Home › Forums › Dating and Sex Advice › He hasn’t contacted me after we had sex for the first time
- This topic has 19 replies and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
Maddie OG.
Looking for advice and support. I’ve been dating a man for three months. Everything has been wonderful in the sense that we were both very open in the beginning about wanting a serious relationship that leads to marriage. Since we both are divorced and are single parents, we discussed our hopes, dreams, goals, and expectations right up front. We had mostly daily communication every day since the first date and had lots of lovely dates over the past three months. I genuinely feel like we have both been really good to each other in terms of being open and honest about expectations as well as sharing in the planning of dates (although he has planned slightly more dates saying that is what a gentleman does). I planned a nice date for his birthday and recently, he began making plans for the two of us to go away for a weekend next month, which is a big deal when you each have kids. I began feeling really hopeful after these three months that this was becoming a true relationship. We both talked and expressed not wanting to see or date anyone else. I was feeling quite happy! So…here is where it has turned. Three nights ago, we unexpectedly became intimate and had sex for the first time. Originally, I planned to wait longer, perhaps until we went away for that weekend next month. But, things happened and I just went with the flow, especially because we had already been so open and honest with one another about wanting a committed relationship that would lead to marriage. Well, the sex, in my opinion, was terrible. He seemed clueless and didn’t really know what to do. I was so shocked because he has been married before so clearly he should know more than he seemed to. I mean, I felt like I was trying to be intimate with a middle schooler. The next morning, he sent me a brief text thanking him for last night. I responded back and then he sent me a smile emoji. Then…that’s it. The following day was Mother’s Day and I thought he would text me or call me to wish me a happy day. After all, we’ve both discussed the ups and downs about being single parents and the importance of having a partner that acknowledges holidays. Keep in mind, I helped him celebrate his birthday. But nope. Silence. Nothing. Not even a simple text, after three months of non stop texts prior to the sex. Now it’s been another day and still nothing from him. I definitely think the bad sex, bad from my perspective anyway, is not a great scenario. But honestly, after matching up in so many other areas of life and things going so well up to that point, I figured, I best not worry about or judge someone on a first time sexual experience gone bad. My issue now, of course, is not hearing from him for 3 days post sex. I feel hurt. He knows we are both more traditional and definitely knows that it would be cool to not suddenly have no communication after the first time being intimate. I thought the sex was bad, but had no intention of blowing him off because of that. I feel like I should not reach out to him, but it really upsets me to have silence for the past three days. I would have felt better if he even texted to say he no longer wants to pursue the relationship because he feels we are not sexually compatible. But instead, I’ve been left in silence and I really don’t think I deserve that. What do you all think? I don’t plan to text him or reach out, based on our agreed upon traditional values where the man should be the one to do that. I guess I’m just feeling sad and hurt and looking for support. Should I just accept that now that we had sex, he’s just not that into me anymore?
How old are you? Why are you so willing to accept terrible sex???? Over time that gets to be a dealbreaker, trust me.
Either he knows it was bad and has run with his tail between his legs, or he’s realized he’s not ready for this, doesn’t want this or something. No contact for 3 days after is pretty cowardly and unacceptable. You’ve dodged a bullet. I know this is hard to hear because you really like him but unless he can prove he was in a hospital in a coma the past 3 days you have to consider this over.
I know the temptation is strong to contact him, but actually your silence will get to him more. Guys expect women to come after them asking what’s wrong. He showed you how weak he is and as such is no longer worthy of your time. If you need to get your feelings out, write it out and then tear it up and throw it away. I write it on paper rather than on the computer – more satisfying. Block him and move on. And if he somehow manages to contact you, don’t respond.
Be grateful you found out at 3 months and didn’t waste any more time on him. It’s very common for budding relationships to fizzle at the 3-4 month mark. I’m so sorry, this is hurtful. But take the high road and let this fade to black.
Wow. This story sounds EXACTLY like an experience I had with a man recently. Pretty much identical!!! What state are you located in? I’m in WA. Maybe it’s the same guy???!!! 😩
How old am I? Well, definitely too old to not be treated with the kindness and respect I deserve, lol. By the way, I’m in my 40’s. It’s not that I really accept bad sex. It’s more that I was willing to accept it as a bad first time encounter, not that I would want it or allow it to go on and on. Sometimes the first time could be a miss, especially if both people were in long term marriages before, which we both were. I don’t feel like I am inhibited sexually, but I do think that many men, if they were married for 15 years, can easily just do what the ex wife liked and not really remember to respond to how the new woman right there in front of them is acting and giving cues and signals about what’s working and what isn’t. Regardless, my feelings have changed based on his emotional withdrawal in the days to follow. I did finally hear from him this morning, which was 4 days post first time sex. He sent one or two word texts. I responded likewise. I’m really disappointed, but I’m over it as far as he is concerned. I want to get remarried in the next few years and my kids want that for me too. My kids obviously don’t know about the sex part, but they do know he didn’t text me a single word on Mother’s Day. That was enough for them to say he’s not the one, especially because they knew I had treated him for his birthday early on in the “relationship”. I’m still disappointed of course. I really thought he could be my person since we matched up in so, so many ways. But who calls himself a traditional gentleman and then doesn’t speak to the woman who just became intimate with him for 4 days, leaving her to then doubt herself and doubt all that he told her. Bad sex one time doesn’t give someone permission to have bad communication behavior for several days. I have feelings too. So, I’m moving on. Lesson learned. I hope my true person is around the corner somewhere. Thanks for all your support!
