He Unblocked Me, Shall I Message Him?

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  • #717663 Reply
    Chloe Davis

    Me and my ex split in April, we last spoke was end of May. Then he blocked me on my instagram and snapchat. He kept me on Facebook and text, WhatsApp. I’m in No Contact and have been since the end of May, recently he’s unblocked me (start of August) and he is watching my Instagram stories. I don’t know whether to message him. Or wait for him to message me.

    #717664 Reply

    Hi Chloe-and what would be the point of that…? If you hopehope to rekindle things,let him make an actual move. If he doesn’t,then I would move on and stay no contact. And IMO trying to be “friends” makes no sense-someone always wants more,gets hurt or used as FWB..

    #717667 Reply

    Let him contact you. But even if he does, as peggy said, what for? it is too soon after the breakup, the old issues and problems would come flooding back within a week, and you’d have to go through the same thing all over again.

    #717668 Reply

    We split in the April and he blocked me end of May. We haven’t spoke since and well I thought that cos hes unblocked me maybe the ball is in my court?

    #717670 Reply

    OMG WHY?!

    #717671 Reply

    Are you kidding? Ball in your court how? Please tell me you are not that Naive.If he could Block you for all these months and made no effort to contact you why do you assume he wants anything more from you now?

    Please do not embarrass yourself and give him any further reason to take away your power and dignity.

    Let him come to you if he has any interest to do so. Too often as women we get desperate and allow men to treat us as idiots. Move on and live your life. You can always meet someone else he is an ex for a reason.

    Do not start over thinking and analyzing why he unblocked you, it’s most likely not the reason you think, if he missed you and wanted more he would pick up the phone and call you or make some other attempt to contact you. Unblocking you means nothing.

    In any case, you will do what you are itching to do and will reach out to him anyway.
    Don’t be too surprised when you find out it was for nothing.

    #717673 Reply

    Omg! It’s freaking me out you even noticed when he unblocked you, and I’m not even involved..how will he react when he realizes you were stalking him and messaging him the minute he decided to unblock you?? It’s sad you still ha ent moved on, and lost montres of your life to this..

    #721439 Reply

    Do what you feel that is right if you have great friends to support you they will pick you up every time it goes wrong or be happy when it’s going great I got back with my ex 4 times he told me he needed me the first time I got back with him he told me he couldn’t live without me the second he told me I was his soul mate the third he told me he missed me and he loved me and wanted no one else but couldn’t be in a relationship the fourth. He unblocked me on facebook last week after he blocked and deleted my number. I have no desire to message him. Messaging him is what he wants he needs to know you want contact but like I said do what you want you learn from your own mistakes not by people telling you what to do because you will always be thinking what if I did do what I wanted to do

    #721450 Reply

    How is it that you come to find yourself unblocked?

    #721459 Reply

    I recently changed my FB privacy settings and it somehow unblocked some people (not exes, just people I didnt want looking in on my life anymore) I didn’t even know until one or two of them liked a couple of my posts. It could be the same for him, it probably doesn’t mean anything but would certainly look a bit creepy and desperate if you suddenly message him. If it does mean something, he will contact you then you’ll know for sure. But don’t sit around waiting for contact from him, just keep moving on and please don’t start stalking his social media because that will only keep you stuck and make it harder for you to move on

    #721464 Reply

    Don’t contact him. He made it clear he didn’t want to talk to you when he blocked you. Don’t push your luck.

    #721466 Reply

    if hes unblocked u in May, why hasn’t he got in touch with you post that? its almost 4 months now. let him connect since he was the one that shut you out.

    #721567 Reply

    He may have unblocked you because he was curious and wanted to see what you were up to. It doesn’t mean he wants to get back together, sad to say. Just nosy.

    #734376 Reply

    This is an oldish thread but I’d like to weigh in on this with my opinion, which will be similar to your ex’s side of this.
    So there’s this guy I know, we dated over 10 years ago very briefly. I don’t recall exactly why I broke it off with him then, but knowing what I know now it was probably the same reason I broke it off with him now. About a month or 2 ago we had gotten in contact again through Facebook and started talking. At first his messages were sweet and endearing, but very quickly things started going way too fast on his end (talking about what kind of vehicle we’d need for all our kids, taking me on a trip to Montana…). Maybe if I hadn’t just left a particularly volatile marriage of 4 years this kind of talk would’ve swept me off my feet. But it made me panic and run for the hills instead. I should add too, it got this serious 1 week into talking. He wouldn’t stop blowing up my phone, and wanted to FaceTime for hours every night. It was just way too much, way too clingy. I ended up telling him things were moving too fast, that I didn’t believe I was ready to date anybody, that I wasn’t interested in dating him…and he just didn’t get the hint. Kept messaging me incessantly. So I blocked him. This was, like I said, a month or 2 ago. Today I unblocked him. Why? Like somebody else mentioned: I was just being nosy. I wanted to see if he moved on and found somebody else. Not that I care if he did…more so like “Did he finally find somebody else so I don’t have to worry about him bothering me again”. Not even 4 hours after unblocking him, I see he sent me a Facebook message. I didn’t open it, and I don’t plan to. I can see his message starts with “I just want to say I’m sorry. And I hope…”. Now I have to wait 48 hours to block him again. It is creepy to me that he’s been keeping tabs on me. I made it clear to him then I wasn’t interested and I’m still not. I wish he’d take a hint and leave me be. Like many others mentioned: if I wanted to be with him I’d talk to him. Moral of the story here is: don’t be this guy sweetheart. It’s not cute and it won’t get him thinking he shouldn’t have left you. All it will do is make you look needy, insecure, and like you’re a crazy stalker. Have more self respect than this, and let it go. If it’s meant to be, it would be. And it’s not.

