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- This topic has 817 replies and was last updated 8 years, 8 months ago by
Hannah is right. I really thought this post sounded like it was written by a teenager at first.
You need to do some work on yourself. This guy is just a peripheral to your real issues. This really is just about you, but right now I don’t know that you see that.
Phillygirl nailed it. Beth, when you are happy being you, everything just falls into place. Honestly. The only thing to concern yourself with is being the best and happiest version of you. I was out of commission sick for most of this year and I’ve found that now I’m back on track doing what comes from my heart I’m making new friends, getting new clients and everything without effort.
Beth, I’m getting the impression that you know what you need to do and intend to do it, and are maybe just venting to us about how hard it is? If that’s the case, that’s great. Just let everyone know in your posts that you’re going to do what everyone’s told you to do but are just needing to vent.
This concerns me though:
“I would have just thought its been 2 weeks
he would have wanted to see me–we only get the weekends
I have not seen him since the weekend before thanksgiving
been so long”You REALLY need to understand that he isn’t looking at it in the same way you are and he hasn’t a chance to even miss you. In his mind, you are at the very least on a break and that means that he doesn’t want to see you right now, period. It’s not that he has stopped caring, but that he’s doing what he needs to do for himself. You need to take care of YOURself.
Im trying really trying here
it is taking a lot of strength to not call or txt him
the urge to stop by the resturaunt is very big and I am NOT going to do that
I guess I am venting in a way but I am also just overwhelmed and upset too
Im trying to keep in my head that he cares but thinking he also said ” it’s supposed to be fun and rewarding and it is no longer”
it just upsets mebeth
Im trying to see it in his eyes but it is very hard
Re-read this entire thread…you honestly can’t see where he’s coming from?
None of us know you and even just from reading what you’ve written it reeks of neediness and insecurity and is a turn off even for ME. I can’t imagine what he’s thinking.
I really really encourage you to STOP obsessing over this and redirect your attention elsewhere for a couple days. Stop saying it hurts, your sad, etc. You are only keeping yourself stuck in the same place with all the negative thoughts. You are not a victim. If this is a pattern of behavior for you then you are fortunate to have a great opportunity NOW to change your behavior. As the others said I’m a little surprised to find out you’re 30 because this sounded like the post of a teen with little dating experience.
Spend some time doing things independently that make YOU happy. What do you like to do? even if your friends can’t go out this weekend there is plenty you can do on your own. When I was single I spent lots of time learning how to enjoy my own company and not need the presence of a man or anyone really in order to be fulfilled and happy. You need to practice doing this; nothing is promised and your relationship could end at any point and you’d be left devastated because you are so emotionally dependent on this man. It’s not healthy. You’ve GOT to learn to be on your own and be fine with it; you will repel and lose every man you ever date if you keep up with this behavior. At 30 years old you should be learning from your mistakes, not perpetuating them. You’ve been given excellent advice so far. Keep reading it until it sticks
I’m sure you have gotten many people to urge you to allow him his space.
Which rightfully so I agree with the others.
Imagine if the shoe was on the other foot.
How would you feel if you asked for space and someone didn’t respect that boundary?
Right now he needs some time to think things through and actually miss you.
Give him that and no matter what happens in the long run its for the best.Leah
Hey Beth, do you visit the gym?
Go to the gym and work out. I promise you will feel so much better after a session of sweating. I am going through a breakup myself and I find that working out help me focus on what’s positive in my life.
This is going to come across as blunt and harsh, but:
I was once where you were, but about ten years ago. All the agony and uncertainty made me very sick physically and emotionally, and I can tell you you’re headed down that path right now. Please get out while you can. I take it you don’t have a ton of experience or have been damaged and are still not in a good place for a relationship.
What inspires the pure, unadulterated Beth and Beth alone? How do you spend your days when not pining for a man? Do you have a career? A good family/group of friends? Are there blogs you read? Books? Do you like to write? Go for walks? Go play with a dog?
If you haven’t already memorized his number, erase it from your phone. Assume it’s over because that makes moving on easier- hold your head high and walk away. You are not to contact him as torturous as it is. If he reaches out ever again, you’ll know who it is.
At least it’s the weekend. Do you live alone? Have a movie marathon. Read stupid celebrity gossip trash. Eat a pint of Ben & Jerry’s. Treat yourself. Anything. Regardless of how much you’ve messed this up, or how seemingly cruel he’s being, you deserve some YOU time. You are your own person; do you really want to build your entire identity around someone who couldn’t have been more clear in his desire to get rid of you? (I believe his words were “Don’t f*cking reach out again.”)
You’re too in-the-thick-of-it to think rationally; that we can tell. For now, focus on the weekend and mindless, fun, girly, pampering activities. When Monday rolls around, do something productive. Take it a second, minute, hour, day, week at a time.
Beth…do you live in the US? If so, I have a suggestion for you.
I don’t belong to a gym
On the way home from work( I am a teacher ) I got
My nails done and got my xmas things together to go through
No one called me
I live in VirginiaMaria
My ex did not ask for space, it was me the first time around to breakup, I sobbed every day, several times a day, I could not sleep or eat, but I was going to the gym and I did not contact him. After we finally broke up, which was a few months after the first breakup, we mutually agreed to it, I was sobbing for 8-9 weeks daily, really in pain, then sobbing change into crying, then crying was shorter, and by week 13 I was crying once every few days. I don’t want to scare you, but I did not suffer this badly when someone died in my family.
