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- This topic has 817 replies and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
I think advice from a man on issues like this is always a positive, especially if you’re able to provide it in a respectful way (as you have).
Beth, I think that this is probably exactly how your BF was feeling so please read the above and take it to heart. I don’t think Paul was being harsh, but trying to give you some insight into how your man might be looking at this.
ok I have a question for you (been 9 days since we talked and 3 weeks since I seen him)
if he doesn’t want to continue do you think he’ll say somethingbeth
NO I don’t think you are being harsh–not at all..I appreciate your point of view
I really really do (as everybody’s words)Jenny
Beth, YOU have to stop this- you’re the only one with the power to do so. Can I ask what kind of things make you sincerely happy? *other than him obviously* Do you like cooking or running, maybe gardening or do you play an instrument?
So, Beth, what are you going to do? Will you take the step and call a crisis counselor today?
It’s easy for us looking from the outside to be objective but we all know it’s easier said than done when WE’re there… We all wonder if he’ll call and miss him so the constant coddling is just placing a continued focus on HIM. The beginning is about distraction and the discomfort of dealing with ill feelings… They say 21 days to habit- meaning if you can maintain focus on something persistently for 21 days, by week 4 it becomes almost habitual/ easier in reference to letting go of relationships. That’s not saying that you will absolutely be “over” him, just that you’ll be better able to cope.
I so, so agree with everything Paul has said. I’ve said this before as I’ve read it somewhere else (maybe from one of Eric’s posts but not sure)…
Think of your relationship as a house and your partner as a breeze. The breeze is refreshing and wonderful and makes you happy. It feels so good and you never want to be without it. But sometimes it’s strong and flowing freely and other times it dies down and goes elsewhere for a bit. A healthy attitude is to be happy for the time it was there and grateful for the time it was quieter, because you know it’s regenerating and will return.
However, as women we tend to become afraid when it dies down and we start to analyze the reasons why, and wonder if it’s ever coming back, and engaging in all sorts of counter-productive behavior to try and BRING it back. Because of this fear, instead of letting it blow freely we shut all the windows and lock all the doors to try and keep it “in” the house/relationship. But what happens when we try to trap the breeze inside? The house becomes a prison, the breeze becomes stale, eventually falls to the floor as it can no longer breathe, and it loses any ability to be with us.
Men NEED freedom…open doors and windows in which to flow through the house…to recharge their emotional and mental resources, to center themselves and to do the things they need to do in order to be their best selves. Women need the same things but the difference is, they often need time (sometimes minutes, sometimes days) AWAY from the relationship in order to recharge. It doesn’t mean they don’t care or even that they aren’t contacting us, but if we over communicate and force “relationshipy” talks without allowing time to recharge (like, shutting the windows and doors around them in an effort to trap them), they run out of energy for the relationship and leave for good. “Relationship” is OUR natural state, not theirs.
Freedom is essential. Freedom to be with us without us trying to muckle onto them, freedom to go away for a bit and recharge, freedom to love us without us trying to make them anything other than what they are and even freedom to leave for good if it turns out we are not compatible. This “letting go” at first feels like dying to women because it’s so counter-intuitive. But, if we can REALLY do it, without faking it, and actually change our mindset, it’s the best feeling in the world because we know we’ll be ok no matter what and we are almost completely free from anxiety.
I’m pseudo Buddhist so that may sound like a lot of new age nonsense, but it’s how I’ve learned to look at relationships and has freed me from what I now see as a prison of my own making.
Instead of your thoughts and concerns being so adamantly focused on HIM, give some of that to YOU… It’s okay to love him, feel lost but do you really love him more than you love and cherish yourself?? And is that the type of love you even WANT? Someone who makes you feel that to love them to your heart’s full potential means that you must love yourself less just to maintain it? What’s his appeal? Where is he now in your darkest hour?? Life bring plenty of dark moments. It’s easy for people to stand by you in the sun but crucial you make the correct choices of who you trust yourself with in darkness. Do you trust him like that? Because right now, he’s completely abandoned you and unfortunately you don’t seem strong enough to stand alone so it’s that much MORE important to have a reliable partner. Just my opinion… As always, wish you well!
I’m with lane on this. The giving space is meant to give you both time to take a break. Its clearly not working and will blow up in an emotional thing anyway the second he does contact.
I also agree with lanes Notion that the friend dying is an excuse to contact. I’m really sorry for you about that btw. That’ cant be easy with the state you are already in. If you do decide to contact, don’t ask ‘are you ok?’ But send a ‘light’ message. Nothing comes to mind.
