Home › Forums › Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals › He stopped talking to me…Why is he liking my Facebook pics?
- This topic has 9 replies and was last updated 4 years, 2 months ago by
I met this guy a few years ago through social media, one day I bumped into him at his workplace, he started flirting with me. However due to his work environment he had lots of girls that wanted him, and as he didn’t seem interested in me as much so I decided to let go…8 months later he got in a relationship and said was happy about the changes he’s made, I wished him good luck and all the best, again I moved on. 5 months on, I bumped into him when I was out clubbing. He was all over me that night, I immediately knew something was wrong, I asked him about his relationship he said it ended within a few months (she cheated on him 3 times with her ex).
He looked very lost and lonely plus he also lost his job at the same time… He was very popular with friends and women, but everyone sort of left when he started struggling… and that’s when I came in
we started hanging out and I tried to keep him company whenever I could ( not because I wanted him, but because I cared)..few weeks later I started to develop feelings again, till I felt the need to let him know, he said he genuinely liked me but wasn’t ready to be emotionally involved with anyone. He said if we could just hang out and take it day by day…I totally understood where he was coming from, I told him it’s okay I’ll be a friend if he ever needed someone to talk to…During the time we hanged out i picked up a few things about his personality, he’s very pridefully and i felt the need to address him about it, he got very upset and stopped talking to me, he got a job overseas and left the country without even saying goodbye, I cried and cried and I moved on.7months on now he started liking my Facebook pics/posts, he never did in the past…In the past he has been very active with liking alot of girls picture on Facebook, and I always saw it on my notification, but he has never liked mine…Just a couple of days before he started liking my pics/posts he did post a status saying he will no longer like anyone’s selfie/pics to stop encouraging narcism etc), and ever since I haven’t been seeing any notification of him liking girls pics, however he’s been liking mine…I’m not really one of those people that post a bunch of pics on Facebook, I average at one picture a week or 2 weeks…in the past 1.5 months I’ve only posted 4 picture, and he’s liked all of it.
I read a comment he made on a post a few weeks ago, that he’ll soon be visiting my city…I’ve honestly moved on but I don’t know what it’d feel like seeing him again as I believe somewhere deep within me I still care, and that really scares me…My question is Why is he liking me posts/pics on Facebook?…Does it mean anything?.. If he wants to talk why not just message me since he is the one who stopped talking to me and totally ignored me… What do I do?
Never ever gauge a man’s interest in something so informal like FB, texting, etc. Always pay attention to their “ACTIONS” by putting in a lot of effort to schedule dates and time to be with you IF they’re emotionally available.
Anytime a man tells you “I’m not emotionally available”, “not looking for a relationship”, “not wanting to get serious”…BELIEVE HIM. Just because a guy hangs out with you on a casual basis is meaningless and will not change how he feels about an individual. Personally, I absolutely believe he likes you as only “a friend”. Guy’s are able to instantly categorize women they come in contact with by placing them in boxes, e.g., friend only, sex buddy/FWB, potential GF, etc.
The fact is he never pursued you, found another lady, and told you he wasn’t emotionally available which is GUY SPEAK for “I don’t want to be in a relationship with you”. He showed you through ACTION his true lack of interest in you romantically so I would try to stay from him if he causes you so much craziness. Sorry, but you really should give this one up and only focus on guys who do the opposite of what he did.
Hey Lane,
Your advise is well received and appreciated. I think you’re right, but knowing how much you really care about someone and how much you’re willing to invest and yet they don’t feel the same way is really a tough pill to swallow, but I’ll have to admit it’s the best decision to just let go off him completely. No doubt I still have a soft spot for him in my heart, but truth is I also deserve better than to just be an option to him when I can be a priority to someone else. The chances of meeting/bumping into him when he visits is very high, but I’m sure to use my brain rather than my heart this time around.
Once again thanks for your advice.
Anyone with further advice please feel free you reply to my post. THANKS
He stopped talking toe.. Why is he liking my facebook pics?
Pie and Scorn
• He knows he’s been a jerk
• He doesn’t know how to approach you without appearing too strong because
• He’s not sure yet if he likes to be involved emotionally with you
• You’ve been a good friend and he doesn’t want to spoil that
• He’s been sleeping around and you’re the only girl he knows that he hasn’t slept with which also excites and intrigues him
• If he really likes you, you won’t just get likes. You’ll get a straightforward message/pm that he likes you because he cannot contain his feelings for youWhat you need to do:
• Gauge your feelings. Would you rather get hurt with this guy instead of wondering or would you rather preserve yourself and save the friendship?
• If it’s the former, then go for it but make sure you don’t come off as a whore. Show hin youre a lady so shell treat you like one.
• If it’s the latter then just tell him that all you can be is a friend and that he shouldn’t be expecting anything more than that.
• If it’s the latter but you have feelings for him..then tell him that you’d rather have some space. And that youd appreciate it if he would contact you after x months/years.
• If you like him don’t say it until he says it first or show it first
• Don’t send him a pm unless he sends you one first. Keep yourself busy. If he really likes to see you he’ll definitely either just show up or tell you upfront about it
• Be patient. Manage your expectations. If he acts like a jerk again even in the slightest then dont be afraid to call him out on it and then move on for good.Raven
He likes your FB pix?Are you really going to give him Another chance to mess with You?!
He shows below low investment. Liking someone’s photos but not talking to them – ask yourself if you could treat someone you liked in that way.
He’s not interested in you but he wants you to inflate his ego by showing him that you’ll be interested no matter what a douche he is.
Pkease don’t just look at how much you care about him. the question is what’s wrong? Why do you care about an a hole who doesn’t give you anything in return. Please start looking after yourself and your needs and only start being interested in guys who should you they care.
There’s nothing wrong with liking someone but there’s something wrong with allowing them to treat you this way. Please have some self respect and stop thinking and stop thinking about himkaye
This post is 4 years old.