Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › He seems to be losing interest, what to do?
- This topic has 12 replies and was last updated 9 years, 8 months ago by
I met this guy on Tinder and the relationship started out quite intensely. We were very physically attracted to each other and ended up making out for hours on our first date, and became intimate within the next couple of dates.
In the first few weeks he was initiating text conversations daily and texting me ‘good morning’ and ‘good night’ and doing sweet things like writing notes for me. We saw each other every weekend for 5 weeks, and spent whole weekends together at his place, not just sex but also cuddling, sharing meals and watching movies. He would talk about me to his friends. He was acting very relationship-y and sending very mixed signals.
After 5 weeks I went on a planned overseas trip for 3 weeks. In the week or two before I left I could sense he was not texting me everyday as he had before, but was always replying to me. I decided to test his reaction by telling him a couple of times that I would miss him when I was away overseas. The second time I said it he replied that this wasn’t serious, we were just hooking up and he didn’t want me getting any feelings. I was fine with that, as I wasn’t sure if I wanted a relationship with him anyway, but I enjoyed the sex and wanted it to continue. I told him I was interested in continuing a FWB relationship.
After that I went overseas for 3 weeks, during that time we had 5 conversations on Facebook messenger, 4 of which I initiated. To be fair he was responsive and did keep a couple of those conversations going for quite a while.
The week after I got back we had a few text conversations most of which he turned to talking about sex, and we met briefly one evening, but just for a quick hookup. I wanted to spend more time with him but he said he was tired. That was 2 weeks ago and since then he’s hardly responded to any messages from me and hasn’t initiated any texts himself. Sometimes he just doesn’t respond at all, even when I ask a question. I have strongly hinted the last couple of weeks just before the weekend that I would like to see him on the weekend, both times he said he was busy with Christmas parties and a new business he is starting up. He also said he would try to make time for me on the weekend, but he never ended up contacting me so I guess he couldn’t make time.
The last 2 weeks I’ve been texting him every few days and not always getting responded to. We have had one long text conversation but only when I initiated it. He has apologised sometimes for lack of responsiveness and given the super busy/tired excuse. I know it’s Christmas time and people are busy, and I also know he’s recently started up an online business, so it could be that.
I have two weeks off work over Christmas/New Years and most of my friends are busy/overseas and I’m bored so I’d like to see him, but I don’t know how to arrange this without seeming needy, and then getting stressed out waiting for a response which doesn’t always come. I’m not sure if it’s something I did in our last meeting that put him off but if so I’d like a chance to fix it. I know it’s not a serious relationship but I was enjoying what we had even though it wasn’t serious, and I’d like it to continue. The sex is amazing and I’ve never felt so physically attracted to anyone like this before, so it’s not something I want to lose. He has always seemed very physically attracted to me too. I’d basically agreed that we could be FWB so I don’t get why a guy would lose interest in this prospect, given there’s no threat of a relationship for him. I guess there could also be a possibility he is genuinely busy and is interested in seeing me again, but it feels like he’s disappearing.
Sorry for the essay but just needed to hear other opinions.
Another thing that may or may not be relevant to this: just before I went on my holiday he mentioned that he had a friend visiting from his home country and he was going to show her around. When I came back and we met up briefly he mentioned his friend was staying with him. I didn’t ask any further details but I understood she was here temporarily but not sure if shes another FWB or a normal friend. Could be a reason he doesn’t want to invite me over lately.
Do nothing… Leave it…. It is what it is
stop reaching out to him because when you do that & a guy ignores you, it just makes you feel worse & makes him see you as desperate. you’re attached to someone who doesn’t feel the same. he should be the one contacting you & making plans, not you, you’re taking on the male role & it turns guys off. he’s trying to let you go without hurting your feelings. I know it sucks, but don’t talk to him anymore.
It was lust and has no intention of taking it further. Those who gravitate towards the physical without really wanting to get to know you on a personal level are going to fade out quick. This is why woman should try to keep sex off the table—its not to deny your sexual needs but to DETERMINE what his true motives are and keep your bonding hormones under control if your not able to do so (like you did here).
If your OK with random hook-ups and can handle it when a guy fades, then continue to take this dating path. However, if you don’t want to have sex with a lot of guys before you happen across the path of that RARE ONE who doesn’t see it as a sexual conquest, but is really interested in getting to know you first, then take that route. Choice is ultimately yours as long as you can own and take responsibility for the outcome (again, be OK if he fades away).
