He Hasn't Opened My WA Message In Two Days But Is Active On FB. What Should I Do

Home Forums Dating and Sex Advice He Hasn't Opened My WA Message In Two Days But Is Active On FB. What Should I Do

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  • #932870 Reply

    We was messaging fine this week even when he was working & had some night shifts he made time to message me. I even saw him the weekend before this week. Then I noticed he hasn’t even opened my last message I sent him on WA which was two days ago which I thought was rather strange as usually he opens my messages. I had a look and it says his active on FB so was like hmm this is very odd indeed. I feel I am being avoided for some reason and not sure what to do. Should I wait a few days give him some space incase his got something going on to send him a follow up message? Also how long should you wait to block someone and move on? Is it around two weeks that you know you are definitely being ghosted?

    #932871 Reply

    How do you know this guy & how long have you two been dating?

    #932872 Reply

    Known him around 6 months, we met through a work event.
    Just find it really odd as he usually always opens our WhatsApp conversations but to see that his active on Facebook & not open the last thing I sent in our WhatsApp chat which was two days ago is super odd to me. I see him the weekend before this weekend and even the next day we was chatting what we could do when we next see each other. I don’t know weather to leave it a few days then reach out like hey how’s you this meme reminded me of you something casual or something as something could of come up. Or if it goes on for say two weeks then I know I’m definitely being ghosted and just move on & delete him off everything?

    #932876 Reply

    So you’re not dating regularly… Maybe he found someone he wants to spend more time with?

    #932877 Reply

    Hmmm I don’t think he has a girlfriend Raven as I see nothing online that suggests that he has one or is talking to another girl, also he texts me every day and we was just together last weekend and talking the other about what we’d do when we meet up again, but for some reason he hasn’t opened my last WhatsApp which I sent two days ago which I just find really odd. It’s like his not going on WhatsApp for some reason but his going on his Facebook. What should I do???

    #932882 Reply

    Well, I didn’t say he had a GF, just maybe someone he’d rather spend his time with…

    It happens. Do something fun for you… Can you erase the message you sent so you’re not checking it? I don’t know anything about how WA works..

    #932883 Reply

    Well if you know quite a lot about him and the behaviour is odd then why do you not feel comfortable in asking him what’s up?

    It’s been 2 days that’s enough time you will not seem pushy if you ask now.

    Also what was the last thing you said? Did it require a response? Was it something too deep?

    #932885 Reply

    Yes that could well be a possibility that he met someone at the weekend we are not official after all. But so are many other possibilities like like hanging out with friends over the weekend, falling sick, just not into me, not logging into WhatsApp as avoiding people, tired from night shifts.

    WA is short for WhatsApp by the way.

    #932886 Reply

    It’s not that I don’t feel comfortable asking if his alright. I just don’t wanna come across too full on, annoying in someone’s pocket all the time you know and plus he hasn’t even opened my last message let alone read it. And we was just talking about some annoying friends we was joking around about them and he was on a work shift and I was asking how it’s going etc so it didn’t seem like too deep or anything but he hasn’t even opened my last reply on WhatsApp to even read it so very odd indeed. I know it’s the weekend so something could of come up.

    #932890 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    If after 6 months, you don’t know where you stand with this guy– you aren’t exclusive– you don’t see him at least 1-2 times a week– then he does not see you as relationship material. Sorry to say that. A man who wants to make you a girlfriend will escalate his behavior (seeing you more, calling you more), and will want to lock you in and be exclusive with you within 3- 4 months in most cases.

    It sounds like you and this guy are very casual. Like Raven said, maybe he’s found someone else to spend time with or talk to.

    What is it that you want from this guy? To be his girlfriend? I don’t think that will happen unfortunately, not at this point.

    As for what to do– just move on with your life, talk to and date other guys, spend time with family and friends. Don’t worry about this guy. A guy who was into you wouldn’t ignore you for days.

    #932899 Reply

    We’ve only been out date wise 5 times so too early to chat about being official to be honest but as Iv explained Iv known him for a while through a work event it started off as friends and then we both expressed that we fancied each other and went from there. Everyone keeps saying he could of met someone else and just move on haha and that is fair enough he could have as we’re not official or anything but I see no indication online that this has happened yet plus we was just together over the weekend and then on Friday we was texting fine and now it’s Monday and still he hasn’t opened my WhatsApp message I feel like something is definitely is going on and it could be a number of things not just meeting another girl it could be health issue, work whatever. Maybe I should give it a few days and just be like hey how’s everything going?

