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- This topic has 36 replies and was last updated 7 years, 11 months ago by
I have this relation for 2 years and a half. We both are 29.
Thing is that because of his job half of the month our relation is in the distance.
I thought everything was great between us, but the other day we were chatting, about something important actually, and it made me mad that he just stopped talking to go post on facebook. He made me feel that I was boring him. And though I know it was a mistake I couldn’t help but telling him. His reaction shocked me :
– So what? Should I ask you first? This is becoming painfull. I’m never good enough for you. If you think this is not worthy of you, delete my number and end it. If you think I don’t care you are wrong. But I’m tired of explaining everything I do. This is suffocating me, I’ll post whenever I wnat instead of talking to you more times. If you can’t handle that – then leave.
He is usually a nice guy and doesn’t talk to me in those terms. After he said that I asked him if he wanted to continue the relation and he said yes. I don’t know from him since that day (thursday). I don’t know what to do or think, I’m just sad. I would like to know what would you do if a guy tell you that. Thank you.
I have to clarify that I was upset because we were talking something important and he took 2 hours to reply, and he was posting on facebook, so he was free…
If you can explain, what were you talking about?
We were talking about our own relation. We had some arguments lately, over not very important things, and I was trying to fix everything.
Now I’m thinking that it might be the reason why I’m suffocating him, guys seens to forget fights very quickly. Probably he was sick and tired of read me talking about it.
But when I saw he was on his social media, yet took 2 hours to reply I thought he is not even trying to fix things…
What do you think of his words? I think he was unnecesary harh maybe….he even invited me to end the relation.
You are being a PIA For silly arguments. Let the poor guy breathe. Also have those discussions face to face.
I understand that I was a pain in the ass complaining, but he is also partly responsible of our fights. Those I was talking about. And it was bothering him so much.
Anyway, it’s clear by his words that he is tired and feels suffocated, he didn’t talk since thursday and if he was feeling ok about us he would. so question is, is this fixable? Or at this point there is not much to do…
Now I’m worried if he will go MIA on me. He did that with his ex when he got tired of her.
I understand You but you were reeking insecurity and never bring up fights With a guy unless he does, even them best to stay away if You can. Sure normal to sort important things out when they happen but men prefer to elude fights at and price if they can. You cannot fix things alone and fixing means positivity not digging in old wounds. You max have been right but share what those fights were about. Otherwise just leave him alone now. Best to give Guys space to Cool off. Need much more details about this relationship to advise better.
Thanks girls. I don’t know what else to say, when we are good it’s great.
I always complained too much, I admit, in the beginning he wouldn’t mind it, he was always very afraid to lose me, but lately if I complain he reacts like he did the other day.
My biggest fear right now it is if he is completely tired. I remember we talked about his previous relation and he went MIA on her because he said one day he just woke up and thought he was trully tired of her. And that he thought he would be better without her. She contacted him few weeks later and he never replied. As he is always so nice with me I was so surprised he could act that way.
I’m waiting for him to contact me and it is hard, because I don’t feel at my best. I went thorugh a lot last few months , including the death of a close person. I’m still trying to recover from all that and the last thing I need is another thing hurting me. But as he said he feels suffocated I can’t text him. I need to give him space and wait. I hope he won’t make me wait too much though.
Allí; give him some space. He told you he already feels suffocated so you going to him will probably make things worse especially because he already told you that he does want to continue the relationship. you asking will just validate his point that you keep nagging. also when you want to talk about something serious or important do it face-to-face or at least on the phone and that way you’re not waiting two hours for a reply.
A guy who would leave his girlfriend the way he did is not a nice guy. A decent guy would have the courtesy to break up with her, and he couldn’t be bothered simply because he was “tired of her”. This guy is heartless, and frankly if you stay with him you are going to be in for a heart break. If a guy is bold enough to admit that he ghosted on a long term girlfriend for no good reason, you should have never dated him.
Linda, yes, I won’t contact him, he will be here next week in the city, but if he doesn’t call me to meet, I won’t call him either. I’m dying to see him, and to talk to him…But I know I can’t initiate anything now.
Amanda, I agree the way he acted with his ex was mean. In fact I told him that when we talked about it. And I asked him to never behave that way with me. I will understand if he wants to end a relation, but going MIA on someone is very mean. They were together 4 years, so it’s even worse. On his defense I can only say that he was convinced she was cheating on him. But still a conversation was needed to end it. Also he wasn’t sure.
As he was always nice with me I never took that into acount. But now that we are going through this, I’m afraid of him ghosting.Newbie
My guess is that when he says he feels suffocated, its been stacking up already for a while. And basically you are describing a relationship where you are complaining, maybe leaning too much on him for moral support, a few arguments you wanted to fix. Maybe you both need a break.
