He Goes on "Family Outings" with his child and BabyMomma

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  • #560247 Reply

    10 months exclusive with this guy. We talk about the future and I’m very attached to his 2 year old son. In the past he has gone out with the mother of his child (product of a one night stand) to do the Easter Bunny, go to a Fair. THEN, after two years of 50/50 custody, she goes for full custody (after a parade of men) so all of that stopped. I was glad it stopped because our relationship was getting more serious and I was over the Facebook pics of the happy little family. Two nights ago, as I move my daughter into the dorm, he’s trying to call. Wants to know if it’s cool if he goes on a train ride with “her” and his son. By the time I call back he had already said yes. It was a once in a lifetime thing so I was cool with it. But the family excursions…are they starting up again? He says, “I’m not going to apologize for enjoying bonding time with my son.” I say, “Then find some other sucker to play side dish. I’m done.” He twists it like I didn’t want his son to ride the train, not the case, I just don’t want this to be regular and he’s talking like it is. So, maybe I’m petty, jealous, threatened… am I? I don’t want to be party to it. I don’t want to sit there on the couch and ask him how his date was when he gets home. I told him he’d be much more comfortable with a woman who had a babyDaddy that she went out on dates with; they’d understand each other perfectly, so, bye. (This is in conjunction with many more issues we have, this is the catalyst/final straw). So, am I just being small minded? Thank you.


    #560249 Reply

    Yes. I would say you pretty much are.

    His child is always going to come before you. And that woman you so much hate, is the child MOTHER. He is going to always have ties to her and the kid no matter what. So it probably is best you move on.

    You could have invited yourself along instead being a martyr. If you adore the kid so much and this man IS you BF, I don’t see why that should be an issue. Have you considered getting closer to this woman rather than pushing her away?

    And what’s with the comment about he ‘parade of boyfriends?’ What does that have to do with you? I can only imagine how your anger comes across in your interactions with the BF,
    Because the funny thing about jealousy is that your attitude is what’s likely to push your man right back into her arms. Whether she wants him or not. Common adversity tends to bring even strangers closer together. Gets them to pull together for a common cause.

    Anyhow, it’s sounds like you broke up with him. So problem is solved.
    I assume the other ‘issues’ you have had with him are bigger ones than this?

    #560251 Reply

    I do not know about the other issues…but he can get his son and go out with you and him.

    I do not understand why he would have to be with her? Cannot he bring his son home and do things?

    Sounds simple to me.

    #560261 Reply

    I wouldn’t be okay with this because of the circumstances regarding conception.

    I could understand the point of needing to be understanding if he and the mother were together before or married, had the kid and then split. In that situation there is a bond prior to the child and depending on the age of the child, an attempt to make the split less traumatic for the child.

    However, that’s not the situation here. This child is the product of a ONS. I think it’s great that he wants to be a good father to this child but given the circumstances, I would want him to focus on building that connection between he and the child, not creating an insta-family with this woman he hooked up with one night. I get the importance of maintaining a good relationship with the mother of the child but I don’t think you need a bunch of outings as a family when you’re not one.

    I think if he was really invested in your relationship, he would want you there too. You shouldn’t have to invite yourself, he should be inviting you. The truth of the matter is, this child is never going to have a traditional upbringing. Unless he wants to try for a relationship with this woman, he would be better off establishing a new ‘normal’ for this child.

    #560264 Reply

    I don’t think you’re getting the full story…

    #560271 Reply

    Regardless of the way the child was conceived, it has 2 parents. There are always going to be times when they see each other if they want to be good parents. The more they can work together, the more stable that child’s upbringing is going to be. If you can’t support that, it’s better you’ve split up because the child and his mother aren’t going anywhere.

    If you need to be number 1 in a man’s heart, don’t have a relationship with a guy who has kids. Unless he’s a bad father and never sees them.

    #560282 Reply
    Amy S

    I often go to things involving the kids with my ex. I think its called being a grown up and being there for your kids.

