he said he needed space

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  • #484154 Reply

    I see that
    No it’s not because of him
    It’s for me…..
    I do care for him, I’m trying to give him the gift of space but that is hard

    #484322 Reply

    Hi Beth how are you feeling?

    #484323 Reply

    feeling discouraged–trying to keep in mind that not hearing from him may be super bad–I know its been since weds
    I just wished he missed me

    #484330 Reply

    It takes men longer to miss us because they can compartmentalise their issues. They think they want their freedom but once they’ve had it for a while they start to realise it’s not as much fun as they first thought. That’s when they start to realise they’re missing you and reach out to see if you’re still around. If you’ve been out enjoying yourself and not worrying about them it kind of upsets the balance. I’m not saying you should intentionally play games but it won’t hurt him to think you’ve also got a life going on without him and he’ll probably have a lot more respect for you and feel less pressured because you’re not relying on him to make you happy

    #484334 Reply

    I understand that and I’m trying
    I went out with my friend Catherine on sat and my second job on sunday
    but I am still totally thinking of him and it is hard–I am trying to do things and all and like I said I am at work but he IS on my mind.
    I have not seen him since the weekend before Thanksgiving…
    I wish I knew if I was even a blip on his radar..if hes even thinking of me
    It sucks…he hasn’t asked me to come get my things but I had a dream that while I was at work he came over and dropped off all my stuff
    when I walked in my apartment it was sitting in the middle of the floor
    I am just feeling very unsure about everything right now

    #484344 Reply


    Even though i totally agree with others about you needing to focus on yourself, it is almost impossible in the first week, so don’t punish yourself if you can’t. It will take time for you to be able to detach, so if you keep thinking about him all the time, it is normal, do not despair. You can still do other things and prepare yourself for “real” work.

    And I agree, it takes men longer to start missing us. But he will miss you, he is human. Once he calms down and his frustration from being suffocated expires, he will start missing you. You need to give it up, human emotions are delicate and you can’t storm anything or force things, you need to approach it with care. It is very easy to break things and very hard to glue them back together, so from now on.

    It is very easy to get too comfortable and complacent in a relationship but unfortunately we can’t do that, we always need to remember that your man is not your GF, not your mommy, not your nurse and not your therapist, there should ALWAYS be a little DISTANCE (they call it keep a little mystery about yourself).

    I have a GF who texts me and calls me 5 times a day and I feel suffocated!!! I love her and respect her and yet I often feel like “taking a break”.

    Btw, it is good that he has not asked you to come and take your things..you are not yet broken up, lets not forget. If you play it right and work on yourself, you can still “get him back”.

    But you’ve got to work on yourself!!

    Did you read any of the materials I and others suggested?

    #484374 Reply

    was that about txting your ex back or how to get your ex back?
    I was not on my computer this weekend–I only logged on here on my phone so no–I did not
    was that what you are talking about
    I still having that vision about going home and seeing all my stuff there..
    it’s not a lot mind you…
    maybe I am thinking too much right now
    right now I don’t know if he even likes me anymore
    he said “it’s supposed to be fun and mutually rewarding and it’s no longer”

    #484387 Reply

    You are worrying too much. Use this time to focus on YOU. I know it feels horrible right now, but there’s NOTHING you can do about him except to find happiness within YOU.

    #484422 Reply

    I know no one believes me but I am trying
    I am trying….
    This is not easy—

    #484430 Reply

    I can’t provide the links, the site won’t let me. I can’t even type the names of the books, now we can’t provide references to each other?

    how vv to get bb your ex boyfriend ss back, beyond ttt the breakup, rules iii revisited and being a prize

    search for all that and you will find the right materials, you need them, to avoid further mistakes.

    #484431 Reply

    how to get bb?
    I am lost

    #484432 Reply

    how do I do a search?

    #484443 Reply

    I typed “bb” and “tt” so that the system allows me to post the names of those resources. Try to figure out the names and search for them.

    #484444 Reply

    you all really think that holding back is the best things ever?
    it’s so hard

    #484446 Reply

    omit those “bb” and “tt” and you’d get the names

    #484447 Reply

    ok that was stupid–I know I know
    Im just :(

    #484448 Reply

    ill look Maria

    #484457 Reply

    Beth… I totally get the pain of what you’re experiencing but maybe you can understand it in these terms… Think about yourself, how much you love him and miss him and how many times you text him and called him *but only because you love him SO much, right? Think about how your every thought is consumed by him and it’s so overwhelming you so obviously lack self-control even. The yearning, the obsession, the only thing that will make you feel better is HIS reassurance… NOW, imagine yourself in HIS shoes, imagine someone doing all that and feeling that way about you. Imagine the suffocated feeling and the heaviness of someone’s entire emotional stability being thrown on your shoulders to carry. Imagine how pathetic you’d think this person was, how weak and unattractive you’d find them to be. What I’m trying to say is that he’s not attracted because you’re not attractive. Reassess, readjust, become a person YOU couldn’t live without and you’ll find that others will share the feeling as well. It’s not easy by any means but the initial discomfort will lead to your long-term rewards in time. Good luck! I’m sorry about how you’re feeling and what you’re going through!

