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I also don’t want to talk “behind Beth’s back” and not involve her in conversation that concerns her.
Beth, regardless of all else, I want to say publicly that I’m very proud of you for maintaining the NC for as long as you did. While I probably would have let it go longer, I know it wasn’t at all easy. And I’m also very impressed that you immediately took the step of making a counseling appointment.
I agree–I do NOT want to have a txt convo about this
I know 9 days may not seem like didly squat
Beth I also hope you don’t think we’ve ben talking behind you back! We’re just concerned and want to know the best way to help!
From where you where from the start of this post to where you are now, there has been no change it outlook. For most women, after a few days they feel a bit more in control and then can carry on the NC. That didn’t happen with you. So I think 8 days is amazing!
I’m a smoker and have tried to give up. I have been on my knees in tears at the point I have caved in but I have had to. It’s horrible and upsetting, it makes you feel weak and pathetic, frustrated and stupid. We’re all flawed Beth! Remember that.
im just scared
Hannah…I didn’t mean to imply that I thought you were or even wanted to talk behind her back. I’m so sorry if you read it that way!
I just meant that if any of us here WERE to talk privately, and Beth’s situation was involved, we should try to include her unless it was non consequential.
I was not thinking anyone was talking about me behind my back
Kate, no not at all, I understood what you meant!
Beth I hope you hear from him today. I’m sure you are scared. It sounds like he’s in a bad place too mentally so keep that in mind when you do hear from him. It may even be he can’t face talking and may change the day.
Please keep us posted and good luck!
Nothing today
Has till tomorrow
appointment is at 5pm
still nothing from himTallspicy
I really think you need to be prepared for worst case. The issue you have is that saying you will be different over and over is not helpful anymore because you are not credible. I believe the only way out is to share what you are doing to get better.
A. If he breaks it off, ask if you can talk in some months after you get help
B. If he does not break if off, focus not on apology, but engaging him in helping you change.
But, I believe he is going to end it, either by ending it for real or disappearing.
part of me want to sent a txt saying hey—-you mentioned stopping by…if you cant that is ok just let me know either way
but I don’t know if I should remain silentIceCream
I would remain silent if I were you Beth. You both know that Tuesday/Wednesday are your days to meet so just wait these two days out. Don’t prompt him, he doesn’t need it, and saying “it’s okay if you can’t” would be giving him the excuse to not stop by.
Remaining silent would give him the impression that you are being rational and non-needy about this meetup. I know it may not be the case in reality but at least it will imply that to him.
You can wait it out :)
@ice cream
he said –I can stop by OR catch up Monday or tueday”IceCream
@Beth – my mistake, I must have misread that you had arranged to catch up on Tuesday or Wednesday.
My advice, and I’m not sure you will like it, would be to wait a few more days if he does not show up or contact, and then perhaps send a message saying “I expected to hear from you earlier this week like we arranged but if you don’t want to meet then I don’t see where we can go from here”.
disclaimer: I’m not really sure that is the best response to send as I’m not as familiar with your situation as others are so if that seems a bit inappropriate then my apologies.
I am hoping he follows through
I have not txted or called which is very unlike meTallspicy
What would be most loving to yourself right now? Arranging to talk or waiting it out?
I do not think waiting it out is doing much for you right now. But you can, if it will not overly stress you.
You could send something saying “hey there – we discussed getting together or chatting today or tmrw. What are you thinking?”
You can’t worry about what he thinks anymore, you will be unable to change his mind most likely, so best to do what is best for you.
If he does not respond, then assume you are done and never speak to him again.
Or you can wait, but if he does not contact you at all, what will be your reaction?
Just curious what your thoughts were behind this?
“A. If he breaks it off, ask if you can talk in some months after you get help”
Why re-hash old wounds? You also say waiting it out isn’t doing much for Beth, which I agree with. But to your point above I think breaking it off then wanting to talk some months later is still a form of waiting it out, i.e. false hope.
I agree that if broken off, they should not speak. My point was that if she shows up to apologize again, if won’t work. Not really to keep the door open. But it will only be open if he keeps it so, or she does the work and stays away from him.
