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- This topic has 40 replies and was last updated 7 years, 1 month ago by
Yeah, to me this is a red flag. Especially since you’ve been together for so long. I can understand maybe the first 6 months of the relationship, but this is just fishy.
Just found my husband looking at really attractive woman on Instagram. Then he admits to having over 2k ppl he is following. He says there are things private in a persons life that should be private even from a spouse, and he said I am not allowed to see his Instagram, and I am not allowed to follow him on Instagram. We have been married 16 years. 10 yrs ago he had an affair, and I have caught him in lies on more than one occasion. I am very forgiving, and here I sit 16 years into a relationship and I am faced with another instance of subversion. As I am now nearing 50, I have more patience, but less desire to be the one who gives and gives. I told him this was creating a very large rift in our relationship, considering he began deleting people, and posts. (you can see that on Instagram even if you aren’t following someone). He said there is no reason for it to cause and issue, and said he was done talking on the subject. Period. He will not talk about it at all not a single word.
The man is hiding something. You know that.
I am so sorry. I cannot advise you except to say it is up to you what you want to do.
You know him….you have known him for a long time.
I hope financially you are protecting yourself – if for some reason he should leave or you want to leave. Get your affairs in order and make your decisions.
By the way, fifty year olds find someone new to love too you know.
Wow! Reading this forum has helped me. I also have a similar case of not being added to his social media, even after 7 years. I am in my 50’s & recently found out that my boyfriend is still keeping in touch with an x girlfriend. He is the type that gets very upset if I talk to x boyfriends but somehow thinks it’s ok for him. We have broken up a few times during these 7 years but has only lasted 3-6 months at a time & end up getting back together. Just as the other post, he will have some of my friends & my daughter on his Facebook but never will accept or friend request me. He spends a lot of time on social media scrolling & reading other posts but he rarely posts. We were together a few days ago when he seemed to be on his phone a lot, so out of curiosity, I picked up his phone & looked while he was away from his phone & found that he is still talking to his x girlfriend. (Nothing bad) but when I ask if they still communicated, he told me “No” but when I showed him a snapshot of their texts he blew up at me & got very defensive & turned the focus pointing out faults of mine that had nothing to do with social media or text. He was so outraged, he told me to go home & he never wanted to see me again. Im pretty sure he blocked me from his # & have heard nothing from him in 5 days
New thinks you should embrace the recent breakup & move forward from a guy who has a double standard, who is manipulative & jerky… Sorry Sandi!
Hi Raven
Thank u for the response. My heart is hurting!Comellia Mccoy
Please!! anyone with facebook knowledge answere this for me me and my fiancee agreed we wouldnt get into the whole facebook madness but here recently hes been getting alot of friend request from facebook but he SWEARS he doesnt have an account IS THIS POSSIBLE???
Comellia Mccoy
Nope. You get told you need to join before you can interact with anyone. Why??
I was getting requests for Linkeldn when I didn’t have an account. It was a come on to set up an account.
How are you seeing these friend requests? Are they through e-mail? That’s what my Linkeldn requests looked like.
The thing that stands out to me here, is dating long distance 3 YEARS and no moving in together or a plan for such or an engagement etc.?
Oh I was being stupid! I was thinking you meant you’re on FB and the other person wasn’t! Yes you can get a request if the person has your email address to that email.
This is an old thread…
No, it is not possible to get friend requests for FB if you don’t have an account…
Regarding the LinkedIn, if you hit a button, there’s a generator on the backside that will send invites to your contacts.
he’s hiding something
I find it curious that my bf wants to follow me on Instagram but ignores my request to follow him. Any thoughts?
Ask him…