He says he doesn't want to date anyone at all

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    I’m not currently in a relationship and haven’t been for a few years. I’m 31 and at that point now where I’m looking for the one. I started dating a guy last month that I met through work. He was charming and always calling me gorgeous and smothered me with amazing kisses. Always opening doors and walking me to the car and getting the car door. We had gone out on our first date and everything was amazing second date was equally amazing then a few days later he had asked if I wanted to go to a GooGoo Dolls concert with him that next week and i told him I loved that band. He then told me he wanted to warn me that a few of his friends and his brother and brothers wife would also be there. I felt ok with it and still decided to go. That morning of the concert he told me that his mom had mixed up some times to do some family photos and that she scheduled them for the same day and start time of the concert. He said he still wanted us to go to the concert, but would also have to do the family photos first and asked if I minded just hanging out while they did their photos and then go straight to the concert from there. I not only met his parents but also most of his aunts and uncles and they all told me how much he had talked about me and how happy he had been since we started talking. The next few days after the concert we spent a lot of time with his family as his cousin had told him to also bring me to her wedding rehearsal dinner as his plus one and then to the wedding reception the next night. During the wedding reception his uncle had pulled me aside to tell me that Ryan (my guy) was really into me and they were happy to see him so happy. The next day (sunday) he started pulling back and wasn’t as talkative via text….I just blew it off as he was busy or that guys don’t like texting. Then the next day was a little better but still sensed the distance. On Wednesday he said he was sorry he had not been as talkative and he had a lot on his mind and was over thinking things. Some of the things he was over thinking were that things were possibly moving too fast and the age difference (I am 6 yrs older with him being 25 and me being 31) between us. He felt that with me being the age I am that I’d want things to move a lot quicker. I assured him I didn’t want to move fast either and that we could slow things down. His texting habits were back to normal as well as his charm and compliments. That Friday we had gone out for lunch in the afternoon noon and then drinks after work. Everything was romantic again. Then Sunday rolls around and he is pulling back again, Monday and Tuesday I felt like I was the only one keeping the conversation going. So finally on Tuesday night I decided I wasn’t going to push it anymore and I’d give him some space and not text him until he texted me. Friday night I had finally gotten a text from him that said “I know youre probably mad at me by this point, I’ve been trying to not overthink things. I’m really sorry I haven’t been saying anything : /” I waited until the next day (yesterday/Saturday) to reply and said “Yeah I kinda figured you were over thinking and just need some space.” He asked if I would go to lunch with him as we had both been working that day. While at lunch he proceeded to tell me that he just doesn’t want to date anyone at all right now. He talked about how he feels confused because he really likes me and when he looks at me he really wants me but also doesn’t want to date. Throughout lunch when I would look at him he would just say “stop, you are making this really hard” . I need to know if he is truly confused and still has something there for me or if he is really just pulling the “it’s not you it’s me” card. Some of his background is that 2 1/2 yrs ago he ended a 6 yr relationship because his girlfriend cheated on him and then up and moved to Alaska. He said he has had 2 girlfriends since her each only lasting not quite a year. All these relationships also ended in the month of August. Please help me understand what is going on. I really felt that we had connection and felt that there was potential for him to be the one.

    I’m still in the first few chapters of your book but I’m not sure what to do now that he has said he wants to end things. Please please please help!!!

    #557003 Reply

    I’m thinking he’s not in the same place you are. I know you are not necessarily focused on him being the one, nor are you on the verge of knocking him over the head with your club and dragging him back to your cave, but you are relationship oriented. He is not right now. He still wants to date a bunch of different women and have fun. Especially since he was in a six year relationship during the time when most guys are out sowing their wild oats. He just doesn’t want a steady girlfriend, he wants to enjoy his time being single. Unfortunately it took having you meet his family and having all the pressure from them to lead him to think it over and conclude he’s not ready for a serious gf.

    This stinks for you. I don’t think it is in any way, shape or form your fault, nor do I think there is anything you could have done to change the outcome. The timing is just wrong for him. It happens. In my book, you were a lot more patient than most girls would be with his hot/cold behavior, unfortunately you were not rewarded with the relationship you deserve. That means there is someone out there better than him for you.

    #557015 Reply

    He doesn’t want to date YOU. Things went too fast for him.. You should have paced it. But anyhow, he thought things over after such intense time together and decided you are not the one for him.

