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- This topic has 71 replies and was last updated 6 years, 5 months ago by
Hi, I was hoping for some insight from anyone that has experienced this.
Met a guy online. We started dating. We’ve taken things VERY slow. Have been dating for 5 1/2months, official for 6 weeks. He has initiated most dates. After dating for 3 months I invited him to a small NYE gathering at my parent’s house. He came and had a great time. Soon after we became official. Since then he has met my parents again on Valentine’s Day when he came to visit me (I’m a grad student and live with them). He came a long way, gave me a very sweet card mentioning how grateful he is that we have met and how he looks forward to a long happy future together. I also had a card for him with the same sentiments. Then the weekend after Valentine’s Day came by. We had plans to see a concert and had a great time. We stayed at a hotel after the show, I was on my period we fooled around but no sex. The next morning we stayed in bed, talked, and bonded. Afterwards we checked out, he brought me home and then things got weird? He got weird. This is a guy that likes to take things slow. First kiss was fourth date. Title came 4 months into dating. His brother likes me a lot. My family likes him a lot.
So. In the time that we’ve been official he has said that whenever I have 2 consecutive days off from work, I could visit him and meet his family. Whenever I was ready. This past weekend I was free so suggested that I’d visit him for a change and meet some of his family and he seemed enthusiastic until the days leading up to the weekend. I noticed on our phone calls and texts (he calls every night) he wasn’t as affectionate or playful.
Fast forward to my visit to his town. He was distant. Didn’t seem that engaged in introducing me to his relatives including his mom who is very sweet. Not to mention on the way into the house he usually holds my hand to cross the street but instead walked ahead of me. I slept over at his and his dad’s place. He’s in law-enforcement and moved back in with his father after he was transferred and is now saving money to buy house.
So we went to breakfast the morning after I met his family and I asked if he wanted to come to a concert with me tonight but he has work so can’t. I asked him how he’s doing and if he’s happy, I know work has been stressing him out. He said he hates work and is frustrated with it lately so I was hoping that that was all that was going on. Then he asked how am I feeling about us and where do I see things going. I told him I’m happy with how things are going and am looking forward to more adventures together and travel. Just two weeks ago he was picking vacay dates for next year and requested days off that I’d be off too. We were even planning a trip for May. Anyway he said he feels a disconnect and that maybe we are too different? That I don’t seem that comfortable with him. I told him I found that shocking because I’ve never been so comfortable with a man or felt so joyous and happy.
Things felt a bit awkward afterwards but he proceeded to drive me around town showing me his childhood home, schools, hangouts etc. and then drove me to the public transportation I was taking. I told him I hear his concerns and want him to know that I never want to be in my own way so if I have been sending any signals to him that I’m not comfortable with him (even though I don’t think I did) I want him to know that couldn’t be further from the truth. I also expressed how we want the same things. He said he doesn’t know what the next page is for us. I told him that I know the last girl he was with burned him but I’m not her. It’s almost like he’s sabotaging himself. A good relationship before it really gets started. She went back to her ex after he introduced her to his family. They dated for a few months. He hasn’t been in a long term relationship since his mid 20s. He is now early 30s. We both agreed weeks ago that we don’t know what we are doing but we are going to learn and grow together.
He also brought up the fact that he doesn’t understand how after 3 months I could be comfortable becoming his girlfriend but not going to his friend’s destination wedding after we were dating for 2 months and the wedding was 6 months down the road. I don’t know why he would bring this back up when we decided together that it would be best to try a local trip first and not go out of the country with someone we barely know. Also he didn’t offer to pay some of the fee and I don’t have $1000 laying around.
This is all happening so close to my bday in a few days and I am feeling so much heartache. Before I left his car he said that he’s not going anywhere and We have been texting and he has called since that day but all the affectionate flirty texts are gone. I don’t know what to do. Do I give him space. I think so. But how much? Do I walk away. I told him this is worth fighting for…
This is so confusing to me
If he’s the type to just be honest, then maybe he really feels that way. The other option is that it just got real and he has freaked himself out.
