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“He did something wrong. I discovered he lied to me about some serious issues and caused me to lose trust in him, as a friend even. I immediately confronted him, he got all defensive and brought up the no relationship talk again.”
So he lies to you and doesn’t want to commit to you. Why are you wasting your time with him? I really don’t get it. There are 3.5 billion men on the planet, I’m quite sure you can do better than this.
Hey Ellen,
I think you are doing a good job, I suggest in the meanwhile just keep your options open. I mean WIDE OPEN. Feeling single and in the game is amazing, if you allow yourself, I promise. You never know what you are gonna experience.
I personally am going on a date with a great guy (in many ways beats Prince Charming) next week. Although I’m not over him, I know it’s good for me to use as much distraction as possible.
Hi Greenie,
You are right I can do better than this. Rationally.
But I’m emotionally involved. I feel l loved him. I sort of still do. That’s the hard part.
I wish I could just walk away thousands of miles, imagining I’ve never met him in the first place, but it’s just not the true. I remember the good times we shared, the way we connected, the memories only belonged to us two. It’s almost impossible to let go.
I loved him. He even said I shouldn’t have fallen in love with him, that I was too good to fall for someone like him.
But I did. And I’m not sorry.
He knew that as well. He said he was sorry.
But I am not sorry for myself. Love is a beautiful thing you should not be sorry for. I know I will not feel sorry for having fallen in love,
Sorry English is a foreign language to me. I hope I had expressed myself well enough.
Love is an universal language, I believe women all around the world could be experiencing the similar situation. It’s real pain and difficult dilemma in today’s dating world, when you want a happy ending, while marriage is sort of a joke in contemporary dating culture.
I still hold hopes for this guy, out of instincts. That he will realize I’m an amazing girl that he let go. What else could I do, if I truly love him? There is no other option.
Yes, I will fall in love again. For sure. But right now, I’m not yet. All I think about is him.
It’s been 10 days.
Instead of NC rule, what else can I do?
I personally believe that this is not love, but infatuation. Love is a two way street, and this man wants FWB — so he may “love” you as a friend, and clearly you don’t need that kind of toxic friend anyway.
I’m glad to hear you’re going NC, that’s the only way to get rid of these men. I walked away from a similar toxic and dramatic relationship 15 months ago. That relationship lasted 3 years and was a roller coaster. It was very hard, hurt alot and took me months to get over.
Fast forward… much happier now and with a great man that is committed to me. I made it clear from the beginning that I don’t do FWB. So his choice was to step up to the plate or I moved on. He wasted no time stepping up once he realized his options. This can happen for you too, but first you have to get rid of the toxic man. Second you have to heal and work on yourself. Third you have to associate only with men that meet your criteria and don’t waste your time on the ones that don’t. It’s really that simple!
Thank you. I’m sorry to hear about your experience, Lenore. It’s a learning experience and not always one we want to learn. I’m going to try and step back emotionally and continue doing what I am doing and “enjoy the ride.” If I feel it starts to become too much I will have to try and walk away as well. Meeting new people and keeping busy helps. That’s the plan. I hope it works. Thank you ladies!
I am so sorry to say this but one sided love is not wonderful. It enslaves whoever is in its grip.
I hear women say, “But I love him.” as though that is the answer for everything. It is not.
I watched a woman on tv that was in a wheelchair for life because her BF ran her over with a car on purpose. She took him back because she loved him. After all, what else could she do?
I am not buying this kind of love…I don’t know what it is but it is not love.
Real love is shared. Not one person in love and the other watching their toenails grow. When we are not loved back we are like a paper doll blowing in the wind.
100% agree RCS. It can only be infatuation if it’s one-sided. True love requires two.
I do understand many young people learn from their mistakes. When they start seeing the patterns, that is the time they start to address the problems. Very few have everything all together marching toward a meaningful and successful life. That comes with self reflection and discipline.
Many times if it is when people never witness and experience what true love between two is all about, how they feel is what they go by.
