if they are dating for a relationship or casual fling etc.

    #382671 Reply

    I still haven’t heard from him. We are friends on Facebook, and he has only posted one video from a news story, hasn’t responded to any posts or added any friends this week. The dating site we met on shows the last time the person was active on the site, and while he used to be on daily, he’s only checked in Sunday and last night.

    Other than cancelling last minute on me last Saturday, I would chalk all this up to him being incredibly busy at work, I know there are major deadlines he’s working with and his job is very intense and requires a lot of focus. If he hadn’t ditched me last weekend (and going some place we had just talked about going together) I would just think that he’ll get ahold of me when he can. But because he DID bail on me, and hasn’t offered an explanation or even texted to say hi, that makes me think something (at least in his mind) happened that freaked him out or turned him off.

    I still haven’t reached out to him, but to be honest, this is killing me. I miss him, we had such fun together, some stories I had told him have had updates that I’m dying to share with him, and I really want to understand what happened. I feel like I’m under strict orders from everyone (my friends, here, relationship articles) NOT to contact him first, but I feel like this is such a stupid game. On the other hand, I don’t want to send him the message that it will always be ok to ditch me last minute.

    While I know it’s easy to tell me to “just move on” or “next time…” but that’s a lot easier said than done, especially for someone like me who feels the need to understand something deeper than a lot of people would. What would happen if I texted? Even just “hello”? What message am I sending? I probably should just forget it, but I can’t just yet, so any other insights or advice other than the easy to say but harder to do move on or forget it statements would really be appreciated. Thanks.

    #382672 Reply

    If you are planning to participate in the world on online dating you need to completely let go of ‘the need to understand something deeper.’ Online dating is not for the sensitive romantic. Yes, there are some great guys out there but you will need to go through about 60 other guys first to get to him (NO I don’t recommend you sleep with them all.) You also need to pay VERY close attention to how consistent they are with what they say and what they do. This is why, especially with online dating, you need to wait to sleep with them. This guy failed. We only tell you to just move on because this CLEARLY is not the right guy for you. Stop online stalking him, delete his number, delete him from Facebook and keep looking for Mr Right.

    #382674 Reply

    Also, Ivy is assuming he ditched you to go to the mountains with his friends. Is it possible he went to the mountains with another woman?

    #382679 Reply

    If you send a hello – what are you communicating? Where shall I start?
    – It’s ok for you to bail and not even apologize
    – It is ok for you to leave suddenly with no explanation
    – It is ok for you to not contact me for days with no explanation – I’ll be here waiting for you
    – Feel free to do whatever you want, I will make it easy for you to come back and treat me however you want

    Shall I continue? Here are your new motto:
    – I love me
    – F&ck him
    – He’s not real until he is your boyfriend
    – I deserve better than be ghosted on
    – I never give anyone a second chance to reject me – I reject the rejector

    The reality is anyone can act good for 7 weeks. He is showing you who he is now. Who he showed you who he was before is not him. This is him – a disappearing coward. How is that? He is a man who dated you for 7 weeks and instead of manning up for a hard conversation, he disappeared. Read that chapter in He’s Just Not That Into You. He knows what he did, let him lie in his inability to be an adult.

    #382681 Reply

    sorry for not giving you anything beyond the move on statements. If you want to reach out once, and I mean once, then do it. But really think about if you need him to actually reject you more. Also, think about what type of man who likes you and wants to invest in you – cancels last minute on a sat and disappears until thursday. They don’t.

    #382682 Reply

    AMEN to what talllady said. AMEN!

    #382744 Reply

    Juliette, unfortunately my need to understand things deeper is not just in my romantic life. It’s how I operate. Even in my professional life, if I have a suggestion to improve something and I’m given just a ‘no’ answer, I need to know why the answer is no before I accept it fully. I guess I’m just wired that way, and sometimes it’s been a blessing and a curse!

    In thinking about it over the last few days, I have a theory of what happened. I wonder if I just mentioned plans about new year’s eve or upcoming events too much and it freaked him out. He may have misinterpreted it as getting too attached or fearing I already thought we were a committed couple (I’d like to be but I know it’s too soon).

    That’s one of the main reasons I’d like to contact him, I want to see if my theory is correct. If it is, it’s an easy fix. I tend to move to quickly in relationships and it sounds like I may have done it again. If nothing else, I’d like to know so that I can learn from it.

    If I contacted him and asked to see him for a short time so that I could clear this up, is that still sending the message that it’s ok to ditch me? I’m not asking to see him with the idea that we’ll still see each other, more like being able to close the door and know why.

    #382750 Reply

    I have started replying to this about five times now and deleted what I wrote four times. Honey, you can absolutely do whatever you want. If you feel like contacting him again and meeting up to get closure is what you need to do then by all means go for it.

