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- This topic has 13 replies and was last updated 2 months, 3 weeks ago by
Okay well, I tend to ramble so I will try to keep this as short yet specific as I can.
I’ve been exclusively dating R since about October 2014. When we had first started even talking (maybe February of ’14) I hadn’t been ready to open myself up to a relationship because I was too afraid of falling hard and getting hurt. I’d been single for 6 years for crying out loud! Anyway, long long story short, we spent a couple of months not really talking (my fault; I faded away), and then he reached out to me, told me he still felt something and couldn’t imagine it not being mutual and wanted to really try for at least a date. So we spent a few months more talking and getting to know one another and he really helped me to open myself up to feeling again. We went on a date and the rest, as they say, is history. Things were super great at first. He was always super attentive and sweet; he was always reaching out to talk to me and even though we live longish-distance (about 2 hours) and we both work a lot of hours, we did our best with seeing each other once or twice a month and with skyping a couple of times a week. If we weren’t skyping we were always texting. I felt this amazing click with him. We could talk about anything and everything. We talked about our interests and hobbies, we talked about what we wanted for our futures, and yes even though it was early we talked about if we wanted marriage and children (not specifically with each other, just in general to see if our desires for our futures matched up so as not to waste anyone’s time). He specifically had told me that, as he’s 28 he isn’t looking to date around. He’s only had a couple of long-term relationships and the last one ended 4 years ago. He wants to find that one special person to settle down with, form a lasting relationship with, get married and have a family. Our interests, desires, and our values really match up on every level and we really thought that this would be great. We were going to just take things at our own pace and see where it went from there. It was in November that we agreed we were “exclusive” (seeing/talking to only each other) and he told me then and a month or so after that that it was fully his intention to make this an “official boyfriend/girlfriend relationship.”Things had turned a bit weird in January. We slept together for the first time (something we’d discussed first to make sure we both felt ready) and not long after he became distant and only rarely was he reaching out to start conversations (as compared to before when every other day he was starting them. We went from talking almost every single night to barely a few times a week). I knew he had been sick so I gave him some time, but even after that he was still distant. I finally asked him what was going on and he said he was having doubts. He knew he was attracted to me and interested in pursuing this but was unsure with how things were going to actually work considering our distance. He said him being sick (yes in his defense really sick) for those few weeks had set us back, and he had some concerns, but he did still want to pursue this. Things slightly picked up and then in March we took a trip together (he actually booked the hotel room even! That was a pleasant surprise for me! I had half been expecting to have to book my own room since I wasn’t sure where things were headed at that point). It was a 4-night/3-day trip and at the end of it all we talked about what had been going on and where this was going. He’d told me he was still interested but was having concerns. He said that though he is attracted to me and we have a strong physical connection and a good emotional connection, he has concerns about the distance we live and whether we connect on every level. In return I’d told him that I understand having doubts, but that him fading on me like that really hadn’t been fair to me. I told him I’d been worried the whole time, especially considering the timing and how drastic of a change it’d been, that he’d found someone else. He promised me that I am and have been the only one, he just has an issue of when things get tough or confusing he just runs away. He said one of his biggest problems in past relationships is not talking about what’s going on in his mind and feelings and he really doesn’t want to do that here. R said he really enjoyed the weekend and felt like it had been really good for us since we’d spent so much time together. He didn’t want to let his emotional high (so to speak) rule out his head, so he was going to go home and really think about things and how he felt.. We went to our respective homes and I thought things were okay.
After that we were talking more often and I was hopeful. Then the slide-back happened again in April. I knew that he’d been taking more hours on at his 2nd job, and he’d told me at the start of April that his family was going through a rough patch with another family member, but I was getting worried it might be something more. I tried several different approaches too to see if anything changed; I tried being more friendly, it didn’t work. I tried being more distant, it didn’t work. Now if I was hearing from him more than twice a week I was lucky!
