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- This topic has 12 replies and was last updated 2 years, 8 months ago by
I require some unbiased advice on what you would do if you endured the following scenario:
With your partner for 1.5 years. Discussions previously had on birthdays / what they mean to you / values / expectations on this front.
Background: I always get depressed on my birthday due to events in the past leaving me often let down by almost everyone close to me.
The other week my partner asked what I had planned for my birthday. To which I advised, nothing. He enquired, why? I advised how I dislike birthdays / isn’t a good time period I enjoy. He asked why, to which I opened up & shared past events which actually made me cry to him as I opened up to him. Following with an explanation of why I refuse to do anything on my birthday. He advised he would spend the weekend with me.
Fast forwards two weeks, its my birthday weekend approaching and my partner texts me to advice he doesn’t know when he will see me next as he has a busy schedule. I reply “I thought we was going to the cinema, its my birthday weekend” to which he replies “sorry I made plans with my brother to watch football in the pub and I dont want to disappoint him” so I was like “so you would rather disappoint me on my birthday than tell your brother you’ll see him another time?” he replied “sorry I forgot I had this booked for weeks in advance and this is the first time Ive done anything with him in so long so I won’t cancel”
We ended up arguing, to which he said “you are such a brat” when really, I had only asked because he did advise to me in the first place we would go to the cinema. He got really mean and even said in a tex”I know I am disappointing you on your birthday but I would have seen you the Sunday and we could have went to the cinema then, why isn’t this good enough for you?”
It all kind of hurts, because its the one day out the year I truly hate and he knows this, and seems to be comfortable with disappointing me on a day he knows Ive been hurt a lot in the past.
The weekend has passed, he seen his brother on Saturday and text me on my birthday to say “it hurts me the way I am with you, I know I have rejected you and hurt you and I can’t put in the effort you need so I will leave you to find a man who can and that makes me feel awful” I just ignored this because I wasn’t in a happy place to respond.
Sunday (today) I get a text saying “anyway we can bridge this gap I feel bad I hurt you”
I’m a bit lost in thought. I dont know what to make of any of this.
Advise…What would you do, if this was you?
It looks like he finds you difficult and broke up because he doesnt know anymore how to make you happy. And is now rethinking that decision.
If i had a partner who tells me i dont do anything on my birthday, i dont like them, i would hear it as: he doesnt care about it so maybe its wise not to pay too much attention to it. I would still wish him happy b day though.
So he still promised to do something in the weekend and then remembered he also had to meet his brother. Assuming this is all true, he did everything he promised, doing something in the weekend but the day after. You then start to argue about it, and if you were my partner, this would be the part where i would get most confused: argue about the importance of a day that meant nothing to you in the first place. So its all messed up communication. Why dont you promise yourself to let go of miserable birthdays and have a blast at next yeats one. When it comes to him now: i would text him that yes you like to close the gap and have a frank talk. Not so much about the birthday but about how you two communicate and consider each other.Raven
I’d be upset too…
On the flip side, you’re an adult now & must move past the wrong from others…
T from NY
I think there is wrong on both your parts in this situation – without each of you meaning to.
For you — I’m all about people feeling their feelings. But you’re being way over the top for one day of the year. One of my best therapists said – the more energy you have around a thing, the less you’ve processed that thing. You have intense energy around your birthday. It’s not your boyfriend or anyone’s else job to process and learn to deal more peacefully with your past traumas. That’s work you need to do.
He was wrong in that he offered to make you feel better without checking the exact date – very dude move trying to be helpful but not managing the details. He offered to take you the cinema on the VERY next day. Next time he offers to help out —ask him to check his calendar to be sure. If he continued to do things like that it would not be okay – to not be reliable.
See a therapist to process your feelings around parties/celebrations/ birthdays. Then make a goal for next year to take a spa day, get a massage, drink alcohol, take a sedative WHATEVER it is YOU need to care for yourself for your next bday. IF anyone else, like your bf also does something nice for you, it will be a bonus.
You did nothing wrong. I would break up with him in this situation. That was plain mean to leave you like this. Ignore his texts or he will hurt you again next time
I don’t see this relationship lasting if you hold grudges so easily. You can’t tell someone you hate birthdays, don’t celebrate them, get all emotional as to why, and then blame them for not celebrating it with you when you don’t celebrate it. Don’t you see how crazy that sounds?
I don’t care about birthdays, other than my two son’s, not because of anything negative from my past but its only an indicator of how long one has lived on this earth. That said, I wouldn’t get in a tiff or be passive aggressive with my BF just because I can’t make up my mind about it. If my BF did nothing, I would be totally OK with it simply because I truly am totally OK with it as its just another day to me. He on the other hand enjoys celebrating his Birthday, it has meaning to him so I have no qualm doing something to make it special because of the importance he puts on it. If he didn’t, and thought it was a dark bleak day, I don’t think I would want to be around him and find a way to disappear too.
I think you blowing this way out of proportion, for someone who doesn’t even like their birthday. Are you wanting him to swoop in and fix your past like a Prince on a Silver horse? If so, that’s now how to go about it; A) because men don’t think like you or other women do; and B) relying on a partner to fix what’s broken within you is not going to work, at least for long. It sounds like he’s starting to feel the weight of your past and doesn’t have the skills to help you in the way you truly need it—that’s what professionals are for.