One thing I’ll say about him is at least he’s telling you what he’s thinking instead of just ghosting.
I get the feeling he’s projecting his own reservations onto you. When he says he doesn’t think you’re comfortable when that’s not how you are is an example of this in my opinion.
When things have progressed or about to progress, that is when things get weird on his end, so it seems he may be emotionally unavailable?
For example he acted less enthusiastic approaching your visit instead of acting the same or more excited.
It’s not you at all so don’t say anymore of the stuff you have been saying about if he’s gotten the wrong impression that’s not how you feel. This is kind of like “convincing mode” which won’t work in your favor. You’ve done nothing wrong – he’s the one who is being weird & he is projecting onto you.
If he wants to end it, I believe he is having issues of some kind & it has nothing to do with you whatsoever so don’t let him make you feel like it’s you.
Sometimes guys will have something going on with them & think the root of it is their relationship so they blame it on the woman when really it’s something else in their life (like their occupation) or issues they have but they’re not self-aware enough to be in touch with these feelings so they act like it’s you.
I’d just give him extra space & see what happens
Agree with Ashley re: just wait and see what happens. Don’t infer that just because a guy talks about the future, it means the relationship will work out. They mean it in the moment they say it, but people’s feelings can and do change quickly.
I would pull back and give him some room to miss or not miss you.
Agree you went into ‘convincing mode’ and that is not a good spot to be because you are dismissing his feelings when you do that and only considering your own wants/needs. Its best to try active listening in these situations, such as “I hear you say (acknowledge his feelings) you feel there’s a disconnect. Can you pinpoint or explain what it was or is that makes you feel this way?” then give him the opportunity to explain it. Instead you dismissed his feelings and tried to find reasons (like his ex) that may have been far from the truth.
A lot of us go through this internal battles and when a shift occurs the best thing to do is to allow the person to process it and reconcile it on their own. If they feel dismissed, they are less likely to trust or talk to you about feelings or issues as they occur.
Give him some space and see if he steps in and fills it again…that really is your best move at this point as he KNOWS you want to continue to see him so there’s nothing you can do or say at this point to make him feel or think differently. Its a tough spot to be in but its best to know now where he’s really at than months or years down the road like so many ladies posting on this forum have gone through.
Lane- Thank you. I did listen to him and told him I take his concerns seriously and asked him to pinpoint the disconnect and he said he didn’t know, so in trying to grasp why the sudden shift after a lovely weekend the week before, I referred to his ex who left him right after she met his family which is where we were coming from. I told him it’s feels like he is sabotaging himself by pushing me away and he said he has been told that before and that he he doesn’t know “maybe I’m overthinking and it all in my head.”
You are right though. All of you, I shouldn’t be convincing him of anything. My intuition says he will come around but who knows at this point. I just didn’t know if I should continue our regular texting habits or just leave him be and only answer the phone when he calls. He DOES know that I wish to continue. I will try and not wallow. This is tough. Feel like I got hit by a bus. He has been such a friend and me to him as well so hopefully he’ll miss it. P.S. when we first started dating he asked me when does it become official or real for me and I said when we feel connected enough to meet eachothers families etc. It’s funny how he has distanced himself after me meeting his friends a few weeks ago and his family a few days ago. Also, when I left from meeting his family, his mom said with him she didn’t know if she’d see me again which made me think of a time he said to me that his mom will ask about his girlfriend and when he would tell her they weren’t together anymore, would ask him what he did wrong. That’s why I think he just sabotages himself. He finds an issue where there isn’t one.
Thanks Ashley, I will try!
Don’t contact him, let him come to you, give him a lot of space. He really is having some sort of inner conflict. Again do not take it personally. It definitely has nothing to do with you, not even remotely! He definitely is sabotaging himself & has some sort of an issue
It feels so counter intuitive. Like by my not reaching out it shows that I’m not interested but I will follow the “rules” this time.
