He Loves Me but He's Not Sexually Attracted to Me

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  • #581859 Reply

    I’ve been seeing my boyfriend almost two years. This is my first relationship but not his. We met and had an instant connection; we were together 8 months then long distance 9 months and now we are back together in the same city.

    When we met I was 360 pounds, which is important. At that time I was going to the gym and motivated and in a life high (you know how we have those.) Over the first part of our relationship, we moved in together and dealt with a lot of outside stress — and by the end of the first half I was 390 pounds. Then we were long distance and I supported him during a lot of really hard stuff and we were good. I also embarked on a weight loss journey.

    Fast forward to now. I’ve lost 80 pounds. We see each other regularly, go on some dates, hang out and enjoy time together – as well as with others. He says I’m “the One” and he loves me and I love him for sure. He’s become my best frriend in many ways. But we have not had sex in a year.

    Last week we had a really intense conversation about it and he confessed that the reason is because he’s never dated a bigger girl and he’s just struggling with being sexually attracted to me. That he loves me, who I am, being with me, I make him happy and proud of me for what I’ve done with my weight loss and such but that’s just not there for him right now — even though I am much more physically there now than EVER before. He also confessed he “tried” to breakup with me while we were long distance because he didn’t want to hurt me since the problem was him. I had a hard time with this, obviously.

    He suggested having an open relationship so I can go have sex but I don’t want that. He’s also said to remember “I haven’t been laid in a year, which hasn’t happen since I was a a virgin. But I don’t want anyone except you so I’m willing to wait for you as long as it takes.” He says he’s attracted to me in every other way and we are compatible, have fun, laugh, I am beautiful but it’s only this one thing he’s struggling with right now. (We do not have a number or a size or any indication of what this magic moment is when his sexual attraction lines up with everything else.)

    I’ve been thinking about it a lot.

    I have NO doubt that he loves me. But I do wonder a few things:

    1) does he love me like his friend and not in a romantic way?
    2) does he love me bc I’ve supported him through a hard time and that’s it?
    3) Is he only with me because he doesn’t want to be the one to break up with me?
    4) some form of all of the above?

    I just feel so confused by it. Part of me thinks I should leave but the other part of me can’t imagine not having him in my life. He does want me around. I’m always sleeping over, hanging out and we do use toys so I’m not totally sexually lacking. Am I justifying staying with him like he is me? The thing he said about trying to break up with before (he insists he does not want to now) hurts too because why did it suddenly change?

    So while I don’t doubt his love for me; I can see it when he looks at me. But I just don’t know if he loves Elle the way I love him. I feel like I’m on unsteady ground and I don’t know what to do or think about it.

    Please help.

    #581886 Reply

    You think he offered an open relationship so only YOU could have sex?

    #581892 Reply

    Dump him. You will never feel enough and even if you do, it will feel conditional. Men are bimodal about attraction, in or out and it doeseems not change. Find someone who loves you as you are and the journey you are on. He does love you, but not enough. You will never have a whole romantic relationship with this man.

    #581901 Reply

    Agree with L and RCS-Anymore time spent on him will be wasted-I see no positive outcome here. Also I personally would not try to be just friends (which you kind of are already with no sex) because it will just hurt when he dates others. Sorry, move on to a guy that likes you however you are. Imagine if magically you become nhis physical ideal suddenly, and all was wonderful, then you gained weight again ad he reacted in a rejecting way again-which would likely happen-avoid the pain train now.

    #581902 Reply


    #581906 Reply

    I guess I am confused – you were having sex for a year and then stopped having it for the second year? If he says he is not attracted to you sexually, why do you not believe him? It seems like you have two choices – leave him or lose the weight? Something doesn’t add up for me, if you were having sex before and he was fine with your weight, but he isn’t fine with it anymore; I do not think losing weight will keep him attracted. There is more than meets the eye. Your weight is not the problem. He has other issues he is not disclosing/ unaware of them.

    #581908 Reply

    Maybe he liked you better with more weight. Some men are attracted to that.

    #581909 Reply

    Yea I don’t get it – you were heavier before when he got with you & you lost weight but he isn’t into it but he was when you were heavier…? I agree with Alia something isn’t adding up or making sense with this man

    #581914 Reply

    Don’t stay.

    My ex-husband and I started dating while I lived in one of the most romantic cities in the world. And I was tiny. Then, I moved to his city which was smaller and had very little public transportation, and I became very depressed. I gained a lot of weight. After we’d have sex he would say, “When I come I think about Venice Georgia, not how you are now.” Sure, we all have our own little fantasy here and there and don’t always stay present during sex, but that he felt he could just tell me that he saw me almost as two different people- one sexy and one not was a HUGE problem. I wish I’d had the self-esteem then to climb off him and walk out of the room and house completely naked and never look back.

    I agree with Alia, something isn’t adding up.

    And good job being healthy, btw!

    #581951 Reply

    “Something doesn’t add up for me, if you were having sex before and he was fine with your weight, but he isn’t fine with it anymore; I do not think losing weight will keep him attracted. There is more than meets the eye. Your weight is not the problem. He has other issues he is not disclosing/ unaware of them.”

    OKAY THIS. This is what I’ve been confused about — because I am way smaller (now a 20 from a 28 just to give you some visualization!) and it was okay before – like when we met and for the following months — -and now it’s not? I like your point Alia and I think ultimately this is what I want answered. I just want to understand what changed and I have no idea. I did ask, but I maybe I can approach it another way.

    I appreciate all the advice. I hear all of you and its settling inside me right now while I process.

    #581954 Reply

    He doesn’t want you that way, stop over analyzing

    #581963 Reply

    I wonder why he’s still with you. Sex is a big part of a relationship and I find it hard to believe that he hasn’t had sex for a year! But never mind that, you deserve someone who makes you feel beautiful not someone who makes you feel pressured to lose weight or change yourself. You should lose weight for you and not anybody else.

    #582003 Reply

    Sometimes relationships fizzle out. Even the good and healthy ones. There is an expiration date unfortunately. And sometimes men won’t be the ones initiating the breakup of a relationship that’s mostly ok, in fact, in my experience men will hang in there if it works for them in a couple areas, and they will overlook major issues (like sex incompatibility). You will have to bring up the conversation and if necessary, end this relationship. Good luck to you and take care of yourself.

    #582021 Reply

    Your life is going to be way too long to go without sex in this relationship the rest of your life. You know what you have to do.

    #582063 Reply

    It happens that partners lose interest sexually . Well my partner always told me that maybe he doesn’t find me attractive whereas after my divorce when I got out there, everyone was drooling over me. You don’t need this negativity in your life. Let him go keep focusing on reducing weight and get out there. There are plenty of guys who would love you for who you are. Self esteem is very important and this guy is hurting your self esteem. In a long run it is not going to be healthy for you at all.

    #582070 Reply

    You are better than this, you need to get rid of him, there are much better guys out there – good luck xx

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