Home › Forums › Did He Lose Interest? › He still txt other girls and on tinder when he with me!!!
- This topic has 21 replies and was last updated 10 years, 1 month ago by
Okay here is the story, i met this guy on tinder 3 months ago. We become exclusively dating and more and more serious. Everything was so nice, he is sweet and seems so into me, we spent every weekend together and movie date at weekdays. However recently i feel that he is pulling away, i ‘m becoming the one making all the effort and plan for us. Sometimes if i didn’t txt him for 2 days and he seems didn’t care as well. And yesterday morning when he was at shower, i took a look at his phone( i knew its not appropriate but just can’t help it) I realised he been asking a girl out a lot and being so actively to chase her. kept on asking her out for drink. And then i took a glance at the tinder profile. Found out he met this girl on tinder, actually there was a girl that he claimed just a good friend in his hometown actually is another girl in tinder. So basically he has someone in his hometown for 5 months and be with me for 3 months and now he is chasing another girl??? WTF. Why he did this to me? I been putting so many effort and finance on him as well. I am 100% faithful to him and honest to him! i just don’t know why he did this to me!! and what should i do now? i still like him:(
If you tell him you checked his phone he will never trust you again and use it as an excuse to walk out for good. If you stop texting and only let him chase you he may wake up to how great you are. Let him be the one to worry that you are getting bored and drifting away. Get some photos up on facebook of parties you went to without him – say nothing but make you reactions show him you are losing interest. This will either challenge him or give you some new men to chose from
Thanks fairlycake for your suggestion.I packed all the things and left his house yesterday. he did txt me asked hows my surfing goes. i didn’t reply.and today he txted me again asked why i ignored him. I txted him back said i need space and he said txt him back when i wanna talk. I just don’t get it .Since when relationship is so hard to keep ?and is it that hard to be clean and to stay faithful in a relationship?Should i move on? or i should just let him be? Pls give me more direction sisters.
I’d move on. This guy is a liar- you said you were exclusive and yet he still was talking to other girls. Some guys just aren’t ever happy. Selfish and need constant attention.
When a guy pulls away, let him. Give him space and especially don’t spend excessive amounts of money on them. Just don’t text him again and move on.
Maybe he is young and new to the excitement of discovering all the available girls out there. If he is older then he may have felt happy early on but became restless when the relationship neared the 3 month mark. 3 months is a classic time for guys to start to feel smothered or pressured to become more serious. The hometown girl may be nothing, if it was good he wouldn’t have asked you out. The new one is the worry. Be patient – quick question – what do you mean you were helping him with finances?
I had this exact situation happen to me. It’s only been three months (that’s how long it had been for me too). I moved on, my guy was a dog and I think yours is too. I also put in so much effort, spent money…everything, but he still texted and talked to other females. It has nothing to do with you. You could probably be the best gf he has ever had and he would still cheat. Move on, and in a couple months you will have forgotten all about him.
I paid for him a lot when we go out. He always said he doesn’t have enough cash on hand or his bank account have some problem that can’t not withdraw the money. I thought since we r together, maybe shouldnt overrate about the money. He used to say the reason why he likes me because i am simple. Now i feel ironic. To fall so fast and trust someone so easily.:(
Some of the ladies mentioned this and I concur – you need to MOVE ON from this guy. He is a liar (even though he didn’t blatantly lie to your face) and he is a cheater -you two are exclusive and he’s actively pursuing other women.
I wouldn’t mention what you saw on his cell phone because I can almost guarantee you this guy will act like you were in the wrong for checking up on him. WHEN HE WAS THE ONE IN THE WRONG WITH WHAT HE HAS BEEN DOING. You got lucky finding what you did so now you know to move on.
This guy is all talk -but he isn’t committed or he wouldn’t be doing what he is doing. Please, move on. If its this bad in the beginning of a relationship (what is supposed to be the best time of the relationship) it won’t get any better especially since he’s a cheater. Could you imagine marrying this guy? Blahh!
If you decide differently – make sure you use protection during sex. You could catch something from him. I don’t know if he is sleeping with other women but he seems like he’d jump at that chance. Put your health first if you sleep with him.
I hope you get out tho!
When a man starts letting you pay… and expecting you to pay… because he can’t/won’t… time to get out.
I am so sorry but one of the hallmarks of a real man is the ability to pay. You got a spoiled child, not a man. RUN!
next time don’t put so much effort in & certainly no money! girls put in a ton of effort & then we are confused when the guy doesn’t appreciate it. the girl is not supposed to be doing all this effort, the guy is. a girl is only supposed to do something nice for a guy AFTER he did a few nice things for her. and even then, all the effort should be at a minimum. a guy will only appreciate you if he has to work for you. if you let a guy know you are way more into him than he is you, it will always backfire. this guy is a jerk though he is not relationship material. don’t waste any more of your time & cut him off with no explanation
Okay from my experience with this same situation, if a guy has tinder, and he is still looking for girls to talk to that is a very bad sign. That means he doesn’t value you as a prize. You are just comfort for him now, but he is still seeking out other girls. That is atleast with my experience. The new guy I am dating doesn’t use tinder, twitter, facebook or any social media, which I really like even though I am on Facebook and Twitter. But, it doesn’t give me reason to social-media-stalk him hehe.