I know it feels counter intuitive but giving him space is definitely for the best. It gives him space to process his feelings and miss you. It also stops you mentally becoming a doormat to him. That’s really important for the future of your relationship. You need to act with strength and dignity. How you act now will make all the difference in the amount he respects.
So far I think you’ve handled this well. Just give him space to come to you. Be extra happy when you do hear from him so he knows you’re pleased to be in contact. If you think he may get confused about your feelings, you can tell him you’re giving him space. And don’t tell him you miss him unless he says it first or it sounds like nagging.
I think from what you say he’s just having a wobble and this will pass. Especially as you’re not freaking out and becoming clingy.
Thank you. If I were to text him it would be something like:Good morning. Reflecting on our conversation Sunday. I Am feeling some confusion from you which is fine but I’m going to take some space.
It’s something I saw on YouTube about when men pull away that gives the woman her power back
Do not send him that text.
It screams needy. If you want space, then simply take it. He already asked for space from you, all that text does is scream for attention.
You take your power back by not texting such things. What is so confusing? He told you he isn’t al in. You aren’t confused, you are in denial.
Just give him the space he asked for and don’t try to create drama by sending that text. In fact it could really backfire on you and just solidify his decision if you say that.
Okay. Logically it makes perfect sense. Learning to lead with my head and not my heart here. Thanks for your advice, Sam.
Texting him anything like that would be a big mistake & make him less attracted to you. Men do not see things the way we do. If you’re in a conflict with a female friend talking about it will work but with a man you really need to leave them be.
Do not text him a word, not even hello.
The reason to not contact him isn’t about rules but in order to think men require silence. They are different from us. Talking about it does nothing for them. They need alot of space to figure things out. And even then, unless they do the hard work, they oftentimes do not change. If there is any chance of him working through his issues, it will be when he has a lot of space. You have to completely not say anything unless he contacts you first
Ashley, thanks I hear what you’re saying.
I also wanted to mention that he’s incredibly passive. Has described himself that way from the beginning. He also said he hates confrontation but I find that in our relationship he has grown and has become less passive. Taken initiative but in his slow pace. He has shown up time and time again for me. I guess when you really want something you go for it. Maybe this is what is happening now. Maybe not. In the meantime I am trying to find balance again. Beginning stages of love can be so heady. If he can take initiative in the past perhaps he doesn’t need my help in moving things along and you are all right in saying continue to leave him alone.
Yeah let him lead
How much time do I give him? As his girlfriend and not just someone he was seeing, after how long, if he doesn’t reach out, do I wait a certain time until I reach out to him?
If it all goes south isn’t there some type of conversation and understanding and parting of ways?
Don’t focus on the next time you’ll hear from him because that doesn’t matter really in terms of the crux of the issue. Wrong thing to focus on in my opinion. Don’t think about how much time. He could “reach out” 2 seconds from now & if nothing changes then it doesn’t matter. You need to mentally give him space too meaning don’t wait on the next time one of you will reach out. He needs to miss you so just do not reach out at all – he needs to be the one to.
Remember receiving a text from you is not going to help anything so why bother? Let him put in the effort
You seem to be looking for an excuse to talk to him but you need to understand that he needs to deal with his stuff first. He needs to see if he misses you. You should do something fun to get your mind off it
T from NY
All such good advice — Ashley and Sam!! SPACE is the hardest thing to give and THE most crucial. He is weighing things in his heart and mind and to move forward in a healthy direction he has to feel HE made the decision with little to no input from you.
I would add — this is YOUR time to think about what YOU want. This man is showing you who he is. Is this what you want for your future? He is showing you that he gets the jitters when things get too close — even for things he suggested. He is showing you that he is somewhat changeful… In one day (planning future vacations) Out the next (saying maybe you are “too different”)
Maybe he’ll come around. And although I think its smart to give him this type of wide berth at this stage — my concern would be — is this potentially how he deals with all difficult or stressful decisions in his life.