    #932900 Reply

    His not been active on WhatsApp at all which is super odd but is active on Facebook like his not using it for some reason when usually he does. Seems his not going on the app :-/
    Maybe I should wait a few days see how his doing as Iv not sent anything just the last convo we had on Friday but the last reply he hasn’t opened and if no reply from that message asking how he is then that would be clear to me his deffo no longer interesting.

    #932901 Reply

    he’s not been active on whatsapp at all? how do you know ? does he have last seen? if not then you can’t say for certain that he hasn’t been active. another thing is why do you check if he was online on social media , that’s not healthy at all!
    if he was online on fb , then he also got your message on whatsapp, he chose to not open it, simple as that. I repeat he CHOSE. It happened to me before I don’t know how people do it but my message was showing as delivered not seen so they either delete the notification without reading it or I have no idea.
    I would not message him again I think you should get what he is trying to tell you.

    #932902 Reply

    When someone is online on Facebook it turns green.
    I haven’t seen him come on WhatsApp when Iv had a look anyways, he could be avoiding me on there or could be avoiding a lot of people on there who knows.
    I think it’s completely normal to check if someone is active on other social media platforms if someone hasn’t opened your last WhatsApp message that you sent them in a few days.

    I do feel though that I should reach out just be like how’s you been or something cause I feel it’s the polite thing to do if something has come up for someone like family emergency or whatever. And also you also have a clear indication that a bloke is ghosting you too. It also says online there’s like a 5 day rule you can reach out if you don’t hear anything just general ask if someone is ok. I remember i didn’t text him in a 2 days or something before as I fell seriously sick and my mind was everywhere and he reached out to me asking if I was ok.

    #932945 Reply

    I don’t know if ios works the same as android for whatsapp but I am a regular user and I’m very familiar with it.

    When your message is sent and delivered the two ticks is grey, when the person reads the message, as in they enter the chat conversation completely it turns blue. So two blue ticks means sent, delivered and read. If it stays grey even if the person has replied then the read receipt is off.

    I’m sure you know all this and I’m sure you know that most people read the messages from the notification bar. It won’t change colour and it won’t refresh the last seen.
    So your guy has read it for sure he’s just not bothered.

    You can post a cute selfie on facebook, that will always get him to reach out, but that would tell you how he is interested for all the wrong reasons, you can send him one last message on facebook this time since he is over there, and if he ignores that one too then you’ll know without a doubt you need to drop him.

    But honestly he’s not showing behaviours of a man that wants to take things further or he’s dating other girls and putting you on hold or something. Talking from experience.

    #932955 Reply

    I did reply back on here but for some reason it just didn’t post ( so if the same reply gets posted on here I apologise folks )

    Yeah I know how WhatsApp works. When we was texting on WhatsApp on Friday the conversation ticks were all blue which means he was reading them & replying. The last text I sent him when we was having a conversation unfortunately is still grey which tells me he hasn’t red or opened the message. Which to me is totally weird. It could be a number a reasons why he is avoiding coming on WhatsApp as every time Iv been on there to see if his online or chat with my girl friends he hasn’t been online it could well be he doesn’t wanna talk to me anymore and met someone who knows. I know he has varies chats on there one he said is a neighbour chat. I also know he did two night shifts and one day shift back to back and my auntie told me ages ago that used to really mess her up so perhaps he needs time to recoup or something. I never sent anything over the weekend as something could of come up for him and I don’t wanna look clingy and annoying. But now that it’s the week it is starting to be a little bit odd why he still hasn’t opened my message but shows up as green now and again on Facebook which means his active on there but I haven’t seen him post anything on there. I asked a male about this and they said sometimes we just stroll through rubbish on Facebook and our brains need to focus properly before we can properly talk to people he could be just having a downtime moment.

    #932957 Reply
    ANM Staff

    Hi Unicorn – sorry that your original message was held-back. The word “shift” was misspelled in a particular way that made the forum software hold it back. ;) Carry on!

