He stopped watching my insta story

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  • #692791 Reply

    Why would guys do that?

    He used to always watch my insta story when we were seeing each other. He ended it, said he wanted space so we can both get over it.

    No contact. But I noticed he stopped watching my story the very next day and hasn’t opened anything ever since.


    Simply so suddenly totally not interested anymore about my life?
    To send me a message? – “I don’t care!”
    Or to help himself move on?

    #692793 Reply

    P.S. I don’t think he was he was overly invested in our relationship but I know he cared about me till the end. Even if just as a friend. No dramas when we ended it either

    #692809 Reply

    He’s likely just trying to distance himself and give himself the space he said he would. Honestly, I wouldn’t give this a second’s thought.

    #692813 Reply

    Well he told you he wanted space and he’s taken it.

    #692821 Reply

    Oh Honey, let it go… This is but a minor blip.

    #692823 Reply

    Why do people not seem to understand that no contact also means not stalking each other on social media also!?!? He ended it, he wants space, no contact. So of course he stopped watching your story.

    #692830 Reply

    Exactly, Kaye, no contact means no speaking to, hearing of, watching on sm. This seems so logic to me and yet…?

    #714325 Reply

    He might be secretly watching your stories. Or he wants you to miss him by totally ignoring you. and you didnt really specify what happened.. I really think this is his way of saying ” You hurt me”

    #714327 Reply

    He’s not interested in you…why is this surprising?

    I’m sorry, hope you find a decent man who appreciates you.:)

    #714333 Reply

    No contact means NO CONTACT. If you had broken up with him, we’d be advising you to cut him completely off for at least 30 days to give you space to get over it. That includes no social media, et al. This is a normal part of a break up.

    #803580 Reply

    hey i know this probably isn’t a relevant post anymore, but ive been going through something similar, im the guy and i stopped watching her Instagram stories, despite wanting nothing more than to connect with her, i know that i need to move on because the relationship is now in the past, this doesn’t necessarily mean that we cant try again in the future but it wont be the same relationship that we previously had, it’ll be something different. this is how i feel personally, but it could also mean that he feels indifferent about you and therefor doesn’t feel the need to watch although if he felt indifferent he would probably be watching all of your stories because he doesn’t care what you think of it. it could also be him trying to show you in his own way that hes hurting and wants you to notice him. maybe hes just been on a social media detox. it could mean anything. id take him not watching as a sight that he still cares but knows that he needs to move forward in his life and his emotions for his own sake. but if you really want to know, just message him. see if you’re here its obvious that you still care about him to some degree so just take 1 last risk, especially if you were the one who broke up with him or if you wanted the breakup more than him.

    #842677 Reply

    Me and my ex broke up some weeks ago He ended it but in the text he said we should go on a break and be friends for now.I then reacted by calling him we spoke things through said a couple of things I shouldn’t (not extreme tho)but later we resolved the issue and we became cool.Mind you we had been talking for three months then started dating for a month.The reason he ended it was because he hardly saw each other because of my protective parents,and also because he felt I said alot of things I didn’t end up doing, and felt I was was just saying those things to keep him excited.We The day after we broke up I reached out to him we spoke for a bit I started no contact for 3days,but had to break it to tell him happy birthday I told him I missed him and he said he missed me too.Its been 7days of no contact he hasn’t watched my story but my question is that is there a chance of us getting back together and does he still care about me

    #842682 Reply

    This is an old thread. You’ll get more responses if you post your own, new question.

    It doesn’t seem like he wants to get back together. It seems like a very new relationship/dating that just didn’t pan out. I would advise you to move on. All the best

    #882813 Reply

    Hey Barry,

    I am now in a similar situation as well, and reading your reply has brought me some hope. My ex broke up with me a few months ago, and recently, I’ve noticed that in the event that I upload multiple IG stories, he would only watch the first one, and not the rest. I know I shouldn’t care, but it does hurt that he doesn’t seem to care. How can a guy just all of a sudden stop caring? Would greatly appreciate it if you could share your insights on this. Thanks!

    #882891 Reply

    i think this means that you should unfollow him and if hes following you, remove him from followers list. you guys have broken up. the end. move on.

    #883032 Reply

    Sorry that this happened! This has happened to me too. Sounds like he doesn’t even want a friendship. He might come back and start watching it at some point but you deserve someone better who will be interested in your life!

    #902718 Reply

    Let’s put it this way he and she had a beautiful time but doesn’t go well after expressing. Lot of things run in a guy’s mind when he gets rejected. He might got hurt and wanted some space.Coming to not stalking insta anymore he thinks in way that seeing her moved on simply and enjoying everything that nothing happened might kill his soul. He thought like social media detox can help him to get through this.

    #926822 Reply

    Same situation.we were in a romantic relationship but not officially. I never knew he has a new girlfriend because she kept on denying her.when I chatted the girl and found out she’s his girlfriend I told him to stop bothering me yet he begged and said they have separated ways.still decided to end whatever we have.at first e was viewing all my stories until I noticed he viewed one out of 5 stories I posted. Until now he never viewed my story. I found out they are still together now and he sometimes randomly chat me about random questions. I still reply in a civil way.

    #929077 Reply

    My ex does the same thing but only views my Snapchat stories it seems like. He also finally deleted our pictures off Instagram almost two weeks of saying that he thinks we need to take a break and that he needs space. He seems like he’s unbothered, and not even regretting it.
    I was a good girlfriend and although I had my moments, I did so much for him and loved him with my whole heart. :( His first girlfriend he had, sophomore year of hs which was 4-5 years ago only lasted a few months and he dumped her. I’m his second girlfriend and we lasted for a year and a half. What hun and I had was so passionate and then he slowly stopped driving an hour and 30 to come to my house, like he lost the motivation. :( Is he far gone ?

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