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The guy I’m dating got angry with me and hasn’t answered my texts in almost 2 days.
He was already having a stressful day (which I didn’t know) when my dog became ill. I canceled our date to take my dog to the vet. He understood about my dog, but then made comments about my dog being unhealthy and that I should enjoy every minute I have with him since he’s unhealthy and might not last too long. These texts surprised and angered me since he loves my dog! I asked him not to say that to me since I was already upset and worried.
I asked him to go with me to the vet so I wouldn’t be alone going through all of this. He never responded to my text! I was shocked and angry. While sitting alone at the vet I sent a text saying how much I could use a friend. Still no response.
After hours at the vet, it turned out my dog is going to be ok. I was so relieved I burst into tears. I was driving my dog home at 2:30 am when I saw his van parked a few blocks from my place. He was asleep in it. In anger, I pulled over and knocked on the door. I told him how disappointed and hurt I was that he didn’t even have the decency to answer my texts when he knew how upset I was over my dog. He explained that he never saw the message because he drank too much and passed out in his van. He tried to hug and kiss me, but still hurt and angry, I pulled away.
After I went home, he sent me a text saying that I shouldn’t knock on anyone’s door at that time of night and that I woke him up and now he can’t go back to sleep. By now, I’d calmed down and realized I shouldn’t have pulled over and yelled at him in the middle of the night. So I apologized. I acknowledged that we both made mistakes and said let’s just put it behind us and move on.
He continued to text me about how difficult and stressful his life had been in the last several years (he has been through a lot). I again apologized. I thought that was the end of it until I got a text at 4 am complaining once more that knocking on his van door in the middle of the night was a “nightmare” and doing so at 3 am was “absolutely insane.” I once again told him he was right, apologized, and assured him it would never happen again.
I didn’t hear from him again. The next morning I texted him “Good morning. I really hope we’re ok and can start fresh today.” No response. I checked in with him when I got to work and asked if we could meet up when I got out of work to talk. Nothing. When I got off of work, I let him know I was going home and was hoping we could talk. Still nothing.
Finally, I sent one last text apologizing and said, “I’m going to give you some space to process all of this, and hopefully forgive me. When you’re ready to talk, I’ll be here.”
It’s been almost 2 days and I haven’t heard from him at all. We’re still friends on social media and he hasn’t blocked me.
I’m feel like he’s overacting when we were both wrong. Yes, I overreacted too, but I owned up to it. He hasn’t owned up to anything and now is giving me the silent treatment. Just seems really immature to me. Like he’s pouting.
How long do I let him “cool off” before checking in with him again? Or do I never text him and if he doesn’t get in touch with me, just assume it’s over? I am so regretting my bad decision during a very stressful time.
Why is he sleeping in his van? Doesnt he have a place? Doesnt that make you uncomfortable? How old are you guys? He didnt want to go with you to the vet for your sick dog and forget showing concern, he got drunk and passed out? Shows his level of concern. You had a right to be upset but fighting on the street in the midl of the nite is not smart.
I dont know abt u but i wldnt be dating homeless men who just dont care ! Whats in it for you? We all hv temporary setbacks but he just went silent whn he cld hv been there for you physically or atlst emotionally at a time when you needed some support. Infct he turnd this round and blamed it all on you.
Why shld you keep messaging him? Pls hv some respect for self and let him be. You hv apologised enuf.
I shouldn’t have called it a van. It’s actually an RV. It has a shower, bed, kitchen, stove, etc.
Hi B,
you need to learn to control your emotions and not lash out. I would look into emotion regulation. Take a break when someone isn’t reaching back out. Wait for them to respond when they are ready.Tammy
Why shld u grovel and beg a man to talk to you? He wasnt bothered when u needed him. And then you shouted and fought with him in the midl of the night. You cant force someone into being concerned for you. You said sorry many times and admittd your mistake that you shld not hv handled things the way you did. Hes not ready to meet you halfway. You cant do much. U hv already reached out so many times. Pls stop reaching out and give him space and time to process what happened and revert.
In the meanwhile i think you shld do some introspection about yr behaviour. Why clcnt you control urself and wait for the morning to tell him how bad you felt abt his behaviour? And now aftr fighting with him in the midle of the night on the street why can’t you give him space and time instead of constantly msging him? You may hv been able to put aside your behaviour and move on. But many cant put aside things and just get normal instantly. Probably the fight in the midle of the night was an extremely unpleasant one i think.
different perspective here, but it is your dog, why do you need a man you date to go to a vet with you? I had cancer screening before and I went by myself , I injured my head and I drove myself to the hospital even though I was in a relationship at that time.
I am sorry to say but if I was dating a guy who would knock on my door in the middle of the night and shout at me I would not be talking to him again. So I am not surprised he is not talking to you.
I know some people will say he wasn’t there when you needed him, but again this is all about you, you didn’t even ask if he is free or has other plans/worries etc -