When it comes to the gone awol to fb: a guy isnt obliged to answer you just because he is on and free to message. Its his time, not yours. And in this case, i do think he took a break to breathe. Guys do that, mine too if im being difficult for him (not im my mind). I did long distance for a while and we did agree not to leave each other hanging in a convo. But for the rest, i never cared when he would answer or contact me. You need to give each other some space.
All in all, it sounds to me the relationship is going downhill for several reasons (im not putting it all on you but i cant judge him since i know nothing about him). I really think you need to take a break or not talk about issues for a few weeksNat
Alli, just because he lashed out at you does not mean YOU are suffocating him. You are communicating and trying to solve issues. He is being a rude jerk. The way he talked to you is not ok and no relationships will be ok this way.
Do not contact him. Let him breathe all he wants. When he does contact you, which he will, then you shift this dynamic and say that you are NOT going to accept his attitude. If normal and respectful communication is suffocating to him then he is free to leave. This and only this will straighten him up. If he is not willing to be nicer and more respectful to you then this is not going to work out. You will always be upset and as you would try to communicate and explain things to him (that don’t need otb e explained, they should come naturally) while he will always take it as “suffocation”.
At the same time if you feel you talk too much about your relationships then don’t do it in the future.
In my experience it is rare when women place very unreasonable demands. Usually they have very good reasons, which means INSTEAD OF SPENDING YOUR ENERGY ON FIXING SOMEONE BROKEN FIND SOMEONE WHO IS NOT.
You spent 2 years on this guy and things are not great at all, he is getting rude and you are walking on egg shells. Time to walk sweetheart. Really think about it. You are already 29. How many more years do you have to waste? The easier it is for you to WALK to more men would value you. I always recommend to all your women (you are not that young my friend, I mean early twenties), build your life, your career, your finances, your social circle, your hobbies so that you can WALK away on any guy easily if you make this decision. You need to feel free and be free. If a man is not treating you with respect you don’t need to explain it to him.
Stop being a sad shy little girl and act like a young woman with self esteem and sense of dignity. You are NOT wring to ask for respectful communication. Get out of denial and ACT the way you feel.
Omi G
“I always complained too much, I admit, in the beginning he wouldn’t mind it, he was always very afraid to lose me, but lately if I complain he reacts like he did the other day.”
If you were starting out in the relationship complaining, of course he’s going to feel unappreciated by you after 2 years!. I would, I mean yes in the beginning it’s tolerated cause it’s normal to ask and inquire why a person does what they do because you want to know what you’re getting into. By now if he hasn’t changed, he’s not going to and after 2 years of being together you both have put up with this from each other.His way of communication is not going to change, his behavior is not going to change, either accept him for it or just know that when he’s silent or seems distracted it’s not that he doesn’t care. If after 2 years of my s/o nagging and complaining about me I’d start to get self doubt and not feel appreciated either. Sheesh. He’s a grown man, let him do what he wants and you do what you want. Stop having convo’s over text. He may not want to talk about things right at that moment and he may need some time to wind down from a fight/argument or long day at work so let him. They always come back to you with full attention. At least mine does.
I’m not saying you’re all in the wrong and it’s all your fault but as women, we need to inspire them and sort of guide them to know how to treat us, some men are better at it than others, some need more nudging (not hints actual actions from you). Learn how to use feeling vs targeting words when you communicate. He’s used to you complaining, so when there’s tention of course all he’s going to think is “oh no, she’s going to yell at me.” It’s like a child when you know you did something wrong and you’re gonna lectured over something stupid. You know?
He needs to reconsider if he wants to be in a relationship too, being in a relationship takes 2 to make it work, he needs to find a way to respect your feelings and the fact that you want his attention and he feels he can do whatever at his own will is not cool of him. Not sure how old he is but that’s a real immature thing to do. Not sure what the fight was over but if it’s not destructive in the relationship then let it be, just be careful choose your battles wisely.
Omi G
Honestly if I had to complain to a man all the time from the early stages than I would’ve reconsidered the relationship myself and probably walked away. If a man is clearly that inconsiderate or has lots of quirks that would turn me off.
Are you truly happy with him?
Did you settle with him?
Were you lonely?
Do you think you could find someone better who can treat you the way you deserve?Alli
Thanks girls. I’m having a bad day and I needed to vent somewhere.
I’ll try to answer everything. I have to say in the beginning he was much more into me than other way round, maybe that’s why I never cared about overcomplaining. Whenever I complain anyway he would try to fix anything that was bothering me pretty fast. He was trully attentive. I remember also during our first year together I would get a lot of his attention. He is out half the time like I said, and he would be telling me his every move (I didn’t need that). But I felt he needed us to stay in touch a lot.