    #560309 Reply

    Totally agree with Jules.

    #560313 Reply

    Hi :)

    I would like to tell you a little bit about my story.
    I have two wonderful kids with my ex. And me and my ex are really good friends. We take our children on different adventagers togheter. Thats not bc WE want to hang out but bc of the kids. All tho we are not togheter we still can function like a “family” sometimes. Now with that said, our kids know we are not togheter.

    I have NO feelings what so ever for the ex other then his well being and the same goes for him.

    And another thing i would like to point out is, if your guy was to cheat on you with the baby mama there isnt really anything you can do about it (not saying he will). If he is a cheater it will either be with her or somebody else.

    I know this is really hard but you have to trust him and let him enjoy spending time with his son. He will love you even more for that.

    Best of luck to you :)

    #560319 Reply

    Thank you, everybody. I truly appreciate your thoughtful comments.

    I have asked to meet the child’s mother, she calls me “that thing” and refuses to meet me. I understand it has to be difficult to have a new person around your little boy, I don’t push.

    Most of you have said the child comes first and I absolutely agree. The best advice was planning more activities with me, father, and son. In the mean time most of you said to understand that sometimes there are family things and I will push my BF away with jealousy. AGREED! There are things like “Sitting on Santa’s Lap”… that should be a Mom/Dad first time event and I understand it totally. Easter Egg Hunts? I get it. Halloween? I get it. But weekday excursions “just because”…No. To quote one wise contributor, then, “there’s something I don’t know”.

    Thanks again, it’s like having 200 sisters on here! My BF has the day off and the 3 of us are going to the zoo tomorrow.


    #560320 Reply

    Is this a long distance?

    #560321 Reply

    Thanks, Evelyn, we posted at the same time. Your point of view is extremely helpful. It’s nice knowing how it feels on the inside. How do your significant others feel about it? Your situation makes more sense because you WERE a family.


    #560322 Reply

    It’s LDR yet less than 2 hours, we spend every weekend together and sometimes during the week. He’s off this week and wanted me to take time off too, etc.

    #560323 Reply

    I wouldn’t be comfortable with “just because” outings…. even if this guy was my bf. I would actually want to know from you how are his boundaries with regards to his ex? Does he let her walk all over him?

    #560325 Reply


    I find it really important to tell the guy’s ive datet that me and baby daddy are really good friends and that Im going to keep it like that so if there is a problem with that then you should speak now. I also say that there is nothing between us romantically and that further down the line they are welcome to talk to him as he would like to know them since his kids would be around him.
    But guys are a lot cooler about stuff like that. I tell them everything they would like to know.

    Me and my ex broke up bc we didnt feel the same as we did before and disaded to end it. No hard feeling, nobody cheated…

    But I know that my ex has struggeled with past dates about me and him being friends. So I have invited the girl to my place and wanted her to see our interaction so she could see for her self. But ofcourse not all girls are like that.

    #560328 Reply

    Evelyn, I view the baby mama referring to you as “that thing” as a MAJOR red flag. If this was just a one night stand as your boyfriend says and there is nothing more to it, why does she regard you with so much jealousy and resentment? In her shoes, having a child with a one night fling, I would be happy that my baby daddy had a stable girlfriend who loved my son and wanted to spend time with him. Something is wrong here. Like another poster said, there is more to this story than you are hearing.

    Your instincts are telling you something is off about this situation. This goes beyond you being jealous of your boyfriend spending time with the mother of their child for his sake. Listen to them. Watch and observe, don’t discount them as your own jealousy. I’ve done that in the past only to learn my initial impression was spot on.

    #560394 Reply

    Hi Mich.

    I think you need to be a bit less jealous and resentful and accept they will ALWAYS be connected, because of the child. Its unhealthy to be stirring up this kind of drama (which it is) because eventually the child is going to become old enough to understand what’s being said and it not a healthy dynamic to establish, as the child becomes the ‘casualty of war.’

