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- This topic has 817 replies and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
You know what the scariest thing is? If he does text you, what are you going to do next? Are you going to act like everything is normal again? Beth, I really hope you have more self respect to take back this guy if he does contact you.
Hi guys,
So, I gave Beth an outside email address and we’ve been chatting off ANM for a few days. This gave me the chance to ask her some more specific and personal questions that she might have been hesitant to post here. I’ve also gained a little more insight as to what was going on just before her BF asked for space, and what might be contributing to Beth’s state of mind and current difficulties. She’s given me permission to talk about some of it here.
First, her boyfriend has struggled with some degree of depression and as of yet, hasn’t been able to find an anti-depressant that both works and doesn’t carry unpleasant side effects. Just before all this happened, he had spent some time at home with his family and returned saying he was stressed. Based on what Beth has told me, I suspect he was triggered in some way while he was home and suddenly, the prolific texting that was a mildly annoying quirk up until now, became overwhelming and he completely shut down (I have some experience with this). I’ve seen the texts and it certainly does appear that something external set him off, in addition to the over-texting.
Second, Beth has told me a little bit about her relationship with her child’s father and I can begin to understand how her current mindset was created. I believe she was made to feel worthless and isolated. She did have the strength to get out though and she HAS made an appointment to see a therapist. I believe she is committed to working through her issues in therapy as they are beyond the capabilities of ANM to address.
I know that all that we see here are posts where Beth says the same sorts of things and doesn’t appear to be doing anything but wallowing, but as I’ve been talking to her, she’s communicated that she’s going to work, interacting with other teachers, seeking out friends to see socially (hopefully that will happen this weekend), making Christmas candies to take to school, reading some online self help articles and even glancing at the dating site (I suggested this not because she is ready to meet someone knew, but because she needs to remind herself that there are many, MANY other great men out there). I fully believe she IS trying.
I personally think that she is very unsteady and insecure due to past experiences and timid about really getting into some things here, but is fully aware of her issues and is using this forum as an outlet to stay strong and keep up the NC. She KNOWS it’s unhealthy and she knows what she needs to do, but posting here is keeping her from texting and allowing her to express her grief in the absence of anyone else to talk to.
So maybe we can just acknowledge that she’s suffered some damage that most of can’t fully (and hopefully will never have to) comprehend, encourage her for taking the steps to heal (with therapy and continued NC), and just let her vent without offering too much tough love…based on what I’ve been told, I’m not sure tough love is indicated in this particular case.
Thanks kate
@Thomas – it is not up to you to decide whether Beth would benefit from any advice or not. This forum is not for lashing out at people who are in pain, but for helping them, and not everyone is strong. So if you have no compassion then at least have some respect for other people’s feelings.
Ladies – I am surprised that so many of you keep on telling Beth to drop this relationship, it is not possible for her right now. One step at a time. She will arrive at this decision on her own later when she is ready, but right now, she is in acute pain, it is already a huge achievement that she has not contacted him for a week. Everyone is different. Some can move on within a week, others take months.
Beth – you are doing fine, it’s been a week and it is a long time for you, so you have made a huge progress. But it is not a long time for No Contact, it took my ex 3 weeks to contact me after the first breakup. A few months later, after we both decided to breakup again for good, he still contacted me 3 weeks afterwards but did not leave a voicemail, I just saw he called, and not once. I ignored it because if he *really* wanted to get back he should have and would have done it differently.
The second week will be worse than the first one, Beth. Week 3 is when you would begin to feel less “pressure” and less pain. So try to line up things to be busy, girlfriends, therapist, shopping, hairdo, Netflix, join a gym. Come and vent here again, people maybe harsh but they want good things for you, reread this threat from the very beginning again, maybe you will hear things differently this time.
Have you read any of the resources I recommended? I am urging you again to read them Beth. It will help you go through no contact and also avoid mistakes if you want to try to get him back.
Thanks…I’m 1/2 afraid to post because I don’t want to be lashed out on
You were referring to the ex bf recovery and txt your ex back?
I don’t want to drop it with Bryan
I know there are things I need to work on and try to change ….
Giving him time is one of them which I have never done before-
Thank you for realizing (Kate and a few others ) that it is a big deal for meCali89
I understand now after the update. I hope you’re doing well Beth!
Thomas, you are certainly allowed to hold whatever perspective you wish. On occasion, some of the people here contact each other privately if they both feel comfortable with it and they are invested in the issue, for whatever reason. You can talk privately with anyone who is willing to do so, as can I. If you want to provide someone with personal information, that’s your prerogative.
I do have a counseling background, but have not been working in that field for some time. No, you may not email me personally as I don’t feel particularly comfortable with you, from what I’ve read.
I spoke up for Beth because early on she asked if it was all right to come here for support when the urge was strong to text her boyfriend, and I told her she could. So I feel a bit responsible. She also stated that she had made a therapy appointment. It seemed that a lot of those commenting missed those two things. But just because she’s seeking counseling for her issues doesn’t mean she can’t come here for support as well. How many of those posting here do you suppose are in treatment with a therapist for one issue or another? How many posting here have suffered some form of abuse in their past, which is mucking up their present, but find some comfort in the community here even though the need counseling? Does that negate their ability to seek advice from other people who may have had similar experiences?
