Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › He said, "It's hard we don't see each other much" then he disappeared
- This topic has 3 replies and was last updated 3 years, 7 months ago by
I have been reading the forums for about a week and now I’m going to ask my question. I met a guy through online dating who I knew (his dad was my old boss.) We started texting and he asked if he could take me to dinner. I guess I didn’t give a straight answer because he asked again a few days later and I said yes when? And he said whenever you want. I’m a single mom of three daughters and I needed a little more specific than that. A few days later I asked him if he just wanted to meet, he ended up visiting me at my house and we talked for a while and when he left he asked to kiss me and we kissed. The next week he came over again with food and we did the same thing. We continue texting and a few days later I said I wanted to see him again. And his response was, “It’s hard when we only see each other for an hour.” (I was having him come over once my kids were asleep and having him leave pretty early) so I offered some solutions like planning something in advance where I could get a babysitter or maybe he could stay later..no response. So I change the subject. We continued texting a few days then he just disappeared. He left my last text on delivered for a few days, finally read it and nothing. I didn’t reach out to him again, it’s been a week. I was already developing feelings for him and I’m so let down that it ended before it even started. What happened?
He realized you weren’t inviting him over for sex.
Don’t develop feelings that fast and for God’s sake stop with the home dates.
it comes across clearly that he wasn’t really interested. why would you welcome someone to your place who comes over unannounced and whom u don’t even know?? he wasn’t interested in taking you out. just wanted some easy casual sex. your a mother of three girls yet your letting unknown men to your house without invite? just block this guy and next time do not let unknown men to your house unless you know them well. this is imp for your and your daughters’ safety.
Please don’t invite men over to meet for the first (or second or third or sixth, etc.) time when your 3 daughters are ‘sleeping’. Sure, they won’t meet the guy but I’m pretty sure they’ll know you have company. And that’s unsettling as a little kid/teen.
I was a single mom. I know it gets really isolated and lonely but you aren’t alone in this and you need to set some standards for dating BEFORE you start dating again. Make a list of things you will and will NOT do before you meet anyone else, then stick by that list.
It’s easier to stick to your standards when you have a plan in place before your hormones and libido take over. ;)
If you need intimacy, do it outside of the home even if it’s the son of an old boss.