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- This topic has 27 replies and was last updated 2 years, 12 months ago by
I’ve known this guy forever. He has been best friends with my brother for over 3/4 of my life so we’ve known of each other since we were kids. I was never interested in him because he actually kind of got on my nerves. Then again I only ever knew him from afar. Fast forward 30 some odd years later and we actually had time to get to know each other. We each come with our own baggage but after many discussions and what I felt was his pursuing me I started to look at him different. I live halfway across the country and he came out to visit me for a few weeks. Both of us being in our 40’s I assumed there should be no pretense. When a man travels halfway across the country to see you without prompt, past experience has taught me, he is interested in moving to the next phase, aka-sex. After a week of flirting and no move on his part I invited him to join me in bed. He pretended he didn’t understand and I let it go because I felt embarrassed and rejected. I didn’t handle said rejection well and we finally discussed the situation later. He gave me every excuse under the sun as to why he didn’t take any action and even after I clarified I’d given him the green light he still didn’t make any attempt. I was very sexually frustrated at that point and told him he had to go back home. After he left we’d had several conversations where I explained that a friendship between he and I is not something that I want. Whatever was going on between us had moved beyond friendship and I was not comfortable trying to go backwards. He continues to insist that he wants us to be friends when the reality is that I feel like I am being used to “help” him navigate his way around women and give him advice to someday become a better prospect to some other woman and I don’t want to do that. It has lead to friction betwen he and I and while I don’t feel the need to cut him off completely (I can’t anyway, he’ll always be a part of my life even if it’s just peripherally, as he is one of my brothers oldest friends) the more I try to be polite and cordial the more he digs his heels in and tries to have confusing conversations with me about me “not allowing him to get close” or my “shutting him out.” If we’re only meant to be friends why do we need to be “close” and why do I need to be an open book to him?
Hi @Lisa, you don’t really need to entertain him or let him guilt you into sharing stuff you don’t want to share.
Be ‘friends’ and find other things to do, be busy when he calls…
Very true Raven. It just falls back to conversations he and I have had in the past. I don’t always respond, but I feel like the more I ignore him the more he pushes. I don’t feel the need to be “mean” or hateful, but at the same time I am so confused. There is NO straight, single, man that I have ever met that wants to be friends with a woman. He wants something from her. Whether its sex or emotional support, there is a need there that requires fulfillment. In this situation he wants his emotional needs met. I want my sexual needs met, which in turn would help me to fulfill his emotional needs. We don’t want the same things, then I don’t see a point in continuing. The more I push him away the more he pushes back. Its confusing and quite irritating tbh.
I think you can have real platonic relationships/friendships with men. He sounds exhausting though…
He’s 40?!
This friendship consists of him sucking your energy with you getting nothing in return?
You’re right on all points Raven. And I actually do have platonic male friendships with 2 men, both for about 20 years. Each are married, but I know their wives and I’ve stayed in their homes.
However. this “friendship” is exhausting and seemingly one sided. We’re both in our 40’s and at this point as many conversations as we’ve had about everything under the sun, you’d think it’d be easier, but I feel like he purposely TRIES to make it hard. And I don’t see the point.
As Danny Glover says in every Lethal Weapon movie, we’re “Too old for this $h!t.”
There’s a few things you’re not considering here in my opinion.
He has known you all his life, you’re the sister of his best friend. You feel like family. It is not going to be so easy jumping into bed with you if he’s any decent person who has respect for you and your brother. That’s one.
Two: All this talking you had, did he say what his intent or expectations were? Did you tell him you just want sex?
Three: I feel like if you already had desire for eachother (even while growing up) it would have showed and he would have had sex with you without even thinking. So more flirting and dates and fun times was needed to discover if you have that kind of passion for one another was missing.
Should have let him make the move on you, would have been much easier.
I don’t know but for some reason, I’m getting the vibe that he wasn’t ready.For sure things will never be the same now. But for the sake of him not wanting you to shut him out, just ask him what is it he wants to happen between you. What kind of relationship he wants with you because you don’t feel it is clear enough.