Finally the other night I basically decided enough is enough. I wanted to be open with my feelings no matter what the cost. I figured no matter what the outcome at least I would have clarity. I give myself some serious credit here because I really was very calm about it. I told R that I know he’s got a lot going on and is busy, but the change between us was obvious and it worried me. I really respect that he works as hard as he does, but that his distance was also all too obvious. I acknowledged that I know he has concerns and doubts, and I know he isn’t ready for a full commitment yet, but I am still interested and I do still want to pursue this and I asked in return for his feelings on things.
Would you believe that he apologized AND took the blame?!?!?!
He told me that his feelings are where they were before; he still isn’t sure if this will work and he questions it. He feels like there is chemistry, both physically and emotionally but he can’t figure out if it will ever be more. The distance makes it hard to find those answers. Every time he thinks about it he runs into the same question; do our personalities mesh like what he is looking for? He is still attracted to me and I am a great person and on his checklist (his words, not mine) I cross off a lot of what he is looking for, but he feels like there is still something missing and he can’t figure out what it is or if it will ever be found. He is waiting for that “click” and hasn’t felt it yet. He says that’s where we differ; I have felt that click and I know it and he hasn’t found it yet.
I told him that I really want to help him figure that out. It’s hard for me because he used to seem so sure of us clicking and of him feeling that and then things changed. I told him I understood his concerns and I know it might be tough and it might be scary but any relationship/dating issue really is. I know that the distance sucks, but if he actually does want to answer that question of “will we actually work” or if he wants to find if that “click” can be found then we need to actually make that effort to see one another and talk more. You can’t want to find answers but then not make an effort to try to find them after all. Nothing will be forced of course, but how are we to ever know if anything will work, if we don’t actually try? I don’t believe in just throwing in the towel, and I don’t want to just give up yet. (if he told me he wanted to I would understand of course). He told me he understands and told me that I haven’t done anything wrong at all; I am a truly great person. He said that this is all on him and it’s his problem of trying to discover what it is he wants. He reiterated that on paper I seem to be a lot of what he wants but now it is a matter of him figuring out why he isn’t feeling it as much as he wants to. “What is it that’s missing?” He acknowledged that yes he has a lot going on but so does everyone and he doesn’t want to use that as an excuse.
I told him that I know he’s got a lot going on and I am here to support him whenever he needs it, and I am here to talk also. I understand him being confused, as once before it took me a long time to really open myself up and let myself feel. I told him he was once there for me to help me figure out my feelings and now I want to do the same for him (paying back the favor so to speak). He thanked me, and agreed that he would be up for having a couple days a week where we skype and having a day or two a month where we do go on a date (if not more if possible). He said he wants to give us a fair shot, if it doesn’t work so be it, but we may as well see what happens.But now I am having a problem of not knowing how to act. The conversation happened this past Thursday and we haven’t spoken since. I don’t want to be up his butt about things, but I don’t want to just sit around and hope he texts me first. I guess I am just afraid that he’s basically convinced himself that it is not going to work and isn’t going to actually try because he’s just afraid of being proven right?
I’m not sure what I’m really hoping to accomplish by even writing this. Maybe I just need some moral support? Maybe some advice of how I should act next? Or maybe some happy ending stories from those of you who have dealt with similar situations? Really any of that would be great. thank you.Newbie
It was a bit long, so i didn’t read everything. What is your hurry here? Every time he pulls back, you start to question him. To me he looks sincere, he is trying to figure out if he wants to be together. Why arent you? I feel this is going to fail, because you are focussing on progress, more commitment, instead of enjoying to get to know each other. So i would slow down and ask yourself what do you want?
