Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › He hasn't texted for an entire week?
- This topic has 88 replies and was last updated 5 years, 1 month ago by
Hi guys….in d same boat..just got back together with my boyfriend…Had broken up 10 years ago because I had just gotten saved at that time as a born again christian and felt like I just wanted to focus on my relationship with God. So I dumped him. But soon after dumping him an ex boyfriend of mine back then came back to the picture and I took him back….to my boyfriend it was like I left him for this other guy….so after 10 years, we reunited 2 months ago….i am so deeply in love with him,…but I feel like he is not really into me….wud call once in a week or in 2 weeks, doest respond when I tell him I love him….i know men don’t forgive easily, a part of me wants to be patient with him, another part of me feels like I’m wasting my time, that he might never love me again….im really confused.
You’re wasting your time :(
I have the same thing happening to me he hadnttext me in a week so I text him and he ignored me then a week later I text him again and he ingnored me again and now from reading all these comments I feel like an idiot, should i apologize to him I mean I thought we were doing great he made me feel good about myself and we used to text everyday so idk what went wrong.
Okay so, we’ve been texting for over 2 weeks, then Thursday around Lunch was the last I’ve spoken to him. So, the next day, still nothing; So I reached out first and told him Goodafternoon, still no reply. I have no Idea what happened. Things were going good.
Jeff Stein
In general an unanswered text coupled with a lack of communication is never the greatest sign. But, there could be a reasonable explanation…phone broke, etc. At this point unfortunately you’re just going to have to see if he texts you again. I would not reach out. Try to keep busy doing fun things to take your mind off of it…Christmas shopping, baking, visiting with friends, etc etc. If you have the mindset that your life is over if you never hear from this guy again that will just make it worse and make this even more painful.
He may have ghosted. If that is the case, realize that only he knows the reason why and usually it has nothing to do with the person being ghosted. An ex came back…he was talking to someone else and became exclusive with that person..,etc.
He hasnt texted back in Two weeks. This is my ex. He told me he still had strong feelings for me, that hell do anything to gain my trust back and basically disappeared. I believe im completely done this time.
Hi I need advice badly.. I started talking to this guy in November of 2016 we talking though Snapchat/texting we talked everyday before meeting up and when we finally did meet up was at night like after 9pm because he said he get busy and only free during the week after 9pm so I was ok with that so we meet up and we had a good time we both seemed to enjoy being there together..so when I left he said he would txt me while he got out of work and never did until the next day I txt me and he replied for a bit then stop replying.. now he don’t txt me like he use to I’m lucky I hear from him once a week and if I do it’s because I txt him first..and I mean if I txt him first he does reply not quickly but he does and we have seen each other again but it’s was a month later the second time I saw him and after that I barely saw him again last week after 2 months :(( what does this mean.. I try to be understanding he always just telling me he busy he sorry and thanks me for being so understanding an nice about it but I want to see him often but can’t get his attention know matter what I do or post for him to see he always looking at what I post but never said anything now it’s be coming he can go a whole week without saying anything to me.. if I don’t txt him first I never know when I would hear from him.. please help
It means he’s not interested. Sorry.
He met you, spent time with you, and he’s not really feeling it. He has never asked you on another date, stopped reaching out, will only reply when you text.
This is called a fade out. Since he wasn’t dating you or in a relationship with you, he wants to avoid having an uncomfortable discussion about not wanting to continue. So instead, he is just not reaching out and hoping you’ll get the hint.
I can’t tell you what happened that changed things in his head. But he’s no longer interested in you and I think it’s time for you to acknowledge than and let him go. You can’t change his mind. You are wasting your time and only causing yourself pain.
Vanesa, you need to let this one go. You met and unfortunately the chemistry wasn’t really there for him. You have seen each other twice in two months, you are the one always reaching out, he hasn’t asked you on another date, and he is contacting you les and less. It happens. The sooner you stop reaching out to him the sooner you will forget about him. Meet other guys, let them come to you. Don’t be the only one reaching out, especially in the beginning.
T from NY
This entire thread is super depressing to me. I can’t believe how many women sit around and analyze and ponder what the man in their life is doing — and accept crumbs instead of a relationship.
