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- This topic has 21 replies and was last updated 6 years, 8 months ago by
I was dating a guy for months, everything went well until the issue of a commited relationship was brought up. He is a full time student so he told me he wasn’t ready for a serious relationship. Later I noticed that he doesnt text as much and I always have to initiate. The next time we meet I feel theres something off. He is not that affectionate anymore. It was after a month again that we were able to meet because he said he is busy. I was bracing myself that this is probably the last and conditioned to be happy because I also have to tell him I have STD and I got it from him. I dont want him to feel bad. He remarked how happy I was and he was so sweet like the time before we had the “commitment talk”. Our talk about the std was quite okay he said sorry and asked me what I feel about it I said I already accepted it. Its HPV he could have had it for years but just didn’t show symptoms. That night we had a great time but the next morning I found a condom in the trash theres no way it was mine bceause I havent seen him for a month. I remained cool and went back to him. He cheerfully greeted me a good morning. Casually I reminded him to get check for STD, he insists its his ex who he got it from so I mentioned maybe its from the other women after his ex and before me, he couldnt remember. I finally asked “what about after you met me?”. He said he cannot recall. I didnt react I just said goodbye I was too numb. I know I dont have the right to be angry we werent in a committed relationship. And the thought of getting the STD from the other woman hit me. I got home he texted and finally admitted that there were other women and it happened after we had the talk about a commited relationship. I told him about the condom I found. He said he doesnt want to talk about it thru text and I agreed and suggested to meet up later that day. When i was finally done with work I texted him , and received his reply that he doesnt have the time and that there is no point in talking and that we should go our separate ways since we both want different things. I lost it and sent him angry texts. I feel that he could at least tell me personally. Every time we have something serious to talk about its always done thru text (hes a texter and he was the one to mention about commitment the first time). He replied and told me that I deserve better because he is not ready for a serious relationship and he wants to see other women. That happened a week ago and I still want to be with him. He is the first guy I have ever been with.
W H A T ?!
Oh boy!
Where is your self esteem and self worth?
Looks like you have bigger problems besides an std.
Please work on yourself first and foremost.Laura
For you he won’t wrap it up but for another he will? He’s got to go…his thingy is nasty. You deserve better so go find better. Please don’t EVER feel bad for someone that risked your life…you are “lucky” it was HPV and not HIV. I’m sorry you felt y’all were committed and went to have sex without protection only to find yourself with a disease…commitment talks should include sexual history or if you don’t want to know, just both of you agree to go get tested before going without protection. I’m sorry. I’m glad it wasn’t anything worse…he’s a loser who will get sued for spreading disease one day.
Awwwww sweetie. Try your best to get over this immediately. He is so not worth your time.
Are you sure it was him that gave you HPV? That can be dormant for years, not showing up on any tests, until something with your immune system makes it become active. So, you don’t know that he gave it to you for an absolute fact unless he was your only sexual partner. Even if he did, if it makes you feel any better, one of my coworkers was diagnosed with it earlier this year and when she confided in several older women in the office…women in their fifties…they all told her they had it as well. It’s extremely common. And although condoms can reduce the risk, since it’s transmitted from skin to skin contact and not bodily fluids, it can be spread even if you take all precautions. I heard a statistic that something like 83 % of sexually active adults have it. So, it’s not the end of the world. Second of all…sadly, you’ve known all along that he didn’t want to be in a committed relationship. I know how that feels…been there, done that, with a man. Kind of thought he would have the courtesy not to sleep with other women, but, that was just wishful thinking of my part. It hurt badly when I found out I was just one of a series. And like you, our encounters were few and far between and he was always “busy” with his construction business, an excuse which I bought. Live and learn. What happened in my case is the pain and hurt I was feeling….the wondering why I wasn’t good enough….soon faded into a realization that he just isn’t a man that can commit to one woman and he can’t keep it in his pants and his life will always be filled with meaningless sexual encounters. I started to feel nothing for him, and that of course was when he wanted another chance, one I could not give him. You will soon get to that point. He’s not worth it.
Im sure its from him. He is the only guy Ive been with.
Hi Jess. Make sure you get regular gyn checkups. Don’t want to alarm you but some HPVs can cause cervical cancer and it can happen to women in their twenties. You don’t want that to happen to you. Good luck!
Thank you for all your replies. I already tested positive to the HPV causing cancer. I guess thats what upsets me more and want him back. I needed his support but he ditched me.
And you want the clown back….I would be drawing him a map to the circus.
I hope you do see that this person has no regard for anyone.
He is not presenting the resume of someone I would pick for you or any woman alive (or dead).
I guess he must have some sweet words, although the ones you shared here do not sound very sweet and endearing. His actions totally suck.
Ok, tell me again why oh why do you want clown back again? It must be his clown nose or car or something.
I’ve been dumbfounded before on this site by posts, but……
I wish I could put that in giant letters. This is crazy. He treated you like trash but you seem to allow and worse….welcome it.This makes me so mad because it’s beyond sad.
You have no healthy (literally) boundaries and it seems little to no self esteem.
RCS got it right. This guy is nothing but a clown.