It just seemed that she was being dealt with pretty harshly by some (who, to be fair, weren’t really given enough information), when all she was really asking for was a place to vent. I think it’s important to remember when we offer advice, that we don’t know anyone’s back story. We don’t know how they came to have the issues about which they write. We (myself included) make suggestions based on what WE would do, without really knowing the nuances of a situation or other contributing factors. And I’ve noticed that some here can become a little aggressive if the person with the issue doesn’t handle things as they personally would. Something struck me with Beth that there was more behind this than just a sad woman who couldn’t stop saying how much she missed her boyfriend, so I reached out (something I haven’t done before), and I was correct. She was hesitant to post the information above because she feared your reactions. I’m not overly concerned with the approval of anyone here, so I offered to provide information that seemed important if people were going to continue to comment on her post, and she said she would like that.
I apologize if that makes you uncomfortable, but I still feel it was necessary.
Well said Kate.You are so right Kate.Thanks for each word
Thank you Kate
I understand that people are probable blue in the face because maybe you don’t feel I am listening or get it
I am listening though yes sometimes I am hard headed
Yes I’m heading some advice
I made a counseling appt
I’ve tried to reach out to ppl
Coming here
Making candy for my co-workers
Going to a school event to chaperone on Friday
Going to work – getting out of bed- etc
Watched 1/2 survivor last nightBut I miss him so much and giving this man space is something different that I have ever done or tried in the past
I know I’ve made mistakes before –and Bryan is very VERY important to me
I do love him and yes I do want things to work out
So it’s just not for him
Yes this is hard for me
I’m trying to change something that I have done in the past the same waybeth
and I am sorry that you all are annoyed that I am saying that I am still missing him
I’ve been following this thread and initially related to the frustration of other posters but after Kate’s update it is clear that this situation is less black and white than we thought.
I remember when my last ex broke up with me, I was devastated. I cried every day and didn’t eat for over a week. I was so destroyed and missing him terribly. I wanted him back so I read loads of online advice about getting your ex back. I followed the steps of ‘moving on’, ‘doing fun things for myself’, ‘going out more’, ‘talking to other guys’, because I figured it would help him see I was different and he would miss me and want me back. The only problem is, I wasn’t doing any of those things for myself, I was doing them for him, so I was still really hurting.
Eventually I called him and told him how much I missed him and wanted him back and you know what he told me? “I’m seeing someone else now”. Safe to say that was a smack in the face! Then I had to get over him all over again! But I did it for real this time, I focused on me and what made me happy, I went travelling, worked on my friendships, dated, and I ended up okay :)
The best advice I read at that time was “move on from the pain and change things for the better for yourself, because A) you might get him back but if you don’t then B) you will be a whole new happier person anyway”. I hope this helps somewhat!
I’m probably going to get reamed for this reply, but oh well. With all due respect, it’s not your place to decide what’s appropriate and what’s not when it comes to Beth and Kate communicating directly. If you read through this thread, you’ll realize Beth asked Kate for help outside the forum. Emma, your question about whether she’s allowed to use “ANM” in her email address is fair, yes. But… In creating the “ANM” email address (correct me if I’m wrong, Kate) her intention was neither to market herself as a secret therapist, nor to usurp Eric and Sabrina’s “power,” but rather to provide a private place for those who have connected with Kate in particular and could use the extra support they’re otherwise uncomfortable indicating here. Could Kate have used a different acronym than “ANM” in her email address? Probably. But that’s sort of a moot point at the moment as there was no ill-will behind it. Let’s keep calm.
Also, Emma, if I remember correctly, aren’t you banned? Forgive me if this is a different Emma. But, it’s neither fair no reasonable of you to say the following to Kate if you’re continuing to post:
“People” use your name accidentally a little too often… and now you’re starting up some sort of online therapy service!?”
All this aside, I thank Kate for enlightening those of us who are generally concerned with and have been following the story. While what we now know doesn’t change the fact that Beth needs to work on herself first and foremost, it doesn’t hurt to allow the context of it all to give us a bit more empathy. I’m not saying she deserves preferential treatment over other posters. My point is, sometimes we’re so eager to hit people with what we insist is right (and even with good intentions), that we lose sight of just how real the struggle is. Not everyone is strong, and it’s a long road to get there. I speak from experience.
*Genuinely, not generally, concerned. Sorry.
Thank you Mae
Totally agree with Mae! It’s been obvious from the start Kate has felt a personal affiliation with beth and has gone out of her way to help her. I think that’s lovely and thanks Kate for enlightening us. It’s so hard to judge anything on limited information.
I also don’t think providing support or advice in a way that a friend would can be a bad thing. Yes some people benefit from therapy but if it’s not in place at the time, where else can they go? Some encouragement can’t be a bad thing.