Thanks Lenore. Why break something off because it’s not exactly what you want. Granted I would be happiest if it was but I can’t force anything and why try. I’m going to enjoy my time with him. He said “now is not the time for me and you.” Honestly, he’s right. He’s got way too much stuff to straighten out before he can focus on a committed relationship, even if it’s not with me. I kind of understand where he’s coming from. When he first said those words I was like “yeah right, here we go.” But after hanging out with him I do believe he meant it. Down the road things could change, or not. If I left and cut it off with him, I would never know. For now I am keeping my options open, and if I meet someone that I really like, than it’s a win win. However, I am afraid that one day our time together will be over and I’ll be sad.
Alice – how did the date go?
Oh gosh I am in a very similar boat. My guy of several months would not step up either so we broke up. Now I’m on Day 4 of no contact and it is only starting to set in that it might really be over. I think he expected me to beg him to stay but I told him that I was only looking for a committed partnership and wouldn’t accept things in an ambiguous zone. He also asked me if he could still text me and I told him that I didn’t think it was healthy for me. We both said we would like to try again in the future if/when circumstances change, (obviously there are many details I am omitting here for the sake of brevity) but for right now things are over, open ended and oh so painful and scary for me. I am only starting to accept things in small doses and it is painful. He hasn’t tried to contact me – yet – but I worry I might cave soon. :(
Alison – don’t cave. It won’t change anything and you will go back to exactly what you had with him. Stay strong. Trust me, I know it’s not easy
Alison, I understand and know how painful this can be,I have been right where you are now, the worse thing you can do is cave, if you do,it will not be in your favor, not only in possibly having something more with this guy, but you will also lose your self-respect.
Stay NC let him see that you have boundaries and self-respect.
Aluce, it is Marie’s post that I absolutely agree with. One thing I learned about guys is they are quite left brained so will take about 8 weeks for him to “miss” you, but as I understand, you are doing no contact for “you”..the right mindset. Keep us informed and stay smart and strong.
Good morning Ladies,
Just want to say that I really have been doing a great job at stepping back emotionally. It has helped me a great deal. It really does work. I’ve also hung out with another guy, younger, which helps too. I’m not going to let this other guy control my life because that’s what was happening. I’m starting to really like me for who I am and if he doesn’t see it, nothing more I can do. He has reached out just to say hi, and we’ve texted back and forth but I have not seen him in a week and a half, and I’m good. He texted me last night and I didn’t respond. I’ve realized something – I’m a pretty damn good catch and I’m not letting him hold the cards anymore. Confidence and liking yourself goes a long way. People see it and react to it in a positive way.
I would love to know how things ended up with Alice.
So whatever happened… update?
From two years ago? Are you part of the Mensa club?
Yeah I need to do this…
I was basically dating a guy in the army last summer for about 5 months until October when he said he was moving away and couldn’t do the commited relationship thing. He said he’d done it before and he got hurt. I felt a bit sour and decided to stop contact with him. It was hard but I soon got over him and moved on to someone else. He reacted so quickly and did everything to get my attention from messaging to Facebook tags. I noticed around January this girl was cropping up and I guessed he was seeing her however he was still in touch with me. I ended up breaking up with my new boyfriend as I realised I still had feelings for my ex lover. He then went distant and I felt so confused. In the summer he came back and we met up with each other, it was here he mentioned the other girl but said it had been casual and nothing serious as he still wasn’t ready. We got into a massive argument and after a few weeks he removed me from social media. I felt so hurt and like he’d cut me out completely. One evening he came around and wanted to call me, and we had a 3 hour FaceTime about how much he missed me. We started messaging and he said how they hadn’t been official and said he removed me from everything to spare himself pain and he “didn’t want to see what lucky guy was dating me.” I feel he is ever so distant rarely communicating, but when I text he replies in minutes. This weekend he came down and we were both out Saturday night. We were messaging and then called only for him to invite me to his family Home. We spent the weekend being very intimate, watching movies, cuddling, talking about life and he even bought us lunch. I dare to ask about the commitment thing but I assumed he still hadn’t changed his mind. Since the weekend we havnt spoken but when I left he hugged and kissed me and said we would see each other next month. Yet no message. What is going on and do I walk away from this man girls? I don’t know what to do. I think I love him
Alice, you are doing it 100% correct. I agree with Marie. You don’t owe the guy anything as he chose to put you in this position. Its his time to step up and prove that he is worthy of you. Definitely do not contact him. Let him see you walked away for good and he is loosing you. Men miss us in our absence. Let him experience the consequences of his choices. In the mean time work on yourself and enjoy life.