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- This topic has 16 replies and was last updated 10 years, 8 months ago by
A couple of months ago I posted about a guy I was dating for three months who suddenly ghosted. Well, last night he had the nerve to finally contact me, via text. He asked what happened to us. I asked him if he was serious, and that he stopped talking to me. He responded with, “well, we could argue all day about who stopped talking to who,” and “I thought it was odd that we just stopped talking.” I finally picked up the phone and called him. I asked him what he’s been doing and why I hadn’t heard from him. He said, “I don’t know” and that he had just been working. I said, “I assumed it was one of two things: either you were just messing with my head the whole time or you started dating someone else and it didn’t work out, that’s why you’re contacting me now.” He said it was neither of those, but maybe he had been drinking too much boxed wine and that was why he decided to text me. That got me really mad. I told him not to contact me when he’s drunk, and that was all I needed to hear, and I hung up on him. He texted me after and said “Sorry for the nonsense, you are a great person.” I didn’t respond. It was all the closure I needed. A guy who is drunk at 8:30 p.m. on a Sunday and is so off the cuff about what went down and how much he hurt me…he has lots of his own issues.
Hi Lisa,
Just curious ….did you have a specific question? Or just need to vent/get support? (Both are totally legitimate!) :-)
I didn’t see the earlier post so I’m not sure what the situation was or what kind of connection you had with this guy before he disappeared ….
IF this happens again with a guy, there are ways to handle it that allow him to apologize for disappearing and open the door to exploring the relationship again….
Sounds like he was testing the waters to see where you were at……and when you were clearly still PISSED at him he got defensive and then blamed the whole thing on the wine……
WHO KNOWS if he just contacted you out of curiosity or because he actually wanted to explore things again……in the future IF you wanted to open the door the best way would be to be gracious, light-hearted (no blaming, questions, accusations)…..regardless of his intentions if you are confident, happy, secure and relaxed without him…..he will FEEL that and want you so much more…….and if it was just curiosity, living your best life without him is ALWAYS the best revenge :-)
If you want to repair this I think an apology is the only way…..you drove him away pretty hard-core with how angry you were…..I would just say you were surprised and that you think there was a miscommunication…..that you aren’t mad at him at all…..that you hope he’s doing well and nice to hear from him……THIS will repair your dignity and self-respect by emphasizing that he is NOT allowed to ruin your life or even your mood by his behavior ……AND if he is truly interested give him the chance to step up and pursue you again…..( and if he DOES……I would avoid questions/accusations about the past……just assume it is a completely fresh start…..trust me he KNOWS he screwed up……you can graciously convey that he needs to PROVE he has changed by keeping your distance, not initiating, and basically treating it like you’re starting over with someone you just met…..NOT investing in him until he shows that he is equally invested in you, etc…..)
But whether you want to even open that door depends on your feelings and is totally up to you,…
Hope that helps
Thanks Anna :) it was mostly just a vent/follow up.
The original post was just detailing that we were dating for three months, saw each other every day, etc., and then he disappeared. I spent weeks being sad over it but when I actually heard from him, he seemed so uncaring about anything. He was trying to make jokes and the only reason I believe he contacted me was because he had been drinking and I assume he’s lonely.
If he truly was apologetic and wanted to reconcile, he shouldn’t have texted me when he was drunk, and shouldn’t have tried off the bat to act like everything was fine. I deserve more than that from him. The bottom line, though, is that I feel like I got the closure I needed. I was able to tell him how I truly felt and how much he hurt me. I kind of felt like he just didn’t get it.
To me, this was proof that he and I would never work out. He has his own issues with communication and being honest with himself. The very least he could do is explain his disappearing act. “I don’t know” is not good enough.
Lisa, I think you were right on… good for you!
Thanks, Raven! I’m trying to stick to my guns!
I had a similar thing happen to me as well. A guy I dated for about 2 months just completely stopped responding to me. He texted me out of the blue apologizing and I responded with a “who is this?”. The best revenge is not caring haha.
I think you were totally fine in your response. He probably did see you were a little angry still (understandably so). I think if you REALLY want to rekindle things with this guy possibly, a quick text saying “Hey I’m sorry with how I came off the other day, but I thought it was pretty clear that the reason we stopped seeing eachother is because you basically stopped contacting me.” (or something similar).
Just remember, if he did it once he might do it again though.
Yeah, I’m still angry with him, but I’ve been toying with the idea of maybe reaching out. I’m not sure though. When I finally heard from him it was like talking to a stranger. I think I miss the potential of the relationship, but now I feel like he has ruined what could have been.