    #932963 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    You’ve been out 5 times in 6 months….you haven’t heard from the guy for days….not being snarky, but what do you want from this guy? It’s pretty obvious that he sees you very casually. I see a lot of hand-wringing and supposition about the Facebook versus WhatsApp thing, but the bottom line is, if the guy wanted to talk to you, he would. Even if he were tired, or feeling under the weather…it takes almost no effort to send a text or message. So it’s just not important to him to communicate with you. Step back and focus on other things– you’re giving this guy way more energy and thought than he’s giving you.

    #932977 Reply

    Liz if you read we started off just chatting as friends till we decided to say to each other we both fancied each other and wanted to go out more. Plus we’ve both had busy lives so can’t see each other as much as we would of both liked.

    So I decided to reach out to him today as Iv waited 4 days and heard nothing I sent him a funny meme saying remember this lol & asked how his been after those work shifts as something could of come up for him to be so silent or it’s possible he just not that interesting anymore.

    How many days should I give a guy to reply before I delete him? I don’t feel comfortable having him on my social media if he is going to ghost me & no longer interested so should I say give it a week or something?

    #932982 Reply

    girl, you don’t wait, you live your life . I think deep down you know he won’t respond , this is why you are asking how long you need to wait.
    Who knows he might respond but I am pretty sure he won’t engage in a full on conversation.
    To answer your question I would wait max 12h , no one is that busy , as someone else said he can see the notification and he chose to ignore it.
    what is worth mentioning here, because I know from my own experience that whenever I deleted someone’s number on WhatsApp , my photo disappears so this is when they decided to reach out but I wasn’t interested, so it might be that when you do delete him he will then reach out..

    #932984 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I see a lot of women on this forum use the “busy lives” excuse. No one is too busy to text someone they’re interested in, if they want to pursue a relationship with the person. When I met my bf he was working 50+ hours a week, getting up at 5 am every day, co-parenting his young child, and caring for a sick parent who needed surgery…and he still texted/called me daily and took me out 1-2 times a week. A man is never too busy to make time for a woman if he wants her.

    I’m not trying to be rude, I just feel like you’re in denial a bit. The fact that you’re laser focused on this and obsessing over his texting habits shows that there is a massive imbalance of interest here. If he were into you in a serious way, you would know it– he would not leave you hanging and wondering.

    I’m sorry to be harsh, I’m just trying to wake you up a bit. I think you should stop worrying about this guy and move on, talk to other guys, date others. This guy has made it clear he’s not interested in growing anything deep with you. If he were, he’d act on it. If nothing else, a man who wants a woman romantically does not want another man swooping in and snatching her up– so he makes sure to be attentive to her, respond to messages, take her out etc. He definitely doesn’t ignore her.

    #932985 Reply

    Tough love time:
    A. You are overinvested
    B. Please look up insecure attachment
    C. Under no circumstances text him again
    D. Your new motto: a man tells me with his actions if he is interested. If he shows me he is not interested by his actions, I do not need to hear him say the words “I am not interested” because he has told me. I do not need any clarity or closure because he has been clean and closed the relationship.
    E. This man had told you he is not interested. Please read point D.

    #932988 Reply

    So he text me back and he apologised he said I’m really sorry Iv not text you I wasn’t avoiding you. Iv been so tired from doing night shifts and I’m booked on some again. My brains been a bit all over the place. I said yeah I guess night shifts can kinda mess with you a bit and we briefly texted about work. Now I don’t know weather to give this guy the benefit of the doubt here or what. I definitely feel I done my part waited 4 days and did the right thing by asking how his been as that’s what a polite person does. However I think maybe now I should back away here and if his that interested in me then he would take the time to text me and arrange to see me?

    #932992 Reply

    Hi Unicorn,

    The advise that everyone was trying to give you is that you should already be backing off. This guy is not interested. How you were feeling when you weren’t hearing from him.. confused and questioning his interest.. a guy who is into you would never want to make you feel that way. He’s not too busy.. he’s doing a slow fade.. delete him if you need to. But def move on and stop the obsession.

    #932996 Reply

    @Unicorn, that he did not try & schedule time with you when he finally text you back is very telling…

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