But, honestly hun it is up to you. I’d just sit him down and ask him why he is on tinder. Act like you noticed him on it one night or day, and see what he has to say.
“So basically he has someone in his hometown for 5 months and be with me for 3 months and now he is chasing another girl??? WTF. Why he did this to me?”
He likes to have multiple women, some men do that. If they claim to be exclusive that is called cheating and it’s not a good relationship partner quality.
If you are certain that he has been with you and said exclusive yet is with and pursuing other women then why would you even want this kind of guy in your life anyway? He’s already shown you who he is and it’s not going to get better than that but I would think it’s a good idea for you to practice some direct communication and ask him about this Tinder thing.
Going forward I wouldn’t lead the relationship with so much effort, I bet if you knew your effort was helping him have more money for new dates you wouldn’t have paid. No wonder he never had money, you weren’t the only girl. Pretty effective strategy the guy had. Unfortunately for you, but some men do this so it’s a learning opportunity.
Dont spend money on guys. Sounds like he is using you. Guys have to pay if they are dating me. If they dont have much, it is fine, plan a picnic. I will give a little gift or buy our coffee if he has done a lot but dont give as much as he gives. A good man will feel a bit uncomfortable with you giving more than he is. A not good man will just accept it and take advantage. Either way, you arent doing yourself any favors by inviting him out.amd paying. Hugs, sorry this happened to you. It doesnt sound like he is.even bothered that youre taking time away from him. “I need space” might not be the beat thing to say unless it is true because he will just respect your space. You,might say something like I nees time to think about whether this is the right relationship for me.huga
Checked back in to see how it’s going and ugh – what a using creep! Next we’ll hear how he had a rough childhood or was abused … any excuse with a grifter – that’s what you have on your hands. 3 months is nothing – wipe the floor with him and get back on Tinder, go to places real men – not boys, hang out. Follow your hobbies and interest, get out to see bands, get a wing girl – expose him on Tinder lol
So, you have been putting so many effort and finance on him as well.
As Lane used to say on ANM: “You cannot SEX a man into a commitment, it doesn’t work that way”
I add “You cannot FINANCE a man into a commitment, it doesn’t work that way.
Thank u all for the suggestion.It mean a lot for me.the reason why i havent break up with him right away since we already planed a trip to travel in 2 weeks.and already paid for the flight.i didn’t expect the guy i am seeing would did this to me.and now just dont know what to do.
“As Lane used to say on ANM: “You cannot SEX a man into a commitment, it doesn’t work that way”
I add “You cannot FINANCE a man into a commitment, it doesn’t work that way.”
Actually, you CAN get a man to commit and even MARRY because of money and fantastic sex! I’ve seen it happen to a good friend of mine and my ex husband…LOL.
Thing is, you got to be REALLY good at sex as in porn star sex positions (anal optional) LOL!
AND you got to know how to go with the flow…
you can go on the trip with someone else. PLEASE, I BEG you, do not take this man on a trip you paid for!!! Especially not after this. Bring a girlfriend or even go alone if you have to. Honestly.
The thing about giving is that when a man gives to a woman it usually makes her like him more, right? So it only makes sense you would want to “treat others how you want to be treated.” But with men and women, we almost have to treat them the opposite of how we want to be treated. It’s so funny because men love to feel appreciated. Yet when we do something for them, how often do they express appreciation? Hardly at all, for most of them (even if they feel appreciation, they don’t often show it). When a man gives to you, the best reward you can give him is your happiness and appreciation. Giving to him will actually make you less valuable in the long run.
Please don’t take this asshole on a free holiday. It will lower your self respect and you will be that much more invested in him.
I agree with M. Please break up with this guy now! Take someone else on the vacation with you or just take two separate vacations yourself. You can change the reservations with the hotel and the airline.
I also suggest that you take some time away from dating and work on yourself. Work on learning how to love yourself and how to be happy from within. A relationship with a man should be the icing on the cake of an already full and happy life, not the cake itself!
“A relationship with a man should be the icing on the cake of an already full and happy life, not the cake itself!” ..That was beautifully said!
I agree with others. I hope you have already dumped that tindrwhore.
You deserve so much better. You deserve a guy who chases YOU and makes you feel special.
I know it might be difficult, esp now in february due to that despised V-day coming up…but you did the right thing by moving out. You showed him that you’re in control and you’re not willing to waste your time on him. Don’t second guess your decision, dont think that ‘maybe i should have given him a second chance to explain himself’. As others have said, a man who cheats and cant commit to you in the beginning of the relationship….will prob cheat on you and go back on tindr later on as well if there’s any obstacles.
Be thankful that you found out early and you didnt invest any more of yourself (and money!) on him.
Go on that trip, don’t you dare think about bringing him along. Bring along a girlfriend and celebrate your chance to meet new hotties who are worthy of you!!!
Thank you Katie. It is something I learned the hard way some years ago and after doing some major inner work, I can now honestly live in the “Present” and not worry about the future.
I agree that going on that trip is the best therapy. Go enjoy yourself and like Katie said, meet some hotties!