But i understand where she s coming from, being an fwb should mean, she can ask for it too, no? I think where he kind of freaked out is when u told him you ll miss him, never say that to a guy you aré not yet sure about. Especially that he was already texting/communicating less, and you also Came around strong with all that initiation, as that seemed forced to get him to talk, personaly, i Dont even enjoy a communication with a guy when i Have to be the first to write. I am in a similar situation with my fwb, he didnt answer my last text from a week ago, so there is no more from my side. He wont Have the oportunity to blow me off again cause that is in my power. Im sure he ll be in touch with me, but by that time, i ll be over him. Treat life like a dog, if you cant play with it eat it or f it, piss on it and walk away! Kidding ;)
I agree with the ladies above, don’t contact him again. If he contacts you then great…have sex with him and then get up and leave. Don’t try and make it more than what it is.
Thanks for the responses so far ladies. I agree that it seems best just not to contact him and see what happens. Sometimes I just can’t resist though, and then it makes me feel worse when he doesn’t respond.
This morning he did respond to my text that I’d sent about 24 hours earlier, but didn’t seem keen to engage in a long texting conversation and it died fast. He said he’d deleted Tinder to concentrate on his business and other stuff for a few weeks and was going out of town for a few days for Christmas.
I never had the intention of a long term relationship with him and was happy with FWB, but I do at least expect the courtesy of a timely reply to messages and making time for me when I want it too, not just when he wants. If I am always waiting for him to initiate messages then it becomes more about catching up or chatting when he wants to, does it not? Women have needs too and not just men.
Lane I hear what you’re saying about not having sex but don’t get why women should have to say no in situations where we want it as much as the man does. I’m not someone who likes to play games, I just like to do what I feel like and what makes me happy. And no I don’t have the intention of sleeping with heaps of men, I would only have one casual relationship at a time but would expect that one to be stable and to be able to talk to the person about other things as well and generally maintain a friendship.
I think it’s very inappropriate and rude for someone to fade away with no explanation after being intimate with someone for a couple of months, no matter whether it’s a relationship or not. It also happened to me with a couple of other guys from online dating, though I wasn’t as invested in them. This behaviour isn’t something that women should just “be ok” with. I just need some kind of closure, a confirmation from him that he isn’t interested in hooking up or chatting anymore, and then I can move on. But not something I will get if I just stop contact.
The closure comes from u. IF u r doing online dating, many times guys fade and u need to develop a thick skin. If u cannot do this then u shouldn’t be online dating. Yes, it sucks that some guys just fade. BUt u cannot control their actions, u can only control urs.
Also many times guys dont like telling girls that they are done with them. WOuld such an answer be enough for u or would u want to know y? SOmetimes guys dont know the answer to the question y.
Treat him like hé treats you, casually. Dont give him more. If the sex was good, hé ll come around. Hé has someone there now, whom hé is possibly sleeping with, and you have to be ok with that. When hé s done with her, assuming you wanna casual with him, create or use an opportunity to be around him and when that happens, look your best and seduce the f*ck out of him. That is your only chance to keep this going. Not by texting or virtual contact, but by casual, face to face encounters.
I’m sorry Lucy, but this isn’t even an FWB, it an NSA (no strings attached) because you don’t know each other well enough to be ‘friends’, and he’s obviously not interested in one based on how he treats you. He is under no requirement to care about your needs. Only someone who truly cares or loves you will give a hoot, so I think you need to rethink strategy and make sure your on ‘the same page’ with a guy before you engage in them.
Put the ball in his court and let him contact you. If he does great and if not move on. Any person who is unresponsive, does not have the decency and courtesy to simply reply back to you is not worthy of your time. Why put you through the torture, heartache and worrying about is he going to text me back? Or call me back? It is clearly his problem not yours. He’s just being a fool denying himself the pleasure of your company. There are other men out there worth your time who will be responsive and reciprocate. Guys love the whole thrill of the chase bit. It’s that whole human being thing of wanting what we cannot have. Perhaps if you make yourself unavailable he will realize what he’s missing and come back for more? If he doesn’t get in touch, move on it wasn’t meant to be. Honestly, do you want a man who doesn’t respond to your messages? You deserve to be treated with respect no matter how busy someone is. His blowing you off is not okay or acceptable. So why reward bad behavior. Good luck and keep your chin up.
You were sleeping together, that’s it. For some reason, you got this fantasy in your head that you guys were more than just sex buddies so you became clingy and needy. Next time, if the guy isn’t actively pursuing you, leave it alone.