He never texts first

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  • #814783 Reply

    I’ve been on a few dates with a guy but he never texts me first. I always have to initiate. Does that mean he’s not interested ? He responds enthusiastically but sometimes takes a while to reply. We don’t have text conversations either, it’s more like an email

    #814785 Reply
    T from NY

    The ONLY way to know a man’s true interest is to let him initiate 90 percent of the time in the beginning. Watch to see if plans dates or asks to see you. Then after being consistent and seeing you often – observe if he makes your relationship exclusive. Actions + words / time = how a many really feels about you. Then, once he’s your boyfriend it can be 75-25 with him initiating most of the time. There are very few men who truly are beta men who want a woman to chase them.

    PS if a man really likes you, and you’re compatible in your communication style, you won’t usually have to question. Train your brain not to care much until a guy proves himself. It’s the only way to be a peaceful, happy female 🙂

    #814895 Reply

    Agree with T from NY.

    What i’d like to know tho is how often and how soon you text him? Like are you even giving him the chance to text first? Or are you getting anxious about not hearing from him and just text him?
    Exercise some patience, lay back and don’t initiate. If he doesn’t get into contact, take it as a non- interest on his part!

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