You are not broken up 100% yet. If you contact him in any way, including a letter or FB likes or anything at all, he will break up with you – do you think you will feel better then? Just imagine how bad you’d feel then.
You seem to finally accept the fact that you cannot contact him, so brace yourself up for tough times, and stay strong.
Writing letters helps a lot, I wrote so many, when I look at them I feel sorry for myself..but I did not send any of them. So maybe do write that letter but do not send it. Only when he comes to you, and I am sure he would, then you can give/send him that letter, but I would not. I would play it light and flirty and will not be terribly available to him.
If he contacts you, do not jump that very instant to reply to him. Wait at least a couple of hours, then call and say sorry I was out with my friend, or sorry I was at the gym..
You need to reset the whole dynamic of your relationship.
And yes you’d be thinking about him 24/7, all the time, I work full time and also do many other things, he was constantly on my mind, no matter what I did, all the time.
I agree
I am more upset then when my friend died(Diffetent) then my gma and gpa
I can’t sleep/eat
The letter I wrote is 5 pages
I don’t intend him to see it
It feels like we are broken up
I work full time too but there are quiet moments and now I am home alone… I’m trying to stay busy but oops have to go potty then he pops in my head- I know that’s kinda weird but just trying to say my mind is really on him
I so so wanted to drive to the resturaunt but told myself no no no no noBeth
Thank you everyone by the way
I know I seen like a stupid old blubbering idiot
I know I repeat myself (I tend to go in circles over and over and over- All. The. Time. )
Everyone has been so nice
This is just hard and I know the advice all is good and if I want to make things ok I have to do the opposite of everything I have done in the past because that has not worked for me
This is not easy and I need to train myself to do something differentKate
Do you live anywhere near a city? Unless you live in a very small town with nothing around you, you should check out meetup.com. It’s a website that offers meetup groups for a TON of different interests…outdoor activities, dining, singles, women’s groups, etc. Check it out. The groups are free to join and while there may be a fee for some of the activities, it’s usually not too much. If you join a group you can see their calendar and register to attend some of the events. It might be a great way for you to meet people and keep busy.
I’m glad you got your nails done. A little pampering helps a bit. But Maria is right. If you don’t give him space, the break will turn into a break up. That may happen anyway, or it may not but as hard as it is, think of it as something you’re doing for yourself, for him and for the relationship.
Hang in there…
Beth I get that you are going round in circles in your head. Our job here is to keep you focused on doing all the right things, which means a few blunt reminders can be helpful!
Do you have many friends or family close by? I’m just wondering if this guy is a bit the centre of your world? That can make these things much harder to deal with.
Obviously you can’t shut him out of your mind all the time, but at least doing things like getting your nails done is a brief distraction.
You’re absolutely right. If you want different results than those you’ve had in the past, you need to do things differently.
And you don’t sound stupid. Your emotions sound very raw and you’re being honest about them.
I think the desperate need to see him or speak to him is almost like an addiction and at the moment you’re going through withdrawal from him. Addictions are hard to overcome whether it’s drugs ,alcohol, nicotine or even chocolate. You always feel if you could just have ‘one more’ then you’ll feel fine. The problem is that ‘one more’ just sets you right back to square one and actually makes you feel worse. The pain of withdrawal is intense but everyday is a step closer to being free until one day you realise you can take it or leave it. If you can get through the initial cold turkey then things will get easier I promise. Every urge you resist makes you stronger. If things do work out with him and I hope they do then you have to remember that its perfectly fine to WANT him as long as you realise you don’t NEED him. Best wishes and stay strong
I would really suggest you see a doctor and get a physical. You could have some hormone difficulties. Also, your mind goes in circles….that is a hallmark of depression.
I would suggest talking with both a doctor and a therapist. I think you might get some surprising answers.
I have used meetup.com but never been to any events
I have signed up for some groups and get the emails about the meetings
Most my friends here are married
Have some other single friends from college but not in my area/state
I am thinking “what is he doing” could it be another girl?
Like this time we are usually alssep next to each other
I do want to fix it and it is weird to me that saying nothing is fixing it
That’s what i really need to drill in my headKate
GO to the meetups. They can be a lot of fun. And if you attend one and it isn’t for you, try another. Look for an interesting event this weekend. I’ve met some great friends that way. And I agree with the description Rags gave of how your feelings for someone can be an addiction. Go back and read that again.
I agree with rcs.
The verbal support here is great, but a meetup group isn’t going to fix this.
Hun, get yourself to a therapist or Doctor. You may need medication to help calm this anxiety and get you thinking more evenly again.
This is not normal break up anxiety…
xyz…you are absolutely right. In fact, Beth said she made an appointment. In the meantime though, because her friends aren’t available, it might be a good idea to find something to keep her occupied.
But the anxiety does seem extreme and I would guess that a therapist or physician would recommend anti-anxiety medication.
I just hate NOT doing anything
This isn’t eastBeth
but I have to think that doing nothing is also doing something