    #382752 Reply

    Thanks Juliette. I know it seems like I refuse to see what’s right in front of me, and I am in a way. I don’t want to accept it. This was such a 180. I can only be responsible for my own behavior, but I would like to at least learn what I did to contribute to this situation. Maybe I can learn to do things differently the next time. I know this is beating a dead horse, but any advice on what to say? ;-)

    #382754 Reply


    Work and romance are not the same. IF, and that is a big IF, he even told you the truth. There is a 100% chance he will go with – It’s me, not you…. I just wasn’t feeling it. And in honesty, he may not even know the answer. Pushing makes you look, well, pushy.

    Sweetie, I think you may need to think about the difference between male and female energy. In a sexual relationship, you need to be in female energy if you want an alpha or beta + man. What works in work, is not the same for relationships.

    If you think that calling him, him saying yes- you pushed me, will then bring him back, it won’t – this is about feelings, not logic. He is done. And if you push him, he will think you are crazy. Even if you are not.

    If at 6-8 weeks he is not committing to seeing you at NYE, and is put off by even having the discussion, he was not that committed to begin with. Anyone who is starting a real relationship would want to spend time with you.

    Closure is a fantasy, if you get one answer, you will want a million more. Wrap this up for yourself. I promise you will feel better about not chasing someone who does not want you.

    #382755 Reply

    Sometimes it is nothing that a person has done that causes a guy to do this. It is far far far more common than you might realize. The only thing you could have done differently really is not to be sexual as soon. Keep that underwraps until you are exclusive with him. It sounds hard, but it is so worth it when it comes to protecting your heart.

    Question for you, how many guys have you dated that you have met online?

    #382762 Reply

    Men don’t usually know why they don’t want to be with you.

    All they really know is how they FEEL when they are with you. If a woman makes them feel good, he is compelled to stick around. If something feels off to him, he will lose interest. Men just don’t analyze it the way women do.

    #382792 Reply

    TB – or should I say Anonymous, you’ve changed your post name all of a sudden – this is a really hard thing to go through and it must feel devastating right now.

    However, it’s not a “stupid game” not to contact him. If you think it is, then you’re thinking too much like a girl and interpreting boy behavior through the girl glasses will always get you into Crazytown. You have to understand how men think and act accordingly when you deal with them. He DISRESPECTED you big time. If you reach out to him, it sends the message that there are no consequences to disrespecting you. You would be coming from a position of weakness to contact him. Men place a lot of value on respect/disrespect. It’s more important to them than love.

    You were not exclusive so I am unclear as to why you got so attached inside of 7 weeks, but you have so…

    I want to be as KIND and UNDERSTANDING and SUPPORTIVE as possible here… you say you have a deep need to analyze. You acknowledge it gets you into trouble. OK. Then just ignore the advice here and analyze to your heart’s content. I’m not being snarky, I mean it. We are trying to tell you how we see it, but if you don’t want to take the advice, that is fine. Call him, go right ahead, and let us know how it goes. You seem to have a plan that makes sense to you to contact him, so go for it. I don’t want to upset you by telling you to drop this and walk away or learn from this so next time you don’t get in this position.

    #382798 Reply

    You mentioned in your post that you “talked” about doing something Saturday. Were plans actually locked in? The reason I ask, some men have the view of well nothing was locked in, just a suggestion… I now feel like doing xyz. Not saying it’s right. They think differently to us.

    #382838 Reply

    Great point Lylah.

    When mine says let’s do something this week and doesn’t ‘lock it in’ then its a MAYBE so I don’t plan for it! However, if he say’s let go out on Friday I’ll give you a call to let you know what time I’ll pick you up, then its ‘locked in’ and he will pick me up on said date at said time.

    Agree with the ladies here. Men are very simple to understand, whereas if their interest wanes its because: 1) aren’t ready to give up their freedom; and/or 2) don’t envision a future with you. I know it sucks when you really like a guy, but I’m sure you’ve done it to guys too—same concept and no amount of explaining will change it.

    #383063 Reply

    I’ve dated men online on an off for many years. I even met my 2nd husband on an online site many years ago. This has never, ever happened to me. Didn’t matter when or if I slept with them. I’ve never had a connection go this long and then….nothing.

    Like I said, I tend to rush relationships. Up to and including my 2nd husband (which I will admit was THE biggest mistake I ever made) I was living with them after 4 months, engaged within a year. I thought that’s how relationships worked. Until my 2nd husband, this is how my relationships usually operated.

    This guy moves at a MUCH slower pace than I do. He probably takes relationships too slow, and I take them too fast. Somewhere in the middle is the right pace. That’s one reason I want to learn from this and try to apply what I learn to improve my relationships.

    #383080 Reply

    Good point TB.

    I’m of the mindset that the guy needs to be far more into you, than you are him, for it to really go anywhere. My dad thankfully taught me this at a very early age and it helped to eliminate a lot of the angst and frustration that so many ladies on here deal with. With my (now ex) husband it took me over 5 months before I realized I had fallen in love with him and finally said it back where he professed to me by the 1st month! I turned down his first proposal near the 6th month, and made him wait for another 2 years before I we finally married as I wanted to make absolutely SURE this was the guy I was going to have kids and invest a future with.

    Patience is key when dating.

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