I have a different perspective. Why should you apologize? Or moreover open the door? I am getting less and less enamored with second chances. He could have ended it with you, he could have apologized, and instead he tries to pretend his actions and words did not mean anything. This is who this man is, believe him. This man is lazy at best. Be glad it is over. If he really wants to reconcile (which I doubt), he can man up. He knew what he was doing was nonsense, and he said it.
Hi.. thread carefully. i reached out to my ex.. he ghosted on and off for 6 mths.. I told him feck off 7 wks ago. your guy could ghost again. The fact that you feel like you were talking to a stranger and yu 2wonder2 whether to reach out..tels me.. don’t so it. Let it go.
He will put more effort n with explanations adn PROVE he will not do it again.. if he is really interested.
Guys get back in touch out of boredom, loneliness and ego boost… AND SOMETIMES…. because they really want you back !
I suppose if you do like him, you could respond, but do not worry about being light and fun, he had his option for that before. He had his chance.
You could say “Listen, I have thought about it and no worries. The reality is I thought we had something and the way this all went down made me feel sad and disappointed. I am open to being in contact, but the reality is that I want the real deal. Please only contact me if you are in the same place, otherwise, I wish you the best”.
Wait… YOU are going to apologize… for what?
I would just be really REALLY honest with yourself about what the relationship was before he broke it off….WAS it real and good (not just potential or like it COULD have turned into something good)….would you have done anything different in your OWN behavior (was there any neediness/chasing going on back then that suggests YOU weren’t quite ready for a relationship then)….
to ME it sounds like his initial text “what happened to us?” COULD have been the prelude to a genuine apology and new beginning (not necessarily but a POSSIBILITY)….BUT when you flew off the handle on him he was probably like “oh shit she still hates me and this is not a good place to start over from, I’ll just pretend I was drunk so that we can pretend this never happened.” Maybe he WAS drunk and a lazyass, but maybe not….I think the ONLY way to find out is to approach the situation from a completely centered and grounded place where you have RELEASED all your anger towards him and FULLY moved on….that is the ONLY place from which you can really know if opening the door again is the right thing to do…..a second chance shouldn’t be about healing old wounds or blaming or reparations….ALL that has to be taken care of first….IF you are both in a much better place than you were six weeks ago then MAYBE you will want to be open to it….again…ONLY if you have released all your anger towards him and allow him to lead with no expectations attached to what might happen….to me I think starting over again IS the apology, or at least the beginning of it….its VERY hard for guys to apologize, at least in my experience (even or especially when they feel great remorse)….I think he MAY have been working up the courage to do so and when you were SO angry it probably seemed like there was NO chance for him so he backed off….again he MAY just be a dumbass drunkenly texting you on a sunday night for no good reason other than his own stupidity….BUT I think you have to trust your gut on this one….if you TRULY feel like there was something real there that you would like to at least open the door to….DON’T assume he wasn’t ready to apologize and make things right….but I think you BOTH have to take responsibility for how things ended in the first place IF you want to have a genuine beginning….if you can ONLY blame him and feel angry toward him for how he acted, it doesn’t seem like he would be someone you would want to be with in the first place….IF you can understand why he might have ghosted (even if it was not the most mature behavior in the world) then you are on the way to understanding and forgiveness and release and starting over again….if its reparations and repentance you are looking for from him, I don’t think second chances are such a great idea….if you are open to who he is NOW and starting over with a totally clean slate with ZERO expectations of what might happen….THEN there might be a possibility….just a thought….
talllady I think you are right. He could definitely have tried harder. He could have been man enough to end it in the first place. I don’t think I should apologize for being angry with him, and if he really cares he should reach out again and put his ego aside. He wasn’t blaming his actions on being drunk because he got defensive–he definitely was drunk. I tried to have a conversation with him by picking up the phone and calling him when he texted me on Sunday. After 6 weeks he couldn’t even contact me with a phone call..he texted. Not okay.
Anna! You are such a G!
You seem more angry than over it and he seems to have a lot of power over you still.
Yep. He did wrong but it sounds like you are still processing and even before he reached out, you were already angry. Did you feel better after you told him off or are you still angry?
I definitely felt better. I spent the better part of 6 weeks being sad and hurt over it and then once I finally heard from him, that’s when I got angry. I don’t think that’s an unusual feeling for someone to feel after investing so much time and energy on a relationship. Yes, I still care. I just wish the situation were different. :/
Just to curb my second thoughts, saw a picture he posted on fbook of him and another girl, someone commented, “I don’t know how this happened, but I’m glad it did. Love you both.” cute