Also want to add, if this situation was reversed and you were the one that did not want to have sex that day, you wouldn’t expect him to change on you, shut you out and be upset with you for not giving it up right?
I mean I understand the embarrassment of the rejection but if someone wasn’t feeling it we can’t be upset at them unless they misled you in some way. And this is the part I want to know about, what did he say he wanted?
Hey Rubi!
You make valid points.
The first point you make is something that he did somewhat express. I’m not sure my brother’s feelings are necessarily involved in the equation, but it was something I myself considered. I didn’t want to create any issues between he and my brother but he has mentioned to me several times that I am “like a sister to him.” However, my brother has never commented at length to me on my body, pointed out that my underwear are peeking out of my jeans (meaning he’s checking out my rear) or any other variety of comments that he has made to me in the past.
The second point you make is a little harder to dissect. He has made his intent/expectations somewhat clear, but he constantly goes back and forth on them. Whereas I have made it EXPPRESSLY clear that all I wanted was sex and he wasn’t interested.
Everything else you’ve said is also spot on and I have asked him FLAT out and very clearly (because we’re both 40+ year old adults and I’m not mincing words anymore I want/need to know where I stand) what he wants and he has said he wants to be friends. I can’t be JUST “friends” with someone I want to sleep with. Guys aren’t the only one this happens to.
So “we can’t be upset at them unless they misled you in some way.”
You are correct. I actually wasn’t upset with him at all. I was upset with MYSELF for misreading the situation and then feeling like a fool. Did he mislead me? Maybe its hard to know. If he did I don’t think it was intentional. Either way I explained to him that certain comments he’d make or certain things that he’d say or do were just confusing to me and made me uncomfortable because they steered my thinking a certain way and he apologized and said he wouldn’t do it any more, yet still continues to this day.
Its hard to explain without pinpointing specific conversations.
this is way too exhausting. and your are spending too much time trying to figure a situation with a man which is going nowhere. i think what you want is sex and that’s not happening with him. and what he wants is to stay in touch and you are not really all that keen. so why don’t you just take a step back from this guy? don’t be so available when he calls and pings. be occupied be busy. he will get the hint without you shutting him out completely. thats what i do.
Trust me Tammy, I’m trying. Its just very hard when you were that much into someone and then they reject you but continue to act interested. All the behavior is just confusing. If he doesn’t want sex, then I don’t know of ANY man that just needs “emotional support”. What will happen when he gets a girlfriend? I just become obsolete. And I’m not willing to put myself in that situation to get hurt.
When someone says one thing and acts a different way and it doesn’t align, believe the more “negative” of the two. I say this a lot in my posts here, but one of the biggest red flags is when words and actions don’t align. At that point it truly doesn’t matter why, because the outcome is you’ll never get what you’re hoping for out of a situation with a person like that. Most often when I’ve been in situations similar to yours, the guy was emotionally unavailable and specifically underneath that had a fearful avoidant insecure attachment style. That meant he DID make things difficult on purpose (though wasn’t necessarily aware of doing so!) to keep me close enough but not too close that he’d start feeling scared of closeness. And yes, those men tended to split who they wanted sex from and who they wanted emotional intimacy from and couldn’t handle the same person providing both, it was too scary! But again, they weren’t even aware of their own behaviors that were actually defense mechanisms. So that’s why you don’t need to fully understand it, you just need to recognize and accept what’s going on and make the best choices for yourself from there. Because guys like these aren’t capable of looking out for you on your behalf, as they can’t even fully deal with themselves.
He isn’t interested in what you want, no matter the reason, so you have all the information you need and move on from there. If you can’t be friends with him right now, or at all, be honest and tell him you need space and go no contact for a while. If he pushes you to talk, he’s disrespecting your boundaries, and it does NOT mean anything romantic. It’s just his issues and not wanting to be “abandoned” as he cares about you as a person and likes your company.
The only other guy who ever did this to me was gay and still kind of in the closet lol. I felt like such a moron a few years later when he was more open about that! But we were in our 20s not our 40s.
Thank you Maddie, I loved your advice!
