He liked his ex’s pic on social media, should I be worried

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  • #790893 Reply

    I recently started seeing a new guy, he broke up with his ex gf about a month and a half ago and they were together for half a year.

    I noticed that he “liked” his ex gf’s pic on social media on Mother’s Day. The post was a collage of pics of the ex gf with her mother. Haven’t seen that he’s liked anything else since their breakup but she doesn’t really post much, and she hasn’t liked any of his pics or posts since the breakup. Should I be worried?
    He’s told me he hasn’t spoken to her since the breakup.

    #790896 Reply

    I mean i wouldn’t be happy if it was my boyfriend as I wouldn’t do that to him. I would have deleted my ex off all social media anyway. Like men do he probably thought it wasn’t anything bad but let him know I’m how you feel and that you don’t like it. It’s early days in your relationship. Just make sure he’s ready for another relationship if that’s what you want as it’s not been long after his spilt. See how it goes! :)

    #790900 Reply

    I mean we’ve only had a few dates so I feel it’s too early for me to say anything. I was just a bit surprised because he said he hasn’t communicated with her since the breakup, so what’s the point of liking her post? I get it was a Mother’s Day post but still it’s not like he was super close with her mother, he told me he saw her family 2-3 times while they were together.

    #790904 Reply

    Honey, you have only been on a few dates and you are already stalking him. Yes, that is what you are doing. You are deeply over invested. You are just dating and he is free to do what he wants. Should you worry? You could, but it would be a waste of time over something you have no control. When you are dating, best to no care until he is your boyfriend “no man is real until the relationship is real”. You have no where to go with this that is positive for you or for him or for you together. Stop looking at his social media. Seriously.

    #790905 Reply

    Honestly the only reason I looked was because I am a bit leary of him since he doesn’t seem fairly fresh out of a somewhat serious relationship and he’s still following her on social media. I don’t follow my exes on social media. I just don’t really want to continue with him if he’s not over her.

    #790906 Reply

    Sorry I can’t edit my reply but I meant to say he does seem fresh out of a relationship

    #790907 Reply

    Oh I didn’t realise you’d only been on a few dates. But I deleted my ex when I split from him. Maybe men are just different and don’t think. I would see how it goes and just enjoy it. Maybe you’d need to have a chat about whether he is ready to move on? It is early days.

    #790925 Reply

    She hasn’t deleted him either, and I’m also the type to delete my exes…so I guess this just concerns me because if they both follow each other perhaps both of them are not over it or holding out hope for getting back together. I understand people who have been together for years still following each other after a break up but not a couple who was together less than a year and it’s been a month and a half since the break up so it’s not like they forgot to delete each other.

    #790928 Reply

    At a few dates, I suggest staying off social media – it’s too easy to read into when a female friend writes Happy Birthday <3 or some girl likes all his photos etc. I only really think it’s a good idea once you’re exclusive in each others’ lives – by that point you’ve met each others friends and know who’s a threat (hopefully nobody) and who isn’t. I deliberately didn’t add my BF on FB for a while partly for that reason – I didn’t want to stalk him and overthink every time something might happen, and I’ve seen too many friends agonise over every time a girl goes anywhere near their crush’s or man’s wall. Now, I couldn’t care less what happens on his wall and never bother to check it.

    You’re right, it’s risky dating someone who’s only just broken up. But he wasn’t with her for very long, either. I personally think a no-contact situaiton after breakups is best – it stops lonely pining when people check up on their ex, and it avoids the temptation of hooking up with them when dating someone new. But we don’t know that one offhand ‘like’ of a photo was anything serious for you to worry about. It’s really not enough information for us to know how ‘over’ they are. Perhaps you could have a chat with him about how he feels dating with you is going, and if he needs to go slowly or has reservations because he’s recently broken up. If you don’t want to take the risk of staying with him, you don’t have to.