Beth, please don’t think of it as us attacking you! It just sounded like nothing was getting through at times. Tell us the positive things too you’re doing. It sounds like you’re trying really hard. That way you’ll get encouragement and motivation, and people will feel more sympathetic.
If your man is depressed, I think you may have to wait a while for him to be in touch. He’s probably focusing on himself at the moment and that’s all he can do. He probably has needed this space for a while and not just because of you.
You did the right thing by coming here- ANM is a good place to learn when its privileges are not abused. In fact, I read through Eric and Sabrina’s work every single day to try to be the best I can be. If one thread irks you to the point of allowing you to make generalizations about women being “crazy,” “dramatic,” “bossy,” or “hormonal messes,”
that’s your prerogative. There is much valuable information to be taken from ANM as a whole. It sounds like you’re bitter towards women/dating and are throwing generalizations at us to justify your mentality. Not fair, just as it wouldn’t be fair of us females to throw generalizations about how “awful” and “mean” and “assholes” men are. Not productive on either side. Goes both ways.Anyway…
I work in a hospital and am well aware of HIPPA, and you bring up some good points. ANM is not a medical sounding board full of doctors, however, so I’m not sure these laws apply. Let’s let Eric and Sabrina decide the best course of action moving forward.
And, also, if you read through years of threads here, you’ll notice many posters have mentioned instances where their significant others battle depression. So, if we’re going to go that route, should we all be behind bars?
I respect your stance- just playing Devil’s Advocate.
I am trying to do stuff–
I made a counseling appt
I’ve tried to reach out to ppl
Coming here
Making candy for my co-workers
Going to a school event to chaperone on Friday
Going to work – getting out of bed- etc
Watched 1/2 survivor last night
cant sleep cant eat
just tryingMae
Beth, I understand you have a child from what Kate communicated? How old is he/she? Any fun plans with him/her this weekend? Surely having a child keeps you occupied as well, no?
she goes to her dads on the weekends–I drop her off Friday after school
she is 5Kate
FYI…that email address was created for a one time use with “Beth”, after which she received my personal email. The address in question is no longer in existence and was in fact eliminated within about ten minutes of it’s creation. And Thomas, how do you know that the name of the OP, her boyfriend and some of the details weren’t changed to protect privacy? Believe me, I looked through the post and the information to ensure that no actual identifying info was posted.
Maybe you should apply for the position of Forum ethics officer…you’ll find that many of the people who post also provide names and personal information (such as medical conditions…depression is a common one) not only for themselves, but for their partners, ex partners, family members, etc.
I’m familiar with HIPPA laws so trust me; there is no violation here.
Thomas, your attitude isn’t helping. I hope your generalized, warped view of “women!” “knowing it all” works well in your dating life. What a turn-off to any woman to know that’s how you operate.
Beth, maybe shift your focus to your daughter. She probably senses you’re sad and needs you.
Actually, as I said, I immediately forwarded “Beth’s” initial email to my personal email and provided her with that email. Everything else she subsequently wrote to me she sent to my personal email.
As for any other “handles”, I’m unconcerned with your opinion. If the owner’s of this site want to verify that I post as one person, that is very easily done. If they want to see the email in which Beth gave me permission to post on her behalf, that’s fine if she agrees to it.
Some of you people are so angry and full of hate. An utter lack of compassion for someone in obvious pain…it’s difficult for me to get my mind around. I actually feel very bad for you.
Beth, you’ve received some great advice. Some of it was tough to hear but valid nonetheless.You ARE doing really well, considering and I hope you can separate the good advice (even the harsher good advice) from the hate. And feel free to contact me as you wish (at my personal email, which was never posted on this site.)
And for those of you who seem to have some personal and completely trivial vendetta, I have nothing but the utmost respect for the owners of the site. If my temporary email address crossed any line, I sincerely apologize but I assure you, it was only in existence for a few moments and was not used to solicit business of any kind…it was offered in the spirit of friendship and support only. I have not provided anyone’s identifying information and am familiar enough with privacy laws to know that no violations occurred, AND I had written permission from the OP to post on her behalf.
Thomas you know not of what you speak. HIPPA only applies to health insurers, healthcare professionals and employers. I would be interested in you citing a law that does apply to this forum because in all of my professional working career I have heard of none.
Kate and beth pleaese don’t be upset by this horrible man.
We are here to help you not listen to his utter rubbish.
But…Thomas seriously you came on this forum saying we were all gold diggers, then full of drama and hormonal.
This isn’t the place for a misogynist.
I think this is a very healthy post. There’s no drama here. It’s real women genuinely trying to understand a situation and help. It may sound bitchy at times, but whenever someone has got the wrong impression of beth they have apologized and offered support. This is women actually trying to work through something, grow, learn and be better people. It’s what women do. We communicate. We are not afraid to express raw emotions.
If you don’t like it, fine. But if you actually want a genuine woman in your life and not one who’s playing you or after you’re money, it comes as part of the package.