Heartbreak while dating

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  • #797126 Reply

    💔Feeling hurt💔
    Long story short I’ve been seeing someone for about three months. Wasn’t exclusive (we still used dating sites)but we’d talk everyday, see eachother at least once a week and he would always make the effort to text good morning and call every few days.

    Since July I’ve been getting a lot of anxiety and the energy has been coming through into our interactions where I’ve asked a few times in a round about way where does he see this going as I’m happy going slow I just don’t want to be wasting my time. Cut to it and he’s said to me he’s not sure if he sees it progressing into a relationship as he’s not sure what he wants as his work is stressing him out so he’s not sure if he’s even looking for a relationship. He also said it sometimes makes him want to retreat back to being alone as our stuff is weighing heavily on him to the point it’s effecting his sleep. I asked tif he’s been feeling excited to see me recently and he said honestly no as I’ve been numb about everything in my life with work. The convo ended with me pretty much saying I’m not ready to give up yet and I’d like to try for a few weeks and see if we could go back to the way it was without pressure and just genuinely enjoying eachother and being excited to see the other person and he said ok as he owes me that much but he doesn’t want to lead me down a garden path.

    Before anyone jumps on my case and calls me an idiot I know it’s obvious I want dif things and deserve better but it’s he’s walking away from something you really want… and unfortunately I don’t have my friends that I’m comfy venting to about this so just really wanted a space to vent. Thank you for listening

    #797128 Reply

    If a guy has no interest in moving it forward there is no point in saying we can try again In a few week. In fact you could even say its disrespectful to not hear the guy at all and keep to your agenda. Somewhere along the line he didnt enjoy your company anymore. Could be in him, could have been he felt you pushed him. But the endresult is the same: its not a match for him. If you check 7 steps a guy falls in love you can see he fits this timeframe in where he made up his mind.
    So its ok to be hurt en be sad. But never go into begging or pleading mode. Thats really making it worse. Who wants to be friends with someone who begs you to be their friend: no one. Walk away with your head high.
    In the future: if you date someone for 3 months and its still not exclusive, its going nowhere. He probably came up with those busy/sick lines after you asked again where this was going.

    #797129 Reply

    It’s clear you really like him and are hurting that he doesn’t want more at this time. It also seems like he genuinely is stressed out about the pressure of the relationship leading to more when he has other things that are on his mind.

    You both have communicated well I think about where you each are at. If you think just hanging out without any pressure will make you happy and you can do it, then by all means go that route. You’ll be taking a risk of wasting your time and getting hurt if it turns out he still doesn’t want more later down the line but that’s a decision you have to make.

    So you have two choices, continue to see him as you proposed knowing you are risking getting hurt and wasting your time or stop seeing him and move on.

    It’s really about what you are willing to do.

    #797131 Reply

    Sorry to hear this happened. It is a yucky feeling .
    The good news is you don’t need to waste anymore time.
    It’s quite clear this isn’t going anywhere . Cut your losses, thank the lucky stars this didn’t happen one year or more in, and open yourself up to meeting new people.
    This has happened to all of us and is a part of dating . From this, you would have learned some things about yourself .

    #797135 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I think you should walk away now. I know it hurts that he doesn’t feel the way you feel and doesn’t want what you want. But if he isn’t feeling it, you can’t force it. Waiting a few weeks won’t change anything and will only prolong your pain and keep you from getting over this and moving on. You’ll just get more emotionally attached and invested while this guy has told you point blank he’s not excited to see you and he doesn’t see this going anywhere. There’s no point to staying in this weird in-between area– just rip the band-aid off and end it.

    You undoubtedly started feeling anxious because you could sense that this guy was not as into you as you are into him. It’s OK to feel sad and disappointed, but don’t cling to a situation that’s a dead-end. It’s been 3 months and you’re not even exclusive with this guy. For all you know he’s seeing other women. Newbie is right, if a guy is not willing to at least date you exclusively after 3 months, things won’t go anywhere.

    #797140 Reply
    Liz Lemon

    I forgot to add: the whole “work is stressing me out” line is just a way to let you down easy. It’s also a load of BS. If a guy feels a romantic spark with you, work won’t get in the way. He will never use work as an excuse. When I met my bf he had a very stressful job and was working 50-60 hour weeks and he still found time to take me out a couple times a week, talk/text every day, and be very sweet/romantic.

    When a guy uses that line, you should hear it for what it is: he doesn’t feel a spark and can’t be bothered to move the relationship forward, but is perfectly happy to spend time with you once in awhile and have sex without feeling the need to commit or deepen the connection. You don’t want to get stuck in a situation like that. You should beware the fact that this guy is willing to keep seeing you even though he knows you have feelings for him that he doesn’t reciprocate.

    #797147 Reply

    Sorry Hun… Take a BIG step back & head another direction…

    #797182 Reply

    This sucks and I’m sure most of us have been there. I definitely have. A guy i had been seeing for 3 months basically said he was feeling “apprehensive” because whilst he liked me his last relationship had ended badly. Me being an idiot and really liking him said it was cool to just stay as we were. It was not cool because it wasn’t what i wanted. It dragged out a few more weeks but basically the guy knew he had me on a string and i had basically given him the green light to do what he wanted. What he wanted was to meet up for sex when he had a space and competely ignore me inbetween. I was really green when it came to dating and this guy is actually how i ended up on this forum.

    I ended after taking advice from the ladies on here and recognising where i had gone wrong. I was left feeling used and bruised…. but actually i had to take responsibility and recognise that this man did not use me at all! He just took what was on offer because he liked me, but he didn’t like me enough to be all in. Of course i was left feeling I’d messed things up by having a DTR but all i did really was hasten the ending of something that was not going anywhere. I was a time filler. My mistake was not recognising that sooner and letting myself down by basically going into bargaining mode hopefully thinking he might change his mind. This was well over a year ago and i still feel a sting of humiliation when i think about the fact that i didn’t respect myself enough to just walk away when he said he was “apprehensive” and gave his bullsh*t reason.

    I’m telling you this as you’ve said you don’t really want advice or criticism but hopefully you can see the parallels to your situation and recognise that this is not going to end well for you.

    Just to add, whilst i feel a sting of humiliation i feel nothing at all for him… he is dust and i genuinely have thought about him just now for the first time in absolutely ages. The sting feeling is because i should have known better then to lose dignity and essentially beg!

    Stick around here, you will learn so much! Dating is still pretty crushing at times but generally I’ve learnt to date smarter,to not leave myself open as an option for men to date but to see myself as the one doing the vetting and choosing. It takes practice but a poster on here recommends giving zero fu*ks about a man until he is your bf and it seriously has been a saviour to me to learn to think that way. Also read why men love bitc*es.

    Sorry you are hurting and best of luck x

    #797249 Reply
    T from NY

    What Ss said.

    Also. Amazing, healthy women still feel disappointed and bit sad when they lose a sweet association and a man they had been dating and had hopes for. Sure you give no f*^ks when it’s a few dates – but completely understandable to feel bummed when it’s been a few months. But they also learn to quickly recover or redirect their thinking – because the pain of not being true to themselves is much greater.

    #797252 Reply

    Yeah i also liked ss comment a lot. Hope it helps, we all done it

    #797278 Reply

    I’m sorry you’re hurting over this. The guy is trying to bow out of this with you, sorry to say, but can’t come right out and say it. Guys don’t want a big drama scene. Then the excuses start – I’m so stressed at work, or tired, or even sick with an ongoing flu bug. Who knows, maybe he as some work stress.

    If you read between the lines here, he’s trying to get out of this and ease you off any further expectations.

    In short – he’s no longer into it.

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