    #484463 Reply

    I think some frustration that others are having with you is that you keep focusing on how hard it is and what you can’t do.

    That alone limits you from making an attempt to get past all this.

    We get it now its hard try, changing up you words and make it more positive.

    When I am having a difficult time doing something I acknowledge it and then say to myself I’m going to do my best to work around the difficulties I am having. That alone changes how I view a said issue.

    #484510 Reply

    Agree with Khadija.

    #484517 Reply

    Ugh. I wrote a long reply but something in it was blocked, so it didn’t post. Second time this has happened. I didn’t put up a link or use profanity- what other words are banned, anyone know? For a second, I thought Eric banned me :(

    Beth, we are all echoing the same thing because we all care. You are focusing on the completely wrong result. You are not making any progress and continue to look outside yourself for happiness, which is very concerning. This is why many of us are suggesting therapy. Please ask yourself, from the perspective of someone else, would I want to date me? Answer honestly. My guess would be, no. Not being mean. Again, I have been where you are but circumstances were a bit different.

    You want him back when you need to be wanting yourself back.

    You wonder if he misses you when deep down you miss the part of yourself you cannot get back.

    Instead of having an overall game plan to work on yourself, you lament about how hard this is. Yes, it is.

    You need to accept it for what it is. That it may or may not be over. You need to change your entire mentality around and realize this is about you. Not him. I don’t think you will. I think you will be eager to take him back if he even acknowledges you in the slightest. How does that make you feel?

    I’m glad you have reached out to a counselor. Please be honest with them, and with yourself. You’ll start to feel better.

    #484552 Reply

    To be honest I think that even if he does get in touch you need to pull yourself way back or you will end up going right back down the same emotional road. You need to be comfortable in your own space before you can even consider asking someone to share it with you. It sounds hard but I think all the posters have been where you’re at and know it’s the best course of action. If it’s meant to be it will be whether it’s with him or someone else but it won’t happen until you’re ready

    #484564 Reply

    Hi Beth,

    Your fear is what’s keeping you focused on how much you miss him, how hard all of this is and it what’s causing the pain you feel. I understand it and it can be nearly impossible to let that fear go. It’s usually ingrained in us at a very young age and becomes a part of who we are. The resulting pain can feel like it’s going to explode from your chest like that creature in the Alien movies and eat you alive. I know it because I’ve felt it. It absolutely sucks. Unfortunately, as much as it sucks, putting yourself through it is the only way to possibly salvage your relationship.

    I’m glad you’re going to therapy as I think that’s the best way to help yourself right now. However, you need to perform one very important task (and maybe the therapist can assist). You need to do a cost/benefit analysis of your situation. This is what your bf did when he told you it wasn’t fun anymore and he needed a break. He decided that the cost of accepting things as they were wasn’t worth the benefit of continuing with the relationship. He must still see SOME benefit or he would have just broken it off and given you your things back. But there wasn’t enough benefit to continue without taking some space from you to figure it all out.

    You should try to do the same thing. Honestly, truly, is the pain you’re in right now worth waiting to see if he wants to work things out? Is the mere possibility (and that’s all it is…a possibility) that this person will call and tell you that he wants to try again worth the agony you’re experiencing? Do you think that walking away from this painful state of limbo would possibly feel better and that you might begin to heal? Because you won’t start healing while you’re “waiting” for him to come back.

    I know you feel powerless right now but you still have the power to say that it all hurts too much and isn’t worth it. You have the power to end it if the cost to you outweighs the benefits. You wouldn’t even have to tell him…you could just make up your mind to let it all go, see the therapist and start dating again when you feel stronger and more capable. Wouldn’t that feel a little bit like a relief? Does it feel like a relief to know that you don’t HAVE to wait, but could choose to be the one to walk away at any time?

    #484604 Reply

    I understand that I really do
    To me he’s worth fighting for….
    I honestly not been able to hold out this long in the past– obviously that means something fierce in a way
    I wish u lived by me so we could chat in person or on the phone or something

    #484610 Reply

    Beth please keep us posted here on how you’re doing. I’m concerned.

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