He won’t let me drive his car

Home Forums Complicated Situation / Mixed Signals He won’t let me drive his car

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  • #758082 Reply
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    Hypothetically speaking…you both work, money gets deposited in same account and he decides to buy a car. But you pay the monthly bills all the time. Is it still fair that he doesnt allow you to drive his car even though your name is on the insurance?

    #846676 Reply

    We are 2 years married and its his first car and he wont let me drive i took 23 driving lessons with a driving school have my learners but still he wont even let me drive around in the neighborhood only to get some practice.we cant afford another car so i thought we should be making it a family car for sharing but now its only his car he expects me to throw in petrol i said i refused unless he will let me also drive then only i will throw in petrol.

    #846729 Reply

    Natasha, Who is paying for the car?

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