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- This topic has 5 replies and was last updated 4 years, 9 months ago by
Hi Everyone!
This is actually very difficult for me to write. But I found this website while I was looking for answers of my never ending questions. And I thought to myself that maybe if someone out there reads my story, maybe they will give me an advice on what would they do if they were on my shoes. Maybe, my story wouldn’t be unheard or forgotten. Because somewhere out there, women would actually support each other.
I just came out of a heartbreak last year. It was the most terrible time. I got cheated on. I cried so hard just to let it all out. And then I went to church and prayed. I prayed that God would send me my best match, my true love hopefully soon. Because I was so tired to being hurt and being forgotten. I was so tired of the feeling of being broken.
Two days after I prayed, this guy who is not from my country suddenly walked inside my work office. Now, my office is actually a shared one. People can work and pay daily/monthly. Depends on the set up. He came and asked about the payments, etc. I remembered that when he came in, our eyes locked. I remember him looking at me. But because I was from a heartbreak, I didn’t make a big deal out of it. He started to make simple conversations which I replied with short responses. I didn’t want to talk with a guy. Hey, I just came from a heartbreak.
Days passed and he came back and told the office secretary that he’s gonna rent for short term. He paid, we started talking. I was just being friendly. And then he started to choose his seat…… and he sat in front of me. Now, there are at least 20 tables available, but of all tables, he chose the table in front of me. This became awkward for me as I cannot look straight now because every time I do, our eyes would lock. And I don’t want to have some crush feelings yet..
Fast forward, we started eating lunch together. We had coffee breaks together. He was really fun to talk to and he makes me laugh so hard. I slowly forgot about the pain in my heart. Not because of him, but because of time. Time was healing me…
One day, I thought that I should take him to this place where the view was so good. And since he just arrived in my country, I want to be hospitable too. So I showed him this non-touristy place. And since that day, I gained a friend whom I respected and cared for. Not just someone who comes by at the office every now and then.
Then one day, he asked me if he can help with his dad’s house renovations. I am a designer, so I said yes.. This is where we became even closer..
We have gone to countless “dates”. Now, I never consider them as dates because we just get together and eat. However, in the context, it is actually a DATE.
Our first date was the overlooking view that I mentioned and we had dinner afterwards, the next one is at the beach while watching sunset. This time around, he asked me if I want to chill in the beach. He bought the drinks and chips and I brought the blanket. If I looked back now, I know that it was actually romantic. :)
Countless dates after that. We would always eat out, eat cake, eat ice cream. We have become the best of friends real fast.
During the valentines weekend, he brought me to an expensive steak house. Of course, I have no idea why that is.I thought it was just a casual dinner. But actually turned out romantic because he reserved a table, we had wine, and there was music in the background. All the shenanigans that shout a ROMANTIC DATE.
This dinner is somehow memorable, because he asked me if I want this relationship to be just plainly professional (because we work together on the renovations project and also planning on a business) or personal. I wasn’t able to answer as I have no idea how!
Fast forward, during the COVID era now, we became even CLOSER. We work together in his house. I cook for both of us since I am a good cook and he loves my food a LOT. It has become a set up that has been confusing for a lot of people I think. During this time, I was able to know him deeper. It was also a great time for him to record and video me all the time. His phone is filled with my videos. Me cooking, me talking a lot and other fun moments. He would post me a lot in his Social media, in snapchat, in Instagram.
He cares for me a lot too. He prepares surprises for me every now and then. When I celebrated my first year anniversary at work, he asked me I want anything. And I said I want a cake. Now, I know I asked him a hard favor since he is on a strict diet. But when he came back, he actually bought a cake for me. This made my heart melt. The entire day, we chilled and watched a movie. We had pizza afterwards. I had so much fun. We both did.
I was actually beginning to think that this guy might love me. And I was developing feelings for him too. I was just patiently waiting for him to actually say anything….
And then just lately, we started being intimate. I know what we were doing then might be wrong but it also felt right. Before we kissed, he told me this…
“You know if we’re gonna do this our relationship is gonna change right?”
I replied, “yes, do you know that too?”
“Do you love me?”, he said.
“I really don’t know, I am not sure. I don’t know if this is love or infatuation…Do you love me?” I asked. I waited for him to reply. I can still remember the way he looked at me. He looked at me with love.. I thought he was gonna say yes..
But he said “Not as much as you love me. I am not in love. I am not falling in love…”
I waited for pain. But there was no pain. My heart knew otherwise. My heart knew it was a lie..
But then he said again, “I don’t lie. I want to be honest with you. I care about you a lot. Your feelings are important for me. Do you want a relationship?”
Because I was too hurt by his answer and because I don’t want to be in a relationship with someone who said that he doesn’t love me, I told him that I am not sure. That I don’t know for certain.
And then he said that he has been stopping himself to develop any feelings for me, even sexual urge. Because I am his only first girl bestfriend that he doesn’t want to lose.
But I was still being naive. We made love. It was amazing. It didn’t feel like a hook up. It felt serious. It felt like love.
And now, I am confused. I don’t want to be in that position again because all these articles make me want to believe that he doesn’t love me. But behind these articles, if we’re alone, I know that he can feel it too.
I have to understand. His first girl friend broke up with him after 5 years of being serious. He became depressed. He gained a lot of weight. He developed bad habits that didn’t help him. In fact, all three of his relationships failed. Also, 4 years ago, his parents got into divorce. He saw firsthand how his mother would bully his father and would manipulate him. In his eyes, his mother isn’t normal emotionally as he didn’t feel love between his parents. He might be scared. I kissed him because thats what my heart says. It felt right. It felt normal. I wasn’t in pain. I was willing to wait…
Now, I am confused as I have watched videos from anewmode, all the signs say that he loves me but he says otherwise. Actions speak louder than words. And his actions all say that he loves me.