Liz Lemon
Going off of something Maddie said– I dated a guy years ago who wanted emotional closeness, but basically refused sex. He gave me total mixed signals, would flirt up to a point, but he would frequently refuse to have sex when it got to that point. We did have sex a handful of times while dating, but it was like pulling teeth on my end. And he flat out rejected me for sex many times. But boy, did this guy ever want emotional closeness and intimacy. He wanted to talk for hours and wanted to occupy all my emotional energy. I see many parallels to your story, OP.
Long story short, the guy I was dating was gay and was in denial to himself. He eventually got drunk and hooked up with a gay guy that I know – that’s how I found out. He is still not really “out” (he insisted the hookup was a drunken “accident”)– whatever. After that happened everything became totally clear to me, that the guy was in the closet.
Liz Lemon
I’ll add- multiple women that my ex has had the same experience I did. So OP, it wouldn’t surprise me if there were other women out there that your brother’s friend has put in the same situation you’re in.
Liz Lemon
*that my ex has dated had the same experience
Thank you Liz, but unless its a new revelation that he’s just discovered. I’ve known him for much of his life. He’s been married, he has kids, I’ve openly seen him flirt with other women unprompted (before I decided I was interested) so I’m not too concerned with that being the issue. I think I will research “emotionally unavailable” a bit more.
who really knows whats he about? not us and not you. i agree with what maddie said. you have to see what works for you first. this friendship thing is not working out for you. so explain to him and cut off contact for some time.
Liz Lemon
Got it. I agree with Tammy’s point that ultimately it doesn’t matter why he’s not emotionally available- he’s just not. Nothing you can do will change that. Please don’t expend a lot of energy trying to figure him out. I also agree with Maddie that pushing your boundaries (pressuring you to talk when you don’t want to) is just that- a violation of boundaries and not a sign that he’s interested romantically and wants more. If this “friendship” isn’t working out for you, it’s fine to tell him you need space and cut off contact.
The guy sounds lonely and is looking to you to feed his starving ego. I would send him a puppy with a card that says “your new friend”—that will help keep him occupied haha.
LOL @ Lane! He actually does have a dog, unfortunately due to his living situation he can’t have it with him currently.
He and I are currently not speaking. I feel really bad about the way it went down but I feel like he left me no choice. I had to be super mean so that he’d understand. So far its been 2 days and I haven’t budged and he hasn’t tried to reach out. I’ll post again if there is any update.tammy
i smell guilt from your post. pleas don’t. you have to look out for your interests and so does he. he tried to stay in touch with you because that’s what he needs in his life presently. unfortunately what you need does not match with his needs. as simple as that. he is luking out for satisfying his needs and so are you. i think you should just block him for the present so that you don’t get sucked back in again bec of his needy behavior and your guilt. you have explained and that’s all you can do. pls just block him, stay away, keep him away and focus on self.
Not really guilt, per se… I just don’t like things to end on an “ugly” note especially if there has been no animosity on either of our parts in the past. I really am just tired of dealing with him. He’s exhausting, only because I feel like he’s playing games and I’m just too old to play guessing games, I don’t know what’s going on. Does he want me to be patient? He mentioned something about performance anxiety but I feel like those were just excuses if not flat out lies. I was privy to some of his private messages (I snoop when I feel like I’m getting lied to. So far my instinct has NEVER failed me) and he basically admitted to his friends that he was not attracted to me for the reasons I told him I thought he wasn’t attracted. Not only that but there is another girl who he had a long term friendship with, yet the way he talks about her it makes me feel like there was more to it. When he came out to visit me and I gave him the cold shoulder for shooting me down I found out he wrote this other girl a letter telling her how much he missed her and that he’d be back home soon. I don’t know where I stand and I don’t like that feeling.
your still in touch? wwhy?
Like I said he’s an old family friend. He’s actually currently living at a family members house and I had to come in to town due to a death in the family. I don’t have many relatives out here that I can comfortably ask to stay with except where I was staying. So unfortunately he and I had to stay in the same house for a few weeks. I’m actually going to get a hotel for part of my trip now because I just can’t handle having to be under the same roof as him. I tried initially, but he wasn’t understanding that there is a difference between my being polite and us being “friends.”