Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › He lost interest and doesn't answer my questions
- This topic has 23 replies and was last updated 4 years, 6 months ago by
Hi all,
I met a man (34) in December and we started seeing each other. At the beginning I was distant because I didn’t want to get hurt again and didn’t want to fall in love. Our first 2 months were awesome, he called me every day and wanted to see me. Then he left for a vacation with his friends for 1 month. This is where he started to change. He didn’t call me anymore and asked me how I am. I thought maybe he was busy during his vacation but as he returned he still didn’t reach out to me. Sometimes he would send me random pictures but that’s it. I tried to talk to him about this but he doesn’t answer my questions. Now due to lockdown we can’t see each other..I asked him if he thinks if we’d see each other again.. his answer “I think so”
He says I’m getting on his nerves with my attitude. But all I want to know is if we’re still on not. He always said that he’d tell me straight forward when things will change and expected the same.
2 months now we haven’t seen each other. He never called and barely texted me. Sometimes he sends me selfies or pictures of his care and so own
The thing is, we had a great connection at the beginning. We even share the same birthday..
I wanted to talk to him 2 days ago, I asked him to call me. Because I wanted a clear answer. He didn’t
Instead he sent me a picture and asked me how I was.
I don’t know what to do anymore..I’m heartbroken and sad. I really really liked that guy. I wanted a closure but now I spent 2 months if my life (5 months since we met) hoping.
Do you have a suggestion for me? Should I call him and confront him? He stimm views my online stories. He doesnt add ne women on his instagram. I’m his only one besides his friends and family. But I dont know what to do.cc
He clearly lost interest. Dont waste your time and move on, you deserve better
It sounds like low interest but they may be to do with the strange times we are in with the virus. I don’t think its sensible or reasonable of you to open discussions about a future right now. You can’t see each other and so how could he possibly decide what he wants?
When he was on holiday it was fine to have minimal contact. Now he is keeping in touch but very much at a distance. I don’t think its a good idea to keep being so pushy. Be receptive to his messages and sit back. When the restrictions are lifted if he is not making dates with you or staying so distant in his contact then I would end it. But given the current situation I would just leave things as they are and give him a pass for now
He is answering you loud & clear, you’re just not listening…
His non-answer is an answer = No
Liz Lemon
I agree with Raven. Lockdown or no, a guy who is interested should be calling and texting you. A guy who is interested would have called you on your birthday as you requested.
You said he went on vacation for a month and “changed”. How long was he back from vacation before the lockdown started? Did he make any attempt to see you when he got back?
I have the impression this guy lost interest before the lockdown even started. If he was not eager to see you after being away for a month on vacation, that says a lot. And I know people communicate less on vacation, but if you had been dating a couple of months and talking every day, I would think he would have reached out at least somewhat on vacation if he were interested, even if it was just to send vacation pics. We’re not talking a 1 week vacation here, a month is a long time. A man who had a strong interest in a woman would not simply stop communicating with her for that entire month. So honestly it leads me to believe his interest was waning before the lockdown even started.
I don’t think this guy was truly ever interested in anything long-term with you. Of COURSE he put in effort in the beginning to give the impression you two had a good connection. How else would he get to hook up? The real him and his true interest level came out when he left for vacation. Instead of absence making his heart grow fonder, it was out of sight out of mind. It’s time to put your big girl panties on and move on.
The thing that sticks out to me is “He says I’m getting on his nerves with my attitude.” If a man told me I was getting on his nerves just because I asked if we were going to still see each other after lock now and his only response was “I think so” he wouldn’t hear from me again!!!
If a man I was dating wasn’t calling me, texting me, telling me ABSOLUTELY we were still on and he was missing me like crazy during lockdown I would KNOW it was done. I’m not sure why you are confused. You haven’t seen him in 2 months and he never calls and barely texts you. This is a man who texted you every single day in the beginning. Now he won’t even call you when you ask him too. There’s the clear answer you wanted!!!! So be DONE!!
If you have to ask if you’re on or not… you’re not.
Communication is much harder now you can’t be in person so you can’t really get the closure you want. Consider things over and start moving on. Sorry but this quarantine has fast forwarded many things and how you really feel about a person is one of them. He maybe wasn’t all in but kind of interested, but when there is much less to distract you- everything is hyper focused upon and he is not that into you to continue is the conclusion he has reached
I talked to him on the phone, he was very cold. I asked him if he wants to see me again. His answer was “yes but I don’t know when due to Covid”
I told him that I need to know because we already don’t communicate. He couldn’t answer me. All he said was “I don’t know what you want to hear from me, I’m not gonna tell you that I’m not interested, otherwise I’d lie”
Now i still dont know what to do. His voice was cold, he cant understand my issue.
He noticed I gained some weight. Nothing warm. No nice words. But he says that he would like to see me
Move on. You got nothing to gain from this at all. He is not interested anymore no matter what he says. forget about him. He s not worth even thinking about anymore
So i guess you called him? And how does he know you gained weight? Were you skyping? If thats all he noticed, arent you mad?
You clearly have not read any response here or have any antenna for a guy not interested but also a fine knack on how to bug him more. He already said you get on his nerves and now you call him and demand to know if he wants to see you again. Thats crazy. I really understand its hard to deal with a situation that started good and then fell flat. But you have to find a way to deal woth that and accept it.
