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- This topic has 817 replies and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
We will hear you out, that’s what the forum is here for x
did you see my question
What was the tragic news, you haven’t given much information to go on? Is everything okay?
I had a friend die
there are some similarities between him and my guy
yes I am sad–but I am very very worriedbeth
I just want to know hes ok
and alive
we don’t have common friends K
OK. I’m lost. You just heard that one of your friends died. What’s the connection between him and your boyfriend? Why does this worry you?
Beth, this is getting more and more unhealthy, and though you say you’re trying we are all worried about your current state. And also, your daughter. How can you take care of her if you are in such a bad way?
If I were you, especially given this current news we know nothing about, I would seek counseling immediately. I don’t think you can wait 4 more days until your appointment. Not tomorrow, not the day after, but right now.Seek a professional to talk to because I believe nothing more we can say will help you.
There are emergency hotlines for crisis counseling. You have little to no support system based on what we know about your current family situation. Please, get online and find a number to call.
I’m sorry to say… but I’m concerned you’re getting to the point where you’ll harm yourself, either unintentionally or… I don’t know.
I’m sorry you lost someone close to you but I think you are looking for excuses to contact him. You’re obsessing and it’s not healthy. The only course of action is to continue no contact.Lane
Beth, if your friend truly died I don’t believe you would be thinking about your BF at the moment. Your looking for a reason to contact him and I honestly believe at this point you should because you really don’t care about HIS NEEDS (request for space), and only care about your own (constant contact). One of two things will occur by doing so: 1) He’ll be OK with it; OR 2) end it. just know that whatever choice YOU MAKE could have negative consequences and you will have to take full responsibility for it if it doesn’t go your way.
I agree with Mae, your current state isn’t healthy Beth, not for you or your daughter! Also agreeing with Kat continue no contact.
I don’t want to get too involved about the similiarities between the two
I cant–not here….K
Similarities doesn’t mean what happened to your friend will happen to your BF, imagine if your BF knew you were acting this way right now he probably wouldn’t come back he would be scared to! Try and focus on no contact and maybe go out this weekend with your daughter, do something fun!
Beth we all care about you and are concerned for you. This has gone on for pages and pages and you are not talking or acting any differently. You’re still begging for support. Please open your eyes and see you’ve gotten loads of support here. But we can’t get into your shoes and change, only you can. I know this is difficult. It is extremely unhealthy to be this attached to someone. That is the real issue that has to be addressed. PLEASE get help locally right now. Start calling local numbers for crisis centers. I’m not telling you not to post here because I have no right to do that. I am saying, we are just a group of people on the internet and you need professional help ASAP. This is just going around and around here. The more you post, the more you obsess and ruminate. I don’t feel like we are helping you. Please do something to get with someone faace to face or on th phone now, today!! We want to see you get past this situation and become a healthy, happy person!!!!
OK, but Beth… Just because your friend had similar character traits to your boyfriend, does not mean your boyfriend will follow down the same path. If you are truly devastated over the death of your friend, then give that its due attention as opposed to using it as a reason to check up on your boyfriend. Imagine how this would sound to him:
“I know I’m not supposed to be contacting you because you asked for space. But I needed to call you because my friend died and I’m afraid you might have died, too.”
Just please take a step back for a moment and think about it. I’m only trying to protect you from a potential disaster here.
How close are you to this friend?
Beth, did your friend die from an overdose?
Beth, I’ve been so attached to someone before to this point of unhealthiness. Its not good. It will make you ill!
Please seek some help. You can’t carry on life this huni x
Forum viewers who have followed this thread:
I think at this point something that Lane said should be considered. I think Beth’s relationship needs to end because this in limbo state is making her increasingly obsessive and unwell. I think we should encourage her to reach out to him so that the relationship will end. She is in no way healthy enough to be in a relationship and will only be able to do the work on herself that she needs to do if she finality and closure from this relationship and is not obsessing over whether he will call or if he misses her.
Kate – I think she should reach out too. Sometimes you have to push people to cut you out to save yourself.
I agree with you and Lane to an extent. The problem is, I don’t think it will stop the sadness, the longing, the missing, and the obsessing. Let’s break this down:
1) If she reaches out, and he’s OK with it, and agrees to give it another go, the problem is not solved. It’s a band-aid and the blood will continue to seep through until it’s forced to come off. UNLESS both of them (but especially her since this thread is focused on her) vow to resolve their OWN issues. But it’s way too early on in the relationship, IMO, to have this level of problems.