I also strongly feel no one around here will be good enough to help. You do have serious issues, i’m sorry about that too.Jenny
And yes, I strongly live by the concept of “detachment”. I think to attach to anything is detrimental to one’s happiness and takes away from the present moment. Attaching to people, outcomes, things, emotions, puts a heavy energy on them and it’s not necessary or authentic. There’s a HUGE difference in a guy calling out of emotional obligation and a guy calling out of the sheer will and sincere desire to do so. To expect behavior makes it less meaningful and substantial. Authenticity is deeply rooted and creates a stronger foundation built on acceptance and respect. Your reaction to him saying he wants space is very disrespectful BTW. That in, of itself would make you someone I would never ever EVER want to be with. You lack strength in character and *this is going to sting* but also aren’t setting the best example for your child. No parent is perfect but your FEELINGS for a man are stronger than being a positive example as a woman… When your daughter is 15 and has her first bf and he says he needs space is THIS how you’d encourage her to deal with it??
If not, think about what you would say to HER, and follow your own advice!
Eric Charles
KeymasterGuys, listen… there’s one woman who has been trolling this thread… she invents characters like Thomas and Paul…
The same person posting as K was also posting as Paul…
The same person posting as Kat was also posting as Thomas…
The person doing this has a lot of time on their hands and enjoys reactions to her characters…
Think about it… guys never posted in this forum in the 4 years ANM has had forums, and all of a sudden, guys just jump into threads and give their “male” opinion. They also use a lot of exclamation points!!!!
I’ve been deleting these posts as I spot them, but in the meantime, when someone just appears and starts stirring up controversy, it’s because they’re fake…
So don’t worry about Thomas, Paul, Kat, K, Micky, Maryjane, Nice cup of tea, etc. All fake, invented by an individual that has a lot of time on their hands.
Thank you, Eric. This is outrageous and confusing. Unfortunately, it’s hard to tell who to trust here. “Paul’s” replies actually resonated with me. How discouraging and disturbing if this really is a woman, not only posting under another handle, but also posing as a man.
So, Eric, does this mean we should be wary of all male posters? Have none of them over the past few months been authentic?
Just want to make sure Eric….Kat and not Kate, right? I want to verify because people (like Emma and Thomas) have accused me of posting under several names. I have not, and don’t want to be associated with such a thing. Sorry to bug you but I don’t want anyone thinking I’ve been anything but genuine.
who’s the same person?
I am so lost right nowTallspicy
To me, you are already broken up. His actions are saying that, even if the words are not. 3 weeks and 9 days? That says over to me. And he is just being a coward about making it official. He is being a man.
I doubt he will call for anything other than an ego stroke in a few months.
You have to take care of you, and I believe that ending it in your end will feel more powerful.
im trying to see that he just asked for space…but to me 9 days is like forever!
Tall- I think you might be responding to a different thread on the same subject. There have been a handful this past week, all related to space.
Cali89…is the address you posted still functional? Or are you on FB by the screen name you use here? I’d like to send contact you but don’t want to intrude or cross any lines.
Contrary to most of the posters, I think it is time to call him. Sitting around and waiting, wondering if you have broken up or not is sucking you into a vortex of negativity that you can’t make your way out of. You need to call him and see what’s what. It seems that you are not capable of living your own life and not obsessing over a man that you seem to require to validate you. This is all clearly about you. Call him… he’ll either be happy to hear from you or it will be over but at least you won’t be sitting around paralyzed with confusion.
if he wants you back I wish you all the best but suspect this cycle will repeat, quickly. if it’s over, better for you, you can begin the hard work on yourself to become the happy confident woman you deserve to be. Time to end this toxic situation. Call him todaykimf
Damn Kate, that was an awesome post! If I could just…integrate that, really live it…you know? I wanted you to know I really appreciated what you said.
If every woman here took in those words and lived by them, and understood that she has everything she needs already, then there would be an amazing less number of posts on this forum.
If every woman here understood that she is a potential queen, that she has no need to go looking, searching, worrying…that she only has to receive..there would be so fewer posts.
I think every woman here should take a good long hard look at their worth and realize it and then tell themselves…I am so much more than this situation right now. My potential is so much more. I am capable of so much more. I think what we are all looking forward may be found inward.
It just kinda seems like things are a little backward right now…Eric Charles
KeymasterKate – yes, Kat, not Kate. And I’ve been removing posts of the troll since keeping them there only keeps the troll-bait set… so that’s why you don’t see Paul, Kat, K, Thomas, etc. in here anymore.
Beth, did you call him?
Is that a yes? We’re not going to shout at you if it is! All of us have gone against good advice at some point.