    It could be perfectly innocent, thuogh I really think it’s excessive to stay in contact or like mother’s day photos for an ex of only a few months. When you become exclusive, that will be the time for you to discuss things like exes with him, and boundaries.

    #790929 Reply

    The last time I saw him he was scrolling through pics in his phone (he wanted to show me a pic of his kids) and I noticed one of pics he scrolled through was one of the pics in her post. It was a selfie of her and her mother, perhaps that’s why he liked it.

    #790931 Reply

    Social Media and texting is the devil! Seriously, you don’t know him and already stalking him is not the best way to kick it off. I refuse to add a guys I’m dating to social media. Why? Because it takes all the fun out of dating! There are two words that makes dating fun: Mystery & Intrigue. The ‘not knowing’ is far better than knowing too much because it changes how you interact, communicate, and behave with people. Now that you know, he’s going to feel a different ‘vibe’ coming from you because you are no longer going to be authentic, you are now hiding something from him, and that’s not a good dynamic to be dating in.

    BTW, my ex husband wasn’t even divorced yet when he pursued me, and we were married over 20 years, so its a crapshoot. Trust me, I was acutely aware and super leery about his intentions because of this but he never waivered, was absolute, continued to show and prove it to me over many months that he was over her an in love with me, and that’s why I was able to let my guard down and trust that he wasn’t jerking me around—this was around 12 years before social media came into existence, so its nothing new.

    #790958 Reply

    I know you guys are right, I shouldn’t be looking. I’ve just been burned in these situations before. Anyway last night I asked him what he was looking for and he basically said he wasn’t looking for anything serious at the moment. Guess he’s not over her yet.

    #790959 Reply

    I should also add that we actually met last summer and went out a few times but nothing came of it. He reached out to me a few weeks ago and friended me on Facebook (which I found weird since he didn’t friend me back in the summer). I guess that’s mostly why I was leary of him.

    #790968 Reply

    You don’t need social media to figure this stuff out. Just asking him what he was looking for will reveal all you need to know about a man’s intentions without having to play detective. He told you he was “not looking for anything serious” which in man code means “don’t date me or you will get hurt.” Whether its because of his ex or not is immaterial—sometimes people, men and women, have zero desire to be tied down to anyone until they meet that person they *want to* be tied down with.

    You should always be leery about not only a man’s intentions but people’s intentions in general. We live in a very different world where there are a lot of scheisters, non-genuine people, so its best that you don’t jump into a shallow pool without testing the water first. Asking him that simple question revealed all you needed to know, it was a no go, and best to remove them if they are inhibiting you in any way, such as feeling compelled to keep stalking him, or that he might change his mind later and thereby hanging onto false hope—that is never a winning strategy.

    #790988 Reply

    It sounds ike you already had suspicions.. Well done for talking to him about it and getting clarity.

    Snooping on social media might be useful if you’re convinced a guy is cheating on you, but if you’re doing OK, the only thing it does is reveal things best left to be found out organically. I deliberately don’t add guys at first because I want to find out who they are through them, not through stalking their FB!

    And yeah, as I said, I’ve seen friends get really insecure due to offhand comments or likes from other girls on the guy’s social media – it’s very easy for people to take stuff out of context or read too much into it. Whilst sometimes these have been sleazeball guys, it’s also perfectly possible for comments or likes to be innocent, platonic interactions. And even if they aren’t – as long as the guy doesn’t rise to the bait, then it doesn’t really matter.

    #790989 Reply

    I totally agree that FB snooping is not a good idea (in this case it was instagram lol) but sometimes when it’s right in front of you, you can’t help but look.

    I also agree that a like can be totally innocent, but I just had a gut feeling in this case because like you said it seemed too soon for him to be liking any of her posts. From the way he described the breakup it seemed like they just wanted different things. Apparently she wanted kids, he didn’t since he already has kids from a previous marriage. He said initially he was on board with it but then the pandemic made him realize he doesn’t want to start another family and that’s why they broke up.

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