That’s why I was surprised that now he leaves me hanging in conversations often, even when he is doing nothing at all. It didn’t happen only the facebook day, it happens pretty often lately.
I forgot to say he also told me that I act like a 14 years old. It was very hard for me to hear all that, specially what I wrote in the OP where I posted his words.
Considering the fact that he knows everything I went through last couple of months, I think I didn’t deserve those words, he could tell me he feels suffocated in a less harsh way.But when I asked him if he wants to break he said of course no.
I’ll have to wait and see how he acts in person and how this goes, but I’m trully worried about him not contacting me anymore. He never acted with me this way. But I know he did it with the ex. If he could finish a 4 years story by non talking, why not this time? I trully hope even if he just wants a break he will make me know. Wait is trully hard.
Am I the only one who feels women are often waiting? It’s much more hard for us than for them. It is well seen that men take the initiative, so they can call or text when they want, while if we do the same , we look desperate. So here I am, waiting, who knows for how long….
Allí i know what you mean, sometimes I’d rather just know. I feel it’s better to know than to sit around wondering that way I can move even when it’s not what I wanted to hear. Although I must admit many times I have just jumped to conclusions because I didn’t have the patience to wait and then I realized I was overthinking because I wasnt getting an answer fast enough. He is your boyfriend, I suggest if you don’t hear from him in a week contact him. A simple hello, how is it going and don’t bring up the issue because you guys will end up back at square one.
I’m starting to get a picture. You complained a lot for most of the relationship, and now he is just about over it.
What behavior have you exhibited that would prompt him to say you act like a 14 year old?
What I did to prompt him to say I act like a 14 year old? Complain when he leaves me hanging in a convo. We both are pretty busy, so if we have a bit of time to text, and after 10 min he stops talking and I know he is doing nothing at all or he is posting on his social media it annoys me lots. I can’t help that.
One night we were talking and he went to sleep without even telling me bye. We were in the middle of a conversation , normal one, not an argument or something that could bother him.And when I complain it gets on his nerves.
I’m 29. I never had a guy before saying I act like a kid or that I’m suffocating him or that our relation can be painfull. I don’t know if it is normal that a guy talk in those terms to his girlfriend. I have no idea where this is going. I love him. But I’m at a point I don’t know who of us is right. So I don’t know how to behave.
I have to wait for him to call me anyway…so there is nothing I can do right now.
But when that happens, I really don’t know how to act.Ashley
You two aren’t suited for each other. You are who you are. He’s not going to change. & the fact he ghosted his ex without a word really shows his true character (or lackthereof) sounds to me like you two should go your separate ways. I get you love him but it appears you two are not compatible & that he’s not such a nice guy.
Omi G
“I have to wait for him to call me anyway…so there is nothing I can do right now.
But when that happens, I really don’t know how to act.”- that made me cringe.I still get insecure at stuff, but I still act however the heck I feel. I make sure that’s it’s really something to be offended about before I act out on it or if it’s just silly demandish sounding. I agree with Ashley, he doesn’t sound like someone I’d want to have as a bf or future. If you have these problems early on and nothing is done about it that tells you how he really feels about being in a relationship with you.
It sounds like you are creating drama as a means of receiving validation, as you state you have been doing this since the beginning.
The guy has no manners, he is a douche. He is talking to you and then goes to bed without letting you know? Who does this? not even teenagers. It is very normal for you to be annoyed and irritated at this, especially if you had asked him many times to let you know if he is checking out.
If you have to explain things more than once this is not going to help. It will only be perceived as nagging. Normal men would understand you right away and would adjust their behaviour. You are not asking for anything special, you are asking for normal behaviour.
You are expecting him to ghost you. Just think about it. Really think about it. You are expecting this from your BF. What does it tell you? Why are you so worried that he will dump you? Maybe you should consider leaving him? He does not sound like a great guy. His ex GF cheated on him but do you know why? Not because he made her feel happy, I can guarantee you that.
I’ll tell you how I see it..
You’re insecure and being a nag.He probably just blew up…the fb deal was the straw that broke the camels back.
Stop it.. count to 30 before you say something
Hi I had the same thing a few months ago , he was on Facebook and I said it was rude as I felt he was ignoring me , we argued and the next week he went quiet. I just did some things that I hadn’t had time for before which I enjoyed and realised I’d become too dependent on him for my happiness, is is why small things that we nag about become important – he came back from his cave and now I feel stronger and less clingy – step back a bit and do things you enjoy alone or with friends or family then when he comes back you will feel the same I think. Actions not words !
If I had simply got my I pad out and started reading my emails or just left the room he would have stopped and no words needed.
If in future your chatting online or in person and he’s doing Facebook then say oh hang on I’ve got to run promised ….. I would call/visit etc – show him you have a life xxx