Right now, I am scared. Scared of losing him to another girl because we are not in an actual relationship. Scared that what he is saying is actually true. Scared that I have lead myself to false beliefs.
I need anyone to help me out here. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. I will reply as much as I can. There’s so much to this story behind. I just really need to let it out.
Thank you! Thank you to whoever reads this. You just made my day. :)
PS. This is for this guy, if in the future, we end up together, then I have to remember this letter as this will help me find my way towards you…
This is a lot of words for really not much happening. You met a guy…got on great…became friends..became infatuated….then hooked up. I don’t think he is interested in a relationship and i think all that “i dont wanna lose you as a friend” is bs. I would believe him when he says he doesn’t love you nor is he falling in love. To me it sounds like he is grooming you to be his FWB while you are already way way way too invested. I would keep my distance.
But then it was a bit hard to get a concise story out of your super long post.
Honey, words and actions must match. If the words or actions are not telling you it is not right, it is not right. He told you the truth, you thinking it is a lie does not make it a lie, it makes it projection.
You need to believe him when he says he is not falling you. Men say what they mean. The way you write tells me you have a fanciful, but also are prone to story telling. In this case, the story you are telling is just a story.
I am going to be harsh here so you get it. This man does not love you and your feelings for him don’t matter and don’t change a thing. If you stay with him you are telling yourself you don’t deserve better.
Taking a woman on dates is romantic, romantic does not equal love.
This was a very long, very melodramatic post.
As others previously stated, this was a FWB situation all along. Years ago, I was in a similar situation. It consumed me. I thought I was in love; it was just crazy wild infatuation. It broke my heart, but in the end, I’m the one who let it happen because I wanted it to work out and convinced myself he felt the same.
But now I have an actual boyfriend who really loves me, and it’s the happiest relationship I’ve ever experienced. It was with someone i didn’t expect, someone I previously wrote off, but I gave him a chance and was surprised at how wonderful he is. He communicates, he doesn’t lie, he is patient, affectionate and demonstrative, and he is hilarious. It’s not dramatic. It’s happy and easy and I know you will find that too—but only if you wake up and face the truth, and try to be more grounded and realistic in your thinking.
Sadly, I think you are so desperate for love, and to be loved, that you will latch onto any guy to get that *romantic fix.* Romance is your drug, and like any drug, it makes you do crazy things because you are so easily hooked on it, can’t stop taking it, even though, you know deep deep down, in your heart of hearts, that this man is not good for you. You are going to go through another heartbreak withdrawal, when he leaves, and its something you need to start preparing yourself for now.
I think you need to take a time out from men because you fall too hard and fast anytime a man pays you some attention. You refuse to listen to what this man told you because you are so wrapped up in your romantic story that you can’t even see this man is not going to play the lead male role. He told you he doesn’t love you and is not falling in love with you, because he doesn’t. Sure, he enjoys your company, he enjoys spending time with you, he enjoys having sex with you, but that’s all it is…some TEMPORARY enjoyment until he goes back home, and this story will end.
The two of you are defining the word “relationship” very differently, and that’s where you are tripping yourself up. In his mind it means “let’s enjoy this fling for a short while, until I leave.” To you it means falling in love and living happily forever. Two opposite meanings, that’s going to have a very bad ending.
You can’t seem to learn lessons that life is trying to teach you. There’s a saying “a form of insanity is doing the same thing over, and over, and over again, yet expecting a different result.” The result is, he IS going to leave, and you will be the one suffering from another broken heart. The answer to your romantic dilemma is, I don’t know how many more *heartbreaks* you need to suffer or endure before your heart becomes hardened enough that it will only wait for the man to profess his love to you BEFORE it takes the romantic journey with a man. Ultimately depends on how much more your heart can take.
Forget what videos tell you. Those things are for when someone likes you a lot and is working towards accepting that those feelings are love. Not for a man who flat out says he isn’t in love and can’t love.
Listen to him and what he says. Now, if he’d said that he isn’t ready to call it love yet but has romantic feelings for you, I’d have told you that you can wait and see. But he’s absolutely clear on what he wants, here. He doesn’t think he’s in love, or even falling in love, and he doesn’t want to be in love or in a relationship. It sounds like all he wants to offer is sex and cake – as others have said he wants to be a friend with benefits.
I also think he’s feeding you drama about his past to make you feel bad. He was fighting his sexual attraction? If he bought you cake every day then he wasn’t trying very hard. Honestly, it sounds like he has lots of excuses ready for why he doesn’t want a relationship with *you* – don’t be surprised if he eventually fnds one with someone else, though. And even if all this trauma he has mentioned really prevents him from having a relationship, that’s not going to change soon
What he did – how he approached the discussion – was cruel. Trying to get you to confess your feelings when he knew he didn’t reciprocate them, was cruel. You don’t ask somoene first, you tell them. And offering you a relationship which you felt like you couldn’t accept was also unfair.
I’m worried that you see this as fate, and that you read a lot into things. Don’t put so much expectation on any one man when they walk into your life. Meeting a man is just meeting a man – nothing to do with God or fate or anything else. Inly in hindsight can you see if someone was fated to be with you. In this case, he’s teling you he is not your one.
I would have said: talk to him about what you actually want. If you want a relationship, then be honest about that – even if it means losing him. Otherwise you may be stuck with a non-relationship forever. Pining after a man who takes you on dates and sleeps with you but doesn’t want to commit to you as a person. And that kind of rejection hurts.
However I don’t think staying in this situation will be fair on you in the long run. You have a lot of feelings here – admitting love before you guys even agreed you were dating! And that makes me worry that you might spend a lot of time pining and not being on the same page.