2) If she reaches out, and he ignores her: Things will continue as is, only the level of obsessing if he misses her will deepen. To her, ignoring is pure torture and this is a viable possibility.
3)If she reaches out, he gets fed up, and ends it (possibly forcefully): She’ll beat herself up for having negated all the advice on this forum, and constantly find ways to “fix it,” when the damage has been done an done. Since she’s not in the right frame of mind to undergo any more emotional trauma at the moment, I’m afraid of this option.That’s why we’ve been saying all along that the root issues stem from something internal. We’ve been telling her not to reach out so as to help her preserve her dignity (at least, the advice I gave wasn’t focused on saving the relationship so much as to help restore her to a more stable place). I think we all agree that Beth needs to do a lot of work before entering into a relationship with ANYONE or continuing with this man. I’m sure she’s aware, and I’m sure her BF would agree.
I do think she should not act on anything until at least she’s seek the counselor. But again, I’m concerned that 4 days until her appointment is too long, which is why some of us suggested immediate crisis counseling.
I understand what you are saying but I think your option number 1 is HIGHLY unlikely. Option number 2 will at least push her closer to an end to this and I think option 3 is the most likely. I like what MnM said… she needs to save herself and she can’t do that hanging on to something that is doomed. it needs to endKate
Going to chime in again, because I think some excellent advice has been given from which I hope you (Beth) can benefit. I don’t mean to single anyone out because obviously many (Mae, Lane, Hannah, etc,) are really trying to help and have provided some great advice. But Beth, I want you to read this one several times until you start to believe it (from K):
“He asked for space, and by the way he said it it seems he was angry and feeling smothered so he could have easily said its over leave me alone but he chose not to, he chose space. This is what you need to look at and focus on, SPACE isn’t finishing things. Do not send him a message, do not ask for your things because all this is to him is you finding excuses to make contact and men aren’t silly he will know this!
**Don’t keep waiting on his message, waiting only makes you weaker!** (And I’ll insert here, it KEEPS YOU from working on yourself)…
I’m also not saying it’s easy, I have been where you are. I was with someone for 3 years and one evening he said to me I think we need time apart to really think about things, I was heartbroken as soon as I heard those words but I didn’t let it stop my life and take up every thought and guess what, after 2 weeks he sent me a message and he even said to me **Im surprised I haven’t heard from you, do you want to talk’ because he was expecting it** (Me aggain, pay attention to the above sentence!)
In his mind he NEEDED this space, so him asking for it is what he wanted in order to save the relationship, if you contact him he is likely to blow so don’t! A week isn’t long enough to know. **He wont be in the state you are in so it probably doesn’t even feel like a week has passed!**(Yes!) Show him you are independent, you haven’t heard from him and yes of course you’re upset but he doesn’t need to know!
Women were put on this earth to be strong and to raise strong children! You can do this with or without him, even if he didn’t come back you’d survive and meet someone new! It’s life girl!
I believe from past experiences that he will get in touch, space and ending things are different and like I said he asked for space!”
Also, like others have said, I wouldn’t do anything in regards to him until you have seen your therapist and started to break the anxiety/fear cycle. Even if he called right now, you would be so relieved that I think you might cling even more and validate all his concerns. However, if you assume he’s NOT coming back, you will begin the process of moving on and hopefully be in a more secure place when he does.
Personally, I think that a deadline should be set (after a couple of therapy sessions), at which point Beth emails her BF if she hasn’t heard from him. That way, she will have a result of some sort. He will either reply (positively or negatively) or he won’t (still an answer). But I honestly think this will help her move forward right now, if she has a goal to reach for (ex. in two weeks I am allowing myself to contact him and then I will have my answer).
I agree that option 1 is highly unlikely. I was saying that getting back together will not solve the problem; it will happen again.
Option 3 is the most likely, yes. I think it’s a triple-edged sword, to be honest.
I see what you are saying about saving herself and not hanging on to something, but I believe the issue is more deep-rooted than this, and possibly stemming back to childhood. I think this whole scenario is a symptom of a bigger problem. Which is why immediate course of action is counseling. Not to sound too medical, but it’s just how I’m seeing it. Make sense?
I agree- setting small goals is a good idea- something for her to talk through in-depth with her therapist. Plan needs to be set in place with the therapist so she can protect herself as much as possible. Also on a larger scale, not just related to this scenario.
Paul, thank you for your perspective. I appreciate how you took the time to come up with a thought-out response rather than bashing us women as a whole, which is what a previous poster did.
You make a good point: regardless of the duration of the relationship, when a man is pushed to this point, he won’t be afraid to walk away. It’s hard for some of us to accept that.