Personally, I think what he did was not cool.
You were open and vulnerable about your birthday, he offered to be the white knight and make it better then he let you down and on top of that created drama. He had some options “hey, maybe we can get brunch on your birthday” , he could have sent you flowers. He could have done a lot of things to make his poor planning right and still hang out with his brother.
Impossible to tell from this one situation. You need a trend
for this one situation, either you said you hate birthdays and explained why and he decided to rather give you space, you threw a tantrum, he reasonably broke up with you, felt bad the next day and tried to get you back
Or he made false promises, you were reasonably dissapointed and angry, he sent you a message threatening your security (i.e. breakup) and when you ignored it he realized his manipulation doesn’t work so he contacted you again to make up
is this an unusual situation? because if so, just let it go. If frequent however, you need to evaluate the picture as a whole
Hi Gin,
I get depressed on my birthday too. And instead of doing nothing, I always plan a little something. So, I understand where you are coming with especially if it is your partner.
Many people feel differently about this day. It’s actually the reverse for me. My family can only remember the rough day, but my friends do. If it’s a big one like a 40th, or 50th – everyone knows they have to be there if they can, and we take turns planning a party. Sometimes, it’s just a dinner but it’s a special one.
I had a partner who for these special dates: birthdays, Valentines’ just thought the thought was what counted. It wasn’t just me, he did so for his friends and family as well. So for him I knew that’s what he thought. It does hurt when you do more for them. So, the next birthday, we didn’t get anything for him. “It’s the thought that counts”! Even his son, we got him a simple t-shirt. Well, guess what… Every birthday after, he made sure he had a gift, he made time and he asked what I wanted to do.
If it’s important to you, it should be important to him.
Hope that helps!
You would know in your heart whether he was being malicious i.e. knew it was your birthday, knew it was important to you that he spend it with you and decided to ditch you for his brother anyway or whether he actually believed you didn’t want to do anything for your birthday and messed up the dates. You know what kind of person he really is better than any stranger on a forum on the internet. It’s up to you to listen to your gut and ask yourself (and him again for clarity if you need to) what actually happened and what his real intentions were.
Philomena monteiro
last year my 49 birthday a ex boyfriend said il take you out so i got all ready all lovely looking forward to a lovely day ..so i get where iv to.meet hom ..i tx him where ate you ? aww i forgot yor card so im going bk home to get it .i said no its ok 👌 just get me a cheap one out jist hurry up and come and get me ..20 mins later i get a tx saying aww get some one else to take you out im not a daftie ..your a lier ..npw ij the past hed make up stories about me lying i kept sorting it out with ppl tp his face so i thought il give another chance ..i was devastated so I was my daughter her freinds went away fir the weekend and asked me.i said no thinking id have a wonderful day ..it ended up the worst day of my life iv never had a birthday like that in my life well im 50 tommrow sp a year from the nightmare… why would he do that to me thats evil plain and simple …iv not got the heart to do that to know one
silly girl
hi there gin. i can see that your situation brought you a lot of discomfort and i’m sorry that it turned into a dispute for you and your partner. birthdays can be a delicate time and some people require more support on those days. my advice to you would be to voice that as directly as possible. i’m guessing (correct me if i’m wrong) that you told your bf that you didn’t have anything planned, but internally hoped he would step up to the plate somehow. i can understand that, but your bf could have missed what you were asking for. don’t be afraid to tell him “this is a big day for me because of my past and i’d love to spend it with you because you make me feel safe or ____” now if you communicate i directly and he brushes you off, he’s not showing you he cares and that’s a problem. but be consistent with your words / desires. i think there were expectations here that weren’t met because they were misconstrued. good luck to you both.
All this have numerous bad signals. This made me remijd to my ex bf which i loved so much. We had some months together and my sister got married, i invited him to the party and he refused, he told me.he had to celebrate the birthday of his sister. In that time we havent any problem it was all sweet. But now i see in reverse and it was a sign he didnt want to meet my parents, my family, and he didnt want to show any commitment. I made no problem i were alone to the party though i feel bad. Months passed and he saw after christmas holidays we were eating and while i was speaking he was watching other woman in my back, i got angry and i was upset in the cinema. He got totally mad and told me he lost the opportunity to see a friend that day just to come to see me. He was very closed i didnt know what to do i didnt expected that i expected an apologize and i was feeling horrible, then he told me we could give a try, and like 2 days after he ended with me by text message. I was in my work and i was crying all day. I couldnt be strong i loved him very much and we had never fought. He told me before we would try and i was being kind and happy with him as always, i just loved him very much. We separated, and he started dating inmediatly other girl. I realized that was the real reason why acted like that. That pain lasted with me years. So this man he is confused, he is not sure, probably he likes somrone else or wants to try with someone else, but he doesnt wants to hurts you bc same as me he has some feeling for you that is not love and is not that commitment to act as a boyfriend. Please be steong and accept it and let it go, this man is not for you, and as soon as you rest and start to see ahead for your own life it will be better.