If a man wants me in his life — he’ll ask to spend time with me consistently or I’m gone
If a man wants me in his life he will NOT go a week without contacting me or I’m gone
If a man wants me in his life I may occasionally wonder what he’s up to — but MOST of the time he’ll be showing me and I will not have to wonder or ponder or stress or I’m gone
Suzy Finlayson
Don’t be fooled by this guy he’s playing you I went through the same thing and it messed with my head your saying one minute u haven’t seen him in three weeks then the next your fine with casual what ok so it to be you need to
Look back on how you met and how he was and spoke to u via txts and dates ect look up signs of a player because sounds to me he fits in that category just fine save your heartache cos he ain’t botherd about you find someone who would jump at the chance to see you and if your feeling this way anyway maybe your not ready emotionaly for a relationship when you are you wouldn’t tolerate this from a guy and would get rid xSuzy Finlayson
Vanessa your his booty call sorry to say get rid he’s a player don’t put up with it so you have low self esteem to allow this I got my fingers burnt once but never again look up signs of a player because but it sounds you have found one and will only lead to nothing and u feeling heartbroken I’ve learnt alot on researching players and has taught me wat to look out for sorry to say but he fits the category just right x
Pamela Schoen
Started dating a guy went on 8 dates with him so far. Last date he picked me up and gave me a beautiful pink carnations. Said he really liked me. Then sent me a text saying he didn’t think he could see me this past Tuesday he said he was sick. Didn’t want to pry so I told him I understand. Wednesday he flew to Tennessee to see his old friends and daughter and family. Hasn’t texted me. Did see that he arrived to Tennessee on his Facebook page. I know hes busy now until this coming Monday. Do I text him while he’s gone? Or wait for him to respond 1st from my text I sent yesterday?
Hey i’ve got a similar question different situation.
so im doing the whole long distance relationship thing… the guy ive been talking too has lost his phone and occassionally steals his dads or friends phones to get in touch with me, however hasn’t been in touch this entire week up till tonight and his excuse was that hes been busy at work everyday organising paperwork etc…hes apologised several times and said he loves me.
Still unsure of whether he really wants to be with me or not 😕
Don’t reach out to him. If he pops back up, tell him you’re too busy to continue, or make some other mistake and brush him off.
*make some other excuse, not mistake
Hi Amy was your reply to me or Pamela?
I started texting this guy we weren’t texting for long just a few days. And for just a short couple of days I felt like I really knew him. He said he really wanted me and to get to know me and that he would want me to come down to his place. Like he wanted something serious. He was flirty and playful and he genuinely seemed just as interested In me as I was in him but then suddenly he stopped texting and hasn’t replied to my messages in almost 2 weeks… I just don’t see how he could’ve lost interest just like that. I also have not texted him as I want to give him space but its just getting ridiculous now…. any advice?
I have been dating this guy he is texter and always we both text but lately I showed him more care and he started to wait my calls And texts I cut off my communication with him and it’s been 3 weeks I decided to call him wanted to ask him about something He texted me back ” not called me back” but he was so interested I was cold and a bit rude he was nice but he hasn’t show much as I deserve he felt relaxed that I did called I would love to know what do next to save my value I regret contacting him completely
Good Day!
Hi, I have a problem:( I have a chat mate through tinder. At first, It was just a fun for me. But as days goes on,
He’s always on my mind. Though, We don’t see each other personally. What will I do? He’s not replying my chat. I always initiated him:( My heart and mind gosh!!can’t explain.. Though, He really likes to communicate me in other app. What should I do? Do I need to give my account?Thanks.
Lots of sad tales on here-girls if a guy goes days,weeks,months without contacting you and planning and going on regular dates…he has low to no interest. Just leave him be and find a guy who will consistently step up for you.
How do you know he looks at you in social media??!! Is there a way to know he is stalking?
I texted with a girl for months, we got along great and liking was mutual, but she never initiated contact, so I stopped messaging and waited, she never intitiated, so we went on different ways.
And this is how people lose each other. Playing power games.
You could have told her “you can text me anytime you know..” to give her a hint that you want to hear from her. It might not have made a difference but you won’t know without it.
Understand that women with dignity will not be initiating contact with men, they’d expect you to court them and ask them out. If you were simply texting hey how are things, she might not have been impressed. Did you ever ask her out on a date?
To be fair if you two were texting for months and she never initiated I can see why you’d stop and see if she would initiate. The fact that she didn’t I’m affaid shows two things- either that she isn’t that bothered by your contact, or she’s a bit princessy and things it should always come from the man, even months in, or it may show both. Either way I think you’re right to have held back to see if she would text you .