    Trust me, by brother is going through it with his ex, and they’ve been separated for over NINE YEARS! He has absolutely NO DESIRE to ever get back with her but she’s made several attempts to get back with him, when he refuses, she makes it MISERABLE ON HIM by making all kinds of legal threats, and gets their son to ‘take sides’…its horrible.

    Your BF is really trying to ‘keep the peace’ here. I know its hard because you feel like the fourth wheel, but women can be very mean and vindictive, which it sounds like she is, and your not making it any easier either. I do agree that your BF needs to establish BOUNDARIES, and having a strong court order (which my brother is now working to minimize the ‘impact’ on their son) can help but you have to remember he’s at an age where he’s going to be doing a lot of ‘firsts’ and bonding with both his parents while engaging in these activities creates a happier and more well rounded child.

    #560402 Reply

    I tend to not agree that baby mama and daddy have to be together so much. I honestly think that the child becoming used to two households is just fine.

    I am not saying that there is anything going on, but all this excludes a significant other. If I were serious with a man I would want him to bring the child home and the three of us do our own outings. Of course, once in a while for a special occasion or such it would be fine, but a father can be a father without the mother there.

    So, I will agree to disagree.

    #560410 Reply
    Miss Missy

    I’ve been in a very similar situation. My ex had children with a lovely woman who caused no trouble whatsoever. But my ex would have many family events, outings, graduations, Christmas’s whatever. I was never invited. I felt like the ‘ other woman’ it hurt like hell. I was sick of feeling on the outside of a family that didn’t include me in anything. I left, it was the best decision I ever made. I’d never get involved with a man with children again. It’s my personal decision not too, no judgment on those that do, it’s a difficult road that’s all. Good luck working out what works for you.

    #560435 Reply

    So how do you know she refers to you as The Thing?

    #560441 Reply

    I asked about the LDR because you posted on someone else’s thread about how he is also secretive with his phone? This story isn’t getting any better.

    #561366 Reply


    Hanna, I know she calls me “That Thing” because I saw it on Facebook messenger printouts for court regarding the time she refused to let the son come over because I was there.

    Lily, your mind is a steel trap. Yes, he never, EVER leaves his phone for a second. If he did, I would land on that sucker like a sumo wrestler and do forensics on it, believe me. He is shady about texting, tilts the phone away from me, goes to the bathroom, once I walked in the bedroom and he sat on it. I think can hear you ALL calling me a moron through your screens.

    But I finally hit rock bottom. I took all of your collective advice and had a very nice discussion about boundaries. He wants me there a week on, a week off (to babysit, I now realize), so we are talking a major life change. I told him it would be much more comfortable and I think reasonable if he, the mom, and his son, shared major important events like “Sitting on Santa’s lap,” “halloween”, etc…

    Wait for it, wait for it….

    He says, “What about going to McDonald’s play land or something?”

    I was aghast. So I say to this self-absorbed crazy egomaniac, “Do you mean you guys just meet at Playland on a Tuesday for whatever?”

    He says, “I don’t see the difference.”

    I had to ask him to explain that to me in several different ways because it was so insane. He said he would ask his friends their opinions, apparently my feelings were not convincing/important. While he talked, I quietly shoved my belongings into grocery bags and grabbed my jewelry. I didn’t want anymore discussions, excuses, B.S.

    I’m out, Girl Scouts.

    (you should hear him call and say I’m trying to deprive him and son bonding time. LOL. Oh, and then he loves me. LOLOL)


    #561367 Reply

    Case closed. Another success.. :-)

    #561368 Reply
    Miss Missy

    Woo hoooo! Proud of you! You won’t regret it! Keep on moving and don’t look back yay!!

    #561380 Reply

    I didn’t add my two sense on this before, but I felt all along this was way too messed up.

    Good on you for walking away. He and his “ex” are both pieces of work.

    He’s a complete douche

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