OMG, you really made me laugh out loud. I’m on the West Coast too so maybe it is the same guy, haha. Ugh! Lol! 🤣
Spokane, WA by any chance? Is he 52ish with two children? 😂😂😂😂
Are you the new regular Maddie responding here? Because if you are you give spot on and perfect advice and i assume you treat yourself with what you preach.
I dont think this man knows it was bad so i dont think he is hiding because of that.
Honestly im always surpirised how many ladies here talk about great sex. My experience is pretty much the opposite. Most were horrible and very little attentive. No good love making. So there must be other women encountering these men.
He acts like a coward and is rude. I would just tell him that. This is not a few dates. This is a few months investing and if he wants out he can simply say so. I would ask why he wasnt in touch. Plus you need to know about the trip.Newbie
Im not so sure about mothersday though. You are not his mother. My bf does wish me happy mothersday (i dont even have kids lol) and i think its a bit weird. But that side note doesnt excuse his behaviour
Thanks for your response! It’s so helpful to get other perspectives. Yes, I am new here so I think that makes me the new Maddie. I just started posting and commenting on other poster’s threads the last day or so. I’m so happy I found this amazing and supportive forum! So being new, and a little technically challenged, I accidentally posted my story twice. Once hear and the other in the Community Lounge. That one has gotten more comments and I also commented more there too. Please check it out if you have a chance since the main conversation has happened there and I gave more updates and details. Would love any further thoughts you have!
And as far as Mother’s Day, the reason it mattered and was not nice of him to not send a quick simple text, was because of the lengthy conversations we had about it and about other holidays. I feel quite certain that had the bad sex not happened, he would have texted me first thing in the morning like he always has for the past three months. The change is definitely due to the sex and made worse that he couldn’t bring himself to reach out on a holiday, which he could have easily done with no reference to the sex at all. I hope that makes sense. But yeah, had we not already established how holidays like that would be handled in our relationship, I would totally agree with you. And I followed through on those conversations myself by treating him for his birthday. All I wanted was a quick “Happy Mother’s Day. Have a great day with your kids. You deserve it.” If that’s too much for him, well, that actually matters to me because I’m looking for someone who can do that.
Liz Lemon
Maddie, there is another Maddie who’s been posting here for awhile (at least a month I think?)– I think Newbie thought you were that Maddie? She gives great advice. But you seem really insightful too, so I bet you give great advice also :-) Welcome!
Newbie! I missed you! :-) Just a quick comment, in the USA it’s common to wish any mother you know a happy mother’s day. I got happy mother’s day texts from female friends (both with and without children), family, and my bf cooked me a nice breakfast even though he’s not my kid LOL. So it’s a cultural thing. I would definitely expect my bf to wish me a happy mother’s day, I think most women with children in the USA would.
T from NY
I am on the fence about this. Although I agree it is not cool to not have reached out, and I agree it’s even worse he didn’t reach out post sex and on a holiday – we don’t know what’s going on with him regarding how he feels about y’all’s intimate interaction, if that is indeed something he may struggle with in relations with women (maybe even his marriage), and just possibly he had low self esteem around it and feels shiste he wasn’t able to ‘service you’, ‘please you’ better.
I am making zero excuses for men. Of course the good ones know they should reach out after sex, and that it’s usually a bad omen if they don’t, BUT if everything else has been plugging along swimmingly AND you had evaluated this guys character as someone you could see yourself exploring a relationship with – why would you just dig in your heels and be willing to just toss away months of interactions and not make (just) ONE attempt to address the elephant that’s suddenly appeared in the room?
Most healthy men lead. But men are not robots and do ‘feel some kind of way’ when they feel they weren’t masculine enough, didn’t perform well, etc. And SURE this could be – he thought it was awful too, he’s pretty sure he’s done with you and now being a coward and distant and he’s going to fade away. But in my opinion, once a pattern of respectful interactions have taken place, there is no need for women to have too much pride in dating.
I say – if you would be willing to have sex with him again, to see if y’all could be more comfortable and it could be better second time around, or have sexy talk during to see if you can guide him etc. Text him saying – “We haven’t interacted much since we last met up – I hope you’re having a good week! I’m interested in seeing and being with you again :) Open to your thoughts. (Or something close to that. Not too heavy, but to the point) What does it matter if this is about to end if he doesn’t feel the same? There is no true rejection, only repelling what’s not meant for you. Of course women should maintain their dignity and not throw themselves at a man or chase them. That’s not what this is. Y’all are established and this is the first time he’s acted weird. Women should be confident in stating their desires when a man has provided emotional safety for a time period. You truly have nothing to lose. If he doesn’t pick up the ball and run with it after you express your desires – always walk away from a tepid man.
