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- This topic has 817 replies and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
Correct. Not going to shout. We are simply concerned about you.
I tried to txt
What do you mean “tried”? Did you send it or not?
Beth, can you please tell us what’s going on with you?
Did you send that text? how long ago? did he reply? You owe us an update girl.
3pm I said- how are you feeling hope you’re doing well
Beth, do not text anymore.
It is not over yet, from what I understand he is not a complete asshole to just drop you like that for good, he would have told you it is over, and he might still tell you that, a couple more texts from you and he will.
But right now, it is still not over. I hope that NOW you would believe those of us who kept telling you not to contact him.
He will reach out to you when he is ready. He will, if only to say good bye, but you will hear from him.
If he does not reach out to you before Christmas, then right before Christmas, you can email him (do not text) and say “I am missing you terribly, I did not want to contact you because you asked me to give you space, it has been very hard on me not to know how you are doing but I understand you have your things to sort out. I won’t be contacting you anymore but I am here if you need me. If you don’t want to be with me anymore, I would appreciate it if you let me know, so that I stop worrying and can move on with my life. Wish him Merry Christmas [add the rest of the holidays wishes]”. He will be a complete jerk not to reply to you on Christmas eve, so this will be your opportunity to find out where he stands or to obtain closure. If he wants to end it, do not beg or plead with him Beth, please do not do that, it will not change his mind. Say that you appreciate his honesty, respect his needs and will be moving on with your life. If you feel he is not sure what to do, that he does not want to end it yet, do not push, gently tell him you are missing him but you want him to be with you only when he is sure he wants it himself, and give him 3 weeks to decide.
I wanted to try and call but didn’t
So I shouldn’t just ask for my key back
What about his xmas gift
I made him a special calendar of him and his sonBeth
Why do you say “not over yet”Jippity
OK, Beth, this clearly isn’t about your friend or your concern for your BF, as after contacting him you’re more concerned about whether it’s over and whether to give him his christmas present.
I am so sorry that you’re hurting as badly as you are. It sounds like torture.
Mae is right, you need a therapist ASAP. This really isn’t about him at all, it’s about how you feel about yourself. It makes me sad that you feel so badly about yourself.
He cannot ease your pain right now. Nothing he says or does will really ease your pain. Even if he texts you, it won’t be enough to stop you hurting. You’ll want more, and more, and more and more… and so on. It will still hurt.
The only thing that will help the pain inside of you right now is speaking to a therapist. Even one session can help. Please make this a priority.
Some of the posters here advised you to contact him so you could create your own closure and have your answer. You’ve reached out; so far he’s ignoring you. So do you feel better or worse? Do not reach out again, even on Christmas. If you’re concerned about your key, you can have your locks changed.
BETH. You KNOW you should not have contacted him.
For heavens sake please go get help. You may need medication to help calm you down and start thinking straight. PLEASE. This is SO HARD to watch you destroying yourself.
Maria: you give some crazy advice sometimes but this really takes the cake. Telling her to contact him on Christmas Eve and say that is absolute manipulative madness. WHAT the hell are you thinking. If you are going to pour gasoline on a fire you deserve to be banned.
I know how you have been feeling. My bf asked me for a break a year ago (for different reasons) but it was torture. I sense that uncertainty is destroying you and I, just like most other posters what to see you get to a place where you an focus on YOU! You cannot do that while obsessing on him… you need to reclaim your emotional presence and direct it back to yourself not him. That is why I am suggesting you encourage an outcome with Bryan. I think that after texting him today, if you do not get a response this weekend then it is over. I think it is great you are seeing a therapist next week and knowing where you stand will make your recovery much easier. I feel for you but having this drag on for weeks, in your state, just isn’t fair. Take care of you.Maria
Anonymous – If I want your opinion, I will ask for it, but thanks for volunteering. I say what I want to say, I am not terribly concerned with what you think, sorry. Oh and I am sure you know that, but just a reminder, it is not up to you to decide whom to ban.
There is clearly a reason this man had to ask for f***ing space.
Maria, you put your opinion and you put out crap and you’re gonna get called on it. If you can’t handle it don’t post.
No I don’t decide who gets banned, never claimed I did.
Beth, I said I don’t think it is over YET, because he would have told you so. It takes a total jerk to just drop a relationship like that. He is going through some depression and some trouble.
You broke the no contact, now you regret it, I hope..??
But you can’t go on like that forever, so put a limit to this and ask for a closure, as I suggested or in some other way. Just don’t do it YET, give him time to miss you, there might still be a chance. I repeatedly told you that the first 1-2 weeks they “rest”, then they begin to miss you and wonder why you are not going after them. But you contacted him, he does not have to “wonder” now.
Beth oh Beth..I hope you’ll learn to see things from another person’s perspective, why don’t you understand that he needs time to miss you?
The man asked for space and Beth just cannot respect it, unfortunately. Telling her to contact him on Christmas Eve and telling her in the vulnerable state of mind that he’s a jerk if he doesn’t respond is irresponsible, when the odds are against him responding. Why would you tell her to set herself up for more rejection she can’t handle?? Very lame advice and likely to cause Beth more pain she can’t handle. Insensitive as hell.
Hi Beth,
I’ve been following this thread briefly so I apologize if I seem uninformed. I am still confused on the state of your relationship before he told you he needed space. I can’t tell how you two were relating previous to this. I’m just curious because it would provide a lot of insight into what’s going on with him now and it would help to determine the best course of action…Again, sorry everyone if this has already been addressed and is now irrelevant! I’m just curious and feel like there are some holes for me scanning through this (but I realize I haven’t read all the pages in full detail)
We are all entitled to our opinion, and heated discussion is also encouraged. I will say that I respectfully disagree with Maria’s last piece of advice. But I’ve no right to attack her or use profanity to get that across.
Attacking another poster is actually grounds for banning.
I’m worried
Mae: please revisit my posts directed to Maria. I used no profanity whatsoever, I don’t know what you’re talking about. And I wasn’t attacking. I’m taking issue with very poor advice Maria gave to a vulnerable person who is clearly unable to handle it when a man who has asked her to back off for a while. Again, advising her to contact him on Christmas Eve because he has to respond or he is a jerk is manipulation and it’s setting Beth up for another rejection she is completely incapable of coping with. I’m not attacking Maria, I said this is crazy advice because it is likely harmful to the poster and I stand by what I said. If saying this makes me get banned, so be it, I don’t need to be here.
I’m not going to post on this thread any longer as Beth is not taking the advice to get local help, and at 18 pages, there is nothing further I can say that would make any difference to her, everything has been said already.