    #734379 Reply

    paragraphs PLEASE!!

    #734402 Reply

    lol peggy. i copied and pasted her comment with paragraphs so you and others can easily read…

    So there’s this guy I know, we dated over 10 years ago very briefly. I don’t recall exactly why I broke it off with him then, but knowing what I know now it was probably the same reason I broke it off with him now. I ended up getting in trouble with the law not long after and stopped thinking about him. About a month or 2 ago we had gotten in contact again through Facebook and started talking. At first his messages were sweet and endearing, but very quickly things started going way too fast on his end (talking about what kind of vehicle we’d need for all our kids, taking me on a trip to Montana…). Maybe if I hadn’t just left prison after 4 years this kind of talk would’ve swept me off my feet. But it made me panic and run for the hills instead.

    I should add too, it got this serious 1 week into talking. He wouldn’t stop blowing up my phone, and wanted to FaceTime for hours every night. It was just way too much, way too clingy. I ended up telling him things were moving too fast, that I didn’t believe I was ready to date anybody, that I wasn’t interested in dating him…and he just didn’t get the hint. Kept messaging me incessantly. So I blocked him. This was, like I said, a month or 2 ago. Today I unblocked him. Why? Like somebody else mentioned: I was just being nosy. I wanted to see if he moved on and found somebody else. Not that I care if he did…more so like “Did he finally find somebody else so I don’t have to worry about him bothering me again”.

    Not even 4 hours after unblocking him, I see he sent me a Facebook message. I didn’t open it, and I don’t plan to. I can see his message starts with “I just want to say I’m scared of you. And I hope you aren’t allowed around childr…”. Now I have to wait 48 hours to block him again. It is creepy to me that he’s been keeping tabs on me. I made it clear to him then I wasn’t interested and I’m still not. I wish he’d take a hint and leave me be. Like many others mentioned: if I wanted to be with him I’d talk to him. Moral of the story here is: don’t be this guy sweetheart. It’s not cute and it won’t get him thinking he shouldn’t have left you. All it will do is make you look needy, insecure, and like you’re a crazy stalker. Have more self respect than this, and let it go. If it’s meant to be, it would be. And it’s not.

    #737376 Reply

    Any updates from the author? My ex unblocked me recently on fb after 4 months of blocking me. I never did anything to warrant being blocked. He text dumped me out of the blue after dating one montb. He claimed I would probably cheat like his exes. So I have left him alone. Now after his rebound backfired he unblocks me?
    Will I message him? Heck no! Will I respond if he messages me? No way! If he contacts me saying ge wants ne back and has gone to therapy over his cruel treatment of me…I would pay attention. Still couldn’t trust him though..

    #737411 Reply

    You block HIM!

    #744427 Reply

    I say if a person blocks you they clearly want space…could be temporary or permanent. This will be determined by if and when you get unblocked. Which is a sign a person is certainly thinking of you…so I’d you are up to the task then take advantage…if not then don’t make contact. No need for games people as life is too short…YOLO! I pray that all those with broken hearts may find peace…use the love you have e that person and internalize it…nurture you to the pint where you are physically and emotionally healthy. Then and only then should you really take that step of getting back together. However, in the mean time communication with your ex isn’t bad…if you want them then go for it!

    #744471 Reply

    Hell no. Do not contact him. Why should you?

    If he went through the trouble of unblocking you and is now interested enough to keep up to date with what you’re up to via your stories, then he will go through the trouble of contacting you himself.

    Chances are, he might. I’d just wait it out.

    Either way it works in your favor. If he doesn’t contact you who cares you’ll just go back to what you were doing. If he does contact you then I suppose that works in your favor too, seems like you want him to.

    #744510 Reply

    Ypu should BLOCK all modes of contact move on. He knows your address and reach out if he wants you back.

    #750361 Reply

    My ex boyfriend broke up with me in April he claimed that feelings were “lost” but he got on a new medication weeks ago prior and we were engaged but didn’t have rings yet and I was thinking “oh ya know he’s acting weird maybe he might propose?” But I also had the thought in the back of my mind he’d leave. And he did but he wasn’t himself he would never break up with me like we were meant to be and we were so In love and he became a new person entirely which broke my heart I begged and plead him to stay (shouldn’t have done that I know now) and then a week after the breakup we had a fight with his female friend and in turn she made him hate me he blocked me off everything and said “I’m never talking to you again!” Which isn’t him he blocked my mom and me my best friend but not my close cousin. Nor did his aunt or sister block me on fb which has made me question a lot of things… I do love him and ya know a couple weeks after that I found out I was pregnant and it’s his. I love him with all my heart in hopes he’ll come back but I can’t have my hopes up or well here’s how life works for me…I hope and he doesn’t come back I forget about him he comes back I don’t know what to do now I don’t want to lose him more than I already have I just want him back😭😭😭💔

    #750387 Reply


    #939246 Reply

    Hello I’m so confused I hope someone can help but I have been messaging my crush on social media for a week or so and he suddenly blocks me .. I’m not sure if it was something I said or did but he blocked me and recently two days ago I just noticed he unblocked me because I could send a message to him but I decided not too… he seems to be in messenger a lot recently but no reply I’m not sure if I should message him or let him message me ? I really like him and I’m not sure if it was something I did that caused him to block me.

    #939247 Reply

    He BLOCKED you.

    Why do you want to message someone who BLOCKED you?

    It doesn’t really matter why he BLOCKED you, just that he did.

    What is confusing about this?

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