This is probably the key, “m that I know he’s got a lot going on and I am here to support him whenever he needs it, and I am here to talk also. I understand him being confused,” I once had a guy, when he was just a friend, tell me this when I was talking to him about another guy: you are always there when you need him, maybe he wants something else.” Do not reward his indecisiveness, which is distessing to you, by letting him think you’re always there. I also had a guy tell me that when with me it was like a fantasy, real life cannot compare to that, so he was thinking with his head. He wouldn’t quite let me go, yet he wouldn’t commit either. His ambivalence hurt me intensely. Why? I would ask myself would he not want something that felt so good? After a couple years of this, he finally took a stand and officially broke it off with me. I forced him to tell me why. He said “I don’t see myself with you in the future…sometimes maybe I did…but I thing you need someone who can give you the reassurance that I cannot…” I cried in front of him. He would continue to call and occasionally stop by. I would get mad, why do you keep in contact with me? He would say I just want to say hello and see if your ok. I continued to hurt over him till I met someone else that I ended up marrying. Many years later we got in touch online. He and I had both been married and divorced. It was like 20 years later. He said he had had an on off again with a girl for nine years after we broke up, and they got married. It lasted about a year and was rocky and ended badly. He tended to get into long distance relationships. I did not, but mine were just as bad.
He actually apologized for being a dick to me, and was unsure as to why he was like that.
I know why, I was too emotionally easy and honest. I presented no challenge during our dating. I prided myself for “not playing games.” Well now I’ve learned the games are a lot more fun. Let the games begin!I did read your whole post and it was as long as some of mine (lol) so if my answer indicates I missed something, let me know,
I felt a bit sick reading this! You are trying to convince that guy that you are worthy and you’ll be there for him until he finds out what is missing? Wtf No wonder he has do many doubts. Nobody wants someone who is so available and cant see their own value. Its almost as going around screaming and begging “pick me pick me”. Cut him off and let him deal with his issues. He got a fcking checklist but you didnt make the cut. You should be questioning instead if HE is good enough for you, not the other way around. You dont need to stick around and convince him until he is sure about you. Go live your life without him while he decides
Amy S
Hi. Oh dear I think he has a cheek tbh. Somethings missing ? em aka is there something better out there ? Hes being very disrespectful and I think you should be telling him to go fill his boots elsewhere if that’s how he feels. U must be a bit more compassionate than me but honestly if a guy said that to me I wouldn’t be hanging about until he makes up his mind. U deserve better and it should be u that’s feeling somethings missing from this relationship. Sorry. Good luck x
Hun, he’s actually telling you everything you need to know! Lucky you and good on him for being so honest. He’s saying this is all him. Believe him! This is all his issue! He either doesn’t feel ready to settle or doesn’t feel worthy of a woman’s true love. It has nothing to do with you.
I recently went through something with a guy who broke it off giving me some crappy excuse. It was so transparent that he’s just not ready in the sense that deep down he doesn’t feel like he deserves all the love of a relationship. I have honestly started to believe that now. I initially used to think what was lacking in me when a guy would do this but now I know that it’s their issue – they’re not or they don’t feel good enough. Simple as.
He’s feeling you, feeling this, but it’s not a complete bar. Maybe just about 80% and yours is 100%. You can make someone open up, feel free and vulnerable (like he did when you pulled back)but, It’s not possible for you to make anyone feel the proverbial “click” or that it factor. That is something that has to come solely from WITHIN HIM. So trust me, all the talking the texting, is not going to make him get where you want him too, perhpas it may even repell him. You really have to understand that.
My worry for you is he says this “He can’t figure out what it is or if it will ever be found. He is waiting for that “click” and hasn’t felt it yet.”
I’m looking at your situation as the click is going to complete your love equation.How long are you willing to wait for him until he feels he’s fully inlove with you? Who knows when he’ll get there? 5 years? 2 years? Never? I mean are you willing to stand on the sidelines not really sure where you’ll fall?
I feel you may end up getting hurt when you one day wake up and realize you waited for a man to get a click, he ended up not feeling it totally or clicked with someone else. Why don’t you be fair to yourself? Pull away from him. Take a break from being obsessed with where this is going. In fact, take a break from the whole r/ship drama. Be open to the fact that this may never end up where you want it be. As other posters suggested, live your life, and open up to seeing other people.