I’ve already shared this with Beth, but I’m going to post it here because it might be helpful to someone else. I’ve actually asked my own BF his opinion on parts of this situation, just to get a male perspective. He is very calm and reasonable in most instances, and I’ve found his advice to be spot on in the past.
First, he was a little shocked that Beth’s boyfriend responded at all on Sunday. He said that if he’d asked for “space” in the way this man did, and a woman interrupted that in the way Beth did on Friday (texting twice and asking a question that put him on the spot to answer, or not), he would probably have told her he needed to extend the “break”. After knowing what Beth then texted her BF on Sunday though, he said he would have handled that in one of two ways. 1) If he was truly done at that point, he wouldn’t have suggested “catching up”. He would have called and ended it. 2) If it truly was about him being stressed and just needing a mental break, he would have done exactly what Beth’s BF did, and suggested a time when he felt he could talk about everything. He said he would NOT drag it out (and further torture a woman) by suggesting a get together to “catch up”, just to break up or ghost her. His thoughts on why her BF changed his tune after Beth’s Sunday text, was that this text was very different than her usual messages. She showed some honest vulnerability in expressing her feelings, without making him responsible for them AND, she stopped trying to control the situation and left it up to him how he’d like to proceed.
These are his comments about the text Beth received on Sunday, which said, “Hi, I’m doing ok. I can catch up or stop by on Monday or Tuesday” and Beth’s reply, “OK, I will wait to hear from you Monday or Tuesday.” He said that there is nothing to analyze here. The man said he would see her or talk to her Monday or Tuesday, and she said she would wait to hear from him. He probably avoided Monday because he knows it’s going to be awkward (and men don’t like awkward), but plans to contact her by Tuesday evening because he said he would. He also probably thinks Beth is perfectly fine with it and he doesn’t need to say anything further because Beth told him she would wait to hear from him. If she contacts him before tonight, in the absence of some emergency, she is breaking her word and will reaffirm his concerns. He said not to be surprised if he calls, texts, or just shows up after he drops his child off tonight.
However, he also said that if he DOESN’T contact her as planned, he’s being extremely rude and disrespectful. That if for some reason he can’t or doesn’t want to get together, he absolutely owes her a message about it. And if he doesn’t show or call/text, it would be appropriate and reasonable for her to send him a message later tonight or tomorrow, but that she should probably break it off with him because he doesn’t respect her enough to honor his own words. He pointed out that there was no “maybe” in the last text her BF sent, but he said he CAN see her/talk to her Monday or Tuesday. To him this was as good as making plans, and he should honor them, reschedule them by tonight, or be shown the door.
Beth I don’t think your in the right mindset to engage with him. I haven’t seen any improvement on your end as to any changes you’ve made to SHOW him that you can control yourself and will slip right back into the same pattern because a person cannot change over night, it takes a lot of practice and based on what I’ve heard he’s not the right guy to do this with.
I think you should focus on your therapy. Do you have a list to present? Do you even l ow what compels you to act this way? Have you taken any time to reflect on your behaviors in relationships and the root cause of why they fail?
Your still focusing all your energy on him and haven’t mentioned anything on what you’ve learned from the women on here? You haven’t used this space wisely IMO and he’s going to realize it pretty quickly if you do “catch up” because your too emotionally frail and will end up dumping all your feeling on him.
Going NC doesn’t fix anything if you’ve done nothing to work on the issues that is causing the underlying/root problem in your relationships. Although therapy is a good first step, it’s going to take a lot of hard work and effort to undo it and learn better ways of managing your emotions and thoughts.
I couldn’t have said what Lane said any better, myself.
Beth, please post here again after your appointment tonight. I hope it goes well. If you work it, it will be a step in the right direction.
Sweet girl, go out and enjoy your life. Live. Laugh bunches. Instead of worrying about him, put that energy into you and your friends. It’s hard when something seems so good and you don’t want to lose it. It’s also hard to set aside your feelings and good intentions for trying to fix this relationship….but you must. Enjoy your life and let him gravitate to you. If he doesn’t then it wasn’t meant to be or maybe just not at this time. He needs space for whatever reason. Give yourself space to be the best you can be….for you. You’ll be surprised what comes into your life when you’re not so intent on controlling things and the outcome. That being said I know it’s hard. But you just need to step back a little bit and breathe.
yes I will post later after the appointment after I get home