he missed our date… said he fell asleep

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  • #425361 Reply

    I met this guy on okcupid and found out that we live on the same street. We started texting and everything seemed ok he always initiates text our conversations are nice but not really deep i told him i would rather get to know him in person instead of online. He asked me out but the night of he canceled due to work. He apologized and asked to reschedule but every time he tried i was busy. So after going back and forth for a few days we agreed on Monday night but when the time came i didnt hear from him… we did text early in the morning. … so i went to bed and woke up to a text saying he was sorry and that he fell asleep. Should i give him another chance (he does work a lot)? If so how should i tell him thay he can’t do this anymore?

    #425362 Reply

    too soon to form judgments. I think its ok to give him anther chance. see how that meeting plays out. but just be a little wary and avoid too much texting in the meanwhile. be friendly and polite but not too friendly in ur texts. meet him. but if he acts weird next time too or opts out of the meeting then you have ur answer.

    #425428 Reply

    Something must be very wrong with him, he lives in the same street ffs, if he were the real deal he would want to meet you right away for a cup of coffee. Maybe he doesnt want to see you in the flesh because he is using old pics or is married lol, just want a penpal. I wouldnt give him another chance, he is too slow and is using work as an excuse. If someone lives in the same street but is so busy that we can never meet, what is the point? He shouldnt even be on a dating site if he is harder to meet than the president.

    #425434 Reply

    lol patsy!!

    this actually happened to me…i even posted it here one day ago…I met him on cupid too. he set up a date with me Sunday for coffee….he later texted me this words ” I was to text you in the afternoon but I kinda blacked out”….there wasn’t even apology..nothing just that !! i haven’t responded to him not planning to..at all..haven’t heard from him since Sunday….im not giving him another chance this was our fourth date…

    I think your guy would have at least called to cancel?? plus another guy told me if a man is really interested to see u…he just doesn’t sleep and stand u up….he’s interest and curiosity about you shouldn’t let him sleep… I’m guessing he’s not that much into you..

    #425435 Reply

    I do not think you give him a free pass, but you do engage. I would be blunt… You have nothing to lose at this point…..

    Ok, thanks for letting me know. I need to be upfront, I am looking for interactions that are growing and making and spending time together is what makes that happen. Are you really able to do that right now? Between work and falling asleep, it seems like we might not be on the same page. Thoughts?

    #425440 Reply

    Heyseattle! That sucks!! Maybe the okcupid guys should grab some energy drink or coffee to stay awake, hehe ;) And I agree with you, all I know is that a guy who is genuinely interested wouldnt dream to miss a date that way. Reading the OP post made me almost upset because he lives in the same street, I would never accept too much texting and no meeting in the flesh when the person lives around the corner.

    #425441 Reply

    Hmmm…I wouldn’t give him another chance.He seems full of excuses already not a good sign. If he is falling asleep and works a lot where will there be time for a relationship?

    #425444 Reply

    I agree with, Khadija. I would not give another chance either.

    And sorry but I think the whole falling asleep thing was BS. Who falls asleep before a meet up they should be excited for. Just saying…

    #425455 Reply

    Thanks everyone for replying. You guys are right. Although I do know for fact that he is not married lol, he did text me this morning saying good morning and he apologized again. i told him goodmorning and that i understand it happens but lets try to not let it happen again, thats the second time that plans werent followed through… this was of course before i saw what you had wrote. and then he said sorry again and that was that

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