You need to let him miss you. Always being there is not going to work. You need to be very calm cool collect and politely tell him thank you for being honest I really appreciate it however I can not continue to be with a man who is unsure about me I hope you understand. Maybe we can catch up in s few months. Good luck with your work :)
Same situation I was in, dating a guy long distance he got distant and busy said we should just cool off and hang out (while remaining exclusive) I said similar to whT I stated above and moved on.
A month later he came back said he really missed me and wanted a relationship. Walking away shows you have power… Confidence and choices you will not settle
Best of luck
I say no to waiting for a man to feel a click.
His clicker might be broken and you may wait a long long time….get a guy with a good clicker.
I felt like I was reading my own story! Dated my boyfriend for 5 months, btw it was a good relationship ( no fighting) . Out of nowhere he said something was missing, he didn’t know what it was and he can’t tell what it is. Remind you, before he met me, he was in and out of ” mini” relationships, never lasting. I gave myself a week after him stating that and said goodbye.( he came back, but emotionally I was done). Sweetie, no man is worth or deserving of you to stay with him when he tell you something is ” missing “. Good luck and wish you the best
I’ve just stumbled across this post and was wondering how things worked out for you?
My boyfriend of 5 years broke up with me out of the blue a month ago and I am struggling to come to terms with it all. He said he loved me but ‘something was stopping him taking the next step’ and he can’t picture a future with me. I’m still not really sure what this means or what he thinks is missing and he’s not been able to explain it. We are best friends, would talk everyday and still had a great sex life. We’d hang out or go on dates and socialise with our friends, as well as having time to ourselves… a great balance in all areas of the relationship, so this sudden change of heart has really thrown me.
After the breakup I didn’t contact him at all, which was really hard but I wanted to make sure that if we spoke then it was because he wanted to and not because I had asked and he was being polite. Unfortunately we had a wedding to attend last week and I didn’t want to breakdown publically when I saw him for the first time (as I know I would), so had to break ‘no contact’ to see if we could meet up beforehand. He said yes, we met up and had a really long talk… but still no clarity as to why he feels this way. He was still saying he loved me! And he asked if he could hug me and we ended up embraced for a long time… why did he do that?
Then I didn’t see him until the wedding the following week where I got really drunk and emotional (very embarrassing). We ended up talking for hours afterwards… the same things were said; he loves me, he missed me, he’s really attracted to me… but… something is stopping him!? He even said it would kill him to see me with someone else.We ended up having sex that night… and the following morning. There is a clear emotional and physical chemistry between us. The next day he told me it would be really easy to slip back into being together but that he had to stick with his initial decision because he’d made it for a reason, but couldn’t explain that reason!? Before we went home (it was a three day wedding in France), we said our goodbyes – held hands, he hugged me, kissed me on the head and I could see in his eyes that he was sad, could feel in his hand that he didn’t want to let go. He even said we’d speak soon (which I have no idea what is meant to mean… possibly just a reflex to saying goodbye).
Can anyone try and explain this? What does he think is missing after 5 years when he’s telling me literally everything is there? What is stopping him? (he’s 30 and I’m 33 btw)Lee
What’s missing is secure attachment in him. I think all these men are probably deeply avoidant. And it’s a pattern, because for so many women on the other side of it, our stories are so eerily similar in one way or another. The guy who clearly cares and is sad and conflicted, but for (insert x reason – the ‘click’ or whatever) he is unsure and lets an amazing woman go. We’re not alone. Let them go and be in their doubts and uncertainty; choose yourself and choose a man who is certain about you and willing to do what it takes to honor and continually strengthen your bond.
I stopped reading after reading what is belo in order to write that he has a “The grass is greener” outlook. Women don’t realize in such a situation, you don’t say I am worried. You just merely have to say one word and what happens after that is “truth”.
The word is “bye”. And cut off all contact. He will either come chasing and beg for you to be in his life forever or not (no longer thinking the grass is greener). Anything less than means he is just not that into you. And accepting anything less than is on the “girl”.
*******Every time he thinks about it he runs into the same question; do our personalities mesh like what he is looking for? He