Stick him on his unicycle and send him on his way without a backward glance!Please work on valuing yourself much more than this. I just don’t know what to say,
Hi Jess.
I think it’s because he’s the first one you’ve been with. I had strong attachment to my first bf. You just have to cut it off.
When I was at your position when nasty things happened and I still wanted him, I thought he was the prince in my life. It took me great courage to finally go out and date other guys and find that all the excitement he gave me was just the great feelings of dating someone. He really wasn’t that special.
Make a list of all the things you don’t like about him. Stop recalling anything good about him. Whenever you have the thought of being with him, think about the upsetting moments he brought you.
Cheers! he doesn’t deserve a minute of your precious time!
Is this a joke? Seriously….?
OMG!!!!!!! NOOOOO!!!
Run from this guy. He took your virginity and then: He put your life in danger. He lied to you.
And if that wasn’t enough, he flat out told you he can’t be faithful and doesn’t want a relationship!
So please tell me WHY do you want to be anywhere near him?
Learn how to protect and respect yourself starting right now!! Better to stop with the deed with anyone for a while – until you find a good guy who’s willing to go to the doctor before you jump in the sack because he loves you and cares about your health.
This man has given you an STD that could cause your death… he dumped you via text after admitting he’s a ho… and you want him back. Have you looked into a career as a professional doormat? I can only hope this is a joke post.
This girl’s experience, if this is real, is the reason to keep the body count down. From the NHS site on HPV:
“You will quite often hear that women who started having sex young or women who have a lot of different sex partners are more likely to get cervical cancer. But really, this is only true because the earlier you start having sex and the more men you have sex with, the more likely you are to pick up an infection with a high risk (cancer causing) human papilloma virus (HPV). And so then you are more at risk of developing cervical cancer.
It is not correct to say that women who get cervical cancer have it because they were promiscuous (slept around). After all, you could have only slept with one man and still caught the virus if he had it. If he’s had lots of partners, that will increase your risk, because it indirectly exposes you to possible sexual infections from lots of other people.”
If you are in the US, you could sue him for what he’s done.
First of all, lets focus on what is the most important. HPV is a virus like so many others, and like so many others, many still undiscovered, it can cause cancer. But it does not have to. If your immunity is healthy, if you eat properly, exercise regularly, keep positive outlook, your immune system will fight everything off. There are people who are HIV (not HPV) positive and live for 25 years completely healthy. Oh and btw, many viruses can be transmitted via kissing, regular kissing.
This research into viruses is all new, we are going to hear a lot of things, this or that virus causes this and that, but in truth, there are thousands of viruses (and many have not yet been discovered and recognized) that can cause all sorts of things, given the right conditions. So if you are worried about potentially developing cancer, I know it is easy for me to say, but I’d encourage you to read up on it, look into different points of view, not only what the mainstream medicine is shoveling down out throats. If you focus on healthy lifestyle, exercise and limit stress, your immunity will not allow pathogen cells to grow and spread. And I also suggest you do the same test somewhere else, if you go on vacation to Mexico or Cuba, Cuba has a very good medicine. or Europe. You night find different results there. There are false positives, false negatives, wrong diagnosis, what not. It is very important not to trust one source or one doctor.
Then about this guy. If he is your first one, of course you feel attached. You are also very vulnerable right now, scared, so you feel you want him back. He told you the truth, that he wants to sleep with other women, he does not want to settle down or even stay with one GF. He told you the truth, listen to it and believe him.
You will continue to miss him, it will take a while for you to recover, but you need to focus on yourself. You sounds like a very nice and genuine and decent girl. Why don’t you research this virus which can be sitting dormant for decades and literally do nothing or actually even destroy other viruses (they are now using viruses to kill more dangerous viruses, and there are thousands of those, of which we only know a handful). You will find a lot of useful information that will also help you stay healthy in the long term. Focus on you. Your needs, your health, your future. Leave this guy alone, how did you even get involved with him in the first place? When a guy says he is “busy” it usually means “busy with someone else”.
You need to pre-screen guys more carefully, players usually give out certain vibes that more experienced women can detect pretty quickly. Look back and see if there was something in him that could have tipped you off and pay attention next time.
So don’t fret over this virus, many women have it, plus dozens of others that we are not aware of. And whether something can cause cancer is not the fact that it will. Eating junk food can do that to you too. There are chemicals in chewing gum that are known to be carcinogenic and yet how many people do chew them and not get cancer. These days, given the amount of pollution we are exposed to, anything can cause cancer, especially in complication with high stress.
I hope you value yourself enough not to contact this person and not to get back with him even if he asks. Please focus on your well being and your needs.
Don’t ever have unprotected sex with a man unless you are in a committed relationship and you both have been tested.
Next time it could be something even worse if you don’t take that seriously.
Post is 3 years old just about!!
Hey Jess, it’s been 3 years since you posted this and I’m just curious to know how you are? I broke up with a girl 5 months ago who left me in the same exact situation and I’m wondering what you did to heal? I got immediate treatment, the doctor said I should be fine, but my heart is still broken. I’ve been dealing with this pain and betrayal all alone and right now life is just not what it used to be for me. I had no idea that there is someone out there who has been through this awful situation before. Any advice would be appreciated.