We ladies who have dated and given our hearts to this type of man would probably be bowing out gracefully at this point. Im not saying that is what you should do at all. But I would not accept waiting too long. Best of luck
I agree..
honestly I do not think he is able to sustain a relationship. That’s my gut feeling. He spooks over things that were his idea….don’t see how that is going to work unfortunately :/
women want to feel secure & safe in a relationship & this guy is not providing it – sounds like he can’t even do that for himself
I would be bowing out. This is enough time for a man to know he is, or isn’t falling in love.
I think that is what he is trying to tell you. There have been several posts lately where the guy wasn’t feeling it, but thought the girl was great…and tried to convince himself.
If you have to convince yourself to love someone, sorry, it’s not going to happen.
I agree with Ashley, he was trying to passively make his point..so YOU would end it.
I’d give him ALL the space he wants. Because I’d be single again.
While none of us know what he is thinking, we can tell you his actions are not encouraging. I think he’s got one foot out the door and the other following.
I’m thinking all sorts of things right now. Like, wait and see if he shows up to my house for my birthday gathering which he knows about or see if he calls to say happy birthday– he knows how important they are to me. Or do I call and ask him if he is still coming and confirm plans? It’s been a couple of days of NC and nothing from him. Maybe he thinks it’s ME that doesn’t care!
If he doesn’t show up I just know that’s his way of really bowing out because he knows that would make me upset.
I also feel it’s a power move by me by waiting it out to see if he reaches out tomorrow. At this point my heart is still hurting and I’m not ready to throw in the towel just yet.
If he doesn’t call or come tomorrow, I was thinking of calling him on Sunday and hope he answers and talk things out one way or the other. Not a huge blown out conversation just a, are you in the same headspace and are you ready to let go completely. I just want to feel at peace ladies and right now I just don’t.
I don’t think you should contact him. You need to stick to no contact.
You keep trying to come up with excuses in your head to reach out. He’s the one who said he wanted space and distance…he’s simple minded if he does not know then that HE should be the one to reach out if that changes.
He knows when your birthday is. He knows about your birthday bash. He knows it is important to you. You are placing too much importance on whether or not he shows up. Concentrate on the fact that your friends are there and will always be there for you and the people who love you and matter are there celebrating with you.
Don’t call him. You’re going crazy wondering if he’s going to show. (I’m thinking no, he won’t, btw, but maybe he will prove me wrong). I would just assume he is not going and proceed from there, put it out of your head as an expectation. If you call him and he gives you some lame excuses about why he can’t attend, that will devastate you and ruin it for you. So don’t have the expectation of him going. Just assume he’s not and deal with that. SO if he doesn’t show up, no big deal. If he does, it will be a happy surprise.
Yeah you keep on making excuses to contact him after everyone keeps telling you not to. You are completely missing the message. Re-read the advice you’ve been given when you get frantic in your mind.
He wants space. Do not break the space. If you do, you will produce the opposite result than what you want.
You keep thinking talking to him will accomplish something. It will not. Don’t ignore the advice you’ve been given if you want to salvage this.
Have a fun birthday & as Shannon said assume he isn’t coming unless you hear otherwise. Please leave him alone. Your “trying” (even if it is only thoughts of trying) is not going to work in your favor
If he doesn’t even bother to call you to say happy birthday after you’ve given him space, or if he doesn’t come to your party without telling you he can’t make it, that will unfortunately be your answer. At that point you will know that whatever is going on with him has a priority over you and the things that are important to you. From what you’ve said, it doesn’t seem like he has any life-changing situations going on (an illness/death in the family, major job change, etc) that are things that can and in many cases should pull his entire focus. Yes he hates work, but imho a relationship should be a welcome distraction from that stress (it is for me, anyway, though everyone is different).
Unless he comes around in a big way with a serious, heartfelt apology and a real change in action, I wouldn’t bother with him anymore. He doesn’t know what he wants and is allowing you to sit in limbo in the meantime.