Two things will help you: Google the 7 stages a guy falls in love and you will soon see, he didnt fell on love with you. If he would have, you wouldnt have to beg to know if he is still interested. And Yes he is saying he still is, but 1 guys dont like conflict and 2 dont like to burn bridges for sex and 3 are afraid you will still not hear it amd bug him some more.
Second: read the book why men love b*tches. The girls from another post In dating advice reminded me of that book. Its a good eating learning how to be happy with yourself and not throw yourself at any guy that you have amazing chemistry with.
Sorry i sound a bit cynical but i did notice you didnt hear any pf the advice already fed to you. And thats a pityKhadija
This guy is not interested and his actions are telling you that loud and clear.
Why do you continue to chase him?If a man told me I was getting on his nerves and mentioned I gained weight I’d be gone.
It sounds like you suffer from a low self esteem.
The lock down has altered things for so many of us but, he can still connect with you. Move on please and keep some shred of dignity.
This guy has lost all respect for you. Respect is at the top of a man’s list; whereas the moment he loses respect, its over in his mind.
No man who respects a lady would ever say what he’s said to you! Time to stop bugging him as you are annoying the heck out of him and have become a nuisance/pest at this point and juncture. He’s intentionally being cold so you get the CLUE he doesn’t want to see you any more. He is TRYING to let you down nicely but like a dog with a bone who won’t give up he’s now being cold and mean because he’s now feels that’s what he has to do to get you to leave him alone.
Time for you to stop forcing men to date you when they clearly don’t want to. Time for you to ACCEPT he’s not interested in developing anything romantic with you, and mentally start the process of removing him from your head and life. Sorry to be so harsh but you aren’t LISTENING to him or any of us either, and not sure if its because you’re naturally bullheaded or so desperate for love that you cling onto any man like he’s your life raft and refuse to let them go the moment they start pulling away. Trying to drag a man kicking and screaming to keep dating you when they clearly don’t want to, is not how you attract men but its a sure fire way of way of losing them!
Hello everyone.i wanted to thank you for your advices.
He wrote me a message, that he likes m very much, he didn’t want to hurt me. At the end the dinstance was the only reason why it doesn’t work out.
At the beginning he told me that the distance isn’t a big problem for him. Since we both planned to return to our home town
I deleted his number and unfriended him from my Instagram.
He called my behavior “childish “.
The next morning I saw his friend request, which he sent me at 4 am.
And then he sent me a sad smiley “😔”.
I didn’t react.
Today he send me a selfie of him with a sad dog face (filter)That’s it.
I took all of your advices.Jo
Sounds like you dodged a bullet. Well done for cutting him off.
Isn’t it amazing that the moment you cut a guy off they act all ‘interested’ again haha. See how that works when you do the opposite of you’ve been doing?
You dodged a bullet though as he had no inclination of progressing this forward in any meaningful way or he would have never bailed out. Trust me, when a man loves a woman he will MOVE MOUNTAINS to be with her and not let distance stand in the way. I know, I’ve had two do it…my ex husband (of over 20 years) and current BF (over three years).
If a man’s not ALL IN, then you put your boots on and walk out :o)
Hey ladies,
I wanted to to give you an “update” about my story. Like mentioned above, this man never answered my questions, never asked me how I was etc.
I pulled back completely, deleted him off my social media and never initiated contact.
Yes I was very hurt but I knew, he would never text me or that he came together with his ex.Yesterday I changed my profile picture on Facebook. Guess what? I got a message from him.
1 am: “hot” 2:30 am ” I’m in your city, are you there? S**?Wow. I never felt more disappointed in my life 😪. He knew that I liked him and wanted something serious.
Next morning he apologized. I asked him, if he only wanted only a hook up from the beginning, he didn’t answer.He was drunk obviously. But he knows that it hurt me.
Why didn’t he answer my question?Newbie
Guys can come one strong at first without themselves knowing if they are serious or not. So asking now doesnt get you anywhere. Assume he was interested but changed his mind. But see the good things: getting rejected didnt kill you, didnt do permanent damage. Next time you have to wait for 2 months to see if a guy is really interested. Thats more telling than the first month. I hope you moved on
He was drunk & horny & thought you’d be easy…
I kind of see your disappointment- but I think you should have never engaged with him except to just laugh at him when he texted the drunk texts. He is not a good guy- no good guy tells a woman she’s gained weight. I’m guessing he’s actually a jerk who put on a really good show for you for 2 months. Understand- you are the lucky one- this kind of guy would pick at you and try to ruin your self-esteem. Don’t ever talk to someone who has the nerve to call you annoying and tells you that you’ve gained flags- that’s a deal breaker and it would be over.
Weight not flags- lol
Thank you guys for the answers, it means a lot for me.
Yes I moved on, I accepted the fact that I’ll never see him again.
But his last message really hurt me. I’m not the woman for a hook up. I have feelings and a good heart. Why do I deserve this behavior? If a man isn’t interested anymore, why contact the woman? And show her your disrespect?I’ll be honest, after that message, I seriously asked myself if I’m worthy to be loved?
I guess I have to analyze, what went wrong and why this man lost the respect. It’s okay when someone loses interest and doesn’t contact me anymore. But it’s definitely not okay contact me lacking respect. I hope I will forget about him completely. He was am ouch.Raven
Please don’t analyze this…
Not every ‘relationship’ works out. Don’t punish You for him being a slime ball.
In hindsight, aren’t you glad you dodged that bullet?