    I’m sure he will date again.. He’s a guy. This is a gentle way of telling you he can’t date you.

    #557716 Reply

    Just wondering what others think of this situation? Does this guy just not want to date the OP, OR is he telling the truth that he doesn’t want to date anyone?

    #557718 Reply

    I’m thinking he doesn’t want a girlfriend right now. Down the line, a year or so from now, he may be ready. At which point he’ll either try to make a go of it with the OP or find someone new.

    #557721 Reply

    I agree with Shannon; the guy just doesn’t want to date anyone, not specifically OP.

    OP it sounds like you were cool, calm and gave him space when he needed it without reacting negatively to it which is very commendable. His family sounds like they were putting more pressure on him than you were and I believe it is their pressuring that has made him have this reaction. He probably does like you but does not feel ready for a relationship considering his past but feels this outside pressure from his family so that is why he has cooled things off with you and does not want to take things further.

    This is most likely a case of right people/wrong time and I would implore you OP to not feel badly over this. Just leave things on a happy, friendly note with him and move on graciously.

    #557734 Reply

    I think he doesn’t want to date her.

    I have a friend who went through something similar.

    They met on a dating app..went out for about 3 weeks and then he starts pulling away saying he does not want a relationship. 2 weeks past she calls him to say hi he says he was dating someone supposedly in that 2 week mark but that the girl wanted a serious relationship and he is not interested in dating anyone right now. He is however OK with having sex with my friend when it is convenient for him. Now my friend saw he is still active on the dating site and has updated his pictures and has on the site that he is looking for a relationship. My conclusion to her was 1. he is looking to meet and just be with women or 2. he is looking for something just didn’t find it in you.

    I read once that everyone is always looking for a “relationship” …what type of relationship well that is determined by both parties but most likely the man sets that standard.

    #557738 Reply

    This guy knows that OP is going to want things far before he does–commitment, marriage, children. At 31 these are things that need to happen sooner rather than later and this guy knows that.

    Most guys take a longer time so be prepared for such things. That’s why it’s easier to date someone your age or a few years older.

    If you want these things you don’t have time to waste on a guy who is very unsure of you and what he wants. I’m sure he likes you but unfortunately that’s not enough. You guys are in different places in your life as far as what you want.

    #557753 Reply

    To me , this “he really wants me but also doesn’t want to date” is pure contradiction and bs, if he really wanted you he would drop everything to be with you.Sorry he just doesn’t want to date you.sounds more like he would be okay with fwb.

    #557824 Reply

    He probably likes you but all that family togetherness made him picture settling down with you and he decided it wasn’t for him.

    #558108 Reply

    well….I used to have a guy friend met from an activity. He asked me out constantly and bought me expensive dinner. we both like hiking and we sometimes go together as hiking buddy. But when he brought it up, I told him that I don’t want to date right now (too busy, don’t like dating scene in this city, etc.). I just didn’t like him as a guy and couldn’t find a more direct way to say it.

    #558112 Reply

    Well, at the end of the day, whether or not he meant he doesn’t want to date anyone or he doesn’t want to date YOU, the results are the same. He’s not dating you. Why doesn’t really matter.

    #558135 Reply

    He doesn’t want to date you..he thought about it and changed his mind the fact that he has had previous girlfriends and relationships shows that he can be with someone..I believe he is trying to spare your feelings…he may have been into you but most people are fickle and feelings can change at any given time…never let anyone tell you they don’t want you twice

    #558447 Reply

    I bet you money it’s all his family/friends that are scaring the hell out of him making him think things moved too fast.

    If he’s the one, age won’t matter. And he wouldn’t give you a lame reason such as “not wanting to date right now”. He clearly liked you until he saw the potential of a -dare I say it- ball and chain. Guys have a spidy-sense of when a woman is looking for ‘the one’.

    Be sure of yourself your wants and what you deserve. Don’t settle. A break-up now is much better than a divorce after a kid or two. Stay cool and leave him be.

    Be your happy-go-lucky and awesome self like you were when he first noticed you. Don’t think of being ANYTHING OTHER THAN yourself ever! And…if he smartens up, he’ll asks for another chance. Then, you have the power and can control what happens next.

    Emotionally stable woman are attractive! ;)

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