T from NY
Also agree about the Mother’s Day wishes being a nonissue at this point. And best not to keep score (re you celebrating his birthday) You’re still getting to know him. He may be attentive such things, he may not, even if you’ve talked about it. It’s information, that’s all. That you get to use to keep determining your attraction/y’all’s compatibility going forward.
Lol Yes, its probably cultural. You know im european and my man is american so getting wished good mothersday the first time by him i found a bit creepy and made me think im really old.
Yeah its the other Maddie because i meant someone longer on here. She is quite impressive. I like a lot of her post.
And Yes im cutting down on the time spend here.
Then to Maddie: i did read the other threat. Its more informative about the sex being bad for him as well. While here i assumed you had bad sex.
Im not that impressed still. I get he can be anxious but besides some things you already listed i find his drinking a yellow flag. If you get too drunk on a date that is not a good sign.
I wouldnt know what i would do. I would try to resist any urges to revive this man as i see tendencies of you doing that already. I think you should really think about his qualities and then see how to act when he comes back. Which he will do. But i wouldnt mind ask why he did (go quiet) when you both talked about that not doing to each other.
Or just write him off. There are a lot bad sex performers. So you have plenty to chose from. I get a bad 50 lonely haircomb vibe when you talk about himMaddie
@newbie, no, OP is a different, newer Maddie :) I’d thought about replying too but didn’t want to make it too confusing ha ha.
You can cut him a break and try talking with him as others suggest, but yes in the US people wish any woman a Happy Mother’s Day and as you two were 3 months in it feels a bit weird he did not. All his behavior put together doesn’t bode well this is a good guy who is really into you. But… you never know. Maybe he had a major freak-out and will come clean about it if you give him a chance. Just don’t expect much if you try it. 4 days after first sex and then texts of a few words screams MEH to me. I don’t do MEH. Life’s too short. If your goal is to remarry within the next couple of years, I don’t get the sense this is your guy.
I’m from the US too but I’ve never heard of someone wishing ANY woman a Happy Mother’s Day. The only people I’d wish a Happy Mother’s Day to are my SO and my own mother, as well as women in my family. Three months into a relationship though? I wouldn’t count that against him. There are some other bad signs here, but don’t just make stuff up to hold against him.
Liz Lemon
I was flying once on Mother’s Day and the pilot wished all the mothers on board a Happy Mother’s Day, lol. And my friend who is not even a mother got a free carnation at the grocery store this past Sunday, because the store was giving out flowers to moms and assumed she was one (which I actually think is not a cool thing to do, what if someone were struggling with infertility, or chose not to be a mom for personal reasons). My point is the happy-mothers-day thing is pretty much an epidemic. And yes, you wish your wife/girlfriend, mom, sisters, friends, etc a happy day.
Liz Lemon
I agree there are plenty of bad signs about this guy and the OP has reason to stop seeing him and move on. But if I had been dating a guy 3 months who was, up until that point, extremely attentive and communicative- almost daily communication, discussing dreams and hopes etc (as the OP is saying)- I would be hurt if he ignored me on Mother’s Day and didn’t at least text me. I wouldn’t dump an otherwise good guy over it, but it’s insensitive, I think.
The real issue is that a man who wants to be your boyfriend would never leave this much time after first time sex. In my experience, any man who waits more than 36 hours after first time sex will most likely not ever be something serious.
His behavior should turn you off and seriously consider his fitness for a relationship, which is about him, not you.
However, I am not sure why you waited so long for sex. This becomes confusing because 3 months is when men decide if they want all in or not.
Maddie OG
“His behavior should turn you off and seriously consider his fitness for a relationship, which is about him, not you.”
Bingo, I think Tallspicy nailed it. Think of it this way, Maddie OP. Things have been going well, it’s new, you feel connected, you’re getting to know each other — so the *honeymoon period* has been going well. Which means you hadn’t really encountered adversity yet. What he’s showing you now is how he deals (or doesn’t deal) with issues. It doesn’t even matter if he’s still into you or not. Let’s say he is embarrassed and needs time… do you want a relationship where someone needs to turn away from you for several days first if there’s a problem? If you were in your 20s, okay, maybe his pride is hurt and he’s not the most mature and he doesn’t yet know how to address a bad first sexual encounter. It can be a sensitive topic. But in his 40s? He should know as well as you do that first encounters don’t always go perfectly. At that age, if you want to deal with it, you talk about it. If he can’t, or if he prioritizes sex so much in the relationship that he doubts everything after one try and immediately starts fading out, then you don’t want to be stuck with his hangups anyway. Better to find this out before you’re in a full-blown relationship. I also think deciding how you feel about how he responds to stress and problems is a much better gauge of all this than whether or not he wished you a Happy Mother’s Day (though both signal a potential lack of communication skills and consideration).
If this doesn’t work out and he does fade instead of taking initiative to reconnect and repair, then I’m sorry because it is disappointing when something promising unexpectedly veers off-course. But you also sound like you’re doing things right and so I’m sure you’ll be